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Is Darth Ravage even exist?


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Sooo... this is kinda awkward.

He's only seen twice in the ENTIRE GAME!!


1) on Ilum screaming at Malgus like a manchild (calling him a traitor etc etc)


2) Exclusively for Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor in Chapters 3

Where in both, he's incredibly pessimistic, and always seems strongly against your character for whatever corresponding point the character in the story possesses


With the exception of Ravage.

Every other dark lord has had a role or involvement in the storyline. Majority of them you fight, either on Empire or Republic side (most of them on Corellia on republic). For whatever reason, Ravage is never seen.

The rest are either slain, or hold a higher position of power, but still have involvement (for example Darth Marr)


Question is... does he still exist?


Darth Marr - alive and well

Darth Arho - dies on Ilum > Republic side

Darth Jadus - goes rogue > Empire side; either goes into seclusion, or is forced into exile depending on light or dark choice

Darth Vengean - dies on Dromund Kaas > Empire side; Sith Warrior destroys him and Baras moves up

Daft Thanaton - dies on Korriban > Empire side; Sith inquisitor kills him in the end of the Kaggath games

Darth Arctis - dies on Dromund Kaas > Empire side; Sith Inquisitor kills him during Chapter 1 and Zash moves up

Darth Decimus - dies on Corellia > Republic side; Corellia quest line sees you slay him to retake Corellia for the republic

Darth Hadra - dies on Corellia > Republic side; Corellia quest line sees you slay her when trying to free the Corellian council members

Darth Sajar - converted to Jedi > Republic side; Quesh you meet him as Jedi Knight, which leads to first encounter with Scourge




Why is Darth Ravage so irrelevant?

Edited by Bonzenaattori
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Daft Thanaton - dies on Korriban > Empire side; Sith inquisitor kills him in the end of the Kaggath games

Darth Arctis - dies on Dromund Kaas > Empire side; Sith Inquisitor kills him during Chapter 1 and Zash moves up


That's Darth Skotia, and he was never on the dark Council. Arctis headed the sphere of ancient Secrets before Thanaton, and was presumably assassinated by the latter.


Last I heard, Ravage is presently leading an expansionary campaign on the (presumably) Outer rim world "Alzar"

Edited by Nefertuss
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That's Darth Skotia, and he was never on the dark Council. Arctis headed the sphere of ancient Secrets before Thanaton, and was presumably assassinated by the latter.


Last I heard, Ravage is presently leading an expansionary campaign on the (presumably) Outer rim world "Alzar"


What sphere does Valrawn head? I always thought he would be Diplomacy, but apparently that's....Ravage.

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Sooo... this is kinda awkward.

He's only seen twice in the ENTIRE GAME!!


1) on Ilum screaming at Malgus like a manchild (calling him a traitor etc etc)


2) Exclusively for Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor in Chapters 3

Where in both, he's incredibly pessimistic, and always seems strongly against your character for whatever corresponding point the character in the story possesses


With the exception of Ravage.

Every other dark lord has had a role or involvement in the storyline. Majority of them you fight, either on Empire or Republic side (most of them on Corellia on republic). For whatever reason, Ravage is never seen.

The rest are either slain, or hold a higher position of power, but still have involvement (for example Darth Marr)


Question is... does he still exist?


Darth Marr - alive and well

Darth Arho - dies on Ilum > Republic side

Darth Jadus - goes rogue > Empire side; either goes into seclusion, or is forced into exile depending on light or dark choice

Darth Vengean - dies on Dromund Kaas > Empire side; Sith Warrior destroys him and Baras moves up

Daft Thanaton - dies on Korriban > Empire side; Sith inquisitor kills him in the end of the Kaggath games

Darth Arctis - dies on Dromund Kaas > Empire side; Sith Inquisitor kills him during Chapter 1 and Zash moves up

Darth Decimus - dies on Corellia > Republic side; Corellia quest line sees you slay him to retake Corellia for the republic

Darth Hadra - dies on Corellia > Republic side; Corellia quest line sees you slay her when trying to free the Corellian council members

Darth Sajar - converted to Jedi > Republic side; Quesh you meet him as Jedi Knight, which leads to first encounter with Scourge




Why is Darth Ravage so irrelevant?


a few things wrong with this;

first, its Darth Thanaton and second, Darth Mortis kills Thanaton while hes on the floor, powerless. snaps his neck with the force.


Darth Arctis disappeared shortly after Darth Thanaton becomes a dark council member, there is no proof one way or the other what Arctis's fate is. but considering that Arctis sphere of influence is the same as Darth Thanaton, its likely Thanaton did something to take that position. You are also confusing Darth Skotia the half man half machine dark lord who was killed on DK before the inquisitor received their ship.

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a few things wrong with this;

first, its Darth Thanaton and second, Darth Mortis kills Thanaton while hes on the floor, powerless. snaps his neck with the force.


In one chain of events, Mortis will kill him, in another he'll try to crawl away from the Inquisitor and he'll collapse and die, and in another, the Inquisitor will finish him off themself.


What triggers the specific end, I don't know. Conversation options during the climax, perhaps? Alignment?


OT: Darth Acina (the Imperial Seeker Droid questline NPC) is on the council also; she's the head of the Sphere of Technology.

Edited by Diviciacus
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In one chain of events, Mortis will kill him, in another he'll try to crawl away from the Inquisitor and he'll collapse and die, and in another, the Inquisitor will finish him off themself.


What triggers the specific end, I don't know. Conversation options during the climax, perhaps? Alignment?


OT: Darth Acina (the Imperial Seeker Droid questline NPC) is on the council also; she's the head of the Sphere of Technology.


ive only ever seen mortis snap his neck.

