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Please...About Darth Marr (There might be KotFe Spoilers here be careful...)


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I really love Darth Marr, he is my favorite Dark councillor and I'd go as far as to say favorite NPC too...and if he was made a companion, I'd even have to say he'd claim the top spot for that too.





Please Bioware writers, don't kill him off, let us have him back, preferably living not as a ghost...let us have a wonderful reunion with him...Please...I'm begging here...and that's just a bit sad, but I am. Let him live! If there are any Darth Marr supporters, please...help. Thanks :)


Edited by Lunafox
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I really love Darth Marr, he is my favorite Dark councillor and I'd go as far as to say favorite NPC too...and if he was made a companion, I'd even have to say he'd claim the top spot for that too.





Please Bioware writers, don't kill him off, let us have him back, preferably living not as a ghost...let us have a wonderful reunion wit him...Please...I'm begging here...and that's just a bit sad, but I am. Let him live! If there are any Darth Marr supporters, please...help. Thanks :)




IKR? Him sitting there ordering my SI around like she was an apprentice still.....always second guessing my choices even though all my choices led to victory more often than naught....I just hope when he dies I get to see his face to find out if he's a miraluka or not.


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IKR? Him sitting there ordering my SI around like she was an apprentice still.....always second guessing my choices even though all my choices led to victory more often than naught....I just hope when he dies I get to see his face to find out if he's a miraluka or not.


Well, I don't see it so much as ordering, as relating information...and he is the senior member, he's been there longer than anyone, so I respect that. I also think he gives credit where it's due too.

I'm hoping he'll live and maybe we'll get to see more of him as a companion. :D


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I'm okay with, if not enthusiastic about,



Marr dying


-- it's felt pretty inevitable for some time now. I just hate that


he basically got one-shotted doing nothing awesome. (The devs really overtuned that Zakuul lightning. Balance pass plz! :eek:)


Edited by SelinaH
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So Luna, I have some good news for you.



Darth Marr does not have to die. It will be based on a choice you make. When and how you can avoid his death is not clear, but it is clear that he doesn't have to be dead. How do I know? Yesterdays stream briefly showed the companions screens along with a list of companions available, and Darth Marr was on that list! I will see if I can screen shot it to show you. Why would he be on the list if there is no way to save him?


Also, I have it on good authority that there will be an achievement to save him. I can't explain how I got this info, but given what I mentioned earlier this make sense.


So, here is what I'm going to do. I'm going to start the new content with my instant 60, so I can figure all of this out. Then come back with my main once I know exactly what I need to do to save the old Darth. lol. In fact, I think my instant 60 is going to be my testbed for many decisions and story plot points.


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So Luna, I have some good news for you.



Darth Marr does not have to die. It will be based on a choice you make. When and how you can avoid his death is not clear, but it is clear that he doesn't have to be dead. How do I know? Yesterdays stream briefly showed the companions screens along with a list of companions available, and Darth Marr was on that list! I will see if I can screen shot it to show you. Why would he be on the list if there is no way to save him?


Also, I have it on good authority that there will be an achievement to save him. I can't explain how I got this info, but given what I mentioned earlier this make sense.


So, here is what I'm going to do. I'm going to start the new content with my instant 60, so I can figure all of this out. Then come back with my main once I know exactly what I need to do to save the old Darth. lol. In fact, I think my instant 60 is going to be my testbed for many decisions and story plot points.




Are you sure the achievement you speak of "Favoured of Darth Marr, isn't merely the chance to be his concubine? I know that despite his face being on par with an attack by a Dread Master, many players seem to find him attractive - not sure why, maybe his voice?


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I really love Darth Marr, he is my favorite Dark councillor and I'd go as far as to say favorite NPC too...and if he was made a companion, I'd even have to say he'd claim the top spot for that too.





Please Bioware writers, don't kill him off, let us have him back, preferably living not as a ghost...let us have a wonderful reunion with him...Please...I'm begging here...and that's just a bit sad, but I am. Let him live! If there are any Darth Marr supporters, please...help. Thanks :)


Once again, Luna and I are on the same page. Marr is very much a favorite for me as well...




