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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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And its forced. Not optional.

Worst. Decision. Ever.


You lost entrance to my wallet Bioware and I hope this goes for many others. Really don't get why its not optional and why they thought it was a good idea to force this on everyone. Yes it's nice for those that want it, BUT I DON'T WANT IT!


Because you won't be able to go to lower level planets and one hit kill lowbies?


If you don't want it, don't go to low level planets, there is no max level content there.

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Word of this change is now spreading. Many people do not go to the forums or watch live streams.They are only now beginning to hear of this. Today, 5 guild members (not "my guild", just the one I am in), left when they heard of this today. 3 are invested in another game; they returned to it exclusively. 2 others chose to follow them.


This is 1 day after the announcement. I have no idea how many more will or will not leave as more learn of this. In any case, people will and are leaving. I see it. It is not hypothetical. It is anecdotal, but it says to me that those who dislike it and want to leave, will leave. They don't go to the forums to protest, they simply go have fun elsewhere.


Why are these people I know leaving? They do not like the change. I can theorize as to why they do not like it, as I have known them for quite some time. But, it doesn't matter why they dislike it; it matters that they dislike it and washed their hands of the game.


One can learn here while reading through this thread, that their leaving will magically improve the game somehow. Since they dislike mandatory down scaling, I am told that by default they are (to the use the internet 'tough guy' jargon) "bads", noobs","clowns" ,"whiners" and"scrubs", among other derogatory terms. For good measure, a couple of weak reasons for having no option are inserted in between the insults, usually with obligatory condescension. To me, they are not at all persuasive. Honestly, one should be embarrassed to be associated with the level of "reasoning" displayed.


Well I think it's more "rationalizing" than "reasoning". People don't use derogatory terms and words like "whiner" when they're trying to persuade anyone else - they resort to them in order to persuade themselves.


A pity about your guild members, but I know how they feel. My friends and I came to this game after a lousy experience with GW2 (forced down-leveling and a laughably hostile attitude towards players from the developer team). I've found the SWTOR team at BW to be MUCH more engaged with their community, which gives me hope that they'll still reconsider going the same route.


For the devs, I'll say it plain and simple that I'm definitely NOT a fan of this forced down-leveling idea. I could go on and on about why, but as you explained so well already, the "why" is not what really matters. I'll leave it at that and save us all a bit of trouble - no need for me to frantically justify the quality of my opinion to all you pro-level scaling people out there, and no need for you all to frantically come up with some kind of counterargument. All just to reassure ourselves that we're right... ;)

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After seeing it in action I am not so worried about it killing the game, would I have preferred to play without it probably however, its happening and there are some benefits to it such as you never getting any grey quests and that you will always still gain some xp.


There are so many QoL changes in 4.0 that if level syncing is the only negative then so be it.

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IMO this one negative outweigh all positives in kotfe.


My 3 cents.

Have a nice day


That's the nice thing about opinions isn't it? You can make anything up for any reason.


In the end we do live in a world where utter first world laziness is king.


Still, we can be civil to each other, so you too have a nice day :)

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It's actually been on the Rewards page for months now. It may be that they're scrambling to boost sub numbers by featuring it prominently on the main page and the launcher, but Occam's Razor says that since we just passed the previous reward date, they simply needed something to put up to replace the duster in advertising materials.


Yeah thanks, you're right. Don't know how I overlooked that so many times. Must be that senility kicking in.:eek:

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After skimming through this thread. I have to say I got a good laugh. First of all most of the people screaming the doom don't seem to understand how it works. You really can't say if this is going to be good or bad until you try it.

There is only 2 con from all the reading I did/


1. You will have to be more careful about where you drive not to aggro mobs on lower planets.( if you drive smart and don't run into this most areas this won't be a problem)


2. You won't be able to one shot mobs and resist everything. (if they are only resetting your base stats this should only be a problem on later planet.)



