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Level synch = Revival of SWTOR


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Okay so I DO owe people here an apology. I found where I wrote about Sync, and it wasn't on this site. It was on my blog on my personal web page. I could have sworn it was here that I ranted about everything SWTOR related but apparently I wrote on my site as well, which is odd because mostly my site posts focused on the simulation games I make mods for, such as ETS2.


Apologies for the confusion. Embarrassing actually as I spent so much time scratching my head while searching this forum.


If same 5 people spam the thread it can easily get to 10k.


Hehe. Took the words right out of my mouth.

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One time? And you're still crying about it? Act quicker next time.


I never said they didn't. I played on one for 3-1/2 years...I said they're dead. Your argument is invalid though...let me explain since you seem unable to grasp what I meant - no huge game design change is going to be made because of 3 dead PvP servers.


You can PvP flag. And this might even encourage more people to turn it on.

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  • 3 weeks later...
This level sync is really bad. Going back to kill old world bosses that I could solo before not require large groups that I should not have to waste time getting together. Really wish this would be taken out as it makes the game a lot less fun for me.

Which server are you on?


Last weekend on Shadowlands I saw groups forming for world boss fights several times each hour. It was easier to recruit Qyzen through world bosses than it was trying to farm 20 worthy champions.

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This level sync is really bad. Going back to kill old world bosses that I could solo before not require large groups that I should not have to waste time getting together. Really wish this would be taken out as it makes the game a lot less fun for me.

And why should you waste time of a group of lvl 24 players trying to kill Tatooine WB while you come, solo and steal and they have to wait 2 hours for respawn? Their time is no less important than yours.

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i love many aspects of TFE 4.0, like:

  • Travel to Contact
  • New Content
  • New Companions
  • Great Storyline


What I'm NOT a fan of is Level Sync.

One of the reasons to progress in the game is to level-up...to get better gear, skills and experience, with one goal being to defeat the challenges of the various quests / ops, etc... If I am level 65 and want to go back to a low-level planet like Tatooine or DK to complete some quest, get an achievement, grab a forgotten holocron or help a newbie out, I should NOT be forced back to a level I've already completed. One of the rewards of spending time, energy and money in this game is to NOT be forced to spend MORE time and energy dodging mobs or struggling with lower-level NPCs because I'm BACK at their level again! I have EARNED the right to ROFLSTOMP them and should be able to do so.


For those who claim a benefit to LS regarding PVP...make it so that getting a PVP flag automatically Level Syncs you. When you're no longer flagged, you go back to your regular level.


For those who say it's not fair to low-level players to have a higher-level player solo a world boss and make them wait 2 hours for the WB to respawn....CHANGE THE RESPAWN TIME for WBs. Instead of two hours, make it 10 minutes. You have lots of players wanting to achieve things and not everyone has the time to wait for a 2-hour re-spawn, nor the desire to plan their life around re-spawn timers.

IMHO, Level Sync should be (at a minimum) OPTIONAL: turn it on if you want, if not, don't. Don't FORCE players who've done the hard grinding to get toons to a high level to go back to a low level for no apparent good reason.


Thank you.


Again, great job on most of 4.0!

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i love many aspects of TFE 4.0, like:

  • Travel to Contact
  • New Content
  • New Companions
  • Great Storyline


What I'm NOT a fan of is Level Sync.

One of the reasons to progress in the game is to level-up...to get better gear, skills and experience, with one goal being to defeat the challenges of the various quests / ops, etc... If I am level 65 and want to go back to a low-level planet like Tatooine or DK to complete some quest, get an achievement, grab a forgotten holocron or help a newbie out, I should NOT be forced back to a level I've already completed. One of the rewards of spending time, energy and money in this game is to NOT be forced to spend MORE time and energy dodging mobs or struggling with lower-level NPCs because I'm BACK at their level again! I have EARNED the right to ROFLSTOMP them and should be able to do so.


For those who claim a benefit to LS regarding PVP...make it so that getting a PVP flag automatically Level Syncs you. When you're no longer flagged, you go back to your regular level.


For those who say it's not fair to low-level players to have a higher-level player solo a world boss and make them wait 2 hours for the WB to respawn....CHANGE THE RESPAWN TIME for WBs. Instead of two hours, make it 10 minutes. You have lots of players wanting to achieve things and not everyone has the time to wait for a 2-hour re-spawn, nor the desire to plan their life around re-spawn timers.

