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Companion Affection Achievements in Fallen Empire


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Okay, I understand needing to 'remove' the achievements because it's going from affection to influence. But why not just move the achievements we have NOW to the archived section? We earned those achievements whether we dragged all 42 of those companions through every bit of content or spammed them with gifts. A lot of people spent anywhere from a little money to a lot of money on those gifts. Companions like Ashara were a pain in our *** to level up unless we were male and even still it'd be a pita.


And...why in the world would you change the title we got? Imperial Squad LEADER to Imperial Squad COMMANDER. Um, okay, it's whatever, but I don't see a reason for this.


Granted, I have both the 44 achievements for getting companions to 10,000 affection and I have all 42 companions to 1000 kills. That was tedious, especially on companions I don't normally use, but I got it done. I know you all said the 1000 kills would be retroactive, which is good.


Still, even if you had to move the achievements we have now for the affection, why REmove them? New players? Well, they should have been here sooner.


Name change? Just move the achievements we have now to the archive. You guys are moving the NIM achievements and Makeb Staged Weekly achievements to the archive, so why can't we get this moved to the archive too?


Bioware, I love and support SWTOR a lot, I really and truly do, but I sometimes wonder what you guys are smoking.

Edited by Eanelinea
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Achievements that are no longer possible to do... yes, no other game *EVER* had that problem. Nope, not one. What you say? WoW has it? Nah, can't be, because this is a completely new problem that needs a radically new solution. One that, in true EA form, will **** *** as many people as possible.


Wonder why I'm even commenting, when I haven't reached any of those achievements... it's just a decision that, really, I'm at a loss for words. It's kinda like when you see someone get beat up and you try to stop it, even though *you* are not the victim.

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Name change? Just move the achievements we have now to the archive. You guys are moving the NIM achievements and Makeb Staged Weekly achievements to the archive, so why can't we get this moved to the archive too?


Actually, they are not moving the Staged Weekly achievements (full disclosure, unless I missed a follow-up to that thread from Eric). They are removing them as well. They are archiving the NIM achievements for EV and KP. I suspect the reason is simple - they already have a tenuous relationship with RAIDers in this game and don't want to piss them off further by stripping achievements away. Now I cannot explain their disordered logic as to why that means it is okay to strip away non-raid achievements, but there you go. Classic Bioware.

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to me the companion achievements were important because the page looked so cool. I loved seeing a new portrait pop up, and getting to mouse over and see what new bonus it had. if the companions still get a cool display page, I'm happy. If we still get a bonus to our other toons, I'm even more happy.


The best achievements are the ones that give you an account wide perk.


The worst achievements are the ones that are class specific and only available once. Like that optional boss fight on korriban when you get your companion. I had to reroll to get that for some reason.

no wait the worst part of achievements are the this character only unlocks.


They are not removing THIS cool page. That will remain exactly as it is, including bonuses.

They are removing THIS achievement marked in red (and others of its type)

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Please, at the very least, do not add the ship droid into the kills count requirements. The Ship Droid is supposed to be a non-combatant. Its immersion breaking to have a C3-P0esque dandy bot and have to give them a blaster and go kill things with them as your companion, let alone go kill 1000 things.


Additionally, this is a 'bad idea™' in general. You're alienating the people who were your advocates. You're not going to suddenly replace these people with f2p players on the release of the new Star Wars movie. While the new movie may very well do very well in the theatres expecting it to turn into success for you is naive. The MMO market, even the 'casual MMO' market you are shifting the game towards is finite and it is made up of a specific group of people who very likely are already playing your game or played it, decided they didn't like it, and move on.


In my own industry, losing a customer is bad, but losing a customer and creating a 'detractor' is even worse. Retaining a customer is expensive, regaining a customer even more so, and battling the effects of net detractors even more than that. You are creating a core of people who will actively work to prevent you from gaining customers. They will express their opinions loudly and for a long time. Every time your product is mentioned by someone they will express their (negative) opinion about it.


Taking away achievements, destroying years of work RE'ing schematics and replacing it with a system where you are _equal_ to a brand new player who BOUGHT their level 60. You are making missteps that are angering a significant portion of your community and that you reveal these things so close to launch indicates you had some idea before the level of consternation you were going to create in your player base.


