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(KOTFE) Do you really have to do PvP to recruit a PvE companion?


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That much is painfully obvious, to everyone but you, apparently. You see, he's not gated just on PvP servers, but all servers. Check your Walkman batteries, we don't want you to forget to breathe.





It's not slander if it happens. I've played my fair share of games where PvP means something, it happens, and it happens every day.

hi this was in response to pvp during rakghoul events. reading is FUNdamental.
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hi this was in response to pvp during rakghoul events. reading is FUNdamental.


It is, the problem is, you decided to edit your post after I quoted it. I didn't change the context of what was quoted, I simply replied to what you wrote, which you then discovered was what, messed up? You didn't proof read your edit in your effort to "slam" someone, and came away looking even dumber than before, and it's supposed to be my issue? Sorry you feel that way old man, but again, the issue isn't my own, but yours.

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Kudos to you that you try to reason with them.


So guys, you are the elite PVE snowflakes that are okay that companions are locked behind PVE gates that a PVP player needs to face but you are not okay when one or two have the requirements the other way around? Aye. Before you even start your smart talk that companions belong to PVE, let me remind you that a PVP warrior has the same right to get Pierce as you since it was always his original companion.

Edited by PavSalco
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It is, the problem is, you decided to edit your post after I quoted it. I didn't change the context of what was quoted, I simply replied to what you wrote, which you then discovered was what, messed up? You didn't proof read your edit in your effort to "slam" someone, and came away looking even dumber than before, and it's supposed to be my issue? Sorry you feel that way old man, but again, the issue isn't my own, but yours.
the edit was to add the second quot and response, therefore the context of avoiding a pvp server relating to the rakghoul event was intact. i never editted the post after you quoted it, but funny that you're making that accusation after realizing that the context mattered.


the personal attacks now are a little much so bye.

Edited by Pagy
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Personally I think it's a terrible idea to force anyone to grind through (otherwise optional) content they don't like in order to be able to access plot and story content they enjoy. It's just flawed approach to game design, pure and simple.


In my case, it didn't work before (with similar attempt with HK droid part hidden behind a Hard Mode flashpoint and PvP area), and it won't work this time. I'll just skip this companion and his story that I might otherwise like, and will think that much less of the expansion as a whole. Is this really what you want, Bioware?

Edited by Styxian
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I hate PvP, with a passion. To me it's nothing but whiners and people who have serious aggression issues in real life looking for an excuse to scream into a mic at other people who have serious aggression issues in life. Every single YouTube video I ever see with "Computer rage" has a PvPer as the focus.


On the other hand, though, we are getting like tons of companions we never had access to before across the class base. I doubt missing pierce will do me any harm. He's a cool guy, but he's just one companion out of many.


As for NEEDING Dr. Lokin, not the case at all. With the new system no one NEEDS any particular companion at all. ANY companion can now play any role, so you have healers, tanks and DPS galore.


I do feel some of the pain here. I hated the fact that I can no longer access any female companion I had romanced in the classic story. Mako is gone for good. No one will be getting her back anytime soon. Same with Temple and the others. They can no longer be accessed by any character that triggered KotFE, BUT I will manage. They left - so I'll find a new romance companion. Lana seems easy enough ~snickers~

Edited by Faelandaea
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Okay, I've been reading forum posts and Dulfy guides, and it's said that to recruit a certain companion, I'd have to do warzone matches? Play PvP? Otherwise I won't be able to recruit them? Seriously?


I'm not doing PvP, ever - I just don't want to hurt other people; doesn't work for me; I don't like it. I got legendary status, legacy level 50, 20k achievements, but no PvP. Never. Not going to.


But I do want another companion, another friend. It just doesn't make sense in my head. Why would they introduce such a strange requirement instead of a normal solo PvE quest?


For the record, I don't like recruiting Dr Lokin through Rakghoul event only, either. I've got eight(or rather eighteen) high-level characters who will need him as a companion: I can't wait for months for each of them - again, that just doesn't make sense.


I hope they'll change it in the later patches. As it stands, it just seems a really bad idea.


Just don't Roll on a PVP Server!


You can deal with missing out on the companion and or content because of your choice!


Remember Bioware said you have choices.

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For the record, I don't like recruiting Dr Lokin through Rakghoul event only, either. I've got eight(or rather eighteen) high-level characters who will need him as a companion: I can't wait for months for each of them - again, that just doesn't make sense.


