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Pay for subscription with credits


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So I've recently been looking at going back to Warcraft due to the disgust I have at Bio not fixing their router issues (another topic)...

Anyway I logged into Blizzard and discover they have a Pay for game time system now using gold...


Wouldn't it be good if Bio could do something like this fro Swtor

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So essentially I buy subscription time in the form of some token with real money and exchange that on the gtn for in-game gold? I have no issue if they put something like this in-game. Tho, I'd be charging exorbitant amounts of gold for actual sub time.
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I've always thought it'd be a good idea. WoW's far from the only (or first) game to do it either.


EvE and Wildstar both did it sooner (much sooner in the first's case!) and TERA had it for a while back when it was a P2P game as well.

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Can you really see it happening?

Credits are not just easy to get in this game - they are ridiculously easy to get in this game.

They introduce this, a quick bit of maths will tell you how many credits you need to earn a day to cover the monthly cost - this game will never get another penny in subscription from me again.

Heck, I've probably already got enough credits across my characters to give me a couple of years of subscription.

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Can you really see it happening?

Credits are not just easy to get in this game - they are ridiculously easy to get in this game.

They introduce this, a quick bit of maths will tell you how many credits you need to earn a day to cover the monthly cost - this game will never get another penny in subscription from me again.

Heck, I've probably already got enough credits across my characters to give me a couple of years of subscription.


He doesn't literally mean buying gametime with in game credits, but rather buying it from another player.

So either way, someone will be spending RL money on that gametime - either you, or the guy you buy it from.


And of course there have to be people buying and selling it before you can even purchase it for in game credits.

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Can you really see it happening?

Credits are not just easy to get in this game - they are ridiculously easy to get in this game.

They introduce this, a quick bit of maths will tell you how many credits you need to earn a day to cover the monthly cost - this game will never get another penny in subscription from me again.

Heck, I've probably already got enough credits across my characters to give me a couple of years of subscription.

And then, there are players like me, I work and play other games, I pay subscription, have no issue with money and can gladly buy "subscription token" to put on GTN for a month worth of credit farming.


You're happy, because you got "free" sub, I'm happy, because I have some credits to play with despite my lack of time to play and farm it myself.


There isn't really a harm in this, someone would have to buy that sub first after all, if anything, the prices would be incredibly inflated on the level of Satele robes on GTN.

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I've seen this done in other games, and it seems to work well.


It turns into a monetary exchange of sorts. Those who play a lot and grind creds will buy the sub token in-game, while many who don't, will buy the token with real money and convert it to credits in-game.


I see no problem with it as long as this doesn't open up exploits. Those of you who played ArcheAge know what I'm talking about. A dupe exploit of their in-game token for sub, Apex, devastated the in game economy.

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No. It kills a revenue stream for them. Never happen.

No, it doesn't, because you are NOT getting the sub right from the CM.


Other player needs to buy it for CC and then sell it.


Revenue is kept the same, gold sellers have competition of normal farming players basically "selling" their credits for CM bought item.


There isn't really much of a downside to the idea.

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I see no problem with it - Though perhaps have monthly, or weekly subs available that way.


Either way, it would also have to NOT include the 500CC monthly stipend.


And why not? If I'm not getting the 500cc for purchasing the sub token then somebody should. A sub is a sub and I'd rather anyone who purchased from me get their money worth & be merry so they come buy again. That's just good business.

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No. It kills a revenue stream for them. Never happen.


Wildstar has proven that this is a money making system.


The way it works in Wildstar is someone buys C.R.E.D.D for $20, and they can either convert it to 30 days of subscription time, or they can sell it on the market. It looks like it's currently going for between 5-10p which takes a little bit of grinding but not too much.


The cost of C.R.E.D.D in game goes up and down based on supply and demand the same way other items do.


A lot of people in Wildstar would buy C.R.E.D.D and sell it to help fund their housing or because they needed the cash in game. While Wildstar never said exactly how much they make off C.R.E.D.D they make more off it then just a pure subscription service because subscribers seem to be the most likely to buy it in the first place.

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So I've recently been looking at going back to Warcraft due to the disgust I have at Bio not fixing their router issues (another topic)...

Anyway I logged into Blizzard and discover they have a Pay for game time system now using gold...


Wouldn't it be good if Bio could do something like this fro Swtor


Yes, that news is quite a few months old now. And this topic has been discussed before in the suggestion area, which is where this should be.


Can you really see it happening?

Credits are not just easy to get in this game - they are ridiculously easy to get in this game.

They introduce this, a quick bit of maths will tell you how many credits you need to earn a day to cover the monthly cost - this game will never get another penny in subscription from me again.

Heck, I've probably already got enough credits across my characters to give me a couple of years of subscription.


Credits are only easy to get in this game if you have more than 2 hours a day of game time. If not then no you still have to grind to gain creds.

Again as it's been stated, just because you'd never have to pay cash in hand to get a subscription some one else IS. So it's no money loss for SWTOR at all.


There isn't really a harm in this, someone would have to buy that sub first after all, if anything, the prices would be incredibly inflated on the level of Satele robes on GTN.


It looks like it's currently going for between 5-10p which takes a little bit of grinding but not too much.


The cost of C.R.E.D.D in game goes up and down based on supply and demand the same way other items do.


No it'd have to be a set price. The prices that things for on the GTN & this player base, you'd be having sub times going for 20-50mil...That's not feasible at all. They'd have to do like WoW on this aspect.

Edited by CaptRogue
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No, it doesn't, because you are NOT getting the sub right from the CM.


Other player needs to buy it for CC and then sell it.


