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Darth Nox vs Mace Windu


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I'm so bored I might as well rip this **** apart.


So outside of canon he's the best duelist ever? What a stupid argument then. Again, I consider SWTOR part canon, so maybe that's why I keep arguing this with you, but if you consider TOR and Disney-Canon the only real SW lore, then I'm correct and none of your sources mean diddly squat unless they are canon. If you discount TOR as canon, then the only fact is that Mace is *considered* *one* of the best of THAT ERA. Not *all time*.


Those quotes are all just as canon as Nox herself is. You can't cherry-pick what you consider canon and what not...


Some of your sources even contradict. "Master Yoda is reputed to be the greatest lightsaber master ever" /=/ "Only Masters Yoda and Mace Windu were considered to be on equal terms with him [Dooku]". And if you're dragging Dooku into this as on par with Yoda and Mace, then you'd best make Anakin on par too, cuz he killed Dooku, AND cut off Mace's hand. I just see too many contradictions.


They don't contradict anything. Yoda was the best, but Dooku and Mace were equal terms with him as duelists. That doesn't mean they'll always stalemate or anything. And Anakin could only kill Dooku because he was more powerful, had the stylistic advantage and had a pocket Obi-Wan with him.


Sidious beat Yoda, causing him to flee from the Senate building, so Sidious is stronger than Yoda. However, you and others in this thread then claim Mace is better than Sidious and Sidious lost to him. So now Mace is better than Yoda by this line of logic, but Mace and Yoda are supposed to be at *least* equal.


You need to familiarize yourself with basic Star Wars concepts. Force power and lightsaber skills are not the same. Yoda was actually quite equal with Sidious, he lost because of circumstances. Mace's victory is debatable, but either way he was heavily amped.


I really don't care if me explaining to you that ancient and commonly known Force techniques were lost and became secrets by the time Yoda and the PT came along causes you to lose respect for me. How am I uneducated or illiterate? Why personal attacks? You have to remember this was in a time where Force ghosts were so common NORMAL people knew about them, the Force was so common everyone in the Galaxy knew about it, and new and amazing abilities were being discovered or created all the time, because they actually had study into it. Those Force users would have an incredibly extensive knowledge of the Force and all it's applications. It was an academic field. In the PT most people don't believe in the Force anymore and not even the Jedi believe Force ghosts can exist, AT ALL! (which is also contradicting within the canon, as Yoda met Bane's Force Ghost in the Clone Wars cartoon, claimed he existed no longer and then Bane disappeared. How come you cant do the same to Qui-Gon's ghost? I call BS.)

You haven't made any case why the OR era would have more knowledge than the PT era. The Jedi Order was improving for a thousand years under the guidence of Yoda, they were constantly perparing for war. And the Rule of the Two made sure that every apprentice is more skilled, more powerful and more knowledgable then his/her master.


The culmination of the Rule of the Two was Sidious who knew every power:


Palpatine has spent decades studying the most arcane and esoteric Jedi disciplines. It is believed that he has mastered nearly all the known powers, previously unknown powers, and devises new ones at his pleasure.

—Dark Empire Sourcebook


Yet Yoda was just as powerful as him thanks to his knowledge:


Yoda's knowledge of the Force makes him just as powerful as Darth Sidious.

—Star Wars: Mysteries of the Jedi

Edited by cs_zoltan
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so outside of canon he's the best duelist ever? What a stupid argument then. Again, i consider swtor part canon, so maybe that's why i keep arguing this with you, but if you consider tor and disney-canon the only real sw lore, then i'm correct and none of your sources mean diddly squat unless they are canon. If you discount tor as canon, then the only fact is that mace is *considered* *one* of the best of that era. Not *all time*.


Some of your sources even contradict. "master yoda is reputed to be the greatest lightsaber master ever" /=/ "only masters yoda and mace windu were considered to be on equal terms with him [dooku]". And if you're dragging dooku into this as on par with yoda and mace, then you'd best make anakin on par too, cuz he killed dooku, and cut off mace's hand. I just see too many contradictions.


