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Treek/HK-51 Nerfed


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Treek is really handy because you can easily switch between tank and heals. Even during combat. Looks like that will be nerfed for sure.


HK may not be the best DPS but I think he is the most survivable DPS companion.


I am concerned about the abilities being altered or removed. HK has some pretty cool abilities that only he has so if they make all abilities the same on all companions what is going to happen to some of these abilities?


Name Cooldown Description

Vanish Strike 20s Charge to a distance target, immobilizing it for 2 seconds


Evasion Protocols 20s Activate HK-51’s Evasion Protocols, which drops a diversionary grenade and cause him to leap towards you. The primary target is stunned for 2 seconds. Target around HK-51 have 10% reduced accuracy for 4 seconds


Terminate 15s HK-51 launches a series of micro-missions at his target, dealing high damage over the duration


Assassinate 10s HK-51 takes careful aim at a target strong, standard, or weak enemy. Deals mortal damage.

Requires and consumes 5 stacks of Target Eliminated. Only useable out of combat. Target Eliminated stacks are gained when HK-51 assists in defeating an enemy.


Hunter Killer 20s Deals very high damage to a target below 30% health


Calibrated Shot 8s Shoots a target for moderate damage


Blindside 15s HK-51 takes advantage of a distracted target, firing a well placed decisive shot for extreme damage. Can only be used on targets impaired by Evasion Protocols


Emergency Protocols Restores 1% of maximum health every second for 15 seconds. Only useable when HK-51 is in combat and at or below 35% health. Only useable once per combat.


Stealth Suit 30s Activates HK-51’s stealth generator, dramatically reducing his threat to all targets. Only useable after HK-51 is attacked 3 times. Only useable once per combat

Edited by Mahrdol
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Seriously? Do you really not get it? There is no real choice in the current system. Once again this is simply the illusion of choice.


If you are DPS, then your companion was either the Tank or Heal companion (limited choice).

If you are Tank, then your companion was most likely Heal companion (very limited choice).

If you are Heal, then your companion was most likely Tank companion (very limited choice).


Then along comes HK and more so Treek who upset the "balance" of the companions and are by far the best choices for Tank/Heal (Treek) and DPS (HK). So now your "choice" has been narrowed even further than it was before.


There was NO real choice here. Then new system will actual restore choice and allow us to use whichever companion we want.



Not to mention the fact that some classes got screwed under the current system by not receiving the appropriate "choice" companion until late in the their class story.


Treek was made that way to boost sales and I am sure they made a boat load of money off her. Now they going to just change it? If they remove abilities and what not they should give CC refunds IMO.

Edited by Mahrdol
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Why not? Choosing which companion to use is a part of the complexity of the game. You have to learn what companions are good at. Making all companions "the same" is yet another dumbing down of the game. Keep going like this and you'll have SWTOR as easy as Dora the Explorer.


Having one or two companions superior to the rest didn't add complexity to the game at all. In fact all it did was limit the choices. This doesn't dumb down anything it simply makes it so that people can use whomever they choose as a companion without having to use an inferior choice. This is a good change.

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Treek was made that way to boost sales and I am sure they made a boat load of money off her. Now they going to just change it? If they remove abilities and what not they should give CC refunds IMO.


Honestly, they should have given refunds before the first Treek nerf. When Treek was introduced she was much more powerful than she currently is. It was really the first pay to play type item for the game. So much so, the forums actually lit up over it after people realized how strong she really was. It wasn't too much longer after that, that they nerfed her down some, but she is still gobs better than other comps.

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Having one or two companions superior to the rest didn't add complexity to the game at all. In fact all it did was limit the choices. This doesn't dumb down anything it simply makes it so that people can use whomever they choose as a companion without having to use an inferior choice. This is a good change.


I totally agree it's a positive change. In fact I'm looking forward to using Scorpio personally, but my concern is for the pricing of a special companion, that is not so special anymore.

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I But companions that are inherently better than others shouldn't exist.


I disagree because that would greatly reduce any incentive to spend money or do extra quests to acquire companions like Treek or HK. It would also feel like the companions that I have spent CC on to purchase have now been devalued.

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I'll be saddened if HK loses his array of unique abilities; in particular his one-shot opener. He and Treek are mechanically different than the other companions, who are all very mechincally similar to their counterparts on other characters. For example, Tharan's "summon holiday" move is mechanically identical to the carbonite stuns of the other healers, with just the change of graphic. 4X has a pull move rather than the jump to target move of the other tanks, and Khem Val has a small self-heal that I don't think other melee tank comps do.


But I'd still rather have the ability to assign roles as needed to whatever companion I have out at the time, because otherwise, your class choice can really handicap your play experience. Knights don't get their healer until Balmorra, and several classes' first companion overlaps at least one of their advanced class's roles. I like Mako, but she's not much use to a healing BH, for example. It's a tradeoff.

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So as most know Treek is hands down the best Healer/Tank companion in game, and even better than some players. Also HK-51 is the best companion DPS in the game.


Now with the coming kotfe companion changes, and being able to switch all companions to each role, does this mean that Treek/HK just got a inadvertent huge nerf? Since they have essentially standardized all companion dps/healing across the board based on stance, what is going to make those two companions stand out anymore? What would be the incentive to even get them if this is true, other than purely visual?


Who cares. I don't use the furball or the HK-51. I don't care if the furball is the best healer or tank. I would never use the furball over a human companion. I welcome any nerfs to the furball or buffs to human companions. You can't dress the furball in the latest fashion. That is my problem with the furball.

