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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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You do know what a griefer is, right? So by the very definition, very bold conditional doesn't apply.


Yes, absolutely, a griefer does not count as someone who isn't screwing up the enjoyment of the game for other players.


If you think that stands as a counter to anything else I've said, you're very confused about what I've said.

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Don't you mean cheat the system?


Sort of. But what does it matter. The exploits I am against are those with negatively impact other peoples play experience. Obviously this quickly becomes very grey, how do you define that. But in this particular instance, really what does it matter.

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Exploits that go unchecked will kill a game faster than an NGE. It seems you have a disconnect between the game you play and the people that make a living making it for the sake of your own personal enjoyment.


Care to give us an example of an exploit that killed an MMO?

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Sort of. But what does it matter. The exploits I am against are those with negatively impact other peoples play experience. Obviously this quickly becomes very grey, how do you define that. But in this particular instance, really what does it matter.


You're right. We fundamentally disagree.

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Less than 400 votes, and only a 9vote split as of this post between hate it and love it. and the ppl that don't care are equal with the love it votes. But again, the sample size of less than 400 votes is laughable since we got one guy on this thread thinking there are hundreds of thousands of subs in this game. So you're inability to comprehend and deduce data in a logical manner shows just how pathetic it can get when ppl see things in their favor but forget there is a bigger picture still.


*Complains about a majority of the entire game's playerbase hates a new feature*

*Accuses someone of not being able to comprehend data in a logical manner*


Sir please, the forums are for discussions. Not the rantings of young children. :D

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No, please don't put words in my mouth. That's always the argument used when the word intended or design comes up.


But that is the consequence of telling people that they have to play the game the way the developers "Intended" or "designed" it to be. That they have to play it the same way.

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This right here is the one common theme to every complaint thread. Is it really that difficult to do things as they're designed/intended?


EDIT: difficult might be the wrong choice of wording but tiredness has started to settle in.


As long as they're enjoying the game and not impacting anyone else's enjoyment -- who cares if it's "intended"?



But that is the consequence of telling people that they have to play the game the way the developers "Intended" or "designed" it to be. That they have to play it the same way.


And talk about "intended" usually comes down to being more about that player's own vision of how the game should be played and less about anything we actually know about the developer's "intent".

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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I'm sure they did. And they also know they can't please all the people all the time. That's just reality. And it's a decision that has to be made.


Reality is, Why do more? When you can not say much and do less. They are no different than any other game company. Hell, no different than any company.


But you are right, a decision was made. It's hard to please everyone. Unless they had made it optional then everyone could have actually been happy. Scale if you want, play around like you have been for 4 years if you don't and all those in between gamers get to choose as well.


Damn, there was a way to please everyone.

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As long as they're enjoying the game and not impacting anyone else's enjoyment -- who cares if it's "intended"?


Indeed. If some aspect of the game keeps people invested in it, even if it's not something "intended", why force a situation where it removes that aspect from the game that keeps them invested?

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You only see what you want to see, clearly.


And you can't face the reality of the situation.


Had this been held back and made optional. We wouldn't be having this discussion because, there would be no reason to debate when both sides would be happy.

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Then why don't you refresh me on what I mentioned didn't, wouldn't or couldn't work and well start from there.


Because at the end of the day, forcing this on everyone or optional brings about the same problems.. It might not be easy but they have systems already in game that can be used to make this optional and that alone should make things "easier".


If the dev had more minds on this they would have seen it shouldn't be rolled out till it was optional and not forced. One can only hope they were intelligent enough to see the negativity forced would bring with it.

Now I'm mostly just curious, why do you even post here if you dont even read what others think or reply? Sounds like you're just preaching the same thing now with little new value. This conversation has really been quite one-sided on your part.


And yeah, I'm totally going to go trough the last 200 posts to find something you ignored for you to "refresh your memory". If you want to get your point trough how about respect others enough to atleast hear them out without putting servantboys to find the stuff you decided to overlook afterwards. Some nerve.

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This raises the question, for me, of whether instanced content such as class missions will also be scaled. Folks generally are assuming that any class mission that makes you go back to a lower-level planet will put you at the level of the mission -- not the planet -- once you're in the instance.


Will class missions within the natural level range of a planet (e.g., Dark Temple missions on DK) scale characters to mission level (as we're assuming would happen in the above situation), or planetary level? (Or something else? I suppose it's possible that scaling would be turned off for class storyline instances.)