Sidious beat yoda, causing him to flee from the senate building, so sidious is stronger than yoda. However, you and others in this thread then claim mace is better than sidious and sidious lost to him. So now mace is better than yoda by this line of logic, but mace and yoda are supposed to be at *least* equal.


I really don't care if me explaining to you that ancient and commonly known force techniques were lost and became secrets by the time yoda and the pt came along causes you to lose respect for me. How am i uneducated or illiterate? Why personal attacks? You have to remember this was in a time where force ghosts were so common normal people knew about them, the force was so common everyone in the galaxy knew about it, and new and amazing abilities were being discovered or created all the time, because they actually had study into it. Those force users would have an incredibly extensive knowledge of the force and all it's applications. It was an academic field. In the pt most people don't believe in the force anymore and not even the jedi believe force ghosts can exist, at all! (which is also contradicting within the canon, as yoda met bane's force ghost in the clone wars cartoon, claimed he existed no longer and then bane disappeared. How come you cant do the same to qui-gon's ghost? I call bs.)


if this vs argument considers all the actually really stupid eu stuff that makes mary sue characters, sure mace windu(oeu) might win.

swtor is not canon!!!

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My opinion:

Prequel era is some kind of dark/middle ages to superior ancient times of SWTOR.

The Jedi were unused to fighting equal opponents, they concentrated on fighting criminals or other outlaws -the Sith were all long forgotten. Dooku was so superior duelist because he practiced Form 2, which was uncommon among the Jedi as they didn't have to lightsaber duel anyone. So the average war hardened SWTOR Jedi/Sith is superior to average Jedi prequel era.


That being said, Mace Windu is an exceptional warrior talent and would be a formidable opponent to any combatant. Him beating Sidious is a sentiment for that.

Nox is more of a scheming, knowledgable, cunning sith lord, not exactly a battlefield meterial. A good candidate for the Dark Council, not exactly a fighter. In my view Nox would not stand a chance in a duel against the Wrath, Hero of Tython and not to Windu, as this is not an area of expertise Nox is good at.

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I'm so bored I might as well rip this **** apart.


K well good luck lol



Those quotes are all just as canon as Nox herself is. You can't cherry-pick what you consider canon and what not...


Just as canon, so not at all, yet? The difference is TOR can become canon at any time. All those sources will never be. Ever.


They don't contradict anything. Yoda was the best, but Dooku and Mace were equal terms with him as duelists. That doesn't mean they'll always stalemate or anything. And Anakin could only kill Dooku because he was more powerful, had the stylistic advantage and had a pocket Obi-Wan with him.


You cannot be the best swordsman in the Jedi Order and also have equals. You're either the best or not. It is a contradiction. Anakin being more powerful means absolute dick. Power means NOTHING in saber fights if you knew anything about how Sith and Jedi duel you'd know it's all about technique and skill and LUCK. The physical strength behind blows is almost irrelevant. Don't try and bring up Luke vs Vader either. Vader wasn't nearly as agile or skilled after losing his limbs.


You need to familiarize yourself with basic Star Wars concepts. Force power and lightsaber skills are not the same. Yoda was actually quite equal with Sidious, he lost because of circumstances. Mace's victory is debatable, but either way he was heavily amped.


No one is trying to say they're the same. Yoda lost because he's old as crap and he couldn't hold out. Wanna pretend it was something else? Your prerogative.



You haven't made any case why the OR era would have more knowledge than the PT era. The Jedi Order was improving for a thousand years under the guidence of Yoda, they were constantly perparing for war. And the Rule of the Two made sure that every apprentice is more skilled, more powerful and more knowledgable then his/her master.


The culmination of the Rule of the Two was Sidious who knew every power:


Palpatine has spent decades studying the most arcane and esoteric Jedi disciplines. It is believed that he has mastered nearly all the known powers, previously unknown powers, and devises new ones at his pleasure.

—Dark Empire Sourcebook


Yet Yoda was just as powerful as him thanks to his knowledge:


Yoda's knowledge of the Force makes him just as powerful as Darth Sidious.