I hope they'll change it in the later patches. As it stands, it just seems a really bad idea.


You will not need any specific companion.


Bioware said they are allowing you to choose any companion and allow them to do the same thing across the board.


Oh Wait I can hear it now.


Please Balance X companion because it overpowers Y companion and I dont want to PVP to get it!

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Kudos to you that you try to reason with them.


So guys, you are the elite PVE snowflakes that are okay that companions are locked behind PVE gates that a PVP player needs to face but you are not okay when one or two have the requirements the other way around? Aye. Before you even start your smart talk that companions belong to PVE, let me remind you that a PVP warrior has the same right to get Pierce as you since it was always his original companion.


Except that if a player was solely PvP, he wouldn't have done the story in the first place, so would never have had Pierce to begin with.


Either way, like I said, I'm just gonna sit in 20 matches and just nudge the mouse every once in a while to stop from idling out. Free kills for someone.

Edited by Raphael_diSanto
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The carebears cried about some decorations being tied to a PVP vendor, they cried about having to do PVP during the Gree PVP quest which rewarded warzone commendations, and now they're crying about this. Do the PVP and get the reward or don't. Simple.
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So can we quote this then every time pvp'ers piss and moan about their dead servers?


Yes correct!


We need to deal with it on both sides.


I leveled many alts doing PVP only.

I am sure other did the same with space mission.


We have free will and choices to go along.


I just dont like when PVE only players cry about PVP.


In this game PVP has the short end of the stick hands down!


Bolster is an example of short end of the stick.


If I don't like Flashpoints I can't loot gear X or Recipie

If I don't play Flashpoints I can't build up reputaion to buy items.


It is what is is and we choose to do or not to do.


If people don't like it they can play that other MMO.



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Either way, like I said, I'm just gonna sit in 20 matches and just nudge the mouse every once in a while to stop from idling out. Free kills for someone.


Very mature. Great way to embarrass your guild too.

Edited by HaoZhao
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The carebears cried about some decorations being tied to a PVP vendor, they cried about having to do PVP during the Gree PVP quest which rewarded warzone commendations, and now they're crying about this. Do the PVP and get the reward or don't. Simple.
but but but pvp is scary and instead of just killing spiders, they actually fight back!
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I'm not doing PvP, ever - I just don't want to hurt other people; doesn't work for me; I don't like it. I got legendary status, legacy level 50, 20k achievements, but no PvP. Never. Not going to.

Um...just so you know, none of us who do PvP, are actually ever really hurt. Despite what you may think, you don't really have force lightning powers. ;)


And if you want the companion bad enough, you'll do it...just like I'm going to have to do a crap ton of PvE stuff to get companions I would like. I have no problem with companions being gated behind GSF/PvP/Ops or whatever to incentivize people to play them.

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Some people don't like to do world bosses. Yet a companion is locked out without doing them. Players like to do different activities in game and BW attempted to give something to many different play styles. It's not about PvPers, because the dedicated PvP players don't care about companions. But, shockingly, many players like to do both PvE and PvP and will be quite happy that their time PvPing will still contribute towards their progress with Alliances.
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Either way, like I said, I'm just gonna sit in 20 matches and just nudge the mouse every once in a while to stop from idling out. Free kills for someone.


Serious question: I know you don't like PvP. Heck, I'll acknowledge that you HATE PvP. But assuming you do just queue up the 20 times, wouldn't it be better to just TRY?


I'm sure you're not very good. Nobody is when they first start. But if you just tell your team that, and ask what to do, most times people will be happy that you are asking for help and give you some idea of where to go and what to do. Even if after the 20 games you still hate PvP, you will have some commendations (that can be used to get some nice decorations and other stuff for PvE) and you'll get more if you try than if you sulk in the corner.


To each his own.

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but but but pvp is scary and instead of just killing spiders, they actually fight back!


Yes God help us if we need to do something other that learn the NPC pattern and rinse repeat every Day or Week to complete the new Gear Grind. LOL!


I wish they would let the PVP players fight as the Boss in Flashpoints to teach these crying Hard core PVE players real skills.


Back on Topic:


If you PVE it's not fair to have PVP items only avail to people only if you conclude PVP content.


But only if it results in failure of a person completing your PVE experiance without that PVP item.


This does not apply!


Like people posted.

It has been like that before.

In order to get the HK companion on PVP serves you may need to PVP to complete the quest like it or not.


