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SW:TOR NGE Bugs and Things that make you go HUH?


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You know all these new mods and armors and enhancements that were just added. They take SLICING components to make the purple versions...


So now my crafting characters need to add a 4th (At least) tradeskill to be self sufficient again, like they have been for the last 4 years... (Excluding Augments, which were originally found, pre-made, via slicing missions, so them requiring Slicing Components was no big deal.)


Oh, also, Enriched Durasteel was made a grey Obsolete Material, and NOT converted to anything useful...


And a hint for those that want to be 65 FAST, PvE Space Missions. NOT those that came with RotHC, but from Original Launch. Do all of those missions for a fast 2 and a half levels... (Takes about 1.5 hours to get them all done)

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Those popup toolbars suck.




Ship's droids COMPLETELY MISSING on some characters.


All companion pants missing, show up in the mail.


Some companions cannot equip weapons that they're supposed to be able to equip in 4.0 (not old weapons, the updated weapons for the new setup).


Will add more as they come up, and I'm sure they will.


I can use Vette only as healer because i can´t give her a weapon. :(

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Is anybody else missing abilities?


I am missing at least one form most of the classes, like double strike, power shot, possibly sniper volley (I'm bad with the names). Did I miss something in the notes that these or other things were being taken out or is it a bug? Oh and yes I did already check the trainer.


Some of the abilities got renamed.


Apparently it was too hard just renaming those abilities where they are, they had to remove the old ones and force you to learn the 'new' ones...



Also yeah, ship droids gone, but not on all of my alts, companion equipment popping up randomly - with a weird preference for singular pants, spending hundreds of grands to learn missing trade skills. Not a very smooth experience so far :(.

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I can use Vette only as healer because i can´t give her a weapon. :(


Might be because she uses another weapon type now.

I just read that T7-01 uses blaster rifles now, up until then I only knew he didn't use blaster pistols anymore (although he still had it equipped in an unusable state).

Edited by Chinane
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Actually, Treek is a her. I didn't have the bug with her and the ship droid. I still haven't kitted out my companions because now that I don't have to use her any more, I probably won't. It will be nice to use my other companions for a change.


The other bugs should have been sorted out but that is typicsl BW fashion in all of their games.

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it's probably just me, but I learned during the SOR early release, that it is just live beta testing for those that spent extra money, which feels like a sham, but we are the suckers who paid for it.


I almost got boned 1/3 of the way through the storyline because I dared to leave at the end of chapter 3 to *gasp* do something different. Not all of us wants to ******** through all 9 chapters.






You do realize you can leave and then just hit the play button when you want to resume the chapters right?


I mean you aren't forced to do all 9 chapters.

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Might be because she uses another weapon type now.

I just read that T7-01 uses blaster rifles now, up until then I only knew he didn't use blaster pistols anymore (although he still had it equipped in an unusable state).


Where do they expect T7 to put a blaster rifle?


I mean my 4X's blaster rifle is always hanging between his legs...


Had that bug for years, it was both amusing and annoying at the same time. Can't wait to see how T7 bugs out like that.

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Some of the abilities got renamed.


Apparently it was too hard just renaming those abilities where they are, they had to remove the old ones and force you to learn the 'new' ones...

I don't think so, would be nice if it was.


Hate to admit it but the only reason I noticed them missing is because of the empty spots on the bars. I quickly checked my ability tab to see if they needed training and generally only the heroic moment was in need of training. I did double check with the trainers setting it to see all but nope no sign of them.





Now to add to the list anybody else annoyed with auto locking onto comps every time they appear?

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I was there. NGE was basically a whole new game.


Amd 4.0 isn't?!?!


I had to spend 2.3 million credits to relearn ALL of my level 10 to 60 Tradeskill patterns I had on Monday.

I am looking at spending several million more maxing out companion influence.

I spent almost ALL of last night cleaning up my inventory.


Basically, the look of the worlds are the same, but the underlying mechanics of everything has changed.

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Amd 4.0 isn't?!?!


I had to spend 2.3 million credits to relearn ALL of my level 10 to 60 Tradeskill patterns I had on Monday.

I am looking at spending several million more maxing out companion influence.

I spent almost ALL of last night cleaning up my inventory.


Basically, the look of the worlds are the same, but the underlying mechanics of everything has changed.


