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4.0 The beggining of the end?


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Ok 4.0's coming out, YIPPEEE... Notices copy/paste number changing of old content, *scratches head*, but it's 4.0. Hm, Lots of Shiney's in the Cartel Market for sale, really good deals *scratches head*. OMG, Notices 13 Chapters and hearing monthly release of content, *scratches head*. OMG, Reads the Forums and every ones arguing over old content and forced lvl Sync, *scratches head, mmhmmmm*. OMG, Remembers leaks of "past" future content that's been "100% nail on the head correct" up to the Emperor's name being "Vitiate" back when the Black Hole was new content,*scratches head*. OMG, Looks at the number "13" Chapters. *scratches head*. OMG, Does some math and thinks a minute, *scratches head*.


OMG OMG OMG, Realizes that the "13" chapters align with the 5th anniversary of SWtor's Early Access Release, WHOOOOOOOOOOO "Happy Anniversary's" coming to a SWtor near me, *Scratches Head*. OMG, Thinks about 13, remembers all the good folke's saying they'd play through the story line, a new chapter a month means they'd need to stay sub's, *scratches head*. OMG, all the new shiney's and good deals their selling, *scratches head*. OMG, Remembers talk about a 10 year contract included in the leaks with 5 being SWtor, *scratches head*.


OMG OMG OMG, Realizes that KOTFE could very well mean, get them arguing, milk everything out of the Cartel Market, "Kill off The Fallen Empire" remembering Chapter "13", *scratches head*. OMG, Wonders if "SW-ROTFE" (Star Wars-Rise of The Fallen Empire) could be the name of 2, *scratches head*! OMG,


Has a Headache



Added "correct"

For those who have trouble reading this post, I'm not surprised due to the lack of Education these days (no offense)....

*scratches head* simply means "thinking"

OMG means "Oh My God"

Chapter 13 is a term used for "Bankruptcy" and is also known for a term used to throw something in the "Trash".

13 is believed by a lot of people to be an Unlucky number.

So, If you can't understand after saying that, then there's no hope for you, sorry to say.


This indeed is a Troll post but with a bit of truth in it. The "Lice" remark was expected though. You are better Trolls then this but then again, maybe I was wrong and over estimated you all? Try a little harder, be creative Cipher...


To be honest, I'm very surprised it hasn't been deleted yet...lol.

Edited by Confucious
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yeah, i couldnt understand a word of whatever the op had written down in the op post either.




You were just too lazy to even try it.


What he did was writing in an literary techniqiue calle "stream of consciousness". Many great writers use it. That you don't even recognize it is a failure of teaching culture to you.

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You were just too lazy to even try it.


What he did was writing in an literary techniqiue calle "stream of consciousness". Many great writers use it. That you don't even recognize it is a failure of teaching culture to you.


like i give a damn what you want. you can read it or dont. thats your choice.

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Ok 4.0's coming out, YIPPEEE... Notices copy/paste number changing of old content, *scratches head*, but it's 4.0. Hm, Lots of Shiney's in the Cartel Market for sale, really good deals *scratches head*. OMG, Notices 13 Chapters and hearing monthly release of content, *scratches head*. OMG, Reads the Forums and every ones arguing over old content and forced lvl Sync, *scratches head, mmhmmmm*. OMG, Remembers leaks of "past" future content that's been "100% nail on the head" up to the Emperor's name being "Vitiate" back when the Black Hole was new content,*scratches head*. OMG, Looks at the number "13" Chapters. *scratches head*. OMG, Does some math and thinks a minute, *scratches head*.


OMG OMG OMG, Realizes that the "13" chapters align with the 5th anniversary of SWtor's Early Access Release, WHOOOOOOOOOOO "Happy Anniversary's" coming to a SWtor near me, *Scratches Head*. OMG, Thinks about 13, remembers all the good folke's saying they'd play through the story line, a new chapter a month means they'd need to stay sub's, *scratches head*. OMG, all the new shiney's and good deals their selling, *scratches head*. OMG, Remembers talk about a 10 year contract included in the leaks with 5 being SWtor, *scratches head*.


OMG OMG OMG, Realizes that KOTFE could very well mean, get them arguing, milk everything out of the Cartel Market, "Kill off The Fallen Empire" remembering Chapter "13", *scratches head*. OMG, Wonders if "SW-ROTFE" (Star Wars-Rise of The Fallen Empire) could be the name of 2, *scratches head*! OMG,


Has a Headache


The beginning of the End? The start of something New!?


Think you're on to something . . .


I sense a "Dark Age" approaching . . .