Are you sure the achievement you speak of "Favoured of Darth Marr, isn't merely the chance to be his concubine? I know that despite his face being on par with an attack by a Dread Master, many players seem to find him attractive - not sure why, maybe his voice?


Oh yeah, the voice is definitly a factor. He also has a very strong... presence? Cant describe it right, and he is one of the few practical/pragmatic sith in the entire Sith collective to boot :p


Not being a total douche to my Inq like pretty much every other sith ever scored him massive points as well.


I could easily "ignore" all the other game changing changes in 4.0 if i get to keep Marr...

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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BW is sneaky.

You know in that first area where you are running around with him, I'm going to be exploring every bit of it. There maybe something you can do to keep him from going through those first cut scenes with Valky. Purely speculative on my part, but it seems to me that he can be saved!

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Marr has charisma! And he is one of the few Sith who actually understands what it takes to rule an Empire. Pure hedonism and selfishness creates chaos. Marr understands that some amount of personal sacrifice is necessary for the greater good, and he actually places the Empire's well being above his own quest for power. He's far more interesting than your typical Sith.


Anyway...I really hope that they just threw that death scene in to shake us up and not that it was a true and final thing. I mean, after all that talk about how they wanted to avoid spoilers, and then they go and put the the death of a major character in a widely publicized stream? I don't get it.


I'd prefer to see that Darth Marr is not really dead though for everyone, and not that you simply have the option to save him or not. You know why? Because history has shown us that once a story character can be killed, it doesn't matter which choice the player made - the character is essentially removed from the story either way. :(


Besides, trolling Marr on a smuggler is some of the best fun I had while playing SOR. :D His reactions are priceless.

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You have been warned.



There was an achievement in PTS called 'Unmarred' that you get for keeping Marr alive in that encounter with the Emperor. It was, sadly, removed not too long ago. So, it might still be possible....or it might not be possible to save Marr.



We'll find out soon enough.

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Are you sure the achievement you speak of "Favoured of Darth Marr, isn't merely the chance to be his concubine? I know that despite his face being on par with an attack by a Dread Master, many players seem to find him attractive - not sure why, maybe his voice?


That's just an unsubstantiated rumor :p Since we'll never be able to take his mask off, we'll never know for sure. So I get to continue thinking of him as a silver fox :)

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There are the other Council Members...



They don't matter. The sith inquisitor dictates in sor who ravage is allowed to conquror, vowrawn is so weak he needed the sw to save him from assassins and mortis & acina prostrate themselves before the sw and si. Marr even states at the end of sor to the si that the other councilors are weak and can be kept in line by the he and the si. With marr dead and vitiate having moved on, the pc is the most powerful person in the empire in terms of rank & martial skill. Gotta evolve from beta into an alpha sometime. ;)



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You have been warned.



There was an achievement in PTS called 'Unmarred' that you get for keeping Marr alive in that encounter with the Emperor. It was, sadly, removed not too long ago. So, it might still be possible....or it might not be possible to save Marr.



We'll find out soon enough.


Well, on that note, especially with the unmitigated disaster that was SoRs buggy & broken launch ill be waiting a bit to take anyone important through KOTFE. That waY If someone finds a way to keep Marr alive and posts it, the info will be there for me to use....


Plus.. he gets zapped... Luke got zapped multiple times and lived :D

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I'll be disappointed if we get Marr as a companion, but only temporarily with no chance to save him and keep him permanently (like, say, Lana). Disappointed, but not surprised. :(


To be honest, I just want a cool looking, human-like male Force user as a companion -- it doesn't have to be Marr, but I sincerely doubt they're going to let Lord Scourge be available cross-class, so he seems like the only chance we've got for that. Sure, he's not ideal (I'd prefer a companion that wasn't so hideous he needed a mask, lol), but unless they want to gender swap Lana or surprise us with Arcann as a companion somewhere down the line, it looks like Marr is the closest we'll get.

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