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(KOTFE) Do you really have to do PvP to recruit a PvE companion?


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First off , i play everything in MMOs , i solo , i do pve content , i do pve OPS , i do group pve content , i do PVP content. So the idea of doing this does not bother me at all.

Secondly , why should pve players get all the perks in a game ? You honestly sound like a bunch of entitled children mad because you didnt get the kind of ice cream you wanted. Almost every companion can be obtained through pve , the ones that need pvp like the droid make sense needing pvp. The droid loves killing imps what better way to make sure you are killing imps than pvp.


This decision makes a lot of sense lore wise , and game-play wise , and its more than just a little childish for so many people to freak out because one of the companions needs pvp , even when said companion makes total sense needing pvp to unlock him.


This game has been almost exclusively redesigned for the pve casual , and the vast majority of it is positive , but you pve players that only pve are the loudest most whiny group of cry babies that i have ever seen in a game get over your selves some people enjoy pvp , and its quite ok to have pvp requirements for companions that ARE NOT part of your original story line , especially when it makes so much sense for that companion to have to pvp as in the case of imp hating droid.

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especially when it makes so much sense for that companion to have to pvp as in the case of imp hating droid.


Except when it doesn't.

It's been debunked quite often.

It's neither logical for the Commander to accept his request, killing Imps, to recruit him in to an Imp-Pub Alliance, nor does it makes sense that he can neither be persuaded or refused on that ground.

The quest, while mechanically sound, doesn't fit well story-wise into the Alliance overall story. (And no, Master-Nala, don't come back here with the Heroics, we've already told you why they don't appy, thank you.)

It also fits neither of the two companions usual methods as demonstrated in their companion conversations.

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Let me rephrase it more clearly: "Once M1-4X has been acquired, the incentive to do PvP dissapears completely."

There's no reason to keep doing it and it's a bit sad.

Giving a little something to PvPers and, in the same move, enticing PvE to try out PvP was a good idea, all things considered. Why not go all the way? Let PvPers level up their alliance through PvP if they wish, let PvE do it via PvE only and let those who play both (Or were convinced to play both by the quest) do so by alternating. Right now, the quest is a one-off and done.


That is sort of a thing; aye... give the pvpers an unlock option of one of their companions every 2500 wz comms or somesuch.

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So you define fun in pvp by a lack of challenge? You can only enjoy it when it's easy?

That's pretty much the case. Which is why it's so funny when PvPers call PvEers "care bears." If they were really into challenging PvP, they'd be playing a shooter or something.


Of course there are some PvPers who like competitive, challenging matches. For example. I think TUXs falls into that category (and I disagree with him vehemently on most things).

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Don't get me wrong, I love PvP. When the game came out I was happy to farm my PvP gear. After they added new gear, I stopped doing endgame PvP and just continued to do it on low-level characters.

Back when I leveled most of my toons, there was a cap on Warzone coms and you couldn't just farm enough of them to buy the gear once you reach the last level. By the time that came, my toons were already 60. And it's virtually impossible to do endgame PvP without the gear due to all the elitists and all the verbal abuse. It is simply not fun.


That being said, I really do think being forced to do 20 endgame PvP matches to get a companion is a terrible idea that will most likely be a turn off to a lot of people. I am not sure what they were thinking. I certainly wouldn't like to see this be a condition to getting one of the companions I like.

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Its only one companion guys and you only have to play 20 games really that's not much get over it..


I didn't even have to pvp to get him as I was Valor rank 40.


Also you should give pvp in this game a try. I am normally a pve guy when I play MMORPGs but I have always found SWTORS pvp to be very fun.

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Its only one companion guys and you only have to play 20 games really that's not much get over it..


I didn't even have to pvp to get him as I was Valor rank 40.


Also you should give pvp in this game a try. I am normally a pve guy when I play MMORPGs but I have always found SWTORS pvp to be very fun.


give pvp a try? - no I don't. I've had my fill of pvp over the years with griefing, zerging, stealth groups jumping on you.

It's always the high pvp (sometimes wallet whales) geared players who are trying to get pve oriented people to venture into pvp - wonder why?

This companion (and others) should be obtainable through pvp or pve paths - that would keep both player types happy.

Edited by Lyaise
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I don't think it is necessarily a bad thing if there are some PvE oriented rewards to entice folks to give PvP a try -- who knows, they might like it!


The problem with this particular quest is, IMHO, that it must be done by a level 65. When I first tried PvP (to get certain cosmetic items), I deliberately did so on a lower level character with a play style I was more accustomed to playing in groups, not one of my max level or "solo only" ones, because I knew I would be awful and I had no PvP gear. Turns out I don't like PvP, and am in fact awful, but it wasn't a terrible introduction to it.


