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Crafting Changes in Fallen Empire


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And that, right there, is the summary of the KoTFE expansion: 6-8 hours of new story (at best), and then a complete regrind of old content that was already done to death. All while you stay subbed until the new (likely) 1-hour of play time chapters start dropping in early 2016 and every month for 7 months starting then.


All the other play-hours on the sub? Regrind stuff you already did, that got taken away, and you want back.


People compare this to the NGE, but that is wrong. Even the NGE wasn't this face slapping insulting. The NGE just kicked us SWG players in the balls. SWTOR 4.0 *****-slapped people.


I get the impression you weren't actually around for NGE... NGE was beyond face-slapping to those with Jedi toons. People didn't grind one skill set out, the minimum was 12 professions. I personally did 18. That was thousands of hours grinding randomly hoping the little force-sensitive dialog prompt appeared... Don't even compare this crafting disaster to NGE; while I hate what they've done with crafting, this isn't even near as bad as SWG NGE or CU...


Now, on to bigger issues.


  • 1. The only grade 8 material selling well right now is adaptive circuitry.
    2. Because of #1, the prices of augments are in the gutter. The new augments don't require any new materials that are gated, rare or difficult to acquire. This makes them universally accessible, so day 1 token-60 noobs have access to them.
    3. BW didn't raise the skill level above 500, but created insta-60 tokens to immediately allow a whole host of people into the market. Crafting takes a hit as there are now more mouths to feed and there is zero cost to obtain those crew skills to insta-60's; whereas existing crafters spent hundreds of thousands or more credits leveling their crew skills.
    4. Artifice....It's like they hit it with the nerf-bus, put it in reverse and kept backing over that skill until it was back to 2.0. There seriously is a specific existing Bioware developer that personally hates and is out to sabotage Artifice until it's dead.
    5. Unable to craft replacement 192/208's.... Really BW? I mean it's clear you took some shortcuts with the crafting system, but COME ON! There's a market for those unwilling to do high end operations but still want above comms-level gear (or close to it). This is a niche crafters could fill if you'd stop griefing them.
    6. You condense mats but can't be bothered to increase inventory stack size? Why? Blizzard was able to do this with Diablo 3 over a weekend, you can't with a major expac? Stack sizes need increase up to 500/1000. And while we're on the subject, you should be able to stack crafted items of the same type as well. I don't need 50 spaces for 50 augments, I should be using 1 square for 50 augments of the same type. This is cheaper on the database, but since sometimes BW likes to do things the hard way, I have an alternative: MORE TABS. LOTS MORE TABS!!!!!
    7. Still no GTN pricing controls for the scammers selling things for 1 Trillion credits? Is Bioware Austin hiring? I could intern for 5 hours and fix problems 6 and 7 for you for the price of a plane ticket.
    8. So I have these awesome stacks of power capacitors, augmentation mod chips, thermal regulators, desh, marlite crystals, augmentation component MK-1's.... You know, all those crafting materials THAT ARE COMPLETELY USELESS ABOVE LEVEL 50. How about a method to exchange them for higher level mats or at least a practical channel for them beyond leveling a crew skill to 500?
    9. You increase the level cap to 60, you create ~10 hours of story content, you give us what, 25 total companions or so? And you don't bother to increase the number of companions who can go out on crew missions?
    10. How much money did you invest in KotFE? Hundreds of thousands? Millions? How many man hours? And still no mobile app to dispatch companions on crew missions without logging into the game from a desktop and micromanaging multiple toons? I have 22 toons. It takes a minimum of 30 seconds to log into a toon, collect anything they gathered last time I sent them out, put that in legacy storage (so it's shareable to all my other toons), send them on more missions, and then log out to do it 21 more times. Each time to send everyone out on missions it's 15-20 minutes bare minimum, assuming I don't have to send credits between them (no legacy bank you see...) Eric.....eric....you know better.
    11. No legacy money storage? Guilds can have it, but my intergalactic empire can't? Should I post on fleet for 5 other people to start a shell guild just so I can have my own cross-character savings account?
    12. While we're on the subject, why not a GTN interface on that mobile app I mentioned? Send comps on missions and sell stuff/collect money. It's an Auction House app, and it would be glorious.
    13. Mute all F2P toons under level 20 from genchat, all planets, all factions. That should ruin the day of a number of the gold sellers. And get one of your senior developers to look at common key phrases in gold selling e-mails. It's embarrassing that a multi-billion dollar corporation can't keep people from mass spamming hyperlinks using the game's internal e-mail. I've done this form of analysis, put some time into it and stop the in-game spam.
    14. It's no longer cute that Bioware is selling things on Cartel Market that are player-demanded and should be craftable but aren't. It screams unsophisticated cash grab. Here's looking at you black/black white/white dyes and high end crystals... If you didn't set a developer specifically aside to develop a whole new design just to sell on CM, you probably should be giving it to crafters instead... Giving us 200 schematics and ignoring us for 3-4 years isn't viable. You know it, we know it.
    15. Whoever does your music should be fired..... You have a Force scene of lifting the Gravestone into the air, and no Yoda/X-wing on Dagobah music? Fired.... Like Han shot Greedo first, FIRED. That was a horrible oversight. I suspect you have a developer on the team who's a closet Trekkie. Bring him to me...and no disintegrations.
    16. Fix the recommended initial sales cost for an item on GTN... Whoever comes up with that number, it's a joke. Get closer to the real cost or default it to average current cost of that product on GTN. Give it some meaning. You may as well have a default value of 1 credit with the way it works now. Part of the reason players come up with random sales costs is there's no reasonable guideline for what an item is worth. Make one; you shouldn't be introducing items into a live economy without the item having value (see comments in #8) and understanding that items/the outgoing credits impact on said economy.
    17. If mats or items have no use (doonium?) remove them, and don't wait 4 years to do it. Does anyone actually know what Hiridu crystals do? From where I sit, they're trash byproduct of farming midlithe crystals. We get so much trash when we're actually trying to farm mats worth something. Either make the mats useful, or get rid of the byproduct. Cold hard credits would at least save us a run to the vendor. Hemostatic Gel prior to KotFE were like this too; they're needed for the recruiting mission for the Alliance now, but otherwise they're still fairly worthless and oversupplied with no usage channel.


