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Please...About Darth Marr (There might be KotFe Spoilers here be careful...)


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Just because he's not as angsty grimdark as you think the Empire should doesn't make him an idiot.


OMG so this. Why does everyone want Sith to be Emo Ima'cut'myself Whinakin?


Im going to equate this with angry short guy syndrome, they dont like Marr because he doesnt give a crap about how important they -think- they are -in their own minds-... :p

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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I think that all the spoiler tags are unnecessary at this point in the thread, because if a given reader cared about spoilers, they would have stopped reading by this point, especially since the whole thread would have been largely unintelligible.


Anyway, I don't really have any attachment to the dude, but maybe it's one of those things where he doesn't actually die. The writers just want you to think he did. It's all moot at this point, though - the decision has already been made. They can't change the story at this point without delaying launch by...months I would guess.

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That's just an unsubstantiated rumor :p Since we'll never be able to take his mask off, we'll never know for sure. So I get to continue thinking of him as a silver fox :)


Maybe he's actually that meme guy "The most interesting man in the world".


"I don't always pick up jedi on dates....but when I do it's just to force throw them"

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That's just an unsubstantiated rumor :p Since we'll never be able to take his mask off, we'll never know for sure. So I get to continue thinking of him as a silver fox :)


Right? Voice -and- presence.


Marr (and Jadus voice) are kinda like the "

" scene with the hyenas in The Lion King for me...


Marr/Jadus: "Blah, blah, blah, sithy empire business, blah blah blah..."

Me: -shiver- "Oooooooh, say it again!"



Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Marr/Jadus: "Blah, blah, blah, sithy empire business, blah blah blah..."

Me: -shiver- "Oooooooh, say it again!"




Marr could recite a grocery list and I think I would be riveted. :D


"Uh-huh, tell me again about that butter, Marr. Yeah I want to know all about it."


There's actually lots of fabulous voices in this game that I could listen to for ages. :p Guess you have to be good if you are going to make a living using your voice.

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I'm okay with, if not enthusiastic about,



Marr dying


-- it's felt pretty inevitable for some time now. I just hate that


he basically got one-shotted doing nothing awesome. (The devs really overtuned that Zakuul lightning. Balance pass plz! :eek:)


I hate how it went down as well, I just really don't want it to be permanent.

I hope we can save him.



I hope vaylin is the one doing the bowing... as my new apprentice :p


You can have her, all yours lol. I see her as Thana Vesh replacement for those that actually liked it.


He is dead. Only a vocal group actually cared about him anyway.


His character was destined to die.


Are you calling me a vocal group? :D (I am NOT a committee! :D) I'm a vocal individual, but only if I really care about something/someone, like I do about Marr. :)


So Luna, I have some good news for you.


Omg, Rafa! I hope you're right. You can't know how much I hope you're right. And I hope I made the right choices along the way. I think that's a good plan you got there with the insta60...I want to be sure that I choose wisely. Thanks for giving me hope! <3

BW is sneaky.

You know in that first area where you are running around with him, I'm going to be exploring every bit of it. There maybe something you can do to keep him from going through those first cut scenes with Valky. Purely speculative on my part, but it seems to me that he can be saved!


Definitely gotta watch out for them. I'm just hoping against hope we'll be able to keep him.






Are you sure the achievement you speak of "Favoured of Darth Marr, isn't merely the chance to be his concubine? I know that despite his face being on par with an attack by a Dread Master, many players seem to find him attractive - not sure why, maybe his voice?


I'd totally be his concubine if they'd let me. That voice...that build...a dream come true. But more the voice than anything, I'm a slave to it.


Once again, Luna and I are on the same page. Marr is very much a favorite for me as well...


I could easily "ignore" all the other game changing changes in 4.0 if i get to keep Marr...


