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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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The problem is time, I spent a long time levelling up my character to max. I don't like the idea of going back to old planet and having all my hard work "synced" away like that.


Make it optional would make everyone happy those who want it can use it, those who don't don't. Just lock out those of us who don't out of the Heroic dailies if they mean that much to you.


The TRUTH Shall Set Ppl Free. And it Hurts the ppl that have no IQ that are for this stupid change.

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Musco explained the benefits to this system it's your failing if you are to stubborn to notice those benefits.


Yes, yes, we've all seen the excuses and the double-talk about the supposed benefits.


Not that we should be surprised that the only thing that the people who support whatever Bioware does have to fall back on is half-witted attempts at insulting, demeaning, and belittling anyone who isn't squeeling with glee over this nonsense.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Lol. I'm loving this change. Heroics are relevant again and so are WBs. And now there is an element of danger too.


Good for you. Those are all things I either don't care about or don't want, period.


Sorry some of you don't like it. Sorry you feel it is being forced. But this will be great for the game.


It doesn't 'feel' like it's being forced. IT IS being forced. And that's my whole problem with it. The system itself is fine, FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO USE IT. Why am I being forced to play in a way that others enjoy, but not me. They're not suddenly enforcing open world pvp on EVERY server. Of course not. Forcing people into gameplay they don't like is bad. ... OH WAIT!!!!!

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Do any of you know if the level sync applies to flashpoints and what not? Or is it just planets?


I would be rather sad if I can no longer solo old flashpoints :(


EDIT: Also it was mentioned that they could be solo'd by competent players, does that mean that the old heroics that had mechanics that prevented a single player from doing them are fixed? Like the Heroic 4 in Section X, for example.

Edited by Squeets
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You are still going to be OP. Way OP. You keep all over your abilities and cool downs. What's the prob?

If you're going to be so OP can you solo kill world boss on your own for achievement ?

Oh you can't ? but wait you're level 65 ? oh, you're not.

And if you try to find a group for a world boss on dromund kaas there are not enought people for it ? oh well you'll have to wait few days to get a group together, if you get a group together...


Edited by -Spc
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I never said I'd quit. I don't like this feature but I enjoy enough of the features that I'm going to remain subbed but you still didn't answer what I've stated. You mention wow but what of the games that died? You realized that when NGE hit (not on the same level. I'm aware but using it as an example.) there were people stating that it's good for the game, that the people whining are just that, whiners and that the sky wasn't falling? You realize people said the same about Matrix Online, Warhammer, and Tabula Rasa? All I ask is that you should be careful insulting people who aren't happy.


Here's the truth no matter your view on things there's a few simple facts that are true for any game.


If 300 people leave and the rest are happy and 300+ people join? This means the change is good. If 300 people leave, even if the rest are happy, and only 30 join from said feature? The feature still caused a decline in the game. This means the feature was bad. Will level scaling bring in new players? Will it bring in enough players to replace those that leave or unsubscribe? I can't say yes for sure nor can I say no for sure but in the end that will be what matters. If more unsubscribe because of the feature than subscribe for the feature you calling them whiners or claiming they'd have left anyway or entitled doesn't matter. The change did more harm than good.


A game dies because a company gives up on it. In Fact, I can turn it around NGE still had a strong base, but the problems that came from it. (one being the engine.) The second was the developers who pretty much told off its player base at how stupid they are being. Games like UO are still going strong and have a smaller player base.


If one feature is enough for people to not accept even if they have fun and enjoy other parts of the game that is on them. I still think it is being closed minded and selfish. The only way I would not pay if the game overall is not fun anymore. I don't like many things about this game. The crafting, The skill bloat, the lack of macros. Yet, I still find it enjoyable enough that I will keep paying for.


Would I love to have my way all the time? Sure, but I also understand MMO is not center around me. And at the end of the day accepting a change is about if the game is worth it to you or not.


If you stop paying just because you don't like a feature, but still enjoy the game overall. That is pretty sad, and closed minded of players.

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Wrong, i was in Beta noob, before you obviously even heard of the game lol. I was playing it and learning it before most ppl here were able to play it. stupidity.


I had to walk up hill in the snow both ways before you were even born, son!


So we have you to blame for launch mistakes?