This continues to be a horrible mismanagement of your product Many of your 4.0 changes were ill-advised but 'livable' but each of these changes that affect a change to time/effort/money spent by your players, stripping them of something and then dangling it back in front of them saying that they can re-earn what they have already earned.. that is disrespectful and insulting.


I understand you feel a need to entice players to run the treadmill. I also understand you feel a need to allow players who start at level 60 to earn these achievements. But you know what, starting at level 60 is not necessary, it is a choice. Players who decide they want things other players who started at level 1 achieved should be made to go back and start at level 1 instead of stealing it from those players who already earned it so that some nebulous 'new' customer has an 'equal chance' because at that point you're counting your chickens before they hatch.


It is very poor form to insult and disrespect your current player base. It would have been far better advised just to create new achievements. and if your 'new' players wanted 'Old' achivements the game is ----> That way, login and start a new character at level 1.

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Please, at the very least, do not add the ship droid into the kills count requirements. The Ship Droid is supposed to be a non-combatant. Its immersion breaking to have a C3-P0esque dandy bot and have to give them a blaster and go kill things with them as your companion, let alone go kill 1000 things.


Given the fact that ship droid has never been in any of the achievements, this fear is pretty moot. At worse, he would be in the "shared" category, as he is shared across all the classes, just like HK and Treek are. and nothing in that category affected anything, ever.


Taking away achievements, destroying years of work RE'ing schematics and replacing it with a system where you are _equal_ to a brand new player who BOUGHT their level 60. You are making missteps that are angering a significant portion of your community and that you reveal these things so close to launch indicates you had some idea before the level of consternation you were going to create in your player base.


Except they are not doing that. Even if they kept crafting as it is now, all your hard earned RE'd schematics would be pretty useless compared to the new gear that you will still need to RE to learn. Bought 60 will not be in any way equal


answers in green

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Sucks doesn't it.


MotherF........... Hey Lando! What was that?


"This deal is getting worse all the time."

Say what?


We'll BW is altering the deal. Lets pray they don't alter it any further.


Worked on getting affection to max on 20+ companions to max by running multiple toons to max as well for completion sake and achievement points?

Spent the credits and time clicking gifts over and over and finishing the companions story?

Cared enough to actually do it all for the titles?


We'll guess what? You were a fool!

100% agree !!!

Lame !!

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Please, at the very least, do not add the ship droid into the kills count requirements. The Ship Droid is supposed to be a non-combatant. Its immersion breaking to have a C3-P0esque dandy bot and have to give them a blaster and go kill things with them as your companion, let alone go kill 1000 things.


I'm looking forward to it. I'm starting a sniper, and I think the droid will look very debonair in his butler outfit as he heals/tanks/dps for me. Everyone pulls their weight on my ship.


Additionally, this is a 'bad idea™' in general. You're alienating the people who were your advocates. You're not going to suddenly replace these people with f2p players on the release of the new Star Wars movie. While the new movie may very well do very well in the theatres expecting it to turn into success for you is naive. The MMO market, even the 'casual MMO' market you are shifting the game towards is finite and it is made up of a specific group of people who very likely are already playing your game or played it, decided they didn't like it, and move on.


Funny, I don't feel alienated.


Taking away achievements, destroying years of work RE'ing schematics and replacing it with a system where you are _equal_ to a brand new player who BOUGHT their level 60. You are making missteps that are angering a significant portion of your community and that you reveal these things so close to launch indicates you had some idea before the level of consternation you were going to create in your player base.


I don't feel angered either.



I understand you feel a need to entice players to run the treadmill. I also understand you feel a need to allow players who start at level 60 to earn these achievements. But you know what, starting at level 60 is not necessary, it is a choice. Players who decide they want things other players who started at level 1 achieved should be made to go back and start at level 1 instead of stealing it from those players who already earned it so that some nebulous 'new' customer has an 'equal chance' because at that point you're counting your chickens before they hatch.


It is very poor form to insult and disrespect your current player base. It would have been far better advised just to create new achievements. and if your 'new' players wanted 'Old' achivements the game is ----> That way, login and start a new character at level 1.


Why does it matter to you what others do?

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answers in green


Except you are wrong. They have already said they are adding kill achievements to the Ship Droid. Thus, to earn back titles you are losing, you have to go do the Kill Achievements to get them, and even if you, like myself, have already done all the current kill achievements you will be forced to go do the new ones for the Ship Droid before you can get a title you already earned back.