For all the talk about soloing Heroics and facerolling content, I do personally believe that class story missions, at least, should be balanced in such a way that they're not difficult to solo for the average player.


Indeed, after all, I still want to be able to play this game; and enjoy it, without feeling my heart pound or pulse race like anything. I'd recommend being 3-6 levels above the max planet level, with class missions on DK, say, being all 15 (Chapter 2 ones and all) so that if we're 18-21, we still have an edge, not a face-roll edge, but still an edge of modest comfort. If everything becomes AT-level below 60+ planets, the casual market will wither and die, I'd be willing to bet.

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You only see what you want to see, clearly. And it's clear this is a "we vs. them".


Good night all.


Yes, it has been made into an "us vs them".


But in a "discussion" where one group says "it's cool, give us options, anything that lets the most people get the most enjoyment out of the game is fine by me, you do your thing and I'll do mine", and another group says "Screw you, this is awesome, if you don't like it, S T F U or G T F O, loser"...


...where exactly is the "us vs them" coming from?

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Now I'm mostly just curious, SNIP....


Like I said, if I missed something it wasn't intentional. Thread was just moving to fast.

Either way, I'm sure they will come back around. I'll get them on a second pass. Threads like this, they always start over at some point.

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I'll just say this:


It may not be a majority of players (we all know the forums aren't accurate for that), but I do know that there's a lot of uproar about this. There's been a lot of negative opinions since this was first datamined/leaked, across reddit and ingame and word of mouth. Even moreso than anything else I've seen like the Slot Machine debacle or anything else.



My point is, when I ask people ingame, or my personal friends, more or less the majority of people ask about it... they mostly agree it's a change they don't like. Some may drop the game entirely.


Comparatively the amount of people who've I've seen PRAISING the changes are massively outnumbered, like 1/5 in general chat. Other people don't care either way.




I won't call it a majority, since the majority probably don't even know till told, but a LOT of people I talk to about it say they don't like the idea. That's problematic. Especially since it's a feature that will completely change the game, not something like "aww man lowering my DPS in 3.0 that sucks!!".

Edited by Transairion
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Yes, it has been made into an "us vs them".


But in a "discussion" where one group says "it's cool, give us options, anything that lets the most people get the most enjoyment out of the game is fine by me, you do your thing and I'll do mine", and another group says "Screw you, this is awesome, if you don't like it, **** or ****, loser"...


...where exactly is the "us vs them" coming from?


IDK. I'm not saying do it my way. I'm saying there's more involved than just "options are cool" and I'm trying to give reasons why, but it's falling on deaf ears.

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As stated in a prior post. It is my observations based of conversations and etc.. that i have read, seen talked about, however you wanna word it. And because i don't take pics of every line i see typed in gen, guild, ts, mumble, etc... i don't see why its so important for this "documentation". Really, ppl just demand documentation because its an easy cop out for them to be oblivious to the obvious because they don't pay enough attention themselves to deduce information from the environment around them.


Ppl demanding documentation for stuff like this is like going to a crime scene where a murder happened and not being able to deduce there was a murderer even though there is clearly a weapon, prints, and other forensic evidence. But because you have no documentation of the guy that did it, you can't conclude it was a murder...really??


i could say all this gibberish to you and your assertion that you know what the majority wants without doing the work and then providing empirical evidence to back your outlandish claim. you think because you saw some guy say something one time somewhere in line for coffee that it is scientific law. i don't hate to tell you this, you're wrong.

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IDK. I'm not saying do it my way. I'm saying there's more involved than just "options are cool" and I'm trying to give reasons why, but it's falling on deaf ears.


There isn't really more involved, though. There just isn't.


Either make it mandatory and trade off players who like it against players who don't, or make it optional and make almost everyone happier with the game.


That's all there is to it. It doesn't matter if it's tied up in their new "alliance' system. It doesn't matter if there's some exploit they'd need to figure out. All of that is addressable in some way, we've even seen some brainstorming about it here with some good suggestions.


All that matters is, will the improvement for some people also make the game worse for other people -- or do they find another way, a better way that makes the enjoyment of the game as broad as possible;e?

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Like I said, if I missed something it wasn't intentional. Thread was just moving to fast.

Either way, I'm sure they will come back around. I'll get them on a second pass. Threads like this, they already start over at some point.

Thats funny, because I already remember two occasions of that happening. The "second pass" already went past, mate. First time I would have believed you, and did infact not bump the thread pointing that out after you ignored it as i assumed that might have been the case. This second time I did however, hence my annoyance and belief you started strait off ignoring stuff.

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