Revenue is kept the same, gold sellers have competition of normal farming players basically "selling" their credits for CM bought item.


There isn't really much of a downside to the idea.


It sounds counter intuitive, but it actually will make BW money more money.

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No, it doesn't, because you are NOT getting the sub right from the CM.


Other player needs to buy it for CC and then sell it.


Revenue is kept the same, gold sellers have competition of normal farming players basically "selling" their credits for CM bought item.


There isn't really much of a downside to the idea.


It doesn't because some players that don't have the time to farm in game credits would use this option to buy ingame credits by way of these tokens. Right now if I want to "buy" in game credits I have to spend more money on getting cartel coins to buy things that are worth selling. A hyper crate perhaps or a armor set.


So you figure player X wants to buy the tokens to sell them, Player Y wants to buy the token and farms credits and can pay for it that way. If right now BW gets sub money from both as it stands now they would get both's sub money but player X might spend 20 extra dollars every couple months on CCs to buy stuff to sell for in game credits.


Under this the game token model, player X subs and pays essentially for player Ys sub and as such no longer needs to buy CCs to make extra credits off having desirable items in game to sell. So they go from 2 subs and some extra now and again to only 2 subs.

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No it'd have to be a set price. The prices that things for on the GTN & this player base, you'd be having sub times going for 20-50mil...That's not feasible at all. They'd have to do like WoW on this aspect.


If the market does it's job then the sellers will find a price point at which this thing reliably sells.

Some people might want to charge more, heck, some people might buy up a bunch that are at a lower price than they like and try to re-sell them, but at some point a "fair" price should be found.


More than you would want to pay? Then don't pay it. Get a regular sub like you have been.


This is no different than a cartel pack or an unlock or whatever else to me.

I think it would be hard to defend that I can only make X many credits off of a $20 game time token but I can make XXX many credits if I spent that $20 on cartel packs or unlocks or whatever else and then re-sell those.

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The prices that things for on the GTN & this player base, you'd be having sub times going for 20-50mil...That's not feasible at all.


Why is that not feasible? If that's the price people want to charge for it, then that's the price they charge. You then have the option of buying or not buying.


If the price is that high, it will either encourage more people to buy it so they can get more ingame money, or else they won't sell which means people will start lowering their prices. It's the most basic form of the free market.


The prices of stuff on the GTN and this player base has nothing to do with it. On Wildstar the price fluctuates week to week and from server to server.

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EverQuest II has been doing this for quite a while now with an item called Krono. A Krono pays for one month of game time and can only be bought with real money from their in game store. They are then able to be sold on the broker for in game currency or traded/given to other players freely. Either way, DayBreak Games (formerly SOE) gets the money for the item that grants the game time.


Rift has something similar as well.


I like the idea :)

Edited by Jerqa
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So I've recently been looking at going back to Warcraft due to the disgust I have at Bio not fixing their router issues (another topic)...

Anyway I logged into Blizzard and discover they have a Pay for game time system now using gold...


Wouldn't it be good if Bio could do something like this fro Swtor


nobody would subscribe if you could pay for sub with credits, besides people who wanted to sell subs to make quick gold.

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I like this idea. There really isn't a downside to it, and it opens up a lot of options for different players. Those saying that Bioware would lose money, no, not even close. In fact, if they did it similar to Wildstar, they would be making more money.


A month of subscription costs about $15 right now. If Bioware were to charge $20 (wildstar) for the one month token or whatever it would be, they would be making an extra $5 on the subscription. If a player were to buy said Token from another player, the buyer wouldn't be giving Bioware his $15, instead the one he is buying from would have given Bioware $20, so that he could sell the token. Bioware would not lose any money, in order to sell the tokens, they have to be bought first, at a price higher then the base subscription.


For the guy saying they should set the price (the credits cost), no. If they try to sell it at 50 million credits, chances are, no one will buy it. They will need to adjust the price to where they can actually sell. They aren't going to spend $20 and purposely not allow themselves to make credits.


The other concern, this would be like selling credits, well, that essentially already exists. Just buy some CM items and throw them on the GTN. This would be no different.


(I say all of this as someone who has not spent more then $20 total on the CM, so I would never use these tokens, and will never have enough credits to afford the subs if they were put in)

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nobody would subscribe if you could pay for sub with credits, besides people who wanted to sell subs to make quick gold.


You would be surprised how many people dont care about sub cost and money in general. They will pay for the sub and for that token to sell for credits.

These people have money and they value their time much more than money. That way they avoid boring credit grind.

Some spend few hundred dollars a month on cosmetic items alone.

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So essentially I buy subscription time in the form of some token with real money and exchange that on the gtn for in-game gold? I have no issue if they put something like this in-game. Tho, I'd be charging exorbitant amounts of gold for actual sub time.


Good luck with that considering you wouldn't be the only one with this idea. Just like in WoW too many people will try that and it will even out to a proper price that players are willing to pay.

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You would be surprised how many people dont care about sub cost and money in general. They will pay for the sub and for that token to sell for credits.

These people have money and they value their time much more than money. That way they avoid boring credit grind.

Some spend few hundred dollars a month on cosmetic items alone.


Not everyone wants to do this though, i think in the long run they will lose a lot of money, and so many people will try to buy it to sell it, and it wont be worth crap in the end.

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Good luck with that considering you wouldn't be the only one with this idea. Just like in WoW too many people will try that and it will even out to a proper price that players are willing to pay.


This, in the end with so many people trying to sell it, it wont be worth jack, maybe 900k credits at most. I don't approve, it think bioware will lose money, and they obviously think it too or it would already be in the game.

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