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Level Sync Poll. (Yes an actual poll)


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Semi-optional was what I voted.


If you're doing the Heroic for rewards, you should be scaled to it's level. Open world stuff, optional unless you attack a WB, then insta debuff to descale you...that's how I'd handle it.

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I must ask why at this point? I mean most people would set the level as high as it can go. The gap from 1-2 levels really does not matter that much if we keep all ours skills. Plus if they add content to worlds. Who would invite someone who wants to be the lowest level in it? I feel like that is like having option for the sake of option.


Accessibility, lower levels might well be emboldened if they are hopeful for a group for a WB if they knew there were higher levels (not high enough to solo the WB, perish the thought:rolleyes:) in the area.


The gap matters a whole lot more, the higher the level of planet you visit; being 57 on Oricon is a weee bit different from being 18 in a 15 area on DK, don't you think?


And, you could change your level while on the planet as you see fit, and your char and comp would be synced accordingly.


Why must you always think the worst of everybody, and what is wrong with having options? Variety is the spice of life, and such a range might well be helpful to newer players, or disadvantaged ones. However, some would lower themselves deliberately, if they wanted a challenge or more XP per enemy.


I'm not a new player, by any standard, I use intelligent rotations etc, but I hope the synced level for higher worlds is higher than AT-max-level; even 5 levels above the Oricon H2+ is hell, but then 186 gear is really quite crappy.


It's not as if my suggestion would make it possible to solo WBs, it wouldn't; the heroics would be almost guaranteed to be soloed, and that means they actually get used. Otherwise, they'd go mostly unused. Remember, they'd be quite abit harder, especially that one on Oricon.


If you mean for WBs, the lowest synced should still be able to contribute something, if all future content is the planet's max level, for those older planets. And, presumably you'd be able to see another player's real level as well as the synced level when you click on them and bring up their portrait.


If BW:A gave us a level range to choose from, would you go all Max on us?


You seem very pro group content, which is fine; pro-forced-group, is not fine; if any of the H2+s require groups, even for 65s, hardly anyone will touch them. Most people who group aren't doing it for the grouping, but for the rewards, and they will pass their misery onto others because they don't really want to group, but are biting the bullet for the rewards. Most players, dismayed at not being able to solo them, will just skip it, if the rewards are of no interest, whatever their level.


Semi-optional was what I voted.


If you're doing the Heroic for rewards, you should be scaled to it's level. Open world stuff, optional unless you attack a WB, then insta debuff to descale you...that's how I'd handle it.


Tricky for the Oricon H2+ if you force them to be at level, really only progression ops-goers would be able to manage that; so they'd be virtually unused...

Edited by sentientomega
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I think if you did any type of scientific testing you would find that most people, when given a choice between having power and not having power (or having less power), will pick option #1. When making that choice, people are not considering what will keep them playing the game longer or even what would be more fun in the long run. For that reason you really can't trust player opinions on how much they like losing power.


That said, this model where the game lets you achieve things and acquire power and then directly takes that away from you in most cases where you would want to use it is a very insulting one to traditional rpgers: one minute you're 20th level the next you're 5th (20th in name only)? The motivation behind getting levels, items and power is diluted. The model where the game resets itself with a level cap upgrade every so often works when the old content isn't changed and the player can flex/test/measure his increased power vs it (even if he doesn't want to do that often). This new model is removing the veil that we're actually accomplishing anything (other than getting access to more buttons/content) and isn't even trying to disguise the fact that we're basically just spinning in a hamster wheel reaching for wax balls painted to look like cheese.

Edited by Savej
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The gap matters a whole lot more, the higher the level of planet you visit; being 57 on Oricon is a weee bit different from being 18 in a 15 area on DK, don't you think?


And, you could change your level while on the planet as you see fit, and your char and comp would be synced accordingly.


Why must you always think the worst of everybody, and what is wrong with having options? Variety is the spice of life, and such a range might well be helpful to newer players, or disadvantaged ones.


I'm not a new player, by any standard, I use intelligent rotations etc, but I hope the synced level for higher worlds is higher than AT-max-level; even 5 levels above the Oricon H2+ is hell, but then 186 gear is really quite crappy.