IMHO, Level Sync should be (at a minimum) OPTIONAL: turn it on if you want, if not, don't. Don't FORCE players who've done the hard grinding to get toons to a high level to go back to a low level for no apparent good reason.


Thank you.


Again, great job on most of 4.0!


All that you have earned is small number by your name thats mostly meaninigles, and the way MMOs convulted levels compared to RPGs is that they have no connection to RPG in any meningful way. Level sync puts a bit of RPG in MMO, which is a good thing.


You havent earned the right toone shot mandalorionas just because theyre on Tatooint instead <insert current max level planet> Mandalorians are madalorians and their REAL strenght is presented by their rank (weak->champion). Insert this for any other stuff in the galaxy. THATS how RPG works.


Yes, by gaining levels you gain more skills and youll have easier time killing mandalorians, but youre not god, youre not untouchable and certainly not immortal. Otherwise it would be very boring game as THAT would have to be reflected at MAX level also.

Edited by Mikahrone
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  • 2 weeks later...

Level Synch has totally taken the fun out of the game for elder players. I am so tired of people in high level Flashpoints that don't have the tools, the knowledge to play their own character more less know what the Flashpoint is about... and the same thing goes for those allowed in Level 65 Ops.


Its gotten to the point we have to kick the third lowbee and yank out a companion just to finish a simple flashpoint. A flashpoint that normally takes 20 minutes can go well over an hour to hour and a half with people that arnt even near the storyline that flashpoint is referring to !


Please... this is so insane... let levels do flashpoints at THEIR OWN LEVEL ! Operations? well a person can be carried that is leveling in there if everyone else is geared... but I think you outta remove the BOLSTER from Level 65 Ops cause now we also have all those newbee 60's undergeared who don't know how to play that toon and cost everyone a crazy amount of time and credits only to kick them out or the whole Op just quits.


Why keep fixing what wasn't broke?

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I was coping with level syncing -- don't like it, I worked hard to get to level cap and ENJOYED being able to roam free through lower planets and being able to solo most heroics (some were tedious even in Ops gear, but soloable).


While level synched, doing the heroics 'solo' was slower, sometimes tedious, but doable -- since the new patch; however, tank companions die too easily, and don't hold threat worth spit against higher mobs (like the mad cows of belsavis). While on my agent - who has no heals but needs a tank to keep stuff off her (that's what ranged means folks -- KEEP STUFF OFF ME), it took easily twice as long today as it took last week to do the same heroics once I hit the higher planets.


Given that we have to either farm common crystals by doing Ops or flashpoints, or run dozens of planetary heroics to bribe our alliance to love us and new recruits to join up, it's getting old pretty quickly.


I'm in the 'level-sync should be optional' camp. Level sync is great if you want to run with a lower level friend or guildie and not cancel out their experience for kills. Level sync for everything else stinks. So what if I can run planetary heroics quickly? It isn't like we're getting upgrade gear (particularly since my primary toons wear Ops gear) -- all it does is let us move more quickly through the tedium of farming heroics.


If not optional, then at least don't put us down further than we likely would have been when leveling normally through the content. I was ALWAYS at least 4 levels above the planet's mobs when leveling, because I like doing all the quests, which meant gaining more levels than someone who just ran the bare minimum to get past their story and move to the next planet.

Edited by Catlyn
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  • 3 weeks later...

I have just made up my mind on level sync. Level sync is good. I like it alot (



I waited until I had gone through all of the KotFE content released thus far (because of the alliance reliance on previous planetary heroics) with a healer, dps, and tank toon, as well as leveling a new toon through story content. The only rough patch I had was with my dps toon doing Makeb heroics during the comp-healer-uber-nerf debacle.


There are about 5 pages of threads related to level sync. I chose this one to put my opinion -- mostly because I kind of agree with the title. Old content is now relevant and enjoyable again. In a sense, it has been revived.

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Ok, so I posted that I don't like level sync... however, I am trying to see the upside, and I did just think of one situation where it could be a "good thing".


Imagine you're leveling, you're on Tattonine, and you're enjoying the place, you want to do the full planet story, the side missions, everything. Normally you end up outleveling the place, getting just 6 XP per mission after awhile making it kinda depressing to carry on, knowing that you'll have to do the same stuff on the next planet.