Just a few things in crafting that could use fixing.

Edited by Princess_Chibi
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I get the impression you weren't actually around for NGE... NGE was beyond face-slapping to those with Jedi toons. People didn't grind one skill set out, the minimum was 12 professions. I personally did 18. That was thousands of hours grinding randomly hoping the little force-sensitive dialog prompt appeared... Don't even compare this crafting disaster to NGE; while I hate what they've done with crafting, this isn't even near as bad as SWG NGE or CU...


Now, on to bigger issues.


  • 1. The only grade 8 material selling well right now is adaptive circuitry.
    2. Because of #1, the prices of augments are in the gutter. The new augments don't require any new materials that are gated, rare or difficult to acquire. This makes them universally accessible, so day 1 token-60 noobs have access to them.
    3. BW didn't raise the skill level above 500, but created insta-60 tokens to immediately allow a whole host of people into the market. Crafting takes a hit as there are now more mouths to feed and there is zero cost to obtain those crew skills to insta-60's; whereas existing crafters spent hundreds of thousands or more credits leveling their crew skills.
    4. Artifice....It's like they hit it with the nerf-bus, put it in reverse and kept backing over that skill until it was back to 2.0. There seriously is a specific existing Bioware developer that personally hates and is out to sabotage Artifice until it's dead.
    5. Unable to craft replacement 192/208's.... Really BW? I mean it's clear you took some shortcuts with the crafting system, but COME ON! There's a market for those unwilling to do high end operations but still want above comms-level gear (or close to it). This is a niche crafters could fill if you'd stop griefing them.
    6. You condense mats but can't be bothered to increase inventory stack size? Why? Blizzard was able to do this with Diablo 3 over a weekend, you can't with a major expac? Stack sizes need increase up to 500/1000. And while we're on the subject, you should be able to stack crafted items of the same type as well. I don't need 50 spaces for 50 augments, I should be using 1 square for 50 augments of the same type. This is cheaper on the database, but since sometimes BW likes to do things the hard way, I have an alternative: MORE TABS. LOTS MORE TABS!!!!!
    7. Still no GTN pricing controls for the scammers selling things for 1 Trillion credits? Is Bioware Austin hiring? I could intern for 5 hours and fix problems 6 and 7 for you for the price of a plane ticket.
    8. So I have these awesome stacks of power capacitors, augmentation mod chips, thermal regulators, desh, marlite crystals, augmentation component MK-1's.... You know, all those crafting materials THAT ARE COMPLETELY USELESS ABOVE LEVEL 50. How about a method to exchange them for higher level mats or at least a practical channel for them beyond leveling a crew skill to 500?
    9. You increase the level cap to 60, you create ~10 hours of story content, you give us what, 25 total companions or so? And you don't bother to increase the number of companions who can go out on crew missions?
    10. How much money did you invest in KotFE? Hundreds of thousands? Millions? How many man hours? And still no mobile app to dispatch companions on crew missions without logging into the game from a desktop and micromanaging multiple toons? I have 22 toons. It takes a minimum of 30 seconds to log into a toon, collect anything they gathered last time I sent them out, put that in legacy storage (so it's shareable to all my other toons), send them on more missions, and then log out to do it 21 more times. Each time to send everyone out on missions it's 15-20 minutes bare minimum, assuming I don't have to send credits between them (no legacy bank you see...) Eric.....eric....you know better.
    11. No legacy money storage? Guilds can have it, but my intergalactic empire can't? Should I post on fleet for 5 other people to start a shell guild just so I can have my own cross-character savings account?
    12. While we're on the subject, why not a GTN interface on that mobile app I mentioned? Send comps on missions and sell stuff/collect money. It's an Auction House app, and it would be glorious.
    13. Mute all F2P toons under level 20 from genchat, all planets, all factions. That should ruin the day of a number of the gold sellers. And get one of your senior developers to look at common key phrases in gold selling e-mails. It's embarrassing that a multi-billion dollar corporation can't keep people from mass spamming hyperlinks using the game's internal e-mail. I've done this form of analysis, put some time into it and stop the in-game spam.
    14. It's no longer cute that Bioware is selling things on Cartel Market that are player-demanded and should be craftable but aren't. It screams unsophisticated cash grab. Here's looking at you black/black white/white dyes and high end crystals... If you didn't set a developer specifically aside to develop a whole new design just to sell on CM, you probably should be giving it to crafters instead... Giving us 200 schematics and ignoring us for 3-4 years isn't viable. You know it, we know it.
    15. Whoever does your music should be fired..... You have a Force scene of lifting the Gravestone into the air, and no Yoda/X-wing on Dagobah music? Fired.... Like Han shot Greedo first, FIRED. That was a horrible oversight. I suspect you have a developer on the team who's a closet Trekkie. Bring him to me...and no disintegrations.
    16. Fix the recommended initial sales cost for an item on GTN... Whoever comes up with that number, it's a joke. Get closer to the real cost or default it to average current cost of that product on GTN. Give it some meaning. You may as well have a default value of 1 credit with the way it works now. Part of the reason players come up with random sales costs is there's no reasonable guideline for what an item is worth. Make one; you shouldn't be introducing items into a live economy without the item having value (see comments in #8) and understanding that items/the outgoing credits impact on said economy.
    17. If mats or items have no use (doonium?) remove them, and don't wait 4 years to do it. Does anyone actually know what Hiridu crystals do? From where I sit, they're trash byproduct of farming midlithe crystals. We get so much trash when we're actually trying to farm mats worth something. Either make the mats useful, or get rid of the byproduct. Cold hard credits would at least save us a run to the vendor. Hemostatic Gel prior to KotFE were like this too; they're needed for the recruiting mission for the Alliance now, but otherwise they're still fairly worthless and oversupplied with no usage channel.


