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Darth Marr


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Let the Sith fans pay respects to the most sensible and pragmatic Darksided character of the entire Star Wars franchise.

Intimidating, charistmatic and memorable, he was definately one of the best and most memorable Starwars characters put into a videogame.


Darth Marr who managed to be imposing yet reasonable and keep the Sith Empire made up of backstabbing, psychotic Sith work instead of falling apart instantly. While Vowran seemed sane himself, Marr somehow managed to hold the whole council together. That included the crazy Zorrid, the no-reason-i-kill-you Thanaton and of course, Ravage.


I wonder if this is how the Sith Empire is meant to be destroyed, since we know it won't exist in the era of Darth Bane. If you will miss Marr, you won't be alone!

Edited by CommunityDroidEN
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I had held out hope that he wouldn't die, but alas my dreams of a strong and breathing Marr through KotFE were not meant to be. I will avenge the Empire that he worked so hard to keep together, and change for the better.
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Let the Sith fans pay respects to the most sensible and pragmatic Darksided character of the entire Star Wars franchise.

Intimidating, charistmatic and memorable, he was definately one of the best and most memorable Starwars characters put into a videogame.


Darth Marr who managed to be imposing yet reasonable and keep the Sith Empire made up of backstabbing, psychotic Sith work instead of falling apart instantly. While Vowran seemed sane himself, Marr somehow managed to hold the whole council together. That included the crazy Zorrid, the no-reason-i-kill-you Thanaton and of course, Ravage.


I wonder if this is how the Sith Empire is meant to be destroyed, since we know it won't exist in the era of Darth Bane. If you will miss Marr, you won't be alone!


since the EU/legends has no baring any more on the timeline, the developers at BW can do what they please to their stories on swtor, including ignoring Darth Bane. so we are yet to learn what the true fate of both sides will be.


as for Darth Marr i still think that its a false death, played out specifically like that as a teaser to make people think hes dead, but irrespective of if you kneel or not, the emperor zaps you as well and you both wake up in a kolto tank each as its being drained away. we do not know half of the story yet to think that its all over yet.


i still hope there is the chance to save Darth Marr though, he is one cool cat.

Edited by Celise
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EU Has every bit of bearing that it always did. TOR is 99% built on EU and can't be separated. Unless they want to leapfrog thousands of years in time, they have the perfect storytelling medium, lots of vagueness in the era and the like...three thousand years following, to do as they wish without disturbing the classic and true canon.


Disney's FU (Fake Universe) is a joke. They can call it canon if they want, but I am not committing a dime of my money to their trash franchise reboot. I have been spending it all on TOR.

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EU Has every bit of bearing that it always did. TOR is 99% built on EU and can't be separated. Unless they want to leapfrog thousands of years in time, they have the perfect storytelling medium, lots of vagueness in the era and the like...three thousand years following, to do as they wish without disturbing the classic and true canon.


Disney's FU (Fake Universe) is a joke. They can call it canon if they want, but I am not committing a dime of my money to their trash franchise reboot. I have been spending it all on TOR.


Coudn't Have Said Myself.

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EU Has every bit of bearing that it always did. TOR is 99% built on EU and can't be separated. Unless they want to leapfrog thousands of years in time, they have the perfect storytelling medium, lots of vagueness in the era and the like...three thousand years following, to do as they wish without disturbing the classic and true canon.


Disney's FU (Fake Universe) is a joke. They can call it canon if they want, but I am not committing a dime of my money to their trash franchise reboot. I have been spending it all on TOR.


oh?:D and uh, what was it that abrams did when he was first hired? -- ah yeah, he demolished EU from soft canon and turned it into speculative and non canon. do not attempt to bait me any further with your invalid claim, its happened and this is the world we live in now. doesnt matter what you think has baring, it does not and thats the fact here.


BW also know this that if EU had continued before abrams demolished it, this fallen empire business probably wouldnt of happened, regardless of hypertheticals, we have what we have. i dunno what thats got to do with Darth Marr though.

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since the EU/legends has no baring any more on the timeline, the developers at BW can do what they please to their stories on swtor, including ignoring Darth Bane. so we are yet to learn what the true fate of both sides will be.


The Empire as it is can not survive, if it changes and survives, it will no longer be the Empire.

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EU Has every bit of bearing that it always did. TOR is 99% built on EU and can't be separated. Unless they want to leapfrog thousands of years in time, they have the perfect storytelling medium, lots of vagueness in the era and the like...three thousand years following, to do as they wish without disturbing the classic and true canon.


Disney's FU (Fake Universe) is a joke. They can call it canon if they want, but I am not committing a dime of my money to their trash franchise reboot. I have been spending it all on TOR.