But hey, I'll be playing the 10-20 WZ's anyway, because for me, the effort vs. reward is still acceptable as Pierce is a companion that I really like. And I expect to be little more than cannon fodder as an inexperienced level 65 wearing just my usual PvE gear. It isn't really a big deal, but it would be nice if there was a PvE alternative.

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I don't think it is necessarily a bad thing if there are some PvE oriented rewards to entice folks to give PvP a try -- who knows, they might like it! .



been there; done that. leveled a character doing it. Hated it. Still do. Won't bother with the companion(s) that require it to acquire their services -- regardless of the effect on the story line. As someone else said very early in this thread, I don't like pvp and there's literally nothing that can be done to get me to do it. any longer.

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There is this awesome post you can take a read it will help a lot:



"Short" version is:



This game is not about dps but about helping your team.

Protect the ballcarrier by throwing out a heal, guard or peel (knock away enemy dps, stun..) for them. Try to run ahead of the ball to be free for a pass.

Pass the ball, passing will always be faster then running by yourself.

When enemy team has the ball, use your surroundings to your advantage to slow them down (knock them off edge, in fire, in acid pid). If ballcarrier is guarded and healed, try and go for the healer it's more effective then wasting your dps on a guarded & healed target.



Defending: NEVER leave a door unguarded. ALWAYS have your camera towards the door. Communicate with your team (tell them if you're defending one door and you see enemy incoming. Focus healer. Try and cc enemys nearby when your teammate is trying to cap a door.

Attacking: Focus healer. If one side is not working try the other ( you force enemys to switch sides, which may lead to one side having more teammates then enemys). If you successfully pass a door, slow down enemys and cc to provide some time to further cap doors.




-NEVER leave a turret unguarded.

-Call incoming.

-Don't defend right next to the turret, stay a bit away (so that you're still in range for interrupt).


-Focus healers, try to push enemys away from turret to conquer it.

-If you have two turrets there is no need to get the third one ( it will just unbalance your team and divide it between all 3 turrets).

- Stun or cc enemys if you see a teammate trying to cap the turret



-NEVER leave a pylon unguarded.

-Go and help if you see enemy attacking yours.

-Call incoming.

-Focus healers.

-In this gamemode kills get your team points to charge your pylon so you have to be a bit more cautious to how many times you die ( what I'm trying to say is, for example don't rush mid alone when the whole team is ther, this will just give them free points).

-If you get the change the some orbs from mid and bring them to your pylon.


Novare Coast:

-NEVER leave a node unguarded :)

- Call incoming and react to if you see

- try and stick to the team ( it's no use if you attack south alone while the enemy team is there)

- focus healers

- unlike alderaan in this game mode you need two nodes to start damaging the enemy, so if you have two protect them!


That's all pretty basic stuff that just came to my mind, I'm sure I forgot some things here and there.

Most important thing is pvp games is about team effort, rarely you'll win a game because of one player. Which means communication is key! And try to ignore ******es that start flaming or harassing you because you might be a "noob" or whatever. Don't worry everyone started out somewhere!

Most important try to have fun :D

Sorry for long post :)


This is a post from an awesome PvP player sent in reply to my request for tips.


He or she rocks

Edited by Doqtyr
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99% of this game is behiond a "pve wall"


pvpers get one thing and *SKY IS FALLING*


The only thing that fell was the stats of PvPers as they failed on Warzones with rookie players who did not care if they won or not, just wanted to get it over with. After this, I will not only avoid PvP, but after the abuse I took in those matches from hardcore players I will recommend for people to avoid it in this game. The "community" in PvP sucks.

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First off , i play everything in MMOs , i solo , i do pve content , i do pve OPS , i do group pve content , i do PVP content. So the idea of doing this does not bother me at all.

Secondly , why should pve players get all the perks in a game ? You honestly sound like a bunch of entitled children mad because you didnt get the kind of ice cream you wanted. Almost every companion can be obtained through pve , the ones that need pvp like the droid make sense needing pvp. The droid loves killing imps what better way to make sure you are killing imps than pvp.


This decision makes a lot of sense lore wise , and game-play wise , and its more than just a little childish for so many people to freak out because one of the companions needs pvp , even when said companion makes total sense needing pvp to unlock him.


This game has been almost exclusively redesigned for the pve casual , and the vast majority of it is positive , but you pve players that only pve are the loudest most whiny group of cry babies that i have ever seen in a game get over your selves some people enjoy pvp , and its quite ok to have pvp requirements for companions that ARE NOT part of your original story line , especially when it makes so much sense for that companion to have to pvp as in the case of imp hating droid.