Xiamara, my forum twin <3 Thanks for throwing your support behind our man Marr. He's awesome, and I agree the other changes that I don't like could be forgiveable if I get to keep a certain someone. <3

And I agree with you too, it's all about that voice. *swoon*



Marr has charisma! And he is one of the few Sith who actually understands what it takes to rule an Empire. Pure hedonism and selfishness creates chaos. Marr understands that some amount of personal sacrifice is necessary for the greater good, and he actually places the Empire's well being above his own quest for power. He's far more interesting than your typical Sith.


Anyway...I really hope that they just threw that death scene in to shake us up and not that it was a true and final thing. I mean, after all that talk about how they wanted to avoid spoilers, and then they go and put the the death of a major character in a widely publicized stream? I don't get it.


I'd prefer to see that Darth Marr is not really dead though for everyone, and not that you simply have the option to save him or not. You know why? Because history has shown us that once a story character can be killed, it doesn't matter which choice the player made - the character is essentially removed from the story either way. :(


Besides, trolling Marr on a smuggler is some of the best fun I had while playing SOR. :D His reactions are priceless.


Everything Cloud said <3 Thanks for the support. I didn't troll him with my FemSmug, so I dunno, but I really did enjoy him on all my toons.



You have been warned.




There was an achievement in PTS called 'Unmarred' that you get for keeping Marr alive in that encounter with the Emperor. It was, sadly, removed not too long ago. So, it might still be possible....or it might not be possible to save Marr.



We'll find out soon enough.


That's good to know, thanks Infernixx. :)




Marr dying is in the story, too late to change it now

so deal with it.

Dear Bran...I don't think it's too late...some chapters are written, some aren't, I don't think. I don't ever really believe that anything is so carved in stone in a game or movie that it can't be undone. I'm going to remain hopeful...as for dealing with it...I don't want to, have already too many real life problems to deal with, that I'd just really like to keep something that brings me joy. :)


That's just an unsubstantiated rumor :p Since we'll never be able to take his mask off, we'll never know for sure. So I get to continue thinking of him as a silver fox :)
I agree with you, I like to think of him that way too. Thanks for the support! <3


I definitely wouldn't be opposed to more Marr either.


/signed! :p


Now I'll go back to avoiding the spoilers!


Thanks Callaron! Appreciate the support! <3


Darth Marr is an idiot.
No he isn't, he's awesome, and quite easily the most fascinating Sith on Dark Council, if not the entire game. Only Scourge comes close to him on the fascinating meter. Maybe Jadus...after that. :)



I think that all the spoiler tags are unnecessary at this point in the thread, because if a given reader cared about spoilers, they would have stopped reading by this point, especially since the whole thread would have been largely unintelligible.


Anyway, I don't really have any attachment to the dude, but maybe it's one of those things where he doesn't actually die. The writers just want you to think he did. It's all moot at this point, though - the decision has already been made. They can't change the story at this point without delaying launch by...months I would guess.

I hope you're right that it's only a ruse death to get us to feel. I tried to be careful with the spoilers cause...well I didn't want to wreck anything for anyone, but still felt the need to talk about it. I tried. :) Edited by Lunafox
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Wow, I tried to be efficient in my posting...not sure it quite worked lol.


Part deux...


Maybe he's actually that meme guy "The most interesting man in the world".


"I don't always pick up jedi on dates....but when I do it's just to force throw them"


Love it! :D


Right? Voice -and- presence.


Marr (and Jadus voice) are kinda like the "

" scene with the hyenas in The Lion King for me...


Marr/Jadus: "Blah, blah, blah, sithy empire business, blah blah blah..."

Me: -shiver- "Oooooooh, say it again!"




Yep it's all about the voice and the presence. Just everything about him honestly. I just want Darth Marr to talk to me and read me stories...maybe the phonebook too. Jadus is a close 2nd. I get shivers when they talk. :D


Marr could recite a grocery list and I think I would be riveted. :D


"Uh-huh, tell me again about that butter, Marr. Yeah I want to know all about it."


There's actually lots of fabulous voices in this game that I could listen to for ages. :p Guess you have to be good if you are going to make a living using your voice.