So... you're not a Star wars fan then lol

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Darth Marr who managed to be imposing yet reasonable and keep the Sith Empire made up of backstabbing, psychotic Sith work instead of falling apart instantly.

I agree! It's a nice change of pace to see a Sith who desires to strengthen the existing Empire instead of trying to burn it down to rule it himself. Even crazier, Marr didn't kill his apprentice, and I don't believe Lachris attempted to murder him either. Madness! :)


There aren't a whole lot of Sith 'role models' in the sense of someone fully Dark Side who isn't a total megalomaniac, and that makes Marr one of my favorite characters. I hope his fate in the expansion isn't final.

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I agree! It's a nice change of pace to see a Sith who desires to strengthen the existing Empire instead of trying to burn it down to rule it himself. Even crazier, Marr didn't kill his apprentice, and I don't believe Lachris attempted to murder him either. Madness! :)


There aren't a whole lot of Sith 'role models' in the sense of someone fully Dark Side who isn't a total megalomaniac, and that makes Marr one of my favorite characters. I hope his fate in the expansion isn't final.


not madness, marr wants to see a united and loyal force of imperials and sith alike in the empire. he wouldnt murder Lachris, not unless she has commited some grave mistake that will only end in her execution to save Darth Marr's own combat suit.

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Welp The Republic and Empire seems to be near wiped in Kotfe so my Idea


The classes gets even higher praise

The Jedi knight becomes the leader of the Jedi councill, more characters are added to it after everyone in it is slain. Class story line revolves around recruiting jedi to the new council.


Jedi Consular becomes the grand Chancellor of the republic after every senator is slain in the Zakuul empire attack on Coruscant. Class quest revolves around rebuilding the senate and rising Coruscant from it's ashes once more.


Trooper becomes the general of the republic and reforms the republic military after it's completely destroyed by the Zakuul Empire.


The smuggler becomes the Sherrif of the republic with Underworld connections. With the republic near destroyed the class quest will make the Smuggler seek aid from the underworld in aid of the republic.


Sith warrior gets a spot on the Dark councill and becomes both the Wrath and the general of the Empire. Class quest will revolve around gathering a force and crushing the Zakuul armies.


Sith Inquistor becomes the new Darth marr and must raise the fallen empire *Ba dum tss* from it's ashes into a new empire. After all She/he said that he/she would rebuild the empire in his/her image.


Imperial agent the leader of the Space Illuminati lends his//her forces to the Empire. Becomes Lana benikos personal Advisor/assassin. Gets to bang her.


Mandolorian is what it is.

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Sith Inquistor becomes the new Darth marr and must raise the fallen empire *Ba dum tss* from it's ashes into a new empire. After all She/he said that he/she would rebuild the empire in his/her image.


If that idiot is allowed to rebuild the Empire, it makes so much sense how it fell...

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We know that Darth acina becomes Sith empress in KOTFE. So no point getting your hopes up. The sith inquisitor is no longer on the dark council he is the 'outlander' of the alliance. Everyone has been demoted to the same status. Feel free to search Torcommunity.com and check upcoming codexs if you do not believe me. Edited by SirRickson
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We know that Darth acina becomes Sith empress in KOTFE. So no point getting your hopes up. The sith inquisitor is no longer on the dark council he is the 'outlander' of the alliance. Everyone has been demoted to the same status. Feel free to search Torcommunity.com and check upcoming codexs if you do not believe me.


Makes sense, after all, why put a frozen sith lord on the throne ...

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acina was handpicked by the emperors hand to become a dark council member, if its true then i would not be surprised if she attacked the other council members to take over the empire and in effect become a puppet and tool for valkorion/vitiate/tenebrae.
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So... you're not a Star wars fan then lol


Ummm...Star Wars fan of 1977-April 25, 2015. I am a Star Wars fanatic. April 26, 2015 to present? Pure trash parading as Star Wars.


That is like saying if you thought Batman and Robin is terrible...then you hate Batman...logical fallacy.




Came here looking to see if a cherished update to our boy was here. :(


People keep jerking me around, saying he CAN be saved. I have seen no evidence, anywhere beyond the achievement to suggest this. Am I correct?

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People keep jerking me around, saying he CAN be saved. I have seen no evidence, anywhere beyond the achievement to suggest this. Am I correct?

You know best what you have seen, or not :)

But I haven't seen anything either. It's hard to see how they would have split the story with someone of the 'magnitude' of Darth Marr. Unless you only save him to see him die shortly thereafter. And that would be a mean thing to do. :(

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