Just what "perks" are PvPers getting by having unwilling players in WZ? Easy targets? Wow, you rock.

How does it make sence lore wise? Warzones are Empire vs Republic. Imp and Pub don't war anymore! Warzones now BREAK lore, and the Infinate Empire has defeated them both, and Sith and Jedi are working together, not battling each other.

All this is going to do is piss off customers who don't like PvP, and ruin WZ matches with unwilling players in them.

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I played on a pvp server in WoW for 2 years. One day when I was on a lowbie human trying to level up, a level ?? blood elf ran up, killed me in 1 hit, tea bagged me, and tried to hide behind a tree to wait for me to respawn so he could do it again.


I also played on a pve server. On the pve server I fought a npc boss in a raid every week for weeks, doing the same exact thing each week because the boss was programmed to fight the same way every time we fought him.


People find one or both of those options to be fun. In option one I got revenge on many little hordies who probably grew up to do the same thing. Violence begetting violence, and good! In option 2 I finally got some vanity pet that had like a 0.1% chance to drop and added it to my collection.


Both options can be fun, but forcing either on anyone against their will would be cruel.

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The only thing that fell was the stats of PvPers as they failed on Warzones with rookie players who did not care if they won or not, just wanted to get it over with. After this, I will not only avoid PvP, but after the abuse I took in those matches from hardcore players I will recommend for people to avoid it in this game. The "community" in PvP sucks.


PvE players are often no less elitist or jerks. Try showing up in full augmented ranked PvP gear in a SM Operation and watch the abuse roll in.


You don't need PvP gear to PvP, all that is asked that you slot the appropriate gear to get full bolster (which you got in Revan expansion) and that you show a tiny bit of situational awareness and communicate.


Which funny enough, are all things that apply to high level PvE content.

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PvE players are often no less elitist or jerks. Try showing up in full augmented ranked PvP gear in a SM Operation and watch the abuse roll in.


You don't need PvP gear to PvP, all that is asked that you slot the appropriate gear to get full bolster (which you got in Revan expansion) and that you show a tiny bit of situational awareness and communicate.


Which funny enough, are all things that apply to high level PvE content.


Yes I'm doing the quest to get that droid by doing PvP but I'm fully bolstered and trying to help out where I can. I did PvP like years ago and the new warzones well at least new to me have been interesting. You talk about communication and I rarely see it both in PVE Op's or while doing PvP. I guess no one wants to talk anymore

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The only thing that fell was the stats of PvPers as they failed on Warzones with rookie players who did not care if they won or not, just wanted to get it over with. After this, I will not only avoid PvP, but after the abuse I took in those matches from hardcore players I will recommend for people to avoid it in this game. The "community" in PvP sucks.
is it any different than a bad players or poorly geared player joining a hm flashpoint? a pug operation?


it's a multiplayer game; your contribution affects other people. it's not limited to pvp and jerks are in every corner of the game.


furthermore i've never, in my life, been in an unranked warzone, that doesnt have at least one or more useless players that are poorly geared, or simply have no idea what they are doing. and it balances out in the end because the same is true for the opposing team. i love finding that one guy on the other team with no expertise...always an easy target.


the fact remains, bw adds ONE THING to use the pvp system and people freak out, as if not to say that pve isn't 99% of the focus of this game. if you dont want to kill 400 spiders to get x companion, dont do it. same goes for warzones/valor.

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Question (sorry if it was already asked/answered): is there an option to refuse to recruit the companion, which concludes the quest? Or will you be forever stuck with an unfinished mission if you simply won't run the 20 warzones?


(Why not run the 20 Warzones? Imagine you have OCD and your character is Valor 1 with 0/1000 progress, all fine and dandy. Now doing the warzones would bring it somewhere to Valor 12 with X/Y progress, which would make you totally insane. The only way out now is to get Valor 100, but that is an extremely long grind in a game mode you do not enjoy ...)

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This is a post from an awesome PvP player sent in reply to my request for tips.


He or she rocks


That is excellent advice for those who won't play PVP scenarios for fear of exposing their lack of experience. Personally I just hate pvp in most games since experiencing the realm vs realm play in the old Dark Age of Camelot. I leveled an imp character in SW:TOR pvp through the mid 40's and hated every minute of it. Kept expecting it to get better or more enjoyable. Thus I won't -- but to each their own. I also don't stress or rail against not being able to get the companions that require it. I really didn't like MX anyway. :p

Edited by Keta
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