Go read the post:


As a note, the Achievements for "Loyalty to the [Class Name], which were granted for maxing Affection for all of that Classes Companions are going to be changed as well. Now, you will complete that Achievement by completing the "Kill x enemies with x as your active Companion" Achievements. To make up for the loss of Achievement points made via these changes, we have also adjusted the following:

  • We have increased the point values for the “Kill 1,000” Achievements from 5 to 20.
  • We have added a new “Devotion to the [Class]” Achievement for completing all of the “Kill 1,000” Achievements for a given Class/Faction. When completed, you will be granted the Imperial/Republic Squad Commander title respectively.
  • We have added “Kill x” Achievements for both ship droids.



To get a title you already earned back, you have to do the kill quests/achievements.

The ship droid has been added to these.


So a player who had the title before 4.0 will no longer have the title.

A player who had the title before 4.0 will have to go do additional work to achieve it, there is no possible way a player moving from 3.x to 4.0 could have the title. It would only be possible if they had the kill count achievement for the ship droid, which currently does not have a kill count achievement.


So you're wrong.


With regards to the other points, you are just as wrong.


When I load up and play SWTOR after 4.0 has been applied, all my craft skills at 500 will be different. A good portion of all RE'd skills will go away completely and wont even be archived depending on the skill. They are 'poof' gone.


In their place I'll have a completely new list of blue schematics. Covering everything from level 1 through level 65. I will have to go an re-RE everything through level 60 to have a roughly equivalent set of RE'd schematics to what I had previously. This will cost me additional credits, additional time, etc.


A NEW person logging in on the day of 4.0 and using their free level 60 will have a set of crafting skills to 500, they will have all the same skills I have and at the same level. So, despite all the work I have done previously, I am no different than any 'brand new' level 60. All my work and time and effort and credits etc are rendered completely null. I have to start over from scratch.


The system negatively affects my character ad their skills. They lose things they had prior and there is no compensation for their removal.

The system positively affects a brand new player because they get, for 'free', something I had to work to achieve. They are exactly equal to myself. If they have Biochem to 500 it will look, for all intents, exactly like my Biochem at 500. Even though previously I had unlocked tens upon tens of purple RE'd Implants to provide for friends, sale, myself on alts for leveling up.


Again, all to benefit a fictional at present, new player. Because BioWare seems to think that 4.0 is going to bring them more new players in conjunction with the Star Wars movies even though BioWare has already reached out to and engaged the majority of star wars fans who intersect in the group of MMO players. So, the loyal group that remains is getting 'punished' in order to satisfy an intangible group that may or may not (and my guess is it leans to may not) exist at all.


Its a very bad business decision because the group of people that are disaffected by this change will become net detractors and net detractors discourage any new customers as they take an active role in telling people how much they dislike the product and the products manufacturer. Increasing the business burden of attracting and attaching new customers. This is why they keep everything secret. They wanted to promise inducements and front load their subscriptions before dropping the various bombshells and their hope is that the 'new' players they attract will make up for it.. So, this is a huge gamble that will, if history is any guide, will not pay off for them. Unless they are banking on their own lack of success by shorting their own positions. :)

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I'm looking forward to it. I'm starting a sniper, and I think the droid will look very debonair in his butler outfit as he heals/tanks/dps for me. Everyone pulls their weight on my ship.




Funny, I don't feel alienated.




I don't feel angered either.




Why does it matter to you what others do?


Great, glad you're happy. You're in the minority of voices in this thread. My point never was that EVERY player was upset. I only indicated that a significant number were. If you want to make an argument about what is a significant number feel free.

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Except you are wrong. They have already said they are adding kill achievements to the Ship Droid. Thus, to earn back titles you are losing, you have to go do the Kill Achievements to get them, and even if you, like myself, have already done all the current kill achievements you will be forced to go do the new ones for the Ship Droid before you can get a title you already earned back.


Go read the post:




To get a title you already earned back, you have to do the kill quests/achievements.

The ship droid has been added to these.


So a player who had the title before 4.0 will no longer have the title.

A player who had the title before 4.0 will have to go do additional work to achieve it, there is no possible way a player moving from 3.x to 4.0 could have the title. It would only be possible if they had the kill count achievement for the ship droid, which currently does not have a kill count achievement.