Edited by Knockerz
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I totally agree it's a positive change. In fact I'm looking forward to using Scorpio personally, but my concern is for the pricing of a special companion, that is not so special anymore.


That cm companion has probably run it's course in the cm. Any one who wanted the furball, has the furball already.

Edited by Knockerz
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Well... let me ask this. For those of you who watched the streams especially during twitchcon, when players put their companion in tanking mode, did he still every once in a while throw out a heal? If so... Treek is nerfed. If not, Treek will still be a superior tank.
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Well... let me ask this. For those of you who watched the streams especially during twitchcon, when players put their companion in tanking mode, did he still every once in a while throw out a heal? If so... Treek is nerfed. If not, Treek will still be a superior tank.


Don't recall seeing combat with a companion set to tank - but I didn't watch the KotFE pleythrough. The Akk dog and Mako were set to heal, and he didn't engage in combat with T7 out

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i suspect even the ships droid can tank and dps now when kotfe launches.


That Akk Dog companion Musco showed during the stream also had the option to switch roles, so why the ship droids shouldn't? I never bothered with them as even if their "role" now is healer, I still couldn't be bothered by buying droid parts specifically to keep them geared. But once 4.0 launches, it'll be kinda fun to see those poor droids charging into battle as tanks after stating that their chassis couldn't withstand the stress of combats. They'll be free HK skins, but with a blaster instead of a sniper rifle.


As per the original discussion, I got HK once and never bothered doing his quest again nor buying the 1m-unlock-fee for other characters, but I agree it's a great dps companion and way more efficient than Xalek in tank mode as even if it's not a tank, I can keep up with healing pretty easily while he steamroll everything and everyone. Bought Treek 1 week ago paying the 1m prize from the legacy vendor just to get the achievement for all companions obtained and the Wing Commander legacy title, used it just to get the 1000 kills achievement and got rid of her already in favour of Risha.


I agree they're good companions and slightly better than vanilla ones, but they're nothing special. Treek is there because fan service (Apparently someone actually likes those ugly teddybears from hell), HK is there because nostalgia with K1 and K2TSL. The only good thing was the quest chain for obtaining HK, pretty damn awesome and rewarding, hands down one of the best in the game, but, yet again, in 4.0 they'll all be the same, so..

Edited by JeKoCZ
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Also HK-51 is the best companion DPS in the game.

Lies. He's the smartest because he doesn't break CC but his DPS is inferior to dps melee in their DoT stance. HK will be actually buffed.



Parses done with 1000-1007 presence and full Yavin 4 companion gear and level 60:

Melee DPS in DOT stance 1710

Melee DPS in AP stance 1300

Gault in Single Target stance 1180

HK 1065

Xalek in DPS gear and dps stance 1040

Treek in DPS gear and Tank stance 1030

Ranged DPS in Single Target stance 1000

Treek in Heal Stance 940 (drops to 610 if healing)

Dr Lokin in DSP stance 850

2V-R8 in heal stance 800 (drops to 385 if healing)

Tank in Tank stance 770

Healer is DPS stance (and carb off) 730


Revan Fight Parse:

Melee DPS DOT stance 2500-2900

Gault in Single Target 2250 (pyro spec player)

HK 1700

Edited by PavSalco
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I don't understand this leap some of you are making that being able to switch between roles somehow means they will all have the same abilities.


Sure, they will have the basic abilities to do the role, but I suspect Vette will still be a blaster wielding AOE chuckin Twi'hottie, and Bowdaar isn't likely to get rifle animations any time soon.


They will still have their flavor, they will just be able to overlap roles with each other to compliment your particular style.

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I don't understand this leap some of you are making that being able to switch between roles somehow means they will all have the same abilities.


Sure, they will have the basic abilities to do the role, but I suspect Vette will still be a blaster wielding AOE chuckin Twi'hottie, and Bowdaar isn't likely to get rifle animations any time soon.


They will still have their flavor, they will just be able to overlap roles with each other to compliment your particular style.


I hope you are right, but check out the companion section on the dev post stickied. They seem to be saying that the companions abilities will be unified into the same abilities. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

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Kinda surprised at some comments that Treek is no better than any normal companion. I have been able to solo Kingpin bounties, and finish flashpoints when a tank/healer drops/gets kicked only with Treek. On my toons that don't have Treek, these were not possible.
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Kinda surprised at some comments that Treek is no better than any normal companion. I have been able to solo Kingpin bounties, and finish flashpoints when a tank/healer drops/gets kicked only with Treek. On my toons that don't have Treek, these were not possible.


That's cause you're hearing it from posers who don't actually have treek, but want to sound above their pay grade by saying they do.

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All companions are based off of your level, there is no longer any distinctions other than "using weapon type X."


I can hope there will be some difference in animations, the way each of the current healers have a different animation for their CC move. But, yeah, mechanically I expect them to work all the same or nearly so. Even Treek and HK. If that's the price of getting any-role companions and "combat pets," well, it's a shame, sic transit gloria mundi, shrug.

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Kinda surprised at some comments that Treek is no better than any normal companion. I have been able to solo Kingpin bounties, and finish flashpoints when a tank/healer drops/gets kicked only with Treek. On my toons that don't have Treek, these were not possible.


Then you need to learn to play. I've solo'd all of the kingpins with vanilla companions for pretty much as long as that event has existed, and i pretty much always use DPS companions, regardless of whatever roll I'm playing, and I consider myself a player of average skill. With decent(not great) gear on myself and my companions.


If you can't solo those without Treek, then that's on you.

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