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(KOTFE) Do you really have to do PvP to recruit a PvE companion?


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Yeah, I have to agree. I don't like PVP. I am a casual player and I inevitably get my butt kicked in PVP so I stay away from it. I don't however, like my comps. I was an achievements completionist, with all my comps ranked up in terms of affection and so on. Now all my work is in the balance and I can no longer get 100% on my companions achievements unless I do the PVP missions for the new guys. So I'll basically do the bare minimum to get them and that will likely leads to me spending however many missions it takes to go in to PVP with a total lack of experience, only to likely to wipe half a dozen times to far superior PVPers. That's really not ideal.


All in all, I have enjoyed the new storyline for 4.0, but I think they have screwed up the comps big time. Messing with the gear and stats. Making already obtained comps now event specific. Whole thing is a mess. Sure, for someone new to the game it is simple and user friendly. But for someone who has invested years into the game, real time money for subs and comp gear, and worked hard on their comps, this has just totally screwed the pooch.

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Well fortunately we do NOT have to PvP after all to get Pierce/M14X if we are a warrior/trooper. You ONLY have to PvP if you want those companions on ANOTHER class. I am presuming it will be the same for the others as well - if they are your class, you get them - if not, then you have to jump through hoops for them.


I am totally okay with all this :)


I just hope our romanced female companions become available in the next chapter.

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I want to respond to the OP!


#1 Alliance Specialists system introduced with Knights of the Fallen Empire that allow you to recruit additional companions. (This is From the Dulfy Guide)

So I say If you want to Recruit a companion you will need to follow the requirements that have been given under KOTFE or the new SWTOR with the 4.0 update. In short, no you will not be able to recruit additional companions without completing the requirments.


#2 You do not have to do any warzone matches or PVP content to obtain any companion!

In short, Roll the class that gives you access to the the companion you want via your class storyline. It has been like that from the day you started to play SWTOR!


#3 You may want to have Dr Lokin as a companion, but you do not need Dr Lokin to play SWTOR.

In short, thanks to KOTFE and the changes to all companions, the companions can now play multiple roles.

They can all Tank. They can all DPS. They can all Heal.




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So now the "requirement" is even more limited. The original class doesn't have to PvP for it at all, only those from other classes who want him.


This complaint gets sillier and sillier.


Everyone wants everything on all chars is what it comes down to

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i dont evenif you don't like pvp, don't play on pvp servers.


slandering people because they like fighting other players seems as silly as them making fun of you for killing scripted ai mobs over and over. live and let live, geez.


what don't you even?


mmorpg's are an evolution of the MUD, and the most successful MUD's were PVE focused. Why? most were based on pen and paper games, which generally did not have people in the same room also trying to kill each other beyond dungeon/gamemaster vs. players.


this trend of having pvp in every mmorpg has not only homogenized the genre, but i feel is one of the factors that helped contribute to the crassness and general unfriendliness one encounters when gaming online.


i enjoy eve online type of pvp. there were MUD's that also had that kind of pvp. pvp where if I kill you i get to take everything you wear wearing, and the game is just as equipment based as this one - THAT kind of pvp actually and quickly builds up a community.


this useless arena style? it is fundamentally no different than halo on a console.

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PvP and PvE are 2 separate entities and should be treated as such, what would PvP'ers think if the next war zone to come out was on say Corellia but before you can use the war zone you must complete the weekly heroics on that planet 5 times first, would you consider that fair, probably not since you want to PvP not PvE, just like we want to PvE not PvP, one objective should not be hidden by the other.


Think of it as expanding your horizons, or enriching your gaming experience. Which is what I am trying to do with the whole single player quest line that is 4.0 ;)

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The carebears cried about some decorations being tied to a PVP vendor, they cried about having to do PVP during the Gree PVP quest which rewarded warzone commendations, and now they're crying about this. Do the PVP and get the reward or don't. Simple.


+1 :rak_01:

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C'mon pvp players.. This isn't anything to you. But it means more for those of us who aren't here to make your epeen bigger. I don't play this game to make sure you have the best pvp gear. I play because I grew up with this story and galaxy.


No pvp player deserves a say. You joined this game knowing that you had to do story. I joined for the enjoyment of star wars.


You aren't real pvpers anyway. You're "kill, die, repeat" players. Play a game where there are hardcore rules. You die, your toon is DEAD.. Gone.. Forever.. You won't.. Because you are, at heart, pve players. Players who grind for their own wants.. And your wants don't earn the right to force me into your enjoyment.


I've played those games. Hardcore rules. I've pvp'd with players where my toons "honor" was at stake.. I've played when I knew my toons permanent death was waiting around every corner.


Go play with your kill, die, repeat.. But don't brag..


Perhaps one of the silliest posts I've read.....

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I'm surprised more PVPers aren't angry that us filthy casuals will be ruining their playtime by gimping their teams. :D


Seriously though, I'm a level 65 in PVE gear and predominately a clicker. With no clue about how to PVP or warzones. Do you really want me on your side?


see enough of that pre 4.0, conquest changes will add more.