—Star Wars: Mysteries of the Jedi


Yay more non-canon sources that mean diddly. Guess what? I have provided evidence that is canon, that OR era force users knew more than PT force users. Ready? I'm gonna repeat myself again so get ready. In the Old Republic, the Force is so common that normal people in obscure systems know of it and even of Force Ghosts, okay? Both sides have force ghosts, dark and light. Now in the PT, barely anyone knows about the Force throughout the Galaxy. Only some in the galaxy even know Jedi exist anymore and no one even believes in force ghosts at all. Yoda says Qui-Gon "discovered the secret" (meaning they lost the damn knowledge, you jerks, they didn't know DONG compared to OR) to staying a force ghost after dying. Mace acts incredulous like he believed it was impossible. That enough damn evidence for you guys?

Edited by Dagoz
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Mace Windu's primary advantages are his skills with a Lightsaber and finding a shatterpoint to exploit. But Darth Nox doesn't fights in conventional manner. Darth Nox have advantage in the matters of command of the Force and draws strength from several Force ghosts to fuel his raw power and bolster his defenses. I believe that Darth Nox will be able to dictate the course of this contest on his terms and utterly destroy Mace Windu with overwhelming raw power and sorcery-oriented techniques. Edited by S_W_LeGenD
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Mace Windu's primary advantages are his skills with a Lightsaber and finding a shatterpoint to exploit. But Darth Nox doesn't fights in conventional manner. Darth Nox have advantage in the matters of command of the Force and draws strength from several Force ghosts to fuel his raw power and bolster his defenses. I believe that Darth Nox will be able to dictate the course of this contest on his terms and utterly destroy Mace Windu with overwhelming raw power and sorcery-oriented techniques.


Pshhwft. (random farting sound) No way. This contest would be over before Nox could even finish casting one spell. Windu be all like: "Oops. In you, my lightsaber is." (he's doing a Yoda impression)

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Pshhwft. (random farting sound) No way. This contest would be over before Nox could even finish casting one spell. Windu be all like: "Oops. In you, my lightsaber is." (he's doing a Yoda impression)

You are "assuming" that Darth Nox cannot respond to moves of Mace Windu.

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You are "assuming" that Mace cannot respond to Nox's sorcery....or that she is more powerful.

Mace Windu can respond to Force Lightning by virtue of his command of Vaapad technique; this is evident from his performance against Darth Sidious. However, does Windu have an answer for every Dark Side power? Unlikely.


Darth Nox can utilize Force Drain powers to overcome Mace Windu. No rocket science here.


As for the raw power factor; Darth Nox can augment his strength to insane levels by drawing energy from several Force ghosts bind to him. At this point, I don't think a mortal have any hope to trade punches with him. This is evident from the fate of Darth Thanaton (a Force-user officially stated to have insurmountable strength). Even if we assume that this augmentation is temporary, the opponent is likely to be knocked-out or dead by the time the augmentation subsides.

Edited by S_W_LeGenD
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Nox needed 6 more people to beat Revan. I didn't see her ghost stomping there, nor her esoterics...


Revan is a Vader level combatant (although I find him slightly inferior both as a duelist and a force user). Mace alone would give Vader a good fight, give him one more backup, like Satele for example, and he wins handily.

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Nox needed 6 more people to beat Revan. I didn't see her ghost stomping there, nor her esoterics...


Revan is a Vader level combatant (although I find him slightly inferior both as a duelist and a force user). Mace alone would give Vader a good fight, give him one more backup, like Satele for example, and he wins handily.


Not sure I agree on the Revan/Vader point but regardless...


I really don't see how anyone could argue Nox would beat Mace Windu, even on Movie feats alone (aka actual canon) Mace is superior by quite a huge margin. Nox is no push over of course but Mace Windu is an extremely powerful Jedi, capable of holding his own against and defeating Sidious (in lightsaber combat).

Edited by RTCBrad
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Nox needed 6 more people to beat Revan. I didn't see her ghost stomping there, nor her esoterics...


Revan is a Vader level combatant (although I find him slightly inferior both as a duelist and a force user). Mace alone would give Vader a good fight, give him one more backup, like Satele for example, and he wins handily.