Maybe you hard core PVE players don't know about that because you live inside flashpoints all the time.

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The part where I get confused is:


For special things like PvP and World Bosses, Events, etc, attach some NEW companions to that - one's EXCLUSIVE to that content.


I am NOT irritated at them making companions unlock using special processes. What I am irritated at is that we ALREADY recruited these same companions on a class, and that class loses them permanently the moment they trigger KotFE. Either they are gone for good or we have to PvP, etc. to get them back. I understand maybe adding a bit of work for ANOTHER class to get them, but we were told many times in streams, etc. that we would get to KEEP our classic companions and summon them whenever we backtracked to old worlds, but that didn't happen at all and now we have to do stuff like this.


Pierce isn't important to me. i could care less about him, but he wasn't popular with many folks anyway. But if they put hurdles like this on companions like Pierce, can you even IMAGINE what they are going to make us do to get romanced companions like Mako back in future chapters - that is - IF they let us get them back? It is now NOT a guarantee that you will EVER see your old companions again. No guarantee at all.


As for this "terminal" that folks keep bringing up that supposedly exists at fleet - no - that doesn't exist so please do not fall for the trolls who keep trying to send people to terminals. It's right there alongside the old "Press ALT+F4 to get your companions back" gag. By the way - someone on fleet actually fell for that a while ago O.o

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I was unhappy to see this too, as I really want to get this certain companion for my Assassin. And I am a truly, terrible, awful, bad PvP'er with no interest in PvP. And did I mention how I never group on my Assassin for a reason? He is a lot of fun for me to play, but melee DPS is definitely not something I'm very good at.


That said, I have done PvP before to get specific rewards I really wanted, and it looks like I shall be doing so again. Sorry, PvP'ers of Harbinger . . . at some point my nearly useless Assassin will be joining your WZ team. I'll try, but that's about all I can promise! Please don't be mean and rude. :p

Edited by Gwena
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The simplest thing you can do, just follow the pack around, select the closest player of your role (melee to melee; ranged to ranged), select him/her (select nearest friend), then acquire his/her target (acquire target's target), and proceed as if you were up against the mobs in PvE. Stay cool, don't worry, don't rush around. Just select the same target as the guy next to you, and get that rotation going. Dying in PvP is not like dying in PvE. No bill at all.


Also, do you need to do that PvP sting on the same char that gets the companion, or can it be done on another one? 'Cause on lower levels PvP is much easier to get into.

Edited by DomiSotto
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i dont evenif you don't like pvp, don't play on pvp servers.


Quote: Originally Posted by Atalantia View Post

And I think the Raghoul Event is the stupidest event in MMO history, It should be named "I get to Grief Everyone MUHAHAHAHA Event" So that's a Companion I'll never revisit.


slandering people because they like fighting other players seems as silly as them making fun of you for killing scripted ai mobs over and over. live and let live, geez.


I dont think I said anything about PvP if they would let me kill the jerk trying to give me that stupid disease, then I'd love the event otherwi8se its just a bunch of jerks running around the fleet pee peeing on people

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The part where I get confused is:


For special things like PvP and World Bosses, Events, etc, attach some NEW companions to that - one's EXCLUSIVE to that content.


I am NOT irritated at them making companions unlock using special processes. What I am irritated at is that we ALREADY recruited these same companions on a class, and that class loses them permanently the moment they trigger KotFE. Either they are gone for good or we have to PvP, etc. to get them back. I understand maybe adding a bit of work for ANOTHER class to get them, but we were told many times in streams, etc. that we would get to KEEP our classic companions and summon them whenever we backtracked to old worlds, but that didn't happen at all and now we have to do stuff like this.


Pierce isn't important to me. i could care less about him, but he wasn't popular with many folks anyway. But if they put hurdles like this on companions like Pierce, can you even IMAGINE what they are going to make us do to get romanced companions like Mako back in future chapters - that is - IF they let us get them back? It is now NOT a guarantee that you will EVER see your old companions again. No guarantee at all.


As for this "terminal" that folks keep bringing up that supposedly exists at fleet - no - that doesn't exist so please do not fall for the trolls who keep trying to send people to terminals. It's right there alongside the old "Press ALT+F4 to get your companions back" gag. By the way - someone on fleet actually fell for that a while ago O.o


Dulfy reports that if you are a Sith Warrior you just have to talk to Pierce to get him back. Likewise with M14X for Troopers.

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