Just a few things in crafting that could use fixing.


Tears to my eyes :D

PERFECT listing of all that needs attention atm.

I agree wholeheartedly to your post.

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I get the impression you weren't actually around for NGE... NGE was beyond face-slapping to those with Jedi toons. People didn't grind one skill set out, the minimum was 12 professions. I personally did 18. That was thousands of hours grinding randomly hoping the little force-sensitive dialog prompt appeared... Don't even compare this crafting disaster to NGE; while I hate what they've done with crafting, this isn't even near as bad as SWG NGE or CU...


Now, on to bigger issues.


  • 1. The only grade 8 material selling well right now is adaptive circuitry.
    2. Because of #1, the prices of augments are in the gutter. The new augments don't require any new materials that are gated, rare or difficult to acquire. This makes them universally accessible, so day 1 token-60 noobs have access to them.
    3. BW didn't raise the skill level above 500, but created insta-60 tokens to immediately allow a whole host of people into the market. Crafting takes a hit as there are now more mouths to feed and there is zero cost to obtain those crew skills to insta-60's; whereas existing crafters spent hundreds of thousands or more credits leveling their crew skills.
    4. Artifice....It's like they hit it with the nerf-bus, put it in reverse and kept backing over that skill until it was back to 2.0. There seriously is a specific existing Bioware developer that personally hates and is out to sabotage Artifice until it's dead.
    5. Unable to craft replacement 192/208's.... Really BW? I mean it's clear you took some shortcuts with the crafting system, but COME ON! There's a market for those unwilling to do high end operations but still want above comms-level gear (or close to it). This is a niche crafters could fill if you'd stop griefing them.
    6. You condense mats but can't be bothered to increase inventory stack size? Why? Blizzard was able to do this with Diablo 3 over a weekend, you can't with a major expac? Stack sizes need increase up to 500/1000. And while we're on the subject, you should be able to stack crafted items of the same type as well. I don't need 50 spaces for 50 augments, I should be using 1 square for 50 augments of the same type. This is cheaper on the database, but since sometimes BW likes to do things the hard way, I have an alternative: MORE TABS. LOTS MORE TABS!!!!!
    7. Still no GTN pricing controls for the scammers selling things for 1 Trillion credits? Is Bioware Austin hiring? I could intern for 5 hours and fix problems 6 and 7 for you for the price of a plane ticket.
    8. So I have these awesome stacks of power capacitors, augmentation mod chips, thermal regulators, desh, marlite crystals, augmentation component MK-1's.... You know, all those crafting materials THAT ARE COMPLETELY USELESS ABOVE LEVEL 50. How about a method to exchange them for higher level mats or at least a practical channel for them beyond leveling a crew skill to 500?
    9. You increase the level cap to 60, you create ~10 hours of story content, you give us what, 25 total companions or so? And you don't bother to increase the number of companions who can go out on crew missions?
    10. How much money did you invest in KotFE? Hundreds of thousands? Millions? How many man hours? And still no mobile app to dispatch companions on crew missions without logging into the game from a desktop and micromanaging multiple toons? I have 22 toons. It takes a minimum of 30 seconds to log into a toon, collect anything they gathered last time I sent them out, put that in legacy storage (so it's shareable to all my other toons), send them on more missions, and then log out to do it 21 more times. Each time to send everyone out on missions it's 15-20 minutes bare minimum, assuming I don't have to send credits between them (no legacy bank you see...) Eric.....eric....you know better.