Darth Nox's involvement in that confrontation cannot be proven. We don't know exactly who confronted Revan from among the protagonists. Though official BioWare trailer(s) seem to imply involvement of a Jedi hero. Could be Hero of Tython?


My point is that only the (individualistic) story-content (level 1 - 50) highlight the true capabilities of each protagonist. Afterwards, things become blurry in BioWare story-telling.


As for Revan, I believe that he is more powerful then Darth Vader.

Edited by S_W_LeGenD
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She needed help in the Foundry as well, and she had ghosts by then.

Officially, an Imperial Strike Team was dispatched to confront Revan on the Foundry. Ambiguous.


Even if we assume that Darth Nox was involved in the Foundry mission, we don't know that at what point this confrontation happened. It is all ambiguous.


Moreover, Revan teleported from the Foundry to an undisclosed location, and this event implies that the Strike Team in question was too much for him to handle.

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Officially, an Imperial Strike Team was dispatched to confront Revan on the Foundry. Ambiguous.


Even if we assume that Darth Nox was involved in the Foundry mission, we don't know that at what point this confrontation happened. It is all ambiguous.




Here's something that's not ambiguous: Thanaton was not the most powerful member of the Dark Council. Marr was. Marr hardly goes above Maul. Windu > Maul.


I don't even know why I'm trying tho, you'll never concede that a PT era character would beat someone from the OR era.

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Here's something that's not ambiguous: Thanaton was not the most powerful member of the Dark Council. Marr was. Marr hardly goes above Maul. Windu > Maul.


I don't even know why I'm trying tho, you'll never concede that a PT era character would beat someone from the OR era.

Darth Marr also believed that he may not witness downfall of Darth Thanaton in his life because the latter was so strong.


Whether Darth Marr became the most powerful member of the Dark Council in his era or not at some point, is open to debate. However, at the time of demise of Darth Thanaton, Darth Marr was past his prime due to aging factor and the toll of heavy dark side practices on him.



Revelations from the latest content:


Vitiate is implied to not being a Sith, so Darth Nox is implied to be the most powerful Sith in the galaxy. Arcann mentions this to Darth Nox.



Mace Windu and Darth Maul have exchanged blows at one point and Windu did not achieve any breakthrough in this confrontation, per my knowledge. Mother Talzin also managed to hold her own against Windu in a melee-oriented clash. You are evaluating Windu only from the perspective of his performance against Darth Sidious, not realizing the fact that duels in Star Wars aren't so black and white.


More importantly, I would advice you to refrain from accusations. I get the impression from your posts that anybody barring Vitiate is a joke in comparison to PT-era champions, and this is far-fetched.

Edited by S_W_LeGenD
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She needed help in the Foundry as well, and she had ghosts by then.


And Windu needed help against Sidious. He brought 3 other Jedi with him. Maybe the only reason Windu was able to gain the upper hand is because his fellow Jedi sacrificed themselves first.


Why do you refer to Nox as a she? Officially Nox doesn't have a canon gender. Seems like the only one giving opinions on any of this is you.

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She needed help in the Foundry as well, and she had ghosts by then.


...haha now you are grasping at straws....

We have to decide what is there for the sake of the gameplay and what is not. Otherwise we have...what....four of the greatest force users (after the emperor ofcourse) that are,,,,weaker than gun wielding mandalorians? And alot weaker if we use gameplay for the power level of our chars:)

Imo we simply can't be sure of Darth Nox's abilities. What does Mace Windu fight....some double-bladed saber wielding force user (and imo assassins/shadows are very good at close combat) that can leech life and vanish at will and on top of that can self heal his/her wounds and probably have minor regeneration? Or some above average force user that somhow (with great luck) survived Korriban's academy and all her/his powers come from the ghosts?


Here's something that's not ambiguous: Thanaton was not the most powerful member of the Dark Council. Marr was. Marr hardly goes above Maul. Windu > Maul.


How do you know Marr is the most powerful force user among the DC btw?

(he is the most powerful thanks to him commanding the empire's army but we don't know what he is capable of (as in force force powers0...and thanks to his armor he is very intimidating!)