So you're wrong.


With regards to the other points, you are just as wrong.


When I load up and play SWTOR after 4.0 has been applied, all my craft skills at 500 will be different. A good portion of all RE'd skills will go away completely and wont even be archived depending on the skill. They are 'poof' gone.


In their place I'll have a completely new list of blue schematics. Covering everything from level 1 through level 65. I will have to go an re-RE everything through level 60 to have a roughly equivalent set of RE'd schematics to what I had previously. This will cost me additional credits, additional time, etc.


A NEW person logging in on the day of 4.0 and using their free level 60 will have a set of crafting skills to 500, they will have all the same skills I have and at the same level. So, despite all the work I have done previously, I am no different than any 'brand new' level 60. All my work and time and effort and credits etc are rendered completely null. I have to start over from scratch.


The system negatively affects my character ad their skills. They lose things they had prior and there is no compensation for their removal.

The system positively affects a brand new player because they get, for 'free', something I had to work to achieve. They are exactly equal to myself. If they have Biochem to 500 it will look, for all intents, exactly like my Biochem at 500. Even though previously I had unlocked tens upon tens of purple RE'd Implants to provide for friends, sale, myself on alts for leveling up.


Again, all to benefit a fictional at present, new player. Because BioWare seems to think that 4.0 is going to bring them more new players in conjunction with the Star Wars movies even though BioWare has already reached out to and engaged the majority of star wars fans who intersect in the group of MMO players. So, the loyal group that remains is getting 'punished' in order to satisfy an intangible group that may or may not (and my guess is it leans to may not) exist at all.


Its a very bad business decision because the group of people that are disaffected by this change will become net detractors and net detractors discourage any new customers as they take an active role in telling people how much they dislike the product and the products manufacturer. Increasing the business burden of attracting and attaching new customers. This is why they keep everything secret. They wanted to promise inducements and front load their subscriptions before dropping the various bombshells and their hope is that the 'new' players they attract will make up for it.. So, this is a huge gamble that will, if history is any guide, will not pay off for them. Unless they are banking on their own lack of success by shorting their own positions. :)


Pretty sure the Droid wasn't there last time I read it

There will be no player who had the Squad Commander title prior to 4.0, because there is no Squad Commander title. There is Squad Leader title, and nobody said what is happening to that one.


What is going poof are schematics for mods, because they are moving them around. So sure, the credits you spend over the last 4 or how many years will be gone, but by selling them you surely have earned way more than you put in, right? You were not REing stuff just to look and colorful list, right?

However, I am sure you are aware that the market for low level mods has dropped significantly since 12XP started, as everybody gets so many comms for dirt cheap mods that they can upgrade every 5 levels. so the chances are, even if your precious schematics remained untouched, they would not be selling. If you make your money by crafting high end gear, you would need to RE the new best gear anyway, as nobody is going to buy REd mod that is very much useless compared to current endgame gear.

However, speaking about Biochem, no mention of its schematics being removed was stated. They said they are buffing the low level stims to be equal in duration and crated numbers to the current Anodyne stime. So again, there is a good chance your main source of income will remain as it is.

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It is good to always be remembered as "the first MMO to do x-thing." But I do not think you want to be remembered as "The first MMO to strip players of titles just because you do not plan to give them to future players." That's just underhanded. Your other changes, controversial as they have been, I have been able to find some sort of reasoning behind. But this ... there is no reasoning for this.


PLEASE tell me this article is just poorly written, and that this is all a big miscommunication, and that by "removing" you really mean "locking" so no future players can get the titles but current ones get to keep them.


Eric or someone - clarification PLEASE?


I hope they will post about this during the week now that the cosplay event is over. I agree, they could change them as achievements and lock them in the archieve section. Removing them makes still no sense at all, they only have to look at the posts in this thread to gather enough feedback that the community does not like that things players have worked for gets taken away.

Edited by Icestar
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You are actually taking away achievements that we earned in this game by running multiple classes and maxing affection. This is a great way to treat people that have been playing your game for long term.


I rarely post to complain about changes, but this time I have to sound off. This change to the game stinks.

Edited by WorldSmasher
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This is what annoys me greatly about this whole thing.


The majority of us (not all of us but a good majority) have been here since Launch or a little after that. So approximately four years, give or take.