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Ok 4.0's coming out, YIPPEEE... Notices copy/paste number changing of old content, *scratches head*, but it's 4.0. Hm, Lots of Shiney's in the Cartel Market for sale, really good deals *scratches head*. OMG, Notices 13 Chapters and hearing monthly release of content, *scratches head*. OMG, Reads the Forums and every ones arguing over old content and forced lvl Sync, *scratches head, mmhmmmm*. OMG, Remembers leaks of "past" future content that's been "100% nail on the head" up to the Emperor's name being "Vitiate" back when the Black Hole was new content,*scratches head*. OMG, Looks at the number "13" Chapters. *scratches head*. OMG, Does some math and thinks a minute, *scratches head*.


OMG OMG OMG, Realizes that the "13" chapters align with the 5th anniversary of SWtor's Early Access Release, WHOOOOOOOOOOO "Happy Anniversary's" coming to a SWtor near me, *Scratches Head*. OMG, Thinks about 13, remembers all the good folke's saying they'd play through the story line, a new chapter a month means they'd need to stay sub's, *scratches head*. OMG, all the new shiney's and good deals their selling, *scratches head*. OMG, Remembers talk about a 10 year contract included in the leaks with 5 being SWtor, *scratches head*.


OMG OMG OMG, Realizes that KOTFE could very well mean, get them arguing, milk everything out of the Cartel Market, "Kill off The Fallen Empire" remembering Chapter "13", *scratches head*. OMG, Wonders if "SW-ROTFE" (Star Wars-Rise of The Fallen Empire) could be the name of 2, *scratches head*! OMG,


Has a Headache


sounds like the OP has dandruff.

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You were just too lazy to even try it.


What he did was writing in an literary techniqiue calle "stream of consciousness". Many great writers use it. That you don't even recognize it is a failure of teaching culture to you.


Before trying to correct someone, or teach them, you might want to try to at least use a dictionary or a spell checker. It would appear that your teaching culture failed you, or perhaps... you failed.


On topic. If you're unhappy with the game, then show your displeasure by simply unsubscribing. It's not complicated.


Edited by Pirana
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You were just too lazy to even try it.


What he did was writing in an literary techniqiue calle "stream of consciousness". Many great writers use it. That you don't even recognize it is a failure of teaching culture to you.


You were expecting culture? In a gaming forum? Hahahaha! You're in the wrong place to be preaching culture or even education, chump.


On topic: I was disappointed with the lack of final nails and slaps in the face.

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You were just too lazy to even try it.


What he did was writing in an literary techniqiue calle "stream of consciousness". Many great writers use it. That you don't even recognize it is a failure of teaching culture to you.


You are correct...

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I'm replying to these doom threads because in 2 years I want to look back at my post history and see all this again.


4.0 is going to nerf achievement hunting, that's for sure.


The way I compute my GTN prices is by dailies credits/hour stopwatch runs, how much time does it take me to raise this much money with only dailies. I price my stuff by how many credits for this hassle. 4.0 and level sync has the potential to nerf a few of those estimates. AKA take more time, reduce credits per hour. But we will see, only time will tell.


Sooner or later, time will tell.

Edited by Falensawino
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You were just too lazy to even try it.


What he did was writing in an literary techniqiue calle "stream of consciousness". Many great writers use it. That you don't even recognize it is a failure of teaching culture to you.


Not sure if trolling.

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As someone who is not keen on anything other than new story in 4.0. I don't think this is the beginning of the end. No game lasts forever that is true but some players have been saying this for over two years now. Games still here.


Not two years, since before the game even launched. People predicted it would bomb and then everyone crowed about how it was dead like 3 months in. Remember the phrase TORtanic everyone thought was soooo clever?


KOTFE is like the 8th time the game has "died". This game is a zombie I guess, looks alive to me.

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"Not two years, since before the game even launched. People predicted it would bomb and..."


Well people were right, it did bomb. Then it recovered. SW:TOR was most expensive game ever made back then.It launched with like 800 hours of STORY CONTENT. Release doesn't get more AAAA than it did. Few months in, it bombed. Launch-era TOR was BW asking masses " Hay guys, do you want to subscribe to 800 hours of epic BW storytellin??" Them masses said nope, almost all o were long gone in few months time. Long before seeing even two or three of the class stories.


SW:TOR recovered and found a healthy, profitable afterlife though not further investment to stories but rather, through some good, hard, old fashioned core-MMO development.


Now they drop further live-dev of said MMO content completely and put all their eggs in story basket. They figured what TOR needs is not 1000 hours of story content, but 1030 hours of it.


I really enjoy this game. Just that all parts I enjoy require lots of people to do. Preferably healthy, striving communities. Watching barrage of decisions that appear as if aimed to wither these communities away is incredibly frustrating.

Edited by Stradlin
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