    11. No legacy money storage? Guilds can have it, but my intergalactic empire can't? Should I post on fleet for 5 other people to start a shell guild just so I can have my own cross-character savings account?
    12. While we're on the subject, why not a GTN interface on that mobile app I mentioned? Send comps on missions and sell stuff/collect money. It's an Auction House app, and it would be glorious.
    13. Mute all F2P toons under level 20 from genchat, all planets, all factions. That should ruin the day of a number of the gold sellers. And get one of your senior developers to look at common key phrases in gold selling e-mails. It's embarrassing that a multi-billion dollar corporation can't keep people from mass spamming hyperlinks using the game's internal e-mail. I've done this form of analysis, put some time into it and stop the in-game spam.
    14. It's no longer cute that Bioware is selling things on Cartel Market that are player-demanded and should be craftable but aren't. It screams unsophisticated cash grab. Here's looking at you black/black white/white dyes and high end crystals... If you didn't set a developer specifically aside to develop a whole new design just to sell on CM, you probably should be giving it to crafters instead... Giving us 200 schematics and ignoring us for 3-4 years isn't viable. You know it, we know it.
    15. Whoever does your music should be fired..... You have a Force scene of lifting the Gravestone into the air, and no Yoda/X-wing on Dagobah music? Fired.... Like Han shot Greedo first, FIRED. That was a horrible oversight. I suspect you have a developer on the team who's a closet Trekkie. Bring him to me...and no disintegrations.
    16. Fix the recommended initial sales cost for an item on GTN... Whoever comes up with that number, it's a joke. Get closer to the real cost or default it to average current cost of that product on GTN. Give it some meaning. You may as well have a default value of 1 credit with the way it works now. Part of the reason players come up with random sales costs is there's no reasonable guideline for what an item is worth. Make one; you shouldn't be introducing items into a live economy without the item having value (see comments in #8) and understanding that items/the outgoing credits impact on said economy.
    17. If mats or items have no use (doonium?) remove them, and don't wait 4 years to do it. Does anyone actually know what Hiridu crystals do? From where I sit, they're trash byproduct of farming midlithe crystals. We get so much trash when we're actually trying to farm mats worth something. Either make the mats useful, or get rid of the byproduct. Cold hard credits would at least save us a run to the vendor. Hemostatic Gel prior to KotFE were like this too; they're needed for the recruiting mission for the Alliance now, but otherwise they're still fairly worthless and oversupplied with no usage channel.


Just a few things in crafting that could use fixing.




Thank you for your summation of the boondoggle known as SWTOR 4.0 crafting. This expansion absolutely killed my participation in crafting, largely due to the changes outlined in your post. Thanks again.

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I get the impression you weren't actually around for NGE... NGE was beyond face-slapping to those with Jedi toons. People didn't grind one skill set out, the minimum was 12 professions. I personally did 18. That was thousands of hours grinding randomly hoping the little force-sensitive dialog prompt appeared... Don't even compare this crafting disaster to NGE; while I hate what they've done with crafting, this isn't even near as bad as SWG NGE or CU...


Now, on to bigger issues.