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I can't say I'm happy about this. Sure, they can show a character doing an H2 on Dromund Kaas. I say, go do one on a higher level planet like Voss or Oricon and show us how easy it is.


I can definitely see the positive points -- being sync'd for heroics to get rewards appropriate for your level is great -- but I can't help but think about what a pain it will make other things:


Older dailies? Will take longer, and you can probably forget about the weekly if you don't want to group.

Getting datacrons on Voss? Watch out for those level 45 mobs, especially in the heroic area. Better bring a group.

Going back for stuff you missed on Alderaan? Have fun killing everything in House Rist (again)!

Bounty contract to do? Hope you like getting knocked off your speeder.

Etc, etc.


I will reserve judgement until after I have tried the level sync myself, though I am not optimistic that the pros will outweigh the cons, at least for me. This seems like a bigger plus to those who love to group.

Edited by Gwena
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the friggin salt mine


of not being able to faceroll super easy casual content. I.e random trash mobs out in the middle of nowheresville


or in a story instance.


if a boss, in a story instance, take longer then a minute to kill at level, save for some of them that actually have mechanics that you need to do, IE empire side Isotope droid on makeb during the stealing thunder quest. then you are doing it wrong.


if this forces out plebs, who think that dmg values off gear, and HP pools, are more important than understanding their class and specs abilities/set bonuses/strength and weaknesses then 4.0 maybe the best thing for the game, and I have in general been pretty against most of the changes that I have seen either officially announced and datamined.


tl:dr game is hard.

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If you get appropriate experience gains and drops, what is the problem exactly?


The problem is my character went through a story that gave him increasingly more power, not only throught that, but also the levels. I don't want to be depowered because Bioware thinks that's a good idea.

It's immersion breaking and retarded, quite frankly.

The Emperor's Wrath doesn't need to worry about grunts on Dromund Kaas if he choses to be there.

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Musco explained the benefits to this system it's your failing if you are to stubborn to notice those benefits.


More then likely you and others in this topic are only complaining because this gave you something to complain about and nothing more.


I can tell you a *hit sandwich is the greatest tasting thing in the world doesn't mean it is. Level synch is a *hit sandwich.

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If you're going to be so OP can you solo kill world boss on your own for achievement ?

Oh you can't ? but wait you're level 65 ? oh, you're not.

And if you try to find a group for a world boss on dromund kaas there are not enought people for it ? oh well you'll have to wait few days to get a group together, if you get a group together...



The whole point of this change is so more players will want to go back and run these so you can hopefully find more groups. How are people overlooking this whole point.

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I subbed for 6 months on July 30th for Nico companion.


I have no choice but to play the new content, I'll wait to make up my mind after I play 4.0. Was hasty subbing for 6 long months, but I'll have 3 months to decide whether I like levelsync or not.


level sync is shown on the official livestream archive at 2:00:30 (2hour 0minute 30 second -mark http://www.twitch.tv/swtor/v/18528261


Full recap of livestream with screenshots cropped from official video: reddit.com/r/swtor/comments/3n0e14/sept_30_kotfe_livestream_coverage/


Here's the level sync confirmation screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/Nb1l8Wp.jpg


  • http://i.imgur.com/Nb1l8Wp.jpg
  • When visiting old planets, your level will be synced down to the appropriate level and have your stats changed. The level will be highest level you can do the content at.
  • You will not lose any abiltiies or passives.
  • It is not optional, you cannot toggle off level sync.
  • You will get experience from low level content this way and can help your friends leveling.

Edited by Falensawino
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I really don't see what the problem is... So people are crying because they can't oneshot mobs anymore if they visit older planets? I mean, you're still 2 levels above it.


Think about it now, it is RARE to see some high level doing quests on a lower planet, because there is NO point in doing so. Now we can do heroic missions on any planet that actually give usable rewards.


If you don't like it, just avoid lower level planets just like you do now. It's simple.

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The problem is my character went through a story that gave him increasingly more power, not only throught that, but also the levels. I don't want to be depowered because Bioware thinks that's a good idea.

It's immersion breaking and retarded, quite frankly.

The Emperor's Wrath doesn't need to worry about grunts on Dromund Kaas if he choses to be there.


The lowering only applies to stats, you still have all of the leveled unlocks, skills, etc that you would otherwise.

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