We played, we paid, we leveled toons from 1-50, 1-55, or 1-60 (depending on when we started and how many toons we have). We've been here for the good times, the bad times, and the *** times. We had to pick crafting 'jobs' and get it to 400, 450, and 500. With time, effort, and money.


Yes, credits are easy to obtain, but it still takes time to get them and effort if we sell items.


So then we have Bioware giving us instant 60s. It's fine for veterans or people with more than one toon who did all of the above and can get away with crafting automatically being 500 and such.


But I don't understand why Bioware is letting completely new people, brand spanking new people, just hop right in, do absolutely nothing whatsoever and get free gear, free companions, a free auto 60, free crafting and the like. I know they want people to try the story out right away. But they are annoying their already here playerbase. Sure, there are people here who've been here years who will make an auto 60, that's fine, they've put in their 'blood, sweat and tears' in this game in some variation.


You know, I wasn't going to go off legendary icon or not, but because of everything, I think now I will unless I see their achievements and see if they have any from 2013-2014. Anything after and I'll consider them a clueless newb. Just...arg.


Edit: Forgot the main point. It's like achievements, the 'new' people can't get them, oh noes, so remove them completely. Sure, if you want to make changes, do so, but just put them in the archive section and if a newbie asks we tell them 'were you here from 2.0 to 4.0? No? well that's why they're unobtainable now'.


I understand they want new people, but if 50% of current subs leave, I seriously SERIOUSLY doubt 50% new people will come, stay, and replace those who left.

Edited by Eanelinea
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Hey folks,

we are going to be removing all of the "Reach Max Affection" Achievements from the game, along with the Achievement points which they have granted. We didn't want to create a situation where a very large number of Achievement points was no longer accessible. .


Just want to add my voice to the "this is not a good idea" side. I think this is rather MORE unfair to the folks who played the game and worked to get those achievments than to the new players who may or may not even be aware that they existed.


It's like giving out a pre-order bonus, then turning around and taking that bonus away because all the people who DIDN'T pre-order can't get it. Well, that's not the fault of the folks who DID pre-order, so why penalize them?


Leave the old achievments in there; just archive them like old schematics.

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We played, we paid, we leveled toons from 1-50, 1-55, or 1-60 (depending on when we started and how many toons we have). We've been here for the good times, the bad times, and the *** times. We had to pick crafting 'jobs' and get it to 400, 450, and 500. With time, effort, and money.


The crafting skill tiers are absolutely arbitrary things without any real point to them. Not to mention they are so dirt cheap they might as well be free (yes, I do not consider 10 minutes of daily quests a major investment), they are just annoyance that stop people from leveling up the skill more.


But I don't understand why Bioware is letting completely new people, brand spanking new people, just hop right in, do absolutely nothing whatsoever and get free gear, free companions, a free auto 60, free crafting and the like. I know they want people to try the story out right away. But they are annoying their already here playerbase. Sure, there are people here who've been here years who will make an auto 60, that's fine, they've put in their 'blood, sweat and tears' in this game in some variation.


They get free gear that is absolute crap compared to what a "dedicated" player might have (blue 188s). It is a gear that might be fine for clearing the story, but otherwise is totally useless.


Companions were always "free", you couldn't avoid getting them during your class story.


They get one preset group of crafting skills. That is surely going to bring down the entire market...


And if you seriously cannot understand why they want new people to be able to jump straight into a story that is supposed to be a return to what they always wanted, instead of copying WoW, then I don't think you will understand any explanation


Edit: Forgot the main point. It's like achievements, the 'new' people can't get them, oh noes, so remove them completely. Sure, if you want to make changes, do so, but just put them in the archive section and if a newbie asks we tell them 'were you here from 2.0 to 4.0? No? well that's why they're unobtainable now'.


"Feats of Strength" are one of the things that is seriously annoying to any newcomers. It is the game taunting you "you were not here 5 years ago, so suck it". If there is an achievement, it should be obtainable.


I understand they want new people, but if 50% of current subs leave, I seriously SERIOUSLY doubt 50% new people will come, stay, and replace those who left.


Except it is nowhere near even 5% that will leave. The forums contain a tiny fraction of playerbase reading, much less posting. So unless these people will launch onto 4chan and other boards and spew hate on the game, like some people did around the launch, nothing will happen. And if they did, it will lead to the game dying, and them gluming over to another thing to hate on.