  • 1. The only grade 8 material selling well right now is adaptive circuitry.
    2. Because of #1, the prices of augments are in the gutter. The new augments don't require any new materials that are gated, rare or difficult to acquire. This makes them universally accessible, so day 1 token-60 noobs have access to them.
    3. BW didn't raise the skill level above 500, but created insta-60 tokens to immediately allow a whole host of people into the market. Crafting takes a hit as there are now more mouths to feed and there is zero cost to obtain those crew skills to insta-60's; whereas existing crafters spent hundreds of thousands or more credits leveling their crew skills.
    4. Artifice....It's like they hit it with the nerf-bus, put it in reverse and kept backing over that skill until it was back to 2.0. There seriously is a specific existing Bioware developer that personally hates and is out to sabotage Artifice until it's dead.
    5. Unable to craft replacement 192/208's.... Really BW? I mean it's clear you took some shortcuts with the crafting system, but COME ON! There's a market for those unwilling to do high end operations but still want above comms-level gear (or close to it). This is a niche crafters could fill if you'd stop griefing them.
    6. You condense mats but can't be bothered to increase inventory stack size? Why? Blizzard was able to do this with Diablo 3 over a weekend, you can't with a major expac? Stack sizes need increase up to 500/1000. And while we're on the subject, you should be able to stack crafted items of the same type as well. I don't need 50 spaces for 50 augments, I should be using 1 square for 50 augments of the same type. This is cheaper on the database, but since sometimes BW likes to do things the hard way, I have an alternative: MORE TABS. LOTS MORE TABS!!!!!
    7. Still no GTN pricing controls for the scammers selling things for 1 Trillion credits? Is Bioware Austin hiring? I could intern for 5 hours and fix problems 6 and 7 for you for the price of a plane ticket.
    8. So I have these awesome stacks of power capacitors, augmentation mod chips, thermal regulators, desh, marlite crystals, augmentation component MK-1's.... You know, all those crafting materials THAT ARE COMPLETELY USELESS ABOVE LEVEL 50. How about a method to exchange them for higher level mats or at least a practical channel for them beyond leveling a crew skill to 500?
    9. You increase the level cap to 60, you create ~10 hours of story content, you give us what, 25 total companions or so? And you don't bother to increase the number of companions who can go out on crew missions?
    10. How much money did you invest in KotFE? Hundreds of thousands? Millions? How many man hours? And still no mobile app to dispatch companions on crew missions without logging into the game from a desktop and micromanaging multiple toons? I have 22 toons. It takes a minimum of 30 seconds to log into a toon, collect anything they gathered last time I sent them out, put that in legacy storage (so it's shareable to all my other toons), send them on more missions, and then log out to do it 21 more times. Each time to send everyone out on missions it's 15-20 minutes bare minimum, assuming I don't have to send credits between them (no legacy bank you see...) Eric.....eric....you know better.
    11. No legacy money storage? Guilds can have it, but my intergalactic empire can't? Should I post on fleet for 5 other people to start a shell guild just so I can have my own cross-character savings account?
    12. While we're on the subject, why not a GTN interface on that mobile app I mentioned? Send comps on missions and sell stuff/collect money. It's an Auction House app, and it would be glorious.
    13. Mute all F2P toons under level 20 from genchat, all planets, all factions. That should ruin the day of a number of the gold sellers. And get one of your senior developers to look at common key phrases in gold selling e-mails. It's embarrassing that a multi-billion dollar corporation can't keep people from mass spamming hyperlinks using the game's internal e-mail. I've done this form of analysis, put some time into it and stop the in-game spam.
    14. It's no longer cute that Bioware is selling things on Cartel Market that are player-demanded and should be craftable but aren't. It screams unsophisticated cash grab. Here's looking at you black/black white/white dyes and high end crystals... If you didn't set a developer specifically aside to develop a whole new design just to sell on CM, you probably should be giving it to crafters instead... Giving us 200 schematics and ignoring us for 3-4 years isn't viable. You know it, we know it.
    15. Whoever does your music should be fired..... You have a Force scene of lifting the Gravestone into the air, and no Yoda/X-wing on Dagobah music? Fired.... Like Han shot Greedo first, FIRED. That was a horrible oversight. I suspect you have a developer on the team who's a closet Trekkie. Bring him to me...and no disintegrations.
    16. Fix the recommended initial sales cost for an item on GTN... Whoever comes up with that number, it's a joke. Get closer to the real cost or default it to average current cost of that product on GTN. Give it some meaning. You may as well have a default value of 1 credit with the way it works now. Part of the reason players come up with random sales costs is there's no reasonable guideline for what an item is worth. Make one; you shouldn't be introducing items into a live economy without the item having value (see comments in #8) and understanding that items/the outgoing credits impact on said economy.
    17. If mats or items have no use (doonium?) remove them, and don't wait 4 years to do it. Does anyone actually know what Hiridu crystals do? From where I sit, they're trash byproduct of farming midlithe crystals. We get so much trash when we're actually trying to farm mats worth something. Either make the mats useful, or get rid of the byproduct. Cold hard credits would at least save us a run to the vendor. Hemostatic Gel prior to KotFE were like this too; they're needed for the recruiting mission for the Alliance now, but otherwise they're still fairly worthless and oversupplied with no usage channel.


Just a few things in crafting that could use fixing.


This is soo on the mark... i could not agree more.


Hey BW... if you want to get just ONE thing right this year, you should hire Princess Chibi - She knows what she is talking about.

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Now, on to bigger issues.


  • 1. The only grade 8 material selling well right now is adaptive circuitry.
    4. Artifice....It's like they hit it with the nerf-bus, put it in reverse and kept backing over that skill until it was back to 2.0. There seriously is a specific existing Bioware developer that personally hates and is out to sabotage Artifice until it's dead.
    17. If mats or items have no use (doonium?) remove them, and don't wait 4 years to do it. Does anyone actually know what Hiridu crystals do? From where I sit, they're trash byproduct of farming midlithe crystals. We get so much trash when we're actually trying to farm mats worth something. Either make the mats useful, or get rid of the byproduct. Cold hard credits would at least save us a run to the vendor. Hemostatic Gel prior to KotFE were like this too; they're needed for the recruiting mission for the Alliance now, but otherwise they're still fairly worthless and oversupplied with no usage channel.


Just a few things in crafting that could use fixing.



