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how do you fire the photon torpedoes in ship missions?


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On Targets that have the option to be destroyed by torpedoes (Capital Ship Command, Station Tower) you will see a different reticule pop up you have to hold that down until you see if go from red to tan then release the missile button you will see the purple trail from the torpedo followed by the destruction of the thing it was aimed at.
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So now the question is, how do you NOT fire photon torpedoes at those targets? On Clouds of Vondoru, I one shot the first three shield generators with torpedoes, then I can't fire normal missiles at the fourth.





It's literally impossible to complete Clouds of Vondoru with Proton Torpedos equipped.

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So now the question is, how do you NOT fire photon torpedoes at those targets? On Clouds of Vondoru, I one shot the first three shield generators with torpedoes, then I can't fire normal missiles at the fourth.


You manually aim and don't hold the right mouse button. By just clicking the right button you can free fire missiles. Also, eventhough the counter says 3 you actually have 4 torpedoes, one is in the chamber. Was struggling with the same thing for a long time untill I realized that.

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Proton Torpedoes are easily the worst idea and implementation in space combat minigame. Once proton torpedoes are depleted it's impossible to lock onto ship and station components with regular missiles. They need to make firing them separate from regular missiles.


As it stands right now, equipping them them on your ship makes completing missions harder than not using them at all. I bought them, tried them, then immediately removed them.

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I think you are in the wrong forums. If you are looking to fire photon torpedoes, then you should visit Star Trek Online forums.


However, if you are referring to PROTON torpedoes, then I guess you are in the right place.


But photon torpedos are SO much more powerful! I mean come on, they're anti-matter warheads! :)

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Yeah, proton torpedoes are good but they should not be on the same key as missiles. You should be able to choose since in certain situations i'd rather spam missiles then hold down the key and wait for proton torpedo.


For that reason it's also got a spot in my cargo bay ;p

Edited by byter
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A simple fix would be to hold shift and right click to fire the proton torpedoes and just normal right click is for normal missiles. Of course, then people would complain about not knowing about that, so whatever. I've seen lots of threads about the proton torpedoes being lame, though.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah, definitely have to agree with those who shelved the proton torpedoes. Several problems with them. First, the link to the same key as missiles is really bad design. Second, turrets which I used be able to destroy with guns and missles now REQUIRE a photon torpedoe. This is just goofy, there is no benefit to using something that restricts you and offers no reward that I can see. Third, they are so distracting that they actually make a challenging and fun mission just plain irritating. :mad:
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I finally figured out how to complete Clouds of Vonduru thanks to this thread!


I was able to use regular missiles previously before patch 1.1. Then I wasn't able to and couldn't figure out why. Just wanted to say thanks to those who provided real help as I'm once again able to complete the daily space missions!

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the only time protons mess up normal missiles when you have them equiped is if you try to line up multi missile shoots. So far that is what i have found if you do a quick lock and fire normals will still be launched.


Of course it should be changed so you can rotate what missiles fire via scroll wheel or a button press but thats another debate for another day really.

Edited by Shingara
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