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Mandatory Level Sync, dumbest idea ever...No POINT in having a level based system.


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Seriously, whoever came up with this should just be outright fired. What's the point of levels now? You're just going to be brought up/down to be on par with the mobs.


This change has nothing to do with difficulty and is completely asinine. Some of us like to go back to old stuff and farm it for credits/kill time/etc...


I actually had no complaints about changes we've heard coming in KotFE until this. forcing it on players isn't just a plain crap thing to do but doesn't make sense in a LEVEL DRIVEN GAME. you might as well just remove all Experience and Levels at this point.


Idiotic..completely idiotic.


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Well every one is not going to be happy. Some will others wont. Here is how I intend to deal with the level sync. I will be staying off all the worlds that are below my current level. I am not opposed to the level sync many like that it is coming into the game.


I fear though that it will make all the worlds dead to any one but those leveling up alts or to new players. But then that is my opinion.

Edited by shadowrouge
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Silly us, we all thought it was about character growth and progression through an increasingly dangerous and hostile world.


In regards to your sig...





Edited by sartt
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The introduction of this god-awful level sync - what's the point of even having levels? I'm a crafter-type, not a PvP'er. In just about every game I play I grind multiple toons to max level and then go back and farm mats for my crafting toons. Does the introduction of this level sync garbage mean that my max level toons are now going to have to fight mobs at their level just so I can get mats to craft?


Just now I came from Makeb in order to gather mats for my Cybertech toon. This means that I went to the heroic +2 areas and farmed some elite droids. Crafting is something I do and I can't see me having to pester someone to group up just to farm these mats.


Going forward, if this is the case, it's completely asinine. Cumbersome and tedium are not the words that should be used to describe any game.

Edited by adaemeneten
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Been playing GW2 for years, have 7 max level toons, and I enjoy it. Level sync is ok with me.


The guild I am in here has/had 83 players. Upon learning of level sync here, all are gone but 3 or 4 (including me). Most tried gw2 with me; only 1 likes it. The others dislike it and do not play, because they hate level sync.


So, I will be here in swtor. But personally I know of about 80 others who will not. They are already gone.


This supposed to be good for the game, the fact that they left the game. I cannot agree.


I am good with level sync, I will continue to play. But I am not at all convinced it is the godsend some believe it is.


Will it kill the game? I have no idea and I hope not; I love swtor. But all I see now is damage done. It's anecdotal, but it is all bad. Maybe they have calculated correctly and it will help, but I do not see it at all as of now. A radical change to push on people who have played the game for years without this feature.


I'm good with it and will be here, but I personally know of very many others who absolutely are not. They are already gone. I do not have their (BW) metrics so I cannot say whether this is good or bad in a definitive sense. But all I see in my personal experience is in fact very bad.

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Been playing GW2 for years, have 7 max level toons, and I enjoy it. Level sync is ok with me.


The guild I am in here has/had 83 players. Upon learning of level sync here, all are gone but 3 or 4 (including me). Most tried gw2 with me; only 1 likes it. The others dislike it and do not play, because they hate level sync.


So, I will be here in swtor. But personally I know of about 80 others who will not. They are already gone.


This supposed to be good for the game, the fact that they left the game. I cannot agree.


I am good with level sync, I will continue to play. But I am not at all convinced it is the godsend some believe it is.


Will it kill the game? I have no idea and I hope not; I love swtor. But all I see now is damage done. It's anecdotal, but it is all bad. Maybe they have calculated correctly and it will help, but I do not see it at all as of now. A radical change to push on people who have played the game for years without this feature.


I'm good with it and will be here, but I personally know of very many others who absolutely are not. They are already gone. I do not have their (BW) metrics so I cannot say whether this is good or bad in a definitive sense. But all I see in my personal experience is in fact very bad.


I personally love the level-sync idea, no more max level player ruining my leveling again and 9/10 players just want to be able to go back to lower level quests and 1-shot everything, for it to be easy to defeat enemies, but now that won't be possible and now they are ************ about it like spoilt brats.


I never group up with a higher level player, i mean 3 levels isn't so bad, but when they are max level? hell no, i HATE being carried through stuff, this level-sync really just helps players that want to help their friends level up without screwing them over in the long run, since the xp is no longer shared between group members.

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Please explain why you think it's a good idea, now i told you what i sometimes use my time on. I do alot of wz , and i raid every night for 3½ hours 5 days a week. and now i got 23 lvl 60's thx to 12x xp,

They kill the PvP servers if low levels can kill max level players, i explained that in various post so look in my profile, for getting a bigger picture, of what i think is wrong about all these changes. Some content it ok and good but they are removing one of the biggest reason to why you want an endgame character, and that is your invincibility toward all content that is lower than you. Without that why would you level to max, it's like if they level synced all operations so would you PvE players complain about ops wont be challenging enough. why should you level then? all content of the game will be level synced so you would see and ops of people under level ten trying and completing a ops like ToS, the game would be utterly ruined , like i feel PvP on planets has been. We have wz 10-29 and 30 -59 wz let this be the only content synced. So in short terms they ruined a part of the game for me, you wont see me on low level planets anymore, i will only use fleet and endgame planets, getting PvP gear from wz and rwz, gettingPvE gear from only fp and ops vendors, if to many PvP'ers leave the game i transfer to PvE server for shorter queues, and almost my whole guild do the same so all level sync done is creating alot of transfers to PvE server.