There needs to be a button that says, hey Devs, read THIS.


*** list only edited due to length, not because I don't agree with all the points. #4 left in, because.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I get the impression you weren't actually around for NGE... NGE was beyond face-slapping to those with Jedi toons. People didn't grind one skill set out, the minimum was 12 professions. I personally did 18. That was thousands of hours grinding randomly hoping the little force-sensitive dialog prompt appeared... Don't even compare this crafting disaster to NGE; while I hate what they've done with crafting, this isn't even near as bad as SWG NGE or CU...


Now, on to bigger issues.


  • 1. The only grade 8 material selling well right now is adaptive circuitry.
    2. Because of #1, the prices of augments are in the gutter. The new augments don't require any new materials that are gated, rare or difficult to acquire. This makes them universally accessible, so day 1 token-60 noobs have access to them.
    3. BW didn't raise the skill level above 500, but created insta-60 tokens to immediately allow a whole host of people into the market. Crafting takes a hit as there are now more mouths to feed and there is zero cost to obtain those crew skills to insta-60's; whereas existing crafters spent hundreds of thousands or more credits leveling their crew skills.
    4. Artifice....It's like they hit it with the nerf-bus, put it in reverse and kept backing over that skill until it was back to 2.0. There seriously is a specific existing Bioware developer that personally hates and is out to sabotage Artifice until it's dead.
    5. Unable to craft replacement 192/208's.... Really BW? I mean it's clear you took some shortcuts with the crafting system, but COME ON! There's a market for those unwilling to do high end operations but still want above comms-level gear (or close to it). This is a niche crafters could fill if you'd stop griefing them.
    6. You condense mats but can't be bothered to increase inventory stack size? Why? Blizzard was able to do this with Diablo 3 over a weekend, you can't with a major expac? Stack sizes need increase up to 500/1000. And while we're on the subject, you should be able to stack crafted items of the same type as well. I don't need 50 spaces for 50 augments, I should be using 1 square for 50 augments of the same type. This is cheaper on the database, but since sometimes BW likes to do things the hard way, I have an alternative: MORE TABS. LOTS MORE TABS!!!!!
    7. Still no GTN pricing controls for the scammers selling things for 1 Trillion credits? Is Bioware Austin hiring? I could intern for 5 hours and fix problems 6 and 7 for you for the price of a plane ticket.
    8. So I have these awesome stacks of power capacitors, augmentation mod chips, thermal regulators, desh, marlite crystals, augmentation component MK-1's.... You know, all those crafting materials THAT ARE COMPLETELY USELESS ABOVE LEVEL 50. How about a method to exchange them for higher level mats or at least a practical channel for them beyond leveling a crew skill to 500?
    9. You increase the level cap to 60, you create ~10 hours of story content, you give us what, 25 total companions or so? And you don't bother to increase the number of companions who can go out on crew missions?
    10. How much money did you invest in KotFE? Hundreds of thousands? Millions? How many man hours? And still no mobile app to dispatch companions on crew missions without logging into the game from a desktop and micromanaging multiple toons? I have 22 toons. It takes a minimum of 30 seconds to log into a toon, collect anything they gathered last time I sent them out, put that in legacy storage (so it's shareable to all my other toons), send them on more missions, and then log out to do it 21 more times. Each time to send everyone out on missions it's 15-20 minutes bare minimum, assuming I don't have to send credits between them (no legacy bank you see...) Eric.....eric....you know better.
    11. No legacy money storage? Guilds can have it, but my intergalactic empire can't? Should I post on fleet for 5 other people to start a shell guild just so I can have my own cross-character savings account?
    12. While we're on the subject, why not a GTN interface on that mobile app I mentioned? Send comps on missions and sell stuff/collect money. It's an Auction House app, and it would be glorious.
    13. Mute all F2P toons under level 20 from genchat, all planets, all factions. That should ruin the day of a number of the gold sellers. And get one of your senior developers to look at common key phrases in gold selling e-mails. It's embarrassing that a multi-billion dollar corporation can't keep people from mass spamming hyperlinks using the game's internal e-mail. I've done this form of analysis, put some time into it and stop the in-game spam.
    14. It's no longer cute that Bioware is selling things on Cartel Market that are player-demanded and should be craftable but aren't. It screams unsophisticated cash grab. Here's looking at you black/black white/white dyes and high end crystals... If you didn't set a developer specifically aside to develop a whole new design just to sell on CM, you probably should be giving it to crafters instead... Giving us 200 schematics and ignoring us for 3-4 years isn't viable. You know it, we know it.
    15. Whoever does your music should be fired..... You have a Force scene of lifting the Gravestone into the air, and no Yoda/X-wing on Dagobah music? Fired.... Like Han shot Greedo first, FIRED. That was a horrible oversight. I suspect you have a developer on the team who's a closet Trekkie. Bring him to me...and no disintegrations.
    16. Fix the recommended initial sales cost for an item on GTN... Whoever comes up with that number, it's a joke. Get closer to the real cost or default it to average current cost of that product on GTN. Give it some meaning. You may as well have a default value of 1 credit with the way it works now. Part of the reason players come up with random sales costs is there's no reasonable guideline for what an item is worth. Make one; you shouldn't be introducing items into a live economy without the item having value (see comments in #8) and understanding that items/the outgoing credits impact on said economy.
    17. If mats or items have no use (doonium?) remove them, and don't wait 4 years to do it. Does anyone actually know what Hiridu crystals do? From where I sit, they're trash byproduct of farming midlithe crystals. We get so much trash when we're actually trying to farm mats worth something. Either make the mats useful, or get rid of the byproduct. Cold hard credits would at least save us a run to the vendor. Hemostatic Gel prior to KotFE were like this too; they're needed for the recruiting mission for the Alliance now, but otherwise they're still fairly worthless and oversupplied with no usage channel.


