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What a mess


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I sat and waited, decided I would play before making any decisions on what seemed to be a lot of odd decisions by Bioware.


I haven't even started the expansion and I have to say I having a real hard time containing my disappointment. The dumbed down companions, void of any real individuality is just sad. Loken doesn't transform, no Holiday, HK losing Assassinate, is just the beginning. Andronikis not duel wielding, despite the search for his matching blasters, and Corso, not being able to use Torchy are story breaking. This decision was just flat out lazy one the Devs part.


The equipment decision doesn't just affect story either. What about all the money I spent either on the GTN or the Cartel market. Treek (who is now a ship droid marionette with creepy long finger nails BTW), is no different from any other Companion despite being sold to me at a premium, The time spent getting HK seems like an enormous waist now too (dont say "well you were playing the game", short of Theoretika No one really enjoyed that tedious quest line). What about the near 2mil the Interstellar Regulators Assault Cannon Besh cost me for Jorgan who can no longer use it, or that Yuun cant equip the head piece for the Battle Worn Engineer Armor, essentially negating the reason for having it to start with. Jaesa no longer can wield the Cathar War Staff, paid real money for that too Bioware.


Level Sync seems to be hit or miss. I keep reading people saying they were as much as 5 levels above the content. However I had been running "lights Out" on Belsavis for the last week (for the Pub kill achievement) and saved the last needed run for post launch to get an Idea, and I was sync'd to 47, thats at level for that mission and the level of the mobs. It took 3 times as long to complete I died twice and the reward box that was supposed to give gear relevant to your actual level gave me 178s, 4 tiers below my current gear and didn't even sell for enough to cover my repair bill. Did you not take bonus series that exist above planet level into consideration when you did this.


I've canceled my sub for the first time since just a couple months after launch. when the new stuff dries up I fill achievements. you've made this task tedious. You have removed stuff I worked to complete (companion affection, Makeb weeklys), or just flat out given it away just for logging in (500 rank crew skills). So why should I bother staying subbed? I'm not gonna work twice as hard to achieve something, that your probably just gonna take away or give away later. I will run the new story, which I haven't even gotten to yet, been to annoyed with everything else, I will finish it this week, then I will pop in as a preferred for the Rak events, and wait till you release more chapters.

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I'll admit, I haven't been following the Expansion changes that closely, just figured I'd play the game and continue on when I'm ready and the initial bugs are shaken out. But this sounds like SWTOR has been Activisioned! Edited by DreadRanger
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Im no defender of devs when they make stupid decisions or the lack their of a decision.


But frankly, this is expected...the bugs etc arent exactly shocking nor are they suprising in anyway. No game is launched perfectly and considering what KoTFE changes its not at all suprising there are bugs.


What does bother me is that people still seemed to get so outraged by this that its like the game just released for the first time.

Edited by xeNNNNN
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Compelling story...and yes will have to think twice before I spent any real money too. So much grief on day "one" of the expansion...don't recall other MMOs with so much player anger. Even STO that launched a bad expansion last year wasn't as bad as what I see in these posts. I really hope things do work out at the end. After all he F2P model is not very strong here as the sub model so players should have a much better say.
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Compelling story...and yes will have to think twice before I spent any real money too. So much grief on day "one" of the expansion...don't recall other MMOs with so much player anger. Even STO that launched a bad expansion last year wasn't as bad as what I see in these posts. I really hope things do work out at the end. After all he F2P model is not very strong here as the sub model so players should have a much better say.


Got to admit, the Romulan Republic expansion was leagues ahead of this screwup.

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This kind of thing happens with almost every game it seems. I'm not sure who here played Star Wars Galaxies but, when that game first came out and up until the CU, it was one of the greatest MMOs ever made (IMO). Then the CU came along....everything you had worked for was now either given for free or removed completely from the game. It killed the game, literally. That was the beginning of the end and why that game no longer exists.


Games just follow the progression of our society. The masses don't want to actually have to work for anything anymore so the people that do, that enjoy earning things and actually playing a game, get screwed because the gaming companies are only here to appease the masses.

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Yeah, I'm regretting the months I spent sub'd so I could get all the smuggler gear (Jacket, Guns, Speeder) only to learn (the hard way) that they are single character items and cannot be shared across my legacy through my Collections. Total Letdown. I hadn't even gotten to seeing how the companions change. What a waste of my time.



P.S. Hey Devs, I would have been fine with paying cartel coins to share those items on my account. Too bad you screwed yourselves out of some easy money. :mad:


The duster, blasters, and mount are all legacy bound bruh.. please they are sent to each new character everytime...

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MMO's go through a slow dumbing down. At some point the Devs decide that its too slow and jump off the dumbing down cliff (NGE). This looks like SW:TOR's cliff to me. I will not be playing past the end of my sub, sadly I was running 6 month subs and my last sub date was only about a month ago :mad:
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MMO's go through a slow dumbing down. At some point the Devs decide that its too slow and jump off the dumbing down cliff (NGE). This looks like SW:TOR's cliff to me. I will not be playing past the end of my sub, sadly I was running 6 month subs and my last sub date was only about a month ago :mad:


This very thing looming made me change my sub to monthly reoccurring. I have also cancelled and will go f2p having already bought millions and millions worth of enough unlocks to last me a year or more. I doubt I will play that long to be honest. Its just a bad game but I love SW

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Hmm you are the one that sounds upset. :D


You mad that I am saying negative things?



I'm sure nothing i say will make you think i'm not since you're trying to troll.


I simply do not agree with what you said.


Some people do not like change.


You just simply can not adapt to certain changes.


It just makes the people who can (me) thrive.


I applaud you for your butt hurt thread, but i'm sure the SWTOR world will live without your sub.

















Edited by volcomallday
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