Yes, the butter. Read the ingredients. Please say monosodium glutamate again...and again...

Have to give Bioware credit, they did find some amazing talents to do the voices, the Sith lords and Imperials in particular. <3

Edited by Lunafox
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Darth Marr is in my top 5 favorite Star Wars characters.

#1 My sith warrior

#2 My inquisitor

#3 Darth Marr

#4 Revan

#5 The emperor (Swtor's not the GCW one)



If he dies I might legit cry. Like a baby. I will never progress past him being a companion if there is no way of saving him!


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Marr is one of my favorite NPCs.


"The galaxy is ours to grasp. Let us reach!"


Here's a reddit thread of best Darth Marr quotes:


There are some great quotes there! Thanks, I pinched my favorite for my new siggy! *points proudly at Darth Marr siggy*


Thanks for the support guys, keep it coming! <3

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He's a big girl's blouse! He's so non cool it's embarrassing.


Had to google that one.


"A male displaying percieved feminine characteristics through actions which cause his peers to think less of him."


So, uh... would you like to elaborate what about Marr is feminine?


I honestly think all the people who dislike Marr and think he isn't "cool" are the people who think Darth Maul (as seen in Episode 1, not EU/Clone Wars) is the best Sith ever.

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Had to google that one.


"A male displaying percieved feminine characteristics through actions which cause his peers to think less of him."


So, uh... would you like to elaborate what about Marr is feminine?


I honestly think all the people who dislike Marr and think he isn't "cool" are the people who think Darth Maul (as seen in Episode 1, not EU/Clone Wars) is the best Sith ever.


What I want to know, is if he'll elaborate to Darth Marr's face. :eek::D

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I have a bad feeling that


Marr will die no matter what. in part because they cannot have empire succeed against republic (and have any chance against the new threat) and with Marr at the help - Empire actualy DOES have a chance. and in part becasue Bioware. for all the spiel about choices - they sure love unavoidable deaths and mandatory game mechanics. I mean... the only reason we couldn't kill companions before was becasue crafting and specialized roles. but even then - welcome to your unavoidable world again! >_>


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I have a bad feeling that


Marr will die no matter what. in part because they cannot have empire succeed against republic (and have any chance against the new threat) and with Marr at the help - Empire actualy DOES have a chance. and in part becasue Bioware. for all the spiel about choices - they sure love unavoidable deaths and mandatory game mechanics. I mean... the only reason we couldn't kill companions before was becasue crafting and specialized roles. but even then - welcome to your unavoidable world again! >_>


I worry about the same thing, as you say the man has successfully managed to work with the Republic and Jedi, even if its for a common goal...that could grow into more...potentially. I get from a story stand point why they did it, I'm just really sad about it, and if there is anything I can do to change the outcome, I will do everything in my power, (which isn't much) but I have to at least feel like I tried. :)

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About the only way i can see Marr surviving this is if someone buys Bioware from EA ( and trust me i would love that ) other than that it's their story and sometimes you don't like the way it goes but " It is, What it is "
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bring back Malgus!

bring back Malgus!

bring back Malgus!

bring back Malgus!


He was ALWAYS the one who wanted something like this to happen so he could have a "true empire" return. It would be the PERFECT catalyst for that!

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Had to google that one.


"A male displaying percieved feminine characteristics through actions which cause his peers to think less of him."


So, uh... would you like to elaborate what about Marr is feminine?


I honestly think all the people who dislike Marr and think he isn't "cool" are the people who think Darth Maul (as seen in Episode 1, not EU/Clone Wars) is the best Sith ever.


When we all know the best Sith ever was Anakin.

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Look...I don't care if Marr is dead or not. Darth Imperius will takes up his helm and guide the reformed Empire to new height and glory. Darth Imperius will bring the Empire to a new era, and make us great once more. My Inquisitor will get this fallen Empire back on its feet and conquer the galaxy once more...just be warned my domain will be just a wee less evil.


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