1. You can get rewards for doing old content.

2. You will still be over powered for the area. Already max planet level. All passive and active abilities from your level. If I remember the stream right you even keep gear stats but I could be wrong on that.


So lets review the only think you won't be able to do now is go kill world bosses and you be able to run over mobs and not aggro them. I honestly don't see how this will kill the game. Until you try this level sync out I think people should reserve judgement. People are way to quick to scream the sky is falling before trying something. And honestly most of the sky is falling didn't even listen to the stream they just heard level sync no option and started screaming.


Oh and as far as a large portion not wanting this. I see more post saying it's not a big deal than ones say they are leveling because of it.

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That's the nice thing about opinions isn't it? You can make anything up for any reason.


In the end we do live in a world where utter first world laziness is king.


Still, we can be civil to each other, so you too have a nice day :)


I love my GODMOD when Im visiting low level planets. Im plaing this game to have fun. I don't play GW2 because they have this "stupid" level sync system that downgrade you.


This change should be done as "Mentoring" system or something similar.

It dosen't matter what reasons BW have behaind this system. The only thing that matters is do you have fun plaing or not.


My 3 cents.

Have a nice day

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Does anyone seriously think that a high level character, especially one with a 6-piece set bonus, proc relics, spent utility points, legacy datacrons, and a companion with all that presence and influence, won't be able to solo H2's just as easily as they did before?


This is what you choose to complain about with 4.0 coming?

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Does anyone seriously think that a high level character, especially one with a 6-piece set bonus, proc relics, spent utility points, legacy datacrons, and a companion with all that presence and influence, won't be able to solo H2's just as easily as they did before?


This is what you choose to complain about with 4.0 coming?


Well Musco started H2+ friends of old level synced it did not look as if he had much issue with the bit he did (a few gold and a few silver mobs) Mako healed him like a pro, I still have a question as to if she was undergeared as there were 4 empty slots? do you need something in each slot is does it not matter?

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I love my GODMOD when Im visiting low level planets. Im plaing this game to have fun. I don't play GW2 because they have this "stupid" level sync system that downgrade you.


This change should be done as "Mentoring" system or something similar.

It dosen't matter what reasons BW have behaind this system. The only thing that matters is do you have fun plaing or not.


My 3 cents.

Have a nice day


I agree, Elendor. I play the same way.


I also was thinking of quitting GW2, in part due to the downlevelling. I was procrastinating about the decision. But then, I lost my temper on the boards, got perma-banned, so it all worked out.

Edited by DalrisThane
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Well Musco started H2+ friends of old level synced it did not look as if he had much issue with the bit he did (a few gold and a few silver mobs) Mako healed him like a pro, I still have a question as to if she was undergeared as there were 4 empty slots? do you need something in each slot is does it not matter?


Companion gear is purely cosmetic in 4.0.

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I love my GODMOD when Im visiting low level planets. Im plaing this game to have fun. I don't play GW2 because they have this "stupid" level sync system that downgrade you.


The day I stop offline RPGs are when I see that they have "autolevelling" for NPCs built in. It's the same daay I uninstall these games.


Autolevelling in offline RPGs completely destroys the whole "you've achieved something !" feeling, because the same old combat goes on any time I meet enemies ... Autolevelling is just boring to me.

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Because you won't be able to go to lower level planets and one hit kill lowbies?


If you don't want it, don't go to low level planets, there is no max level content there.



It's like person after person comes in, doesn't read the thread, picks one post, and asks this insulting question, over, and over, and over, and over...


This has been addressed so many times now that asking the question AGAIN can only be an attempt to troll or belittle.




Does anyone seriously think that a high level character, especially one with a 6-piece set bonus, proc relics, spent utility points, legacy datacrons, and a companion with all that presence and influence, won't be able to solo H2's just as easily as they did before?


This is what you choose to complain about with 4.0 coming?



Asked and answered, many times.