It's not as if my suggestion would make it possible to solo WBs, it wouldn't; the heroics would be almost guaranteed to be soloed, and that means they actually get used. Otherwise, they'd go mostly unused. Remember, they'd be quite abit harder, especially that one on Oricon.


If you mean for WBs, the lowest synced should still be able to contribute something, if all future content is the planet's max level, for those older planets. And, presumably you'd be able to see another player's real level as well as the synced level when you click on them and bring up their portrait.


If BW:A gave us a level range to choose from, would you go all Max on us?


You seem very pro group content, which is fine; pro-forced-group, is not fine; if any of the H2+s require groups, even for 65s, hardly anyone will touch them. Most people who group aren't doing it for the grouping, but for the rewards, and they will pass their misery onto others because they don't really want to group, but are biting the bullet for the rewards. Most players, dismayed at not being able to solo them, will just skip it, if the rewards are of no interest, whatever their level.


You really got me all wrong as well.


I don't care about grouping. In fact, I don't group. I mostly solo and will never do group content.


I am just stating that options not always the best answer. Having planets level sync does not mean that it forces people to group as well. If Bioware is that stupid. I would understand why some people would hate it.


What I want from the system is three things.


1) Higher levels go down to a level where they are still strong enough to solo stuff, but not powerful enough to ruin if they ever add content for that planet.


2) Once we get this out. I would like the mob tagging system to be done with. With level syncing we don't need for people to take mobs away from each other.


3) For mobs to still behave the same as your main level. (as in not aggro you on mounts.) Even if you are scaled down.



For balance reasons and future content that could happen. I want the system to stay forced on everyone we all play by the same rules of each planet. That is the easiest and most straight forward way of doing things. Once the system is out and we test. I plain to give more feedback. heck some of the things I said might be planned already.


Level sync is a good start for many key features that could make solo and group players life more fun and rewarding. For a bit more extra effort.

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You really got me all wrong as well.


I don't care about grouping. In fact, I don't group. I mostly solo and will never do group content.


My apologies...


I group up, if I have time and the mood strikes me, for content I know I can solo, for which other people are putting out their LFGs, but because I have to, but because I want to.


I am just stating that options not always the best answer. Having planets level sync does not mean that it forces people to group as well. If Bioware is that stupid. I would understand why some people would hate it.


If they made heroics weekly, I wonder if we can take that as some sign they can be reasonably soloed by players with not a whole lot of skill? Otherwise, people would make too much cash from the dailies, if heroics were still that.


At any rate, and I know this sounds selfish, but I'd feel a lot better if I knew for certain I could solo every single H2+, on an off-day at that, Oricon and the converted H4s would be the real test.


What I want from the system is three things.


1) Higher levels go down to a level where they are still strong enough to solo stuff, but not powerful enough to ruin if they ever add content for that planet.


2) Once we get this out. I would like the mob tagging system to be done with. With level syncing we don't need for people to take mobs away from each other.


3) For mobs to still behave the same as your main level. (as in not aggro you on mounts.) Even if you are scaled down.


For number 1, how do you mean, ruin it in the event of adding content? What kind of content, and ruin things how? I'm curious as to what you mean here... For number 2, why, oh smegging why? Talk about a new griefers' paradise, we'd get a whole bunch of new players, here just for the schadenfreude. People would be stealing each other's mobs, right, left and centre, if Yoda was here he would say: "Begun, the flame wars have." Mark my words, there'd be bad blood between so many people. I hope your plan is not to make it harder for people to pick up mission items, or fulfill mission quotas, because that's exactly what would happen if whoever killed whatever got the credit for it. You've no idea how many sniper killing blows in WZs I got that way, long ago. Unless, your hope is for something else to happen for number 2? Like, if a group took down the WB, literally everyone would be able to get their own loot from it?


Number 3, I can definitely get behind, though.


For balance reasons and future content that could happen. I want the system to stay forced on everyone we all play by the same rules of each planet. That is the easiest and most straight forward way of doing things. Once the system is out and we test. I plain to give more feedback. heck some of the things I said might be planned already.