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Mace Windu and Darth Maul have exchanged blows at one point and Windu did not achieve any breakthrough in this confrontation, per my knowledge. Even Mother Talzin managed to hold her own against Windu in a melee-oriented clash. You are evaluating Windu only from the perspective of his performance against Darth Sidious, not realizing the fact that duels in Star Wars aren't so black and white.


Those duels would only be of any interest here if I'd think Mace stomps, because neither duel lasted very long to draw any conclusion from them.

But you bring up a good point. Talzin has a lot of esoteric abilities, and she's a powerhouse who can go toe to toe with Sidious. Which means she's head and shoulders above Nox, yet she didn't stomp Windu. Nox would do no better.


More importantly, I would advice to refrain from accusations. I get the impression from your posts that anybody barring Vitiate is a joke in comparison to PT-era champions, and this is far-fetched.


Yeah right, that's why I just placed Revan above every PT era Jedi bar Yoda a few minutes ago...


I'm not lowballing the OR era, the 4 force user protag from swtor are powerful, but Windu is the second most powerful jedi from the strongest era. Surely they would beat most of the PT characters, but not the best of them. Dooku, Maul, Windu, Anakin, Shaak Ti would take the majority against either of the protags, Obi-Wan maybe too, but only against the duelists. Below them is a fair game.


Why do you refer to Nox as a she? Officially Nox doesn't have a canon gender. Seems like the only one giving opinions on any of this is you.


No, her gender wasn't specified. So why can you refer to Nox as a he, but I can't as a she?

Edited by cs_zoltan
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but Windu is the second most powerful jedi from the strongest era.


Oh I see here. You're under the delusion that PT and OT is the "strongest era" somehow, despite having almost no interaction with WARRING force users, or any knowledge of Force Ghosts.


This is a pointless argument until you concede that PT and OT isn't the "strongest era" and all eras have a chance against all others in terms of strength. Pretty sure Soa and the Infinite Rakatan Empire would have WRECKED the ENTIRE PT/OT GALAXY as hard if not harder than the Vong if they were to somehow invade through time.


As for your point of Darth Nox's gender, you must be a female to actually purposefully make the gender female simply because it's left ambiguous. Canonically Nox has been given no gender. I don't think I refered to Nox as anything except Nox. You know there's ways to communicate about people without including their gender? The fact you feel you have use it means you're insecure about it and have to shove it down people's throats.


Define powerful, then you can make a list and put Mace in second place. Until then Mace is part of a group of the most powerful, not second on a list.

Edited by Dagoz
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Those duels would only be of any interest here if I'd think Mace stomps, because neither duel lasted very long to draw any conclusion from them.

But you bring up a good point. Talzin has a lot of esoteric abilities, and she's a powerhouse who can go toe to toe with Sidious. Which means she's head and shoulders above Nox, yet she didn't stomp Windu. Nox would do no better.

So Mother Talzin is a master swordsman as well? She is noted for her powers, not her prowess in Jedi dueling arts. She had no technique, she pressed Mace Windu with her strength and unorthodox tactics.


Again, you don't understand the concept of Darth Nox. He is not your average high-tier Darth. He is another abomination in the making after Vitiate. Darth Nox's power is defined by unnatural developments; Sith Sorcery and bodily transformation from the Mother Machine.


Darth Nox is not in the league of Mother Talzin and Darth Sidious (naturally) but he found ways to overcome this shortfall. The entire premise of the Sith Inquisitor chapter of SWTOR is a high-tier Sith overcoming an elite-tier Sith with tricks and special techniques in a rivalry. Darth Thanaton is officially among the most powerful Sith in galactic history (touted as supremely powerful) with several Darths working under him and you know what became of him in this rivalry.


As pointed out to you earlier, Darth Nox can augment his strength to insane levels by drawing energy from Force ghosts bind to him and he also happens to have fantastic command of the Dark Side. With these tricks and techniques, he can overcome seemingly impossible odds. I don't see how Windu can negate these advantages.