Also entirely missing the point.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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From a roleplayer's perspective the level synch is an absolute nuisance.


I often host RP events with my guild on low level planets where we use the landscape to help built up the specific scenario or setting. This could of rinstance be the rakghoul tunnels on Taris. Here the Storyteller or Dungeon Master will be typing out the overall situation, whereas the players emote and describe the actions of their character. The actual in game npcs are not invovled in these scenarios and often just a source of annoyance when they aggro us and get in the way. Thankfuly, our high level players has just be able to one-shot them when they attack and refocus on our actual roleplay... Until now.


This forced level sync will make it far harder for us roleplayers to set up RP events in the open world and thus it is not something we appreciate. The worst part is that this could be done in a much better way. Many games has a mentor system where a player can scale to the level of a specific plays or to the level of the player they are in a party with. However the key is that this feature is optional and toggle able.


In conclusion I don't consider this to be just a bad decision, but the worst decision you've made since launch when it comes to annoying the RP community. Also seeming how many other people are concerned and displeased with this forced feature, please listen to your player base and prevent yourselves from committing this error.

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Built up power is the key to ALL RPG's.

Thats the way how LEVELING and POWER-UP works.

You built your character to become STRONG and ALL-POWERFUL.


If you take away ability to overpower - why people should even bother to power-up?

Where's logic here?

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Ok. So let's take a step back here. Let me take a step back.


Right from the start, let me just say that I like level sync. I think it is a great change that will really liven things up on planets. But on further reflection, I'm beginning to realize the even thought that is the case, it really isn't going to do much after the nuance of this change wears off.


Why? People don't go and hang out on lower level planets. They don't frequent those worlds because there is no need to do so. Sure, you can go as an over leveled toon every once in a while to kill a WB or to help a guildie, but generally there is nothing that keeps you going back routinely.


That doesn't change my position on level sync, but it certainly puts it into perspective. Those of you that are outraged and announcing the end of SWTOR don't spend any significant time on lowbie planets either. I know this because there is nothing to do there. This game is not a sandbox that requires you to go those areas. This game does not have open world housing where you go to these planets everyday to get to your home. The idea that you are drawing the line in the sand over this when the game suffers from much more serious problems is laughable. And if that is your tactic to force a change, forget it. You are in the minority that think this change will kill the game. You will sadly be on the outside looking in over something that is insignificant if you follow through with your threats.


Now, it may be that this level sync is a result of something else. It may be that these planets are now going to be relevant again because as part of KoTFE we will have to return to these places and run a series quests to advance the story. If so, level sync is important. But as it stands, we have no information to indicate that there is any reason to level sync the planets other than to put a coat of new paint on old content.


So, my stance remains the same. I will, however, concede the following. Because in the grand scheme of things this level sync is not very important, and because most don't linger on lowbie planets just because they are there, the ability to opt out is fine. I still believe that the best thing to do, BW, is to stay the course and just do it. But if you decide to make it optional, I will just shrug and move one because it is of little consequence from a broader perspective.


IF however the planets become relevant again to the larger story being told. And if suddenly we are back in those worlds for extended periods of time and this is the method you are using to make them challenging, then I'm back to insisting that level sync be mandatory. I have a sneaky suspicion that that is why level sync is actually a big part of KoTFE. I have nothing to base that on other than the timing of the introduction of this mechanic.


BW, if that is the case, then carry on. Let's do this. If it is just a QoL change, then seriously, it isn't important. Do what you will. Whatever the case, don't let the alarmist scare you into doing something rash because level sync will not be the end of the game. It is hardly even relevant at this point.


While well stated, your post over looks a few things:

Not everyone who likes this change are people with many (or any) max level characters. There are quite a few people who enjoy the leveling game that this change, coupled with the forced accelerated leveling pace, will cause them to no longer enjoy that leveling experience.


