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WTB Privacy option from inspect character..


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To keep you from creeping on me, undressing me with your mouse, you know, creeper stuff like that...


All in-game assets, characters & intellectual properties belong to bioware, so it's perfectly okay. You don't have the right to resist.

Edited by Aeristash
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Socks, def socks.


Belt buckle. I am always told I have a very cool belt buckle. I tell them I bought it off a hippie at a street fair in Seattle decades below. I never thought of the other "implications,",,,,but now that I think about it.....Of Course! How could they not be impressed?

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As long as it is an option that's fine because there are people who would craft the best mods/hilts/barrels/relics etc and sending them a swtor mail is how you get them the materials/credits after you contact them to see if they are still crafting the item you want and playing.


Add 'em to your friend's list. I'm to the point where I dread checking the mail, even on leveling toons where I might actually be getting something that isn't "buy our credits". In DDO, they have two mailboxes, Confirmed, and Unconfirmed. Unconfirmed doesn't show up as you having mail until you are actually in the box. That mail comes from people not in your guild or on your friend's list. Even that would be preferable to what we have now, where you can get 4-5 spam messages a day.

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To keep you from creeping on me, undressing me with your mouse, you know, creeper stuff like that...


Only issue for me would be not being able to see if some noob was geared wrong in pvp because bolster is too much for some people to work out... Atleast if I can see what they have on I can try and help them if they'll listen...

As for achievements etc... Yeah that should be able to be turned off... It's no one else's business

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Only issue for me would be not being able to see if some noob was geared wrong in pvp because bolster is too much for some people to work out... Atleast if I can see what they have on I can try and help them if they'll listen...

As for achievements etc... Yeah that should be able to be turned off... It's no one else's business


It becomes my business when I'm in an Op and I ask if everyone has done the fight or should I explain and some swear up and down they have and then proceed to fail every mechanic of that fight. Because I can view achievements I can see without them admitting because they might feel embarrassed and thus put them in a less responsible role. If I can't then I won't know everyone gets frustrated and for what for they don't have to show they haven't done it before. Or is this January and some want to still be secretive about Exploiting Ravagers (which no one cares if people have it) that was so 3.0

Edited by FerkWork
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at first I thought... but the pugs! but then I thought... if its optional - why not? I can always just refuse to accept someone who hides from inspection into a group I'm forming.


what I would love to have an option for is ability to inspect companions. sometimes I see someone's companion in a kickass outfit and I would love to know what it is... but.. can't :/ and a lot of times by the time I try to figure out whose companion it is, to whisper them to ask? they are gone.

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Yeah, it kind of feels creepy, undressing people with your mouse. Eeek/


Then again, if I'm hunting Belsavis WB and I see a guy from opposite faction with 30k achievements, I'd change instance much faster. And if I see a cool outfit, I'd like to see which outfit it is.


I don't know. But privacy would be nice - I don't want random people to know when I'm online and I don't want to receive spam and so on. I think eventually MMOS would have it.

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To be honest, the only reason I can imagine for not wanting inspecting gear to be allowed are people who aren't geared properly.


There is no secrets in gear, nothing personally identifiable, and nothing special.


Maybe it just creeps someone out to realize that people are looking through their virtual windows? A look at the HP bar will give you a general idea whether they're geared up or not. I mean, that's the standard used now to justify not allowing players into a PuG. "You don't have enough HP to run this SM Op, I'm looking for people with NiM gear". Let's not pretend it doesn't happen, I've seen it happen, and it's happened to me.


Where we can have bios, mine always says "Get off my lawn". I wouldn't care if I were in a full RP server, that's my Bio. Why? Mind your own business, that's why. I have inspected other people's gear twice since I've been playing, and both times by invitation. One was over a year ago, and the other was just the other day, helping a sentinel out with his gear because he thought he was too squishy for his level.

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To be honest, the only reason I can imagine for not wanting inspecting gear to be allowed are people who aren't geared properly.


There is no secrets in gear, nothing personally identifiable, and nothing special.



And it wont help figuring out whats the reason for low dps if raidleader cannot inspect a player to see their dps had ZERO accuracy rating (that actually happens).

Its ok to be low geared or badly optimized. If you actually ask some help on stat prioritization I doubt anyone is gonna be angry at you. But its rude to expect getting carried if you know your stuff isnt up for the task.

Edited by Kiesu
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anti social?


Can you elaborate? There has been a lot of speculation from other posters in this thread, but no further comment from you as OP why you would want that/what you expect to get out of it. I don't see how inspecting someone's gear or schematics or achievements has anything to do with that someone being social or antisocial?


From your HP people can get a general idea what state your gear is in, and with a tiny bit of effort it's easy to tell how the look is created. Why would you want to hide schematics and achievements unless to pretend you have (done) something you don't? And why would you care to pretend anything, if you're antisocial?

Edited by KyaniteD
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No. No, no, no. I never understood it in other MMOs...why would you want to hide your gear? To prevent soemone from kicking you? So you can punch in endurance and pretend to have NiM gear?


I see no other reason for it other than trying to lie to people.


I inspect people with cool-looking gear to see what they wear and if I can get it too :p

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To be honest, the only reason I can imagine for not wanting inspecting gear to be allowed are people who aren't geared properly.


There is no secrets in gear, nothing personally identifiable, and nothing special.


If you have your alt make your armor, implant, earpiece, weapon, etc then it could 'give up' your alts but that isn't a guarantee. More likely if you have several pieces made by the same character it would point to one of your alts or a friend. Seeing the same name on more than one character, ie in your guild they inspect a character you have and see your armor is made by BOB and implants by VAL, then on another of your characters in that guild they see the same thing pretty much tells them your alts are BOB and VAL. Then they can see if BOB and VAL are on when you aren't and more 'proof' you are BOB and VAL.

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I'd love a toggleable gear inspection block. Random dinkheads running up to you going "y u have/no have gear X dued?!!1! omg u totally sux!!!1shiftone" have never positively contributed to anyone's experience in any game. For most people this isn't a very common occurrence, though there's no reason it should be an occurrence at all.


Personally I have a lot of defense/endurance augments. Seems odd for a sorcerer I'm sure. Reason for it is simple enough though; I don't generally care to min-max my gear (no reason to since I'm not doing hard modes or operations) but when a friend had crafted more augments and slots than he needed and sent some my way, I wasn't going to vendor them. The endurance is still nice to have after all. But explaining that to all the self-declared genius experts on the game rarely has any effect or point.


Now I understand the fear held by people who won't be able to "kick the bads" if they can't inspect someone's gear. But if you're in the situation where there is an actual point to inspecting someone's gear, surely you can have the time and courtesy to go "Could I have a look at your gear please?". If they refuse for no good reason and you can roughly estimate their gear is in fact too crappy (I see someone mentioned health pool in the thread) then just go about kicking as usual. Easy.

Edited by Pscyon
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LOL............... >>;I was implying as my self being anti social.. as in wtb privacy


Can you elaborate? There has been a lot of speculation from other posters in this thread, but no further comment from you as OP why you would want that/what you expect to get out of it. I don't see how inspecting someone's gear or schematics or achievements has anything to do with that someone being social or antisocial?


From your HP people can get a general idea what state your gear is in, and with a tiny bit of effort it's easy to tell how the look is created. Why would you want to hide schematics and achievements unless to pretend you have (done) something you don't? And why would you care to pretend anything, if you're antisocial?

Edited by Ouardajason
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