Windu's best chance is to force his opponent into a melee-oriented clash and then press his advantage in this aspect but Darth Nox (being a Sith Inquisitor and extremely smart) is unlikely to go down this route and use his powers to destroy the Jedi instead. For example, if Darth Nox subjects Windu to Force Drain powers, the Jedi Master would loose his strength and eventually falter. Point is that you cannot expect Darth Nox to fight fairly. He did not defeat Darth Thanaton through fair means.


In no way or form, this is insulting to Windu (or) I think little of him (or) his position as one of the Jedi finest is challenged by the aforementioned revelations. It is important to understand the ground realities of characters involved instead of just harping on traditional stances.


Yeah right, that's why I just placed Revan above every PT era Jedi bar Yoda a few minutes ago...


I'm not lowballing the OR era, the 4 force user protag from swtor are powerful, but Windu is the second most powerful jedi from the strongest era. Surely they would beat most of the PT characters, but not the best of them. Dooku, Maul, Windu, Anakin, Shaak Ti would take the majority against either of the protags, Obi-Wan maybe too, but only against the duelists. Below them is a fair game.

The (SWTOR) Force-user protagonists are officially among the best of their respective orders, not just powerful or high-tier. Darth Nox happens to be among the outliers.

Edited by S_W_LeGenD
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Oh I see here. You're under the delusion that PT and OT is the "strongest era" somehow, despite having almost no interaction with WARRING force users, or any knowledge of Force Ghosts.


This is a pointless argument until you concede that PT and OT isn't the "strongest era" and all eras have a chance against all others in terms of strength.


The PT Jedi are referred to as the Jedi at the height of their power.

It was canon when their was tiers of canon (G-Canon, T-canon, C-canon, S-canon, N-canon), and it's still canon whilst the EU (including this game's stories) has been rendered non-canon.


I'm so bored I might as well rip this **** apart.


Having read through Dagoz's comments, doing so would be a futile exercise.

He/she won't accept canon by his/her own words


Again, I consider SWTOR part canon, so maybe that's why I keep arguing this with you, but if you consider TOR and Disney-Canon the only real SW lore, then I'm correct and none of your sources mean diddly squat unless they are canon. If you discount TOR as canon, then the only fact is that Mace is *considered* *one* of the best of THAT ERA. Not *all time*.



Dealing with someone who chooses what is and isn't canon to their mind in order to make their arguments, and

Yay more non-canon sources that mean diddly.
ignores what they don't like if it conflicts with their own head-canon.


Guess what? I have provided evidence that is canon


This is the funniest part.

Providing "canon evidence" based on his/her own head-canon as opposed to evidence that is canon.


Trying to reason with anyone with this kind of mindset is insanity.

They're like a politician rattling off the same unchanging BS rhetoric and making statements that everyone else has proven wrong, but ignores the fact that they've been proven wrong.

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Oh I see here. You're under the delusion that PT and OT is the "strongest era" somehow, despite having almost no interaction with WARRING force users, or any knowledge of Force Ghosts.


This is a pointless argument until you concede that PT and OT isn't the "strongest era" and all eras have a chance against all others in terms of strength. Pretty sure Soa and the Infinite Rakatan Empire would have WRECKED the ENTIRE PT/OT GALAXY as hard if not harder than the Vong if they were to somehow invade through time.


PT is the strongest era, by Lucas' admission. Which is a lot more accurate than your opinion.


As for your point of Darth Nox's gender, you must be a female to actually purposefully make the gender female simply because it's left ambiguous. Canonically Nox has been given no gender. I don't think I refered to Nox as anything except Nox. You know there's ways to communicate about people without including their gender? The fact you feel you have use it means you're insecure about it and have to shove it down people's throats.


Insecure? You brought this whole BS up in the first place. A lot of people in this thread called Nox a he. Go back and take a look for yourself. Why aren't you calling them out? Why is it such a big deal that I called Nox a she, yet you don't care when someone calls Nox a he? If anyone here is insecure, it's you. Every powerful protagonist must be male, am I right?

And while we're at it, just like her gender wasn't specified, neither was her alignment. She can be Darth Nox, Darth Imperius, and Darth Occlus. The name Nox is just as much not canon as the gender. So stop bugging me with trivial ****.


PS: I'm a guy.

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