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The "I unsubscribed because of Level Sync" thread


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oh, the poor people can't run back and stomp on heroics anymore... no wait, that's not right, still can do that. Even get relevant rewards and XP from it now too...



People are stupid.


indeed... the qq'ing and ragey-rage-rage is strong at the moment... so strong they don't even have the time to look at the reasons as to why this is all being put into the game. People saying I can't farm this or can't one shot that... that game is gone, 4.0 is coming :D

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indeed... the qq'ing and ragey-rage-rage is strong at the moment... so strong they don't even have the time to look at the reasons as to why this is all being put into the game. People saying I can't farm this or can't one shot that... that game is gone, 4.0 is coming :D


I thought it was company policy for astroturfing Bioware employees to use orange text.

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nobody will miss any of you who leave. I hope you stay gone. :rak_04:


^ this



You will be missed about as much as the


"Stat squish" im unsubbing temper tantrums


comm change im unssubbing complainers


and all the people with self entitlement issues who think they are "owed" information about changes simply because they are a "subscriber" and throw fits when Bioware doesn't give them the info they want when they want it.


of course all the above have to call others fanboi's and apologists when they disagree with whatever "horrible game breaking change" that the devs make and people don't agree



Ohhhh before you go .... Can i haz your stuff?

Edited by _NovaBlast_
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I can't see any reason to support my high level toon being down scaled to level 15 with a few extra skills all becaus eI went to visit tython.


so I'm sure I'll play through the story and with no new end game and only OPs I've ran from 1 to 4 years ago.


It's very likely that after 4 years, Ill have to find something else to play.


Getting down scaled because I stepped off my ship?


Sorry but, thats not entertaining or enjoyable at all and not worth my entertainment dollars when that time in the game comes.

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I can't see any reason to support my high level toon being down scaled to level 15 with a few extra skills all becaus eI went to visit tython.


so I'm sure I'll play through the story and with no new end game and only OPs I've ran from 1 to 4 years ago.


It's very likely that after 4 years, Ill have to find something else to play.


Getting down scaled because I stepped off my ship?


Sorry but, thats not entertaining or enjoyable at all and not worth my entertainment dollars when that time in the game comes.



So long, but before you go may I ask you something?




Why does it matter what level you are when you visit Tython? Cause I don't think I've seen anything attackable level 60 there.....oh and can I have your stuff?

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I can't see any reason to support my high level toon being down scaled to level 15 with a few extra skills all becaus eI went to visit tython.


so I'm sure I'll play through the story and with no new end game and only OPs I've ran from 1 to 4 years ago.


It's very likely that after 4 years, Ill have to find something else to play.


Getting down scaled because I stepped off my ship?


Sorry but, thats not entertaining or enjoyable at all and not worth my entertainment dollars when that time in the game comes.


Other than maybe its how the game works in 4.0, it's how you will put your alliance back together, its how you will gain favour with those companions, its how the game will be?

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I'm unsubscribing until it's removed.


Good job Bioware. See you when you roll this decision back.


And no, you apologists can't have my stuff.


Good riddance to you, never return. Attempting to extort the company to get what you want by holding your sub over their heads and grandstanding to take as many as you can down the low road with you on your way out is extremely disgusting, tacky & childish. Your ilk, bad influences & brutish business practices don't belong here and never did. The community is purer for your loss. :wea_03:

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Good riddance to you, never return. Attempting to extort the company to get what you want by holding your sub over their heads and grandstanding to take as many as you can down the low road with you on your way out is extremely disgusting, tacky & childish. Your ilk, bad influences & brutish business practices don't belong here and never did. The community is purer for your loss. :wea_03:


You're so poetic. <3

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So long, but before you go may I ask you something?


Why does it matter what level you are when you visit Tython? Cause I don't think I've seen anything attackable level 60 there


I have friends that want to be cheese through the content. They have 15-20 alts and no longer care about some leveling challenge. Just want to get to end game.


I guess screw them is BW way of saying thanks for playing so long.

They nor I put in the time to level up so we could be down scaled.


.....oh and can I have your stuff?


Oh I would but sadly you're not worthy.


Other than maybe its how the game works in 4.0, it's how you will put your alliance back together, its how you will gain favour with those companions, its how the game will be?


Its' how ill use the terminal, get a companion I want and never touch a down scaled area because I think it's a BS design that hinders the game and would have been better off as optional.

Edited by Quraswren
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I have friends that want to be cheese through the content. They have 15-20 alts and no longer care about some leveling challenge. Just want to get to end game.


I guess screw them is BW way of saying thanks for playing so long.

They nor I put in the time to level up so we could be down scaled.




Oh I would but sadly you're not worthy.


You and your friends being burnt out =/= game changes depending upon their whims and needs.

This change was made for the games entirely, not special snowflakes. It's not gonna kill people to spend more seconds on a mob. It's an mmo, timesinks are part of every algorithm in an mmo.


And I wouldn't take your second-hand garbage with how much of a snob you are.

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You and your friends being burnt out =/= game changes depending upon their whims and needs.


Oh I know. Its' just something we can no longer do. It's a disappointment I wont support much past the story moving forward.


This change was made for the games entirely, not special snowflakes. It's not gonna kill people to spend more seconds on a mob. It's an mmo, timesinks are part of every algorithm in an mmo.


Got nothing to do with it just being a time sink. It's about it being fun. Sadly, that will no longer be an option.


And I wouldn't take your second-hand garbage with how much of a snob you are.


You keep telling yourself that.


And how is level sync preventing that?


With being down scaled you can no longer power level that friends who doesn;t care for the questing anymore because of the number of alts.


I'm not saying there shouldn't be the option to down scale. It just doesn't need to be forced. To much entertainment was in soloing old stuff, cheesing people though old content they no longer care about. Farming gear to look different.


It needed to be optional. Making that mistake is why there will be some to leave SWTOR and honestly thats something this game doesn't need more of.

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Its' how ill use the terminal, get a companion I want and never touch a down scaled area because I think it's a BS design that hinders the game and would have been better off as optional.


You have no idea yet how or why you'd use that terminal, just like the rest of us. There you go not predicting the future again.

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Other than maybe its how the game works in 4.0, it's how you will put your alliance back together, its how you will gain favour with those companions, its how the game will be?


As if I give a tinker's damn about "alliance" and "favour" and anything else to do with KotFE.


Why blow up the rest of the game just to cram in that wretched ME2 rehash / "Yet again you fail to comprehend me power" crapsack?

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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And how is level sync preventing that?




I have a level 60 that I sit on the steps of Korriban, so all the mighty lowbies can bask in my awesome glory, Sometimes I challenge fools to a dual so I can further show my awesome glory by stomping a mudhole in them. Then I'll post a guild recruit add so those terribad lowbies can be just like me and they too can have their awesome glory basked in.



But seriously I have no clue why this is such a problem.


@whoever said friends with 15-20 alts just wanna get to endgame. I have 21 characters all but 4 level 57-60, about 9 or so deleted 50-55's, and when I'm not leveling another alt all I do is.......sit in stronghold/fleet LFG for weeklies....once the weeklies are done on my mains and I don't level an alt I.....sit in stronghold/fleet, every so often I'll make a romp through a planet, start a group for the world boss, if no takers solo it, then I'll.....sit in stronghold/fleet and continue to do this until weeklies reset.....cause progress.

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