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Everything posted by FiftyPercentGrey

  1. So, Im gonna start a Jedi Consular and I was thinking about a Miraluka. Does that work out? I noticed some weird headdresses for the consular. Do they clip with the masks? Do they work at all? I kinda hated the twilek headnoodle problems (no hood at all, most of the headdresses clip..).
  2. Love those questions about the "best" way to do things.. o_o anyway, here is what works for me: tank + heal (mako) für solo-heroics (the 2+ heroics at least) tank + dps (torian or gault) for questing/leveling just because its faster I prefer Gault because I like the voice
  3. heh, seems so. I really hope they implement that. "in consideration" sounds quite vague
  4. Hunting datacrons is fun once. Maybe twice. But then it is enough und gets frustrating very quickly. So.. they should be legacy-wide.
  5. yah.. its the same in too many new MMOs. This one is/was missing some of the basics: - customizable gui (got that one now) + keybindings (still missing that one) into a saveable profile - dual/multi spec -> easy grouping - LFG tool, cross server with same-server preference - cross-server warzones (not that important in this game but still interesting on servers with a severe population imbalance resulting in no warzone groups at all for one fraction (especially in the odd hours)) does this game REALLY have to repeat what every other MMO in the last few years did? Why not get it over with now.
  6. I enjoy the game since early access. I'd like to see an easier way to find groups for flashpoints!
  7. Reward for what, exactly? Imho you should just do what you want to do. If its playing SWTOR, do so. You dont need bioware to like you or to tell you that you are a "valuable player". You dont have to be upset about them not telling you how valuable you are. You REALLY should not get upset about something like that.
  8. thats a problem a lot of MMORPGs suffer from I dont really understand, why. Twitter, Facebook, podcasts and so on are all nice to have but they are just ways for the information to get to the customer. If the information is not reliable or if the communication does not work somehow (maybe because the programmer->community manager infoflow is flawed?) its worth nothing.
  9. im currently rerolling on a new server and started a Bounty Hunter. So I was trying to decide which crewskills to choose. I couldnt find a proper listing of the changes to crewskills in 1.2. Can anyone help me?
  10. any news about WHEN they are finally going to implement dual spec?
  11. this sucks. I love the space combat! but those torpedos seem to be useless..
  12. this should be adressed and it shouldnt be too hard, really
  13. Guard, high thread attacks, taunt - if he is using all of those and it wouldnt work your DDs are crap. DDs should be able to focus and/or reset their aggro (you can reduce/reset their aggro, too, as a Sith Sorcerer). It is not always the tank. The DDs have to do their part, too. Try to talk to them. Since it is quite easy to get other DDs just kick those who just cant listen.
  14. So I dont want to craft and liked the part of slicing which gets you cybertech- and mission-schematics. I noticed that some other gathering and/or missionskills had a bonus just like that (e.g. relics via treasure hunting or was it archaelogy?). I got some hints on that from the sticky in this forum but it wasnt that clear about those. So: what gives what besides the obvious?
  15. this really gets to me :-/ Id like to play a twi'lek smuggler but the end-game headgear + lekku just looks stupid.
  16. is there any way to copy my preferences from one character to the other?
  17. Usually you would be self-sufficient in one crafting skill with one of the trilogies (like: Artifice-Archeology-TreasureHunting or Cybertech-Scavenging-UnderworldTrading). You get blue/purple schematic versions of your crafted stuff by reverse engineering. Did I miss your point?
  18. yep. slicing is a direct money maker and it is very good for those who do not want to bother with a "real" crafting skill. So a slicer could just pick more gathering/mission crew skills for even more money (-> GTN), companion gifts and maybe light side/dark side farming (diplomacy). If I'd go for a crafting skill, I'd pick the supporting gathering/mission skills. Otherwise you'll always end up switchting between alts (the alt could be the slicer, too..) and won't get that much out of it.
  19. kA, bei den meisten Sachen verlangst du einfach, dass es sein soll wie in WoW. Klar, wenn man das lange gespielt hat und sich sogar an solche Timing-Fragen gewöhnt hat, fällt eine Umstellung schwer. Aber mehr ist das auch nicht als eine Umstellung auf ein anderes Spiel.
  20. me too. I dont like her at all :-/ I really hope the other companions are a bit more sith-style and a bit less funny-sidekick-style.. man, I hate funny sidekicks since Jar Jar Binks. Am I even allowed to spell that name here? omg.
  21. what about server transfer? Im on the Sith Triumvirate (german) and there are queues all the time. The people I talked to about that would try another server if it weren't for their characters. So if they could transfer they probably would? Some won't, of course, because of their guilds or whatever but it would most certainly lower the pressure.
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