But instead, with level sync, you'll never quite outlevel Tattonine, instead you'll keep getting XP. So lets say you love Tat but hate Alderann, you can do everything on Tat, level up a bit, then go do just the class missions and blast out Alderann and move on asap since you arrived at Alderann a bit overleveled for it.


This does open up options to "level your way", doing extras one place, just the class missions somewhere else, always earning something from it rather than almost nothing.


Just trying to see the positive here. :)

Level sync is a ninja and credit farmer condom. The bad guys were winning and the response was to govern access. I could find no other reason for the change, not even for high level players mentoring low level players because that occurrence was rare. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Level sync is a ninja and credit farmer condom. The bad guys were winning and the response was to govern access. I could find no other reason for the change, not even for high level players mentoring low level players because that occurrence was rare.

Not a chance in hell. 5 bots on Ord Mantell, all with weird random character names, targeting everything that spawns, farming the heroic area on a rock they can't get attacked from. Credit farmers are unphased.

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Not a chance in hell. 5 bots on Ord Mantell, all with weird random character names, targeting everything that spawns, farming the heroic area on a rock they can't get attacked from. Credit farmers are unphased.
Which then begs the question ... if not as a ninja and credit farming deterrent, why was it mandated? Edited by GalacticKegger
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Which then begs the question ... if not as a ninja and credit farming deterrent, why was it mandated?


Because heroics are where you get crates for the Alliance system. If there was no level sync then 65s would roll through the bottom 6 planets in 20 minutes and defeat the whole purpose. Even with level sync I do Korriban, DK, Nar Shadda, Hutta, Alderraan, and Tattoone in a couple hours. Usually finish the rest in the next day or 2

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Because heroics are where you get crates for the Alliance system. If there was no level sync then 65s would roll through the bottom 6 planets in 20 minutes and defeat the whole purpose. Even with level sync I do Korriban, DK, Nar Shadda, Hutta, Alderraan, and Tattoone in a couple hours. Usually finish the rest in the next day or 2
The entire game from top to bottom was changed and players of all levels effected just so an end game heroic crate grind wouldn't be a faceroll for the 65s? Every planet has an imperial crapton of untouched real estate that could have been instanced with applicable NPCs, mobs and Worldbreaker Monolith-type bosses for Alliance heroics. Areas that can be easily isolated from the planet's level appropriate population so lowbies didn't accidentally wander in.


Nothing had to be reinvented for any of this.


By all accounts Bioware is intending to make this entire game one size fits all in every aspect but Operations. So why even have levels? It's as if they are reserving freedom of choice (other than quest dialogue options) for end game. Outside of oppressed cultures, freedom is the path to reward - not the reward itself. Ostensibly level sync may also be intended to minimize multiplayer maintenance and balance efforts so they can concentrate on (just guessing here) single player cinematics. UGH!!! :confused:

Edited by GalacticKegger
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I still strongly feel we need three changes to level sync, which would make it about as perfect as you could get it....


1) Reduce aggro range considerably.

2) Boost level sync top level overall by one level.

3) Give players a toggle that would allow someone to reduce their level by 3 or 4 levels if they wish.


These changes, IMO, would provide an enjoyable experience for casuals without returning to the grey god mode prior to 4.0, and also provide the ability for folks to customize their difficulty level if they want more difficult play, without resorting to silly things like dismissing companions or limiting their abilities.

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I still strongly feel we need three changes to level sync, which would make it about as perfect as you could get it....


1) Reduce aggro range considerably.

2) Boost level sync top level overall by one level.

3) Give players a toggle that would allow someone to reduce their level by 3 or 4 levels if they wish.


These changes, IMO, would provide an enjoyable experience for casuals without returning to the grey god mode prior to 4.0, and also provide the ability for folks to customize their difficulty level if they want more difficult play, without resorting to silly things like dismissing companions or limiting their abilities.

Excellent suggestions!!!! All 3 I fully support!

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I just don't see the point of having a leveling system when you turn around and make it irrelevant with level sync. What is the point of attaining max level but only being able to be that level in a few places, or getting max level gear, and it having the same effect as lower level greens because you are not in the right area to gain the benefit from that gear.


Either have levels and stated gear or don't, don't have it then render it useless in the majority of the game. Have leveling, or have "tests" to gain new skills.

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