I marked something in colour. If what you say is true then PvP servers are even sadder than I thought. Mind you in 1 vs 1 you will still easily beat a lower level as long as you pay a little attention. With expertise and a full set of skills you are still way more powerful. It just could happen however that if they group up, that you will stand a chance of dying and that's a good thing. I've PvP'd a fair bit in other games but to me PvP is player vs player. It's about skill to me. If I win it's because I was the better player.


Please understand that gear and levels are PvE elements. I am against the influence of PvE elements in PvP.


That's one reason why I see level sync as a positive. Besides, how people come to the point in their heads that they should be able to gank lower level players and that that's an important part of their gameplay is more of a personality disorder to me, but I'll just put it on the whatever floats your boat principle.


Another positive is that helping out lower level players is more interesting, because you can still gain rewards for your actual level, while synced down and the lower level player still gets to participate in their quest. They might be able to hit a few enemies and kill them before you wipe everything with 2 hits.


Another positive is World Bosses. They should be special and they are there to reward players of the actual level with useful loot. High levels wasting them solo or with small groups takes that part away from other players who just do it for easy comms. World Bosses are about a challenge.


Another positive is that it re-establishes a balance in FPs between challenge and reward. Decoration farmers may like doing what they do but I don't see it as a good thing when you can roflstomp through such content and still get rewarded for it. Also the credit gain that goes with soloing them. It puts too many credits intot he economy that is already suffering from high inflation.


I could go on, but sufficeth to say, I understand that some people are upset because they can't gank or get easy credits in these ways anymore, but I think that those are elements that should be made more difficult because they are not desireable elements. I don't believe pvp servers are thriving and ganking is probably one reason why. PvP'ers like you, I guess, don't see how this behaviour of killing lower level players over and over again, actually brings down your server population because people get sick of such an unfair competition. It kills your own world basically. So really, what you want, is a bad thing and would kill your own game.


And I don't even think it will be over with this level sync. You may have to be more careful but you'll still be much more powerful than actual lower levels.


But yeh, a game does well when many people like it, not just some. And I think the game needs to be protected from play styles like yours instead of encouraging such sad and detrimental behaviour. Just my opinion, but this is why, even though I didn't ask for level sync, I am fine with it.

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It just seems to make levels and even gear irrelevant outside of anything other than nightmare mode ops... You either get synced down to bolstered up. You own personal stats and gear are irrelevant because it just sets them at whatever arbitrary number they deemed appropriate for that particular zone or instance... That three million credit barrel you just bought to up your DPS? Irrelevant, your stats and damage go to the same place whether you are in leveling greens or BiS nightmare gear.


That and it destroys soloing... 95% of my time in this game is spent not in a group out doing stuff on my own... Whether soloing old content for decorations or doing dailies... Now, outside of the recycled planetary heroics, everything requires a group... That is unless you want to run the solo mode and get a pittance of rewards for the same amount of time and effort put forward.


And its all just to facilitate the recycle... I mean look at Terror From Beyond... That operation has been recycled three times now... Most of the flashpoints have been recycled at least one time through already and are on their second pass...


This whole "expansion" adds little... 10 hours of story that seemingly has no impact on your meta game whatsoever since many claim it is in its own little bubble off in the corner where nothing from inside or outside the bubble intereacts... And then recycles everything already in the game and calls it fresh...


If this was just a minor patch it wouldn't be so bad... But this is labeled an "expansion" and it is coming nearly a year after the previous expansion, which added one operation... And this one doesn't even include an operation or even flashpoints... And they say this will be it all the way through 2016 with the monthly releases... So the earliest we will even get a hint at actual new end-game content is over a year from now, if not more.


It is ridiculous to say the least. I hope I am wrong about everything, but every time Bioware opens their mouth it seems they confirm more and more of the doom saying.

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I've not seen any reasonable counter as to why it shouldn't be optional


I have no definite answer on that, but I do have a few ideas.


1) It's possible it has to do with the limitations of the game engine. In a recent interview a dev made a side comment about how he was not so happy with the choices on the original team and how it poses limitations for them.

2) Also I think that the way they are changing the game will be a platform to work from to make new content more easily. To do that you need a foundation that is solid. Again with point 1 in mind it could be that setting things in this way is a choice less for some players but a better foundation for the devs to continue building from.

3) It could also address unwanted behaviour in open world pvp and people getting rewards to easily from lower level content. Doing it this way could be the most efficient way for them to do it.


I do not know their reasons but these are some things that I can imagine could be in the mix.


I don't expect my views to be taken into account by BioWare, and that isn't really an issue for me.


You are certainly more reasonable and realistic than many others. :)

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I personally love the level-sync idea, no more max level player ruining my leveling again and 9/10 players just want to be able to go back to lower level quests and 1-shot everything, for it to be easy to defeat enemies, but now that won't be possible and now they are ************ about it like spoilt brats.