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There are also other members who don't appear, Darth Aruk for Philosophy and Darth Rictus for Mysteries. Ravage does get involved later on, Darth Soverus is even less relevant as he's not even given a Sphere to run.


Mortis and Ravage are given equal timing to people like Vengean and Acina, while everyone else is mentioned or used considerably elsewhere (Ekkage, Baras, Vowrawn, Thanaton, Decimus, Arkous etc.)

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Mortis and Ravage are given equal timing to people like Vengean and Acina, while everyone else is mentioned or used considerably elsewhere (Ekkage, Baras, Vowrawn, Thanaton, Decimus, Arkous etc.)


Totally forgot Ekkage was a councillor in her heyday. That makes three dark lord level opponents wrath has taken down. (Ekkage, Drahg, Baras.)

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Totally forgot Ekkage was a councillor in her heyday. That makes three dark lord level opponents wrath has taken down. (Ekkage, Drahg, Baras.)


You forgot Vengean as well. Sel Melkor who took control of the emperor's voice. Though, irrelevant as he wasn't on the council but Vengean most definitely was.

Edited by Rhyltran
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I think Ravage and Mortis will be the only members of the Dark Council we've met who are still alive as of KOTFE, with Imperius/Oculus/Nox imprisoned by the Zakuul and Marr apparently dead or also imprisoned. Well. IIRC Acina can get killed in the final seeker droid mission.


Ravage is the Dark Council member who's always just kind of... there. Same for Mortis.


Acina I think can get killed if you take the DS path in the final seeker droid mission.


There's also Zhorrid, who takes Jadus' place with the sphere of intelligence if the Imperial Agent doesn't side with him. However, if you do Marr implies on Yavin that he killed Zhorrid for her incompetence.


At most, the Dark Council going into KOTFE consists of Ravage, Mortis, Acina, and Jadus, with Vowrawn potentially returning but no word on that as of yet.

Edited by Cythereal
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What sphere does Valrawn head? I always thought he would be Diplomacy, but apparently that's....Ravage.


What I want to know is how the single most throat-punchable Sith Lord ever (except possibly Thana Vresh, but I found it hilarious to hit on her constantly, then laugh and walk away when she tries to seduce you) is allowed to remain the Dark Lord of Diplomacy. Like, how has he not been killed by Marr or Mortis or Nox for being the worst possible candidate for his job?


And I mean it about his punchability. I can't think of a single time he opened his mouth that I didn't want to smack the ever-living sh*t out of him.

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What I want to know is how the single most throat-punchable Sith Lord ever (except possibly Thana Vresh, but I found it hilarious to hit on her constantly, then laugh and walk away when she tries to seduce you) is allowed to remain the Dark Lord of Diplomacy. Like, how has he not been killed by Marr or Mortis or Nox for being the worst possible candidate for his job?


And I mean it about his punchability. I can't think of a single time he opened his mouth that I didn't want to smack the ever-living sh*t out of him.


We haven't seen how he is when speaking to diplomats. He may just have very little patience for other Sith or Sith games. Sith don't look at each other like the rest of the world. To Sith another Sith is a tool or a rival. When mingling with "peons" he may be very well spoken. Either that or more powerful than we think.

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Or he has very talented underlings. For all we know Ravage's main strengths lie in being an excellent administrator.


That'd make for such a great scene. Ravage acts like his standard jerkhole self right up until an ambassador walks in, at which point he's suddenly Mr. Rogers.

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That'd be great!


Then the ambassador leaves and Ravage turns around to see everyone looking dumbfounded and just goes "...what?"


In re: his underlings, I've thought about how His Dark Diplomassh*lery handles his job in the past, and I wonder if he knows he's obnoxious. He doesn't care, but he knows. So he would actually have a single diplomatic fiber in his body: just enough for him to think "you know, I should probably let someone else handle this."


That'd be an interesting scene too. Ravage sends an underling to an important meeting, and the other side is initially offended.

"We expected the Empire to take this seriously enough that Ravage would show up himself!"

"Darth Ravage takes this matter very seriously. In fact, that is precisely why he is NOT here."


"If he came himself, the meeting would be a complete disaster. He's kind of a jerk."

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That'd make for such a great scene. Ravage acts like his standard jerkhole self right up until an ambassador walks in, at which point he's suddenly Mr. Rogers.


Considering some of the races and groups that are allied with the Empire, even odds Ravage being an arrogant jerk wins him points as a diplomat. Mandalore and a bunch of the warlike aliens probably appreciate someone they can talk straight with.


I don't blame him for being impatient with Darth Imperius, either, given how short most tenures on the Dark Council are. Marr, Vowrawn, and Ravage are supposed to be notable oddities for how they've lasted decades on the Council, long enough to be considered fixed and reliable leadership.

Edited by Cythereal
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What I want to know is how the single most throat-punchable Sith Lord ever (except possibly Thana Vresh, but I found it hilarious to hit on her constantly, then laugh and walk away when she tries to seduce you) is allowed to remain the Dark Lord of Diplomacy. Like, how has he not been killed by Marr or Mortis or Nox for being the worst possible candidate for his job?


And I mean it about his punchability. I can't think of a single time he opened his mouth that I didn't want to smack the ever-living sh*t out of him.

Maybe it's just that the Empire doesn't really do diplomacy? Their idea of treaty negotiation involves murdering the other side's head of state while the peace talks are still going on. It's possible the job of "Empire's chief of diplomacy" is a joke. Or, perhaps Ravage sets the perfect tone by infuriating his diplomatic "partners" while making it clear that the Empire will do whatever it pleases regardless.

Edited by Joachimthbear
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Well, the Sphere is called Expansion and Diplomacy, and I assume he's got the first part covered.


Maybe he handles expansion and diplomacy with more warlike cultures and has a type of Lana subordinate who deals with situations that require a more delicate touch.

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