Not even close to NGE.

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Love how people are using NGE to describe the changes. I wonder how many ACTUALLY experienced CU and NGE, because:




There has been a lot of sensationalism going on if you haven't noticed :p

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Influence to 250,000... now, instead of ~390 gifts to companions to get them to max affection I have to give them ~2,500, at 3 seconds each...


Or...just actually play with the favorite companion, max them out, playing quests that give a good amount of affection. Then you spend no credits. Getting each companion to max affection is pointless except to completionists (which is fine for them). So, just pick your favorite, and play them, doing heroics etc that give affection.

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You do realize you can leave and then just hit the play button when you want to resume the chapters right?


I mean you aren't forced to do all 9 chapters.


I do, but it was broken, because to leave at the start of chapter 4, and then start up again, it tells you that you can't play because you don't have the required companion to start the chapter.






Basically the only way I found around it was to travel to Zakuul directly, then land on the planet, reset my local phase, and then go back onto my ship and then hit Play. Definitely a game breaking bug on the main quest line.

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Ok, I got to play today for about 1 hour so far, and these are the BUGS that I have discovered in 4.0 (NO Early Access, so just the stuff that COULD have been tested on PTS without spoiling ANYTHING)




If you had 8 (5 Story, Ship Droid, HK, Treek) companions you now have 7 as Treek is bugged and merges with the ship droid. With the bonus that you do NOT get any of Treeks Gear.


If you have an Improved Power Converter for your Star Ship for the PvE Space Missions, EVERY TIME you zone, it will go back to your inventory.


The Cybertech Schematics for the grade 7 Ship Modules (Armor, Missiles, and Shields) requires an "Obsolete Material" and thus can NOT be built any longer.


Armstechs are still able to Scribe the Old Slicing found Surge Schematics...





Corso Rigs can NO Longer Use Blaster Pistols, and the Pistol he STARTED THE GAME WITH is NO LONGER Equipable by him. (So long Torchy)


Treek can NO Longer use his crossbow...


Yuun can NO Longer use Tech Staves...


People that had been Tradeskillers since launch have to pay ~2,300,000 Credits (For having one of each Manufacturing Craft, with Cybertech being the worst hit at ~700,000 Credits) to learn the New Schematics to actually be able to tradeskill anymore...


The Barrel 36 Superior Item Modification now has a level 60 requirement when yesterday it had a level 56 requirement, so I have several characters that can NOT equip their weapons until I rip out the barrels on them for ~10,000 credits a pop.


Make sure you goto your trainer to Relearn Heroic Moment... we have all forgotten it...


Influence to 250,000... now, instead of ~390 gifts to companions to get them to max affection I have to give them ~2,500, at 3 seconds each...




Level Synch = BLAH!


Two Step Tradeskilling = Double BLAH!!


Losing Companion Unique Maneuvers = Bummer


My plan is already to leave when my sub runs out in late November, I just hope the story that I get next week takes the bad taste out of my mouth that this patch put there. I do NOT want to have a bad opinion of BioWare when I leave...


Do not compare patch 4.0 to the New Game Experience for Star Wars Galaxies, they are nothing alike. Quit your crying and play the game or don't, I care not either way.

Edited by xXJayeDubXx
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Do not compare patch 4.0 to the New Game Experience for Star Wars Galaxies, they are nothing alike. Quit your crying and play the game or don't, I care not either way.


Psst. We don't want to actually tell the truth here. People don't like it that they can't say something is the NGE. Remember disciplines and utilities? That was also the NGE. :cool:

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Small bug... My long hair clips over my head when I'm on the ground in cut scenes... Makes me look bald at the back... LoL...

Plus that bad Xpac launch lag and ability activation lag... You'd think they would have learned that lesson from 3.0

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Also, the toolbar at the top has the question mark symbol on a 2nd line. This happened when they introduced strongholds, and it required an emergency patch to fix. But what's really irritating is shelling out a fortune in credits to learn all the new skills. plus reverse engineering everything again. Agghhh!!!!


Emergency patch? What are you talking about? Go into the interface editor and select that bar and change it to display 13 items per line instead of 12. (Same thing last time it happened. You just needed to set it to 12 instead of 11.) Save the changes to the interface and you're all good there.

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