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If you could live on any planet in Star wars what would it be?


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I'd be a plumber. The thought of running around the Jedi Temple fixing burst pipes and clogged sinks has a certain ironic appeal.


Satele, " I don't understand, that is the third time this week"


Me, "There are three kinds of pipes, there's yours, which is garbage, There is bronze, which is nice, unless something goes wrong, and something is always going wrong, and then there is copper, which is the only pipe I use, it costs credits because it SAVES credits"


Oric Traless, "I think we should listen to willowpillow and get the copper pipe


Satele, "sigh"

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As a regular person, I'd love to live on Balmorra, and work on restoring the agricultural potential of the planet. I'd vote for Zenith too :) I would prefer to be a Twilek, but I would be okay with Mirialian or Togruta.


My distant second pick would be Taris, doing the same thing, reclamation or rakghoul re-integration or something.

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All these people wanting to live on that dirtball crime slum Nar Shaddaa, I can't imagine it would really be very nice to live unless you're a hutt or a fugitive.


Me personally, Dantooine is a good call but that's because I already live in the countryside surrounded by farms, animals and meadows. The serenity is nice and would be fun to tame and keep Kath hounds as pets and bodyguards. Also I could always have the Jedi Enclave help me out if people mess with me. (They seem to do everyone's dirty work on Dantooine)


More adventurous possibilities could be Onderon (would be fun being a beast rider flying over the vast jungles) or Zeltros (look up this planet and you'll understand why its desirable).

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I assume Hoth is out of the question? Do people that aren't raiders settle there? Lol. Only people I seen were Talz, the regular assortment of dangerous critters, raiders/criminals and soldiers. I guess I'd be a moisture farmer on Tatooine. I'd like to be a pencil pusher on Dromund Kaas. I love the rain always, have always will.
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Oricon sounds like a nice place. Its seemingly warm year round. Not much sand and barely a blade of grass to mow. I'd write books about a far distant future, in a galaxy far, far away. About a primitive society just able to walk on their moon, and send probes to their planetary neighbors. Oh, and their all human too.
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Cathar smuggler/privateer that lives on Port Nowhere and a Sky Palace on Nar Shadaa. Nar Shadaa would be a great place to procure contraband work with and against the Hutts, as well as help the Evocii resistance. Once I had the Evocii loyalty I could use them to harass the Hutts I was not working with.
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Manaan, Alderaan, or Voss. Dantooine or Naboo might be nice too.


Alderaan. I just be a normal person and married to the man I love and trying to help the galaxy be a better place, with less wars and helping stop people being hurt.


Ha! Hi Scarlet! hope everything is going good, long time no see :)


*Edit: Missed the "Who would you be? part. I'd like to be a simple force user or just a good person living on the land trying to learn all he can. Maybe a retired Republic trooper.

Edited by Kai-Sun
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Imperial Agent on a deep cover mission in the Karthakk system on a planet called Lok.


I have a Tat style home near some half made squatter village full of pirates and various alien transients looking for a score.

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