Answers in green

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Answers in green


"Feats of Strength" are one of the things that is seriously annoying to any newcomers. It is the game taunting you "you were not here 5 years ago, so suck it". If there is an achievement, it should be obtainable.



Then that might be a good reason to leave them IN the game and just change the word "affection" to "influence".


Instead of taunting the old players with "Hey the newbies can't get all the stuff you did so instead of making a way for them to get it too, we're taking it away from you...suck it."


IMO It's just a bad idea. Not bad enough that I'm quitting over it; but just annoying enough to at least say something about it.

Edited by Taramayne
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IMO It's just a bad idea. Not bad enough that I'm quitting over it; but just annoying enough to at least say something about it.


I feel the same, it is not enough to quit the game over them deleting achievements but they really should step in and change them to archieved.


They did remove my interest to do achievements.

Edited by Icestar
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I feel the same, it is not enough to quit the game over them deleting achievements but they really should step in and change them to archieved.


They did remove my interest to do achievements.



And that feeling -- that's how a lot of us feel about many of the changes in 4.0... why should we get "invested" in anything when Bioware has shown that anything and everything can be fundamentally changed or simply removed at the drop of a hat, as the whim strikes them?

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Then that might be a good reason to leave them IN the game and just change the word "affection" to "influence".


Instead of taunting the old players with "Hey the newbies can't get all the stuff you did so instead of making a way for them to get it too, we're taking it away from you...suck it."


IMO It's just a bad idea. Not bad enough that I'm quitting over it; but just annoying enough to at least say something about it.


I never actually said I am fine with the deletion.


I too do not understand the reasoning behind it, and why it couldn't be redone to "get to influence level Y with companion X", but I assume there IS a good reason for it instead of just "lulz, lets delete this stuff".


I just think that people are needlessly blowing it out of proportion, just like they do with every 4.0 change that has the potential to make this game better for everyone, not just us old farts who have been here for over 4 years.

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And that feeling -- that's how a lot of us feel about many of the changes in 4.0... why should we get "invested" in anything when Bioware has shown that anything and everything can be fundamentally changed or simply removed at the drop of a hat, as the whim strikes them?


Invest in the stock market, not video games.

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potential to make this game better for everyone, not just us old farts who have been here for over 4 years.


*cups hand against ear* What, sonny? Speak up, sonny, you keep whispering!




GET OFF MY LAWN!! *shakes cane at newbies*


Yeah, I'm an old fart who's been here for 4 years. :p

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And if you seriously cannot understand why they want new people to be able to jump straight into a story that is supposed to be a return to what they always wanted, instead of copying WoW, then I don't think you will understand any explanation


No, I know why to some extent, but it's like they think 1 million newbies will suddenly find swtor (they sell it at Best Buy) and go 'oh lookie star wars!' and play and play and pay and pay. Sure, SOME will come and stay, but some will realize this isn't Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker and skiddadle. So....

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I never actually said I am fine with the deletion.


I too do not understand the reasoning behind it, and why it couldn't be redone to "get to influence level Y with companion X", but I assume there IS a good reason for it instead of just "lulz, lets delete this stuff".


I just think that people are needlessly blowing it out of proportion, just like they do with every 4.0 change that has the potential to make this game better for everyone, not just us old farts who have been here for over 4 years.


It wouldn't hurt for them to justify part of the decision process though?

I mean considering the negative feedback and how everyone is perceiving the change ( you're deleting this but you really don't have to - why punish us basically ) you would think they could at least get a dev to put in a quick reasoning behind the decision.


Sure debate will rage but at least then it won't be entirely against the decision as there will be people who will see the reasoning behind it.


Currently I really don't see any reasoning that would be considered valid. As long as people are just keeping achievements and titles and nothing game changing what harm does it do? There are many achievements and titles in the game the older players have that new players can't get any more so why not just leave people with it if they earned it and archive it away ... whath arm could have that really done?


Considering the increasingly bad light 4.0 is painting within the community changes like this just seems somewhat retarded really ... why do something else to piss people off even further? I can justify a lot of what BW do and where they come from but this one was just a bit of an intentional slap in the face to long time palyers for no reason other than "we don't want new players to be jealous of shiny title and achievement" ... even though they blatantly told us to go and do exactly this for Makeb heh ... hypocrites.

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