Just a few things in crafting that could use fixing.


Bumped, cuz crafting needs some real TLC.

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Crafting does need a bit of a rethink.


Crafters should at the very least be able to get schematics from the traders to craft 190 or 208 mods or be able to RE the stuff sold by the vendors and for this gear not to be gated by a Conquest or Ops material.


At least if we could get 190 schematics, we could go the route of RE to blue 200 and then RE to purple 208 and at least have something to show for having maxed your crew skill. Having it all more or less stop at 186 isn't fun, especially in the case of Relics for Artiface which doesn't have a lot of love now.


I can understand gating the 224 mods or gear behind an Ops material requirement (even 220 gear to a lesser degree) but not so much the 216 gear requiring something that needs you to do weekly conquests that are not even crafter friendly in the first place. If they brought back more of the repeatable crafting missions, then it'd be more appropriate.


Well, that's my 2 cents worth.

Edited by Ferretfur
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  • 1. The only grade 8 material selling well right now is adaptive circuitry.
    2. Because of #1, the prices of augments are in the gutter. The new augments don't require any new materials that are gated, rare or difficult to acquire. This makes them universally accessible, so day 1 token-60 noobs have access to them.
    3. BW didn't raise the skill level above 500, but created insta-60 tokens to immediately allow a whole host of people into the market. Crafting takes a hit as there are now more mouths to feed and there is zero cost to obtain those crew skills to insta-60's; whereas existing crafters spent hundreds of thousands or more credits leveling their crew skills.
    4. Artifice....It's like they hit it with the nerf-bus, put it in reverse and kept backing over that skill until it was back to 2.0. There seriously is a specific existing Bioware developer that personally hates and is out to sabotage Artifice until it's dead.
    5. Unable to craft replacement 192/208's.... Really BW? I mean it's clear you took some shortcuts with the crafting system, but COME ON! There's a market for those unwilling to do high end operations but still want above comms-level gear (or close to it). This is a niche crafters could fill if you'd stop griefing them.
    6. You condense mats but can't be bothered to increase inventory stack size? Why? Blizzard was able to do this with Diablo 3 over a weekend, you can't with a major expac? Stack sizes need increase up to 500/1000. And while we're on the subject, you should be able to stack crafted items of the same type as well. I don't need 50 spaces for 50 augments, I should be using 1 square for 50 augments of the same type. This is cheaper on the database, but since sometimes BW likes to do things the hard way, I have an alternative: MORE TABS. LOTS MORE TABS!!!!!
    7. Still no GTN pricing controls for the scammers selling things for 1 Trillion credits? Is Bioware Austin hiring? I could intern for 5 hours and fix problems 6 and 7 for you for the price of a plane ticket.
    8. So I have these awesome stacks of power capacitors, augmentation mod chips, thermal regulators, desh, marlite crystals, augmentation component MK-1's.... You know, all those crafting materials THAT ARE COMPLETELY USELESS ABOVE LEVEL 50. How about a method to exchange them for higher level mats or at least a practical channel for them beyond leveling a crew skill to 500?
    9. You increase the level cap to 60, you create ~10 hours of story content, you give us what, 25 total companions or so? And you don't bother to increase the number of companions who can go out on crew missions?
    10. How much money did you invest in KotFE? Hundreds of thousands? Millions? How many man hours? And still no mobile app to dispatch companions on crew missions without logging into the game from a desktop and micromanaging multiple toons? I have 22 toons. It takes a minimum of 30 seconds to log into a toon, collect anything they gathered last time I sent them out, put that in legacy storage (so it's shareable to all my other toons), send them on more missions, and then log out to do it 21 more times. Each time to send everyone out on missions it's 15-20 minutes bare minimum, assuming I don't have to send credits between them (no legacy bank you see...) Eric.....eric....you know better.
    11. No legacy money storage? Guilds can have it, but my intergalactic empire can't? Should I post on fleet for 5 other people to start a shell guild just so I can have my own cross-character savings account?
    12. While we're on the subject, why not a GTN interface on that mobile app I mentioned? Send comps on missions and sell stuff/collect money. It's an Auction House app, and it would be glorious.
    13. Mute all F2P toons under level 20 from genchat, all planets, all factions. That should ruin the day of a number of the gold sellers. And get one of your senior developers to look at common key phrases in gold selling e-mails. It's embarrassing that a multi-billion dollar corporation can't keep people from mass spamming hyperlinks using the game's internal e-mail. I've done this form of analysis, put some time into it and stop the in-game spam.
    14. It's no longer cute that Bioware is selling things on Cartel Market that are player-demanded and should be craftable but aren't. It screams unsophisticated cash grab. Here's looking at you black/black white/white dyes and high end crystals... If you didn't set a developer specifically aside to develop a whole new design just to sell on CM, you probably should be giving it to crafters instead... Giving us 200 schematics and ignoring us for 3-4 years isn't viable. You know it, we know it.
    15. Whoever does your music should be fired..... You have a Force scene of lifting the Gravestone into the air, and no Yoda/X-wing on Dagobah music? Fired.... Like Han shot Greedo first, FIRED. That was a horrible oversight. I suspect you have a developer on the team who's a closet Trekkie. Bring him to me...and no disintegrations.
    16. Fix the recommended initial sales cost for an item on GTN... Whoever comes up with that number, it's a joke. Get closer to the real cost or default it to average current cost of that product on GTN. Give it some meaning. You may as well have a default value of 1 credit with the way it works now. Part of the reason players come up with random sales costs is there's no reasonable guideline for what an item is worth. Make one; you shouldn't be introducing items into a live economy without the item having value (see comments in #8) and understanding that items/the outgoing credits impact on said economy.
    17. If mats or items have no use (doonium?) remove them, and don't wait 4 years to do it. Does anyone actually know what Hiridu crystals do? From where I sit, they're trash byproduct of farming midlithe crystals. We get so much trash when we're actually trying to farm mats worth something. Either make the mats useful, or get rid of the byproduct. Cold hard credits would at least save us a run to the vendor. Hemostatic Gel prior to KotFE were like this too; they're needed for the recruiting mission for the Alliance now, but otherwise they're still fairly worthless and oversupplied with no usage channel.