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No, I don't believe I do. I saw some chatter saying if you have at least level 40 valor you can forgo doing the required matches.


That being said, I don't think every companion, faction, or whatever, requires you to do PvP, just some. So you can choose not to recruit those. Personally I think its a good thing. So you have to do 20 or was it 15 matches? Go in there and have fun with it. I've only done WZs on one character, my main. Its the only one with any valor or PvP gear. When I play the others, who don't even have a swap out of >162 gear for full expertise boost, I'm just going to go in with their current gear and do objectives and some damage, if I do it at all with them.


I'm probably what many would call a casual PvP'er. Its a fun deviation from the main part of the game, and while I've done it enough to get some 174 Elite PvP gear on my main as well as valor 60 or so, I just don't really consider it a hardcore thing. I don't understand those who seem to consider any PvP'er as an egotistical hardcore playing jerk who kicks puppies. Just a bit silly if you ask me.

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I hope they'll change it in the later patches. As it stands, it just seems a really bad idea.


There not going to change it but I found the time goes by better if you just screw with people during the matches.


As a sage I played the 20 this past weekend but I played it for fun not PVP just to get it done.


Rescue pull people into slime or fire.

Rescue people people when they are about to kill someone.

force push gamers away and out of AOEs or your teams DPS.

Heal with only force wave.


It's a pain in the *** to get done doing pvp for a pve companion but just turn it into something you can find fun and entertaining for yourself. You're not paying that sub fee to make others happy. It's your entertainment dollars at work so make it enjoyable for you.

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The carebears cried about some decorations being tied to a PVP vendor, they cried about having to do PVP during the Gree PVP quest which rewarded warzone commendations, and now they're crying about this. Do the PVP and get the reward or don't. Simple.


This **** right here cracks me up. If I could get the PvP locked companions actually doing PvP in Gree, I wouldn't even blink. That 1 2 3 GO **** you do every day? Those duels with 8 people instead of 1 v 1? Cry me a river about it, it's PvE with players. My Assassin actually has PvP comms from Gree. I have never, and will never, set foot in a WZ for a "private duel", so cry me a river, "carebear"...:confused:

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Okay, I've been reading forum posts and Dulfy guides, and it's said that to recruit a certain companion, I'd have to do warzone matches? Play PvP? Otherwise I won't be able to recruit them? Seriously?


I'm not doing PvP, ever - I just don't want to hurt other people; doesn't work for me; I don't like it. I got legendary status, legacy level 50, 20k achievements, but no PvP. Never. Not going to.


But I do want another companion, another friend. It just doesn't make sense in my head. Why would they introduce such a strange requirement instead of a normal solo PvE quest?


For the record, I don't like recruiting Dr Lokin through Rakghoul event only, either. I've got eight(or rather eighteen) high-level characters who will need him as a companion: I can't wait for months for each of them - again, that just doesn't make sense.


I hope they'll change it in the later patches. As it stands, it just seems a really bad idea.


I get you but can you heal? If you have some healing then just go in and help people. don't fire a single shot lol. If you don't want to hurt others then that's your right. You could also just run from node to node and play decoy like I do sometimes. Sometimes it's fun just to get a bunch of people chasing you so your team can cap everything. :D Who cares about winning. Just go in, do some healing, fire a few warning shots to make it show you did some damage and then pick some flowers until the match is over. They can force you to pvp but they can't force you to fight if you don't want to. Others may get angry but hey, you just want a companion. You like pve, not pvp and maybe if enough people just run around in circles in warzones long enough they'll realize that's not a good idea to force it on people. Just have fun and play how you want to play.

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This **** right here cracks me up. If I could get the PvP locked companions actually doing PvP in Gree, I wouldn't even blink. That 1 2 3 GO **** you do every day? Those duels with 8 people instead of 1 v 1? Cry me a river about it, it's PvE with players. My Assassin actually has PvP comms from Gree. I have never, and will never, set foot in a WZ for a "private duel", so cry me a river, "carebear"... .


Mind you don't slip in that wet spot!

Edited by Nemeses
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...and the whine continues! its funny its always the PvE players


..its my way or the toys are leaving the pram!


Let me guess, another WZ carebear? Get out in that OW and PvP, let me earn Pierce and 4X that way, and I'll be gone from this thread, just don't make me go into a WZ with a bunch of people that actually believe they're relevant. They aren't. They're so important that they didn't even get any new maps. I can understand the "I want to feel special that I got a SW's comp on my Agent, so don't change it" posts though. If I were the red headed step child, I want some attention too.

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There not going to change it but I found the time goes by better if you just screw with people during the matches.


As a sage I played the 20 this past weekend but I played it for fun not PVP just to get it done.


Rescue pull people into slime or fire.

Rescue people people when they are about to kill someone.

force push gamers away and out of AOEs or your teams DPS.

Heal with only force wave.


It's a pain in the *** to get done doing pvp for a pve companion but just turn it into something you can find fun and entertaining for yourself. You're not paying that sub fee to make others happy. It's your entertainment dollars at work so make it enjoyable for you.


How Sadistic of you.

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