Fair enough, it should minimise SOME resentment, hopefully.


Level sync is a good start for many key features that could make solo and group players life more fun and rewarding. For a bit more extra effort.


It depends what you mean by "a bit more extra effort" (Oricon, the H2+ anyway, is hard enough at 60), it always gets iffy when the really hyper-skilled players use phrases like that; bye-bye casual base, is the usual result from dev action based on hardcore recommendations. I don't know how well you play or not (probably a bazillion times better than I do, since you're pushing the effort line), so long as we all keep in mind that there are as many game difficulties as there are players playing. Not everyone is a hardcore die-hard champ, or should anyone feel that have to aspire to that, in a game where positive fun is supposed to be the prime motive for playing.

Edited by sentientomega
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Option level sync is the obvious compromise between no sync and forced sync though. I am actually more inclined to believe that level sync will only discourage high level players to return to low level planets, max level players have nothing to benefit from it.
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Thank you for the poll. Just a question is there a safeguard to stop anyone from voting more than once?


Again thanks for this, I hope BW don't remove the poll. Don't think anything will come from it but a nice thing to have. Shame BW did not do something like this before 4.0 was started.

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Dunno if this is a clever thing to do.. but hey.. as if i would really care.

Since the SWTOR Forum doesn't have an actual poll feature, i just made a few strawpolls.


Which kind of Level-Sync do you prefer?



How should Quest-rewards for "non-synched" players be handled?



How should Achievements be handled?



Did i forget anything? Write it in the comments.


Have fun and sorry for typos and grammar fails.



Can't vote on it. But it would only be /Optional vote.

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Thank you for the poll. Just a question is there a safeguard to stop anyone from voting more than once?



just tested it. yes and no. first try - it let me vote. second try - I got an error of user already casting a vote. so... I'm assuming its either every 24 hours or something similar in nature

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Make sure to check the Captcha..

Did anybody else in your house already vote?


I see no captcha on my end. That's the problem. I know what it is but I just can't find it. Now it mysteriously showed up. Interesting.

Edited by Rhyltran
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Which kind of Level-Sync do you prefer?


This poll is flawed. Non-forced votes are split into 3 different options.


The poll should just have been

1. Forced

2. Non-forced



+ 127 votes (36%) 100% Optional

+ 41 votes (12%) Semi-Optional (Only forced in Hero Zones)

+ 32 votes (9%) No Level Sync at all


200 (57%) non-forced




149 votes (43%) Forced


How should Quest-rewards for "non-synched" players be handled?


This poll was also flawed, the options should have been:


How should Quest-rewards for "non-synched" players be handled?

1. No rewards

2. Some rewards

3. Equal (full) rewards



How should Achievements be handled? (like, "kill 1000 mobs" or "kill super mega awesome difficult boss")


1. Counts for everybody

107 votes (51%)

2. Only counts when Level Sync is turned on

78 votes (37%)

3. I don't care (why are you even here then?) :p

24 votes (11%)


209 total votes

This is probably the most telling poll, "counts for everybody" is a non-forced vote. Edited by Falensawino
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This poll is flawed. Non-forced votes are split into 3 different options.


The poll should just have been

1. Forced

2. Non-forced



+ 127 votes (36%) 100% Optional

+ 41 votes (12%) Semi-Optional (Only forced in Hero Zones)

+ 32 votes (9%) No Level Sync at all


200 (57%) non-forced




149 votes (43%) Forced


Actually, it should have been 3 options: Forced, Optional, None. And you can't simply take numbers from one and slide them into another because when you give people the real options maybe they don't slide in perfectly where you placed them. Psychology is strange like that.


Bioware should just make a poll to see what the temperature of the players truly is. There will be mandatory level sync in 4.0, but who's to say if they did a poll on it and took real statistics from players after 4.0 drops that it doesn't become optional in 4.1, 4.2, or 4.3? Or, maybe players decide it's not the end of humanity and it stays.

Edited by JoeeyyMagzz
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