Just a few things in crafting that could use fixing.


THIS ^^^^ Possibly the best post I've read on here in a very long time! +1

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All of this whining about crafting is made by people who exploit crafting as a means to get more and more credits.


In my opinion, crafting in SWTOR was never meant to be that.


When I'm going to craft things that "sell well", then I'm rather going to hide that from the GTN and give it only friends - because someone at the GTN will buy it and then resell it for an much more expensive price.


And I don't support that. I'd rather hide my stuff and give it only to friends, then.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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All of this whining about crafting is made by people who exploit crafting as a means to get more and more credits.


In my opinion, crafting in SWTOR was never meant to be that.


When I'm going to craft things that "sell well", then I'm rather going to hide that from the GTN and give it only friends - because someone at the GTN will buy it and then resell it for an much more expensive price.


And I don't support that. I'd rather hide my stuff and give it only to friends, then.


"Exploit crafting as a means to get more and more credits"....you mean, like what the crafting professions exist for? The entire purpose of crafting is to supply the player base with materials while turning a virtual currency profit.

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"Exploit crafting as a means to get more and more credits"....you mean, like what the crafting professions exist for? The entire purpose of crafting is to supply the player base with materials while turning a virtual currency profit.


i believe and agree... the way crafting is now.... say for.... the highest level barrels/Armor mods/and hilt mods/ you goto loot the dark matter w/e from the ops or where ever you get it.. then R.E one.. to get the plan... schematic w/e... , that is ok , but other stuff... like Weapons. rare Armor, speeders. house items..., and dyes that are Rare and the black/black and white/black also White/white, which are besically the only ones people would pick if they had the option....should be Reverse engineerable as well.. cause the Player Market in a Whole is controlled by VERY high end Mats. or the Cartel Market... and it would make the game funner, if players had to craft Armor repair kits... WEapon REpair kits... even Speeder repair kits.. i know this isnt swg... but just giving it that , would make the market thrive and have players craft more... but in all i just dont think black/black dyes should be 8 mil... thats just wrong... but this is a good thread

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A mobile app for crafting would kill the market. Right now logging in and switching characters and picking missions takes time. Remove most of that hassle and everyone would have much more than they do now, including the rare mats. That would escalate matters.


I'm lost as to why crafters aren't given easy access to basic schematics for things like hilts, enhancements, mods and armorings that are for level 61+ characters (as they were given in every expac before this). I do feel like most of my crafters are useless for gearing alts and such.

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A mobile app for crafting would kill the market. Right now logging in and switching characters and picking missions takes time. Remove most of that hassle and everyone would have much more than they do now, including the rare mats. That would escalate matters.


I'm lost as to why crafters aren't given easy access to basic schematics for things like hilts, enhancements, mods and armorings that are for level 61+ characters (as they were given in every expac before this). I do feel like most of my crafters are useless for gearing alts and such.


thats a F#&%in awesome idea for real.. got my vote.

Edited by Foreignobjects
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