First, we see yet again a post in favor of mandatory that bases its argument on attacking the character of anyone opposed.


Second... seriously, how often does this "max level player ruining your leveling" crap really happen? I've never seen these hordes of high-level characters on old sub-50 planets, rampaging around and killing all the non-instanced mobs needed for quests, gobbling up all the crafting mats, etc. On the scattered occasions I do see max-level in those places, it's just 1 or 2, and they're always just headed somewhere, ignoring the mobs... after some datacron or GSI thing or whatever, I'm guessing.

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It just seems to make levels and even gear irrelevant outside of anything other than nightmare mode ops... You either get synced down to bolstered up. You own personal stats and gear are irrelevant because it just sets them at whatever arbitrary number they deemed appropriate for that particular zone or instance... That three million credit barrel you just bought to up your DPS? Irrelevant, your stats and damage go to the same place whether you are in leveling greens or BiS nightmare gear.


That and it destroys soloing... 95% of my time in this game is spent not in a group out doing stuff on my own... Whether soloing old content for decorations or doing dailies... Now, outside of the recycled planetary heroics, everything requires a group... That is unless you want to run the solo mode and get a pittance of rewards for the same amount of time and effort put forward.


And its all just to facilitate the recycle... I mean look at Terror From Beyond... That operation has been recycled three times now... Most of the flashpoints have been recycled at least one time through already and are on their second pass...


This whole "expansion" adds little... 10 hours of story that seemingly has no impact on your meta game whatsoever since many claim it is in its own little bubble off in the corner where nothing from inside or outside the bubble intereacts... And then recycles everything already in the game and calls it fresh...


If this was just a minor patch it wouldn't be so bad... But this is labeled an "expansion" and it is coming nearly a year after the previous expansion, which added one operation... And this one doesn't even include an operation or even flashpoints... And they say this will be it all the way through 2016 with the monthly releases... So the earliest we will even get a hint at actual new end-game content is over a year from now, if not more.


It is ridiculous to say the least. I hope I am wrong about everything, but every time Bioware opens their mouth it seems they confirm more and more of the doom saying.


Since almost nobody used those heroics and ops it doesnt make sense putting more of something barely anyone does in the game.

Edited by Mikahrtwo
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First, we see yet again a post in favor of mandatory that bases its argument on attacking the character of anyone opposed.


Second... seriously, how often does this "max level player ruining your leveling" crap really happen? I've never seen these hordes of high-level characters on old sub-50 planets, rampaging around and killing all the non-instanced mobs needed for quests, gobbling up all the crafting mats, etc. On the scattered occasions I do see max-level in those places, it's just 1 or 2, and they're always just headed somewhere, ignoring the mobs... after some datacron or GSI thing or whatever, I'm guessing.


You should get out of instances/Yavin farm more.

Edited by Mikahrtwo
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You should get out of instances/Yavin farm more.


I have five alts of various levels that I've been playing regularly, one that just finished Makeb at 59, and multiple 60s that have gone through the leveling process at various times in the game's history.


I've never seen this supposed plague of max-level characters rampaging through the leveling planets and taking all the mobs and nodes and stuff... never.


Maybe it differs between servers, or maybe this is just another example of people seeing something one or two times, and being so angry about it that it becomes "always".

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I have five alts of various levels that I've been playing regularly, one that just finished Makeb at 59, and multiple 60s that have gone through the leveling process at various times in the game's history.


I've never seen this supposed plague of max-level characters rampaging through the leveling planets and taking all the mobs and nodes and stuff... never.


Maybe it differs between servers, or maybe this is just another example of people seeing something one or two times, and being so angry about it that it becomes "always".


Its just one of the nice sideffects of level sync.

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The cure is worse than the disease.


"Doctor, I get this itch on the back of my elbow like once or twice a year."


"Welp, time to cut that arm off."


For some, not for everybody.


Though I find it quite an exaggeration to compare it to cutting an arm off and quite an assumption that the problem is just an itch. Why, because with all of our guessing we simply don't know the reasons why BW is doing this and there may be bigger issues that we simply are not aware of or underestimate because they do not affect us.

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For some, not for everybody.


Though I find it quite an exaggeration to compare it to cutting an arm off and quite an assumption that the problem is just an itch. Why, because with all of our guessing we simply don't know the reasons why BW is doing this and there may be bigger issues that we simply are not aware of or underestimate because they do not affect us.


Then they should tell us.


I'm not going to accept "but Bioware must have reasons" as justification for tearing the game apart and putting it back together with duct tape.

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Then they should tell us.


I'm not going to accept "but Bioware must have reasons" as justification for tearing the game apart and putting it back together with duct tape.


Regardless, they have reasons and we don't know them.


And you keep using exaggerated adjectives that are unfounded. They are not tearing the game apart by introducing level sync. You've decided that you don't like it and therefore it ruins your gameplay before you even tried it. That's all on yourself.

Don't overestimate yourself by acting as if the game is ruined when it's just something that you don't like; the game is not just made for you and as you've seen there are also many voices here that are fine with it or happy about it.

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