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Everything posted by alzzin

  1. I find debating with you pointless, your responses are between pushing propaganda and childish name calling.
  2. I really didn’t want to get into a point by point because it was more typing than I prefer to do. looking at your points You made it easier for me by adding so many that begin with “allows” I find all of your argument that begin with "allows" to be speculative in nature since bioware has provided no prof they intend to do any of these things and I find these thing more or less wishful thinking. 1 How is it engaging for Max-level characters they are Max level xp is useless for max level char and bioware has not mentioned how loot drop will be affected but I doubt a level 65 will get level 65 gear from a level 20 mob. 2 “allows” no proof bioware will do= wishful thinking, as mention above we don't know how loot drops will work, when in a starter zone will you get 10 credits for killing a mob or will that mob now drop for a level 65 player the same amount of credits as a level 65 mob somehow I expect the former rather then the later 3 Lowbie ganking is still a thing? This summer I leveled 4 characters on a pvp server and ran across 5 opposing players all summer. On my light sided sith role-playing I followed an opposing player for 10 min, not willing to commit the first attack (role-playing light side) they ignored me the whole time. Open world PVP is dead on many pvp servers in this game. (i won't say all because i haven't tried all but. do to low populations I finely gave in and made a character on harbinger 4 Later you talk about player choice but since they are not playing the game like you want them to you think they shouldn’t have a choice. I personally think players should be able to do this. Stand in front of a level 10 mob and force choke it death, Instead for force choking a mob for 10% damage. Let players lightsabers feel like lightsabers instead of nerf bats that glow. 5 This is a valid point and one expressed by the devs. I am of the opinion it will not be used much. 6 This is a valid point and one expressed by the devs. I am of the opinion it will not be used much. 7 everything bioware has done lately is geared to solo content, I believe they have looked at their game demographics and this is who their player base is. So why suddenly exclude content the player base currently can and is using? 8 “allows” no proof bioware will do= wishful thinking 9 “allows” no proof bioware will do= wishful thinking 10 this is also harmful to small guild who farm this content to for their guild ship, I expect that since these will be harder less people will do them 11 again “allows” I don’t know what these gathering skill changes are, if you do and could post a link for them I would like to see. 12 I have never heard anyone complain that they are too powerful in a MMO, becoming powerful is the carrot that keeps people playing MMOs 13 “allows” no proof bioware will do= wishful thinking 14 Level syc also limits the number of guildies willing to help out a newbie instead of spending 5-15 min it now could take them 45 min to an hour. sure some people might do this, I expect a lot of other to say well i am a little busy right now to help out. beside I suspect most guilds are full of max level char right now and wouldn't use this. 15 the reason I waited a day to respond because I went and tested this out, I made more credits doing Illam dailies because their was more of them but it took longer, time on speeder, then doing level 60 dallies. so on a cost vs time it is not worth it to do low level dailies for credits 16 this is where an understanding of economics comes into play, by having more people put an item on the GTN the price of that item falls, so it is easier for a new player to get an item because it is cheaper on the GTN that if only lowbie were farming the item. by having fewer on the GTN you make it more expensive and then only the lowbie who get a rare item to drop is likely to have and use. 17 This is a valid point. I am of the opinion it will not be used much. 18 “allows” no proof bioware will do= wishful thinking 19 LOL again never heard of a player saying I am to POWERFUL! This again seem like a case of you want other players to play the game the way you think it should be played instead of giving them a choice of playing the game like they want to play it. 20 “allows” no proof bioware will do= wishful thinking
  3. Just because a business spend money on a bad idea doesn’t mean implementing the bad idea is good for the game way do go ignoring all my points
  4. I believe they wasted time and money with Level-sync. They should have level-synced just the flashpoints and operations this is group content, and having more people able to do them is better but worlds are another story. • I hope they don’t ruin leveling for low player, having just x12 though the bounty hunter story I can tell you on at least two occasions the story quest has the player go into lower level planet 4 man heroic zones to get to their instance. On Nar Shaddaa and on Dromund Kaas “the malignant bog” I heard people in this thread say “well I had no problem” well that is because the mobs ignore you when you are 10 levels above them, but if you’re scaled down so they no longer ignore you. Are you going to need a 4 man group to get to your story instance? That is just bad design. • I also don’t think that it helps max level characters at all. They are at max level so xp gains are worthless. If they aren’t max level, I doubt if many at high but not max have any intention of leveling at dromund kaas instead of leveling with new content. (I don’t) • I also doubt if many guildies will be as inclined to go back to help other guildies out knowing that instead of taking 5-15 minutes to zerg though a zone. It will take 45 minutes or longer, they have things they logged on and wanted to do. • Personally I have no intention of going back to get datacrons or leveling crafting that I skipped knowing that instead of taking a few minutes since the mobs were ignoring me I have to fight my way through them all again. (not fighting them all is why I came back for x12) • And lastly, going back to lower level made me feel like I was a Sith in the starwars universe “powerful” with level-sync my Sith inquisitor will no longer be powerful, it will take multiple hits to kill even the lowest level mob. My Jedi can no longer kill something in one lightsaber swing like in the movies, instead it will take 10-20 lightsaber swings, that is not powerful. Now I am not saying the game needs to cater to players who want to feel like a powerful Sith or Jedi, but they did have a place in the game where you could feel powerful by eliminating it, it takes some of the reason to play the game out. • As far as having Level-sync optional I think it could be done when you load into planet to have it instanced off so players could decide if you wanted to go to a planet with Level-sync or not, but I don’t expect it to be put in the game. I understand that they wanted to add content for players without actually spending the time or money to add new content. I just don’t expect many people will use it, and i expect a lot of players will be frustrated by it.
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