Not everyone is shouting doom and gloom about this system. In fact, many (if not most) who do not like the system actually are fine with it, if it is an optional system - as many other games who have similar types of mentoring/downscaling system have done, with no detriment to those games.


Nothing about adding new content to the lower level planets requires that this system be mandatory. Any new quests related to companions or the story are going to be temporary ventures (and most likely would be set in separate instanced areas to make sense with the overall story). The only thing permanent on any planet are the repeatable Heroics. Again, scaling can be done for the heroics without making the system mandatory, or even having it affect the entire planet at all - it can be activated only when said quests or heroics are active in the quest log.


People can do pretty much anything in this game that they want - in terms of freedom of movement. Just because you or anyone doesn't see much need to go back to any planet in this game doesn't mean that plenty of others do go back on a regular basis for "reasons of completely subjective enjoyment" that no one else playing this game really needs to understand.


Yes this game has a myriad of issues plaguing it, but forced accelerated leveling and forced level syncing are no more nor less important to people than PvP, Raiding, Chat Bubbles, Hood toggles, SGRA, Slot Machines, or any of the other nonsense that has been complained about on these forums over the years. Personally, I feel it complete hogwash and utter nonsense that people will quit over lack of new PvP content and new Raids. Either one is hardly important for the longevity of any MMO, let alone this one in particular (in which leveling actually plays a much more important role than the typical MMO). Opinions differ as does the complete subjectivity of how people get enjoyment out of playing a game. That should not be dismissed whether anyone gets the same type of enjoyment or not.

Edited by TravelersWay
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From a roleplayer's perspective the level synch is an absolute nuisance.


I often host RP events with my guild on low level planets where we use the landscape to help built up the specific scenario or setting. This could of rinstance be the rakghoul tunnels on Taris. Here the Storyteller or Dungeon Master will be typing out the overall situation, whereas the players emote and describe the actions of their character. The actual in game npcs are not invovled in these scenarios and often just a source of annoyance when they aggro us and get in the way. Thankfuly, our high level players has just be able to one-shot them when they attack and refocus on our actual roleplay... Until now.


This forced level sync will make it far harder for us roleplayers to set up RP events in the open world and thus it is not something we appreciate. The worst part is that this could be done in a much better way. Many games has a mentor system where a player can scale to the level of a specific plays or to the level of the player they are in a party with. However the key is that this feature is optional and toggle able.


In conclusion I don't consider this to be just a bad decision, but the worst decision you've made since launch when it comes to annoying the RP community. Also seeming how many other people are concerned and displeased with this forced feature, please listen to your player base and prevent yourselves from committing this error.


Agree on this.

Played Champions Online for a while.

There was ability to group with high- or low- leveled character and bolster/downgrade.

But it works ONLY if you team up with them and ONLY if you wish to bolster/downgrade.


What we have in TOR is complete ignorance aof what this game needs.


Downgrade whould be awsome if it affects ONLY Group Finder content.

Otherwise it will be TOR downfall.

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So you're really in favor of this, at least in part, because it you think it will force more people to group with you? Or am I not understanding that part?


I only meant that the new system will give SOME players additional motivation to do the variety of heroics on the variety of planets. So in theory, I won't have as hard of a time finding enough players to team up with to do some obscure 4 player heroic that's 1000 feet in the air on Alderaan.


I personally have never felt like I or any other player has ever been forced into anything in a video game. I have the freedom to unsub or do something else. And to be honest, I don't want to play with anyone who thinks they're forced to be there.


I think players who don't enjoy particular aspects of the x-pac will get the justice due to them, by simply not participating. That is the only way to be heard really. Bioware and EA will see the data and calculate how much revenue they're losing. In a business, the bottom line always dictates policy.


If raids, dailies, weeklies, Ranked PVP didn't make people group... I highly doubt taking away their levels and putting a carrot on a stick will. The person you replied to is delusional.


yOu mAy bE rIGht!@%& :w_confused:

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