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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level synch = death of SWTOR


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However, what I propose is that everyone whine loudly about it just like the "I hate 12x" people did until they cave and give an opt-out button.


Somehow, I think this is more intertwined with the guts of the game itself - the 12xp is just a multiplier - that is really simple to adjust. This change seems like the reverse of the 'GDI bolster' on Makeb (to an extent), if you get my meaning.


Reserve judgement till I experience it. So far, this is the one thing I wish they would have just held off on but we'll see.


Oh, and renaming commendations to crystals.. What bright boy thought that one up....

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Seems to me the geniuses here didn't actually pay attention. DK at 18 with all the perks and abilities of level 60? Planetary mobs aren't exactly going to be an issue. They need to go back and watch again and pay attention this time.


So if we have "all the perks"... what's getting downscaled?


Because if anything is getting downscaled -- level, HP, damage, etc -- then we don't have "all the perks".

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I wonder what will happen with higher/lax level heroics? Oricon H2+ for example, will every boss in that be snooze-soloable for THE MOST, and I mean THE MOST casual of players?


People who can faceroll NiM ops at level solo, I do not require your Duke Nukem-esque "Easy as pie, l2p scrub" answers.

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That's faulty logic. That's like saying in mmorpgs that have died those that left it to die from their changes wanted to leave it anyway. Sometimes people like certain features and other times people are against other features. For some this is a break in immersion in others it ruins their desire to achievement hunt. Don't tell people who feel a certain way what they're "Really" feeling because you're going to be wrong unless you're a mind reader. If you are a mind reader go here and claim your one million dollars..




Every change that happen in a MMO people hate or accept it. What helps people accept things if the game is still fun and they can work around that feature.


For example WOW. Many features that was added that many players hated, but they still played it because they found fun in other ways. In a MMO you can't make every person happy. Heck even single player games have features that people don't like but accept. Now with the same example, Wow is taking a big hit because not only did they add features players did not like, but the rest of the game is not fun for them as well making it easier for people to quit.



So I stand behind my statement. If you can't accept a change and willing to quit over it. That means this MMO does not offer enough for you to accept it. Meaning that this feature like or hate is one of many things.


Now, If I am wrong and you are not willing to accept and still enjoy the game other features. They have a word for that... Entitlement.

Edited by Teladis
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If you're good at the game, you'll still be gods on those planets. Are you really so terrible at this game, that you feel the need to lash out in fear of being exposed?


L2P is all I can say to you.


you need to l2 shut it. I can play fine you noob i've been here since 2008 and an idiot like you tells me to l2p. dumb and dumber your kind is.

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They showed Dromund Kaas. One of the easiest places in the game (and I'm pretty sure that was not a coincidence).

Later planets get quite a steep difficulty curve, especially concerning silver and gold mobs. So yeah... I'm sure if he had tried to casually solo some later content, he would've had a lot harder fights on his hands (or even failure?).


Every planet is easy to level through.

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I can't say I'm a fan but I can see some perks. Like being able to do more content but I am worried how this will work when it come to bonus series and other mission, which are above the level of said planet. Unless they do this level stuff very well, I can see a massive amount of bugs arising due to it. Guess well just have to wait and see.
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What I wanted Eric to show was if he rides through mobs if they'll have the ability to knock him off his mount. If that's the case then that's an inconvenience I'd like to avoid.

Not sure if you'll be knocked off, but he definitely seemed to get random aggro while on foot.

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you need to l2 shut it. I can play fine you noob i've been here since 2008 and an idiot like you tells me to l2p. dumb and dumber your kind is.


Keep getting mad over being exposed for being a terrible player. It's quite hilarious. Also just because you were here since 2008 doesn't mean anything since the game didn't come out till December 2011.

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They showed Dromund Kaas. One of the easiest places in the game (and I'm pretty sure that was not a coincidence).

Later planets get quite a steep difficulty curve, especially concerning silver and gold mobs. So yeah... I'm sure if he had tried to casually solo some later content, he would've had a lot harder fights on his hands (or even failure?).


Yeah, it's a shame you might actually have to group up for something that was intended for groups.

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I was wondering how long it would be before the whiners came out after that live stream. This is what I get from this post "Boohoo I can't go to DK and stroke my epeen anymore by one shoting grey mobs in front of newbies anymore!!!".

I levelled to get stronger, not only through levels but through story as well. It makes no sense I'm being delevelled. It's immersion breaking and unnecessary.

Other than that, my character has grown stronger, can one shot lower level mobs because of it. What's wrong with that, it's character progression. Why did you feel the need to respond in such a childish way?

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Lol. I'm loving this change. Heroics are relevant again and so are WBs. And now there is an element of danger too. Sorry some of you don't like it. Sorry you feel it is being forced. But this will be great for the game.


Add Heroics to the laundry list of endgame stuff you can do. This is going to be great for our guildies too, both lowbies and capped players.


Oh man... this is going to be great!!

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Every change that happen in a MMO people hate or accept it. What helps people accept things if the game is still fun and they can work around that feature.


For example WOW. Many features that was added that many players hated, but they still played it because they found fun in other ways. In a MMO you can't make every person happy. Heck even single player games have features that people don't like but accept. Now with the same example, Wow is taking a big hit because not only did they add features players did not like, but the rest of the game is not fun for them as well making it easier for people to quit.



So I stand behind my statement. If you can't accept a change and willing to quit over it. That means this MMO does not offer enough for you to accept it. Meaning that this feature like or hate is one of many things.


Now, If I am wrong and you are not willing to accept and still enjoy the game other features. They have a word for that... Entitlement.


I never said I'd quit. I don't like this feature but I enjoy enough of the features that I'm going to remain subbed but you still didn't answer what I've stated. You mention wow but what of the games that died? You realized that when NGE hit (not on the same level. I'm aware but using it as an example.) there were people stating that it's good for the game, that the people whining are just that, whiners and that the sky wasn't falling? You realize people said the same about Matrix Online, Warhammer, and Tabula Rasa? All I ask is that you should be careful insulting people who aren't happy.


Here's the truth no matter your view on things there's a few simple facts that are true for any game.


If 300 people leave and the rest are happy and 300+ people join? This means the change is good. If 300 people leave, even if the rest are happy, and only 30 join from said feature? The feature still caused a decline in the game. This means the feature was bad. Will level scaling bring in new players? Will it bring in enough players to replace those that leave or unsubscribe? I can't say yes for sure nor can I say no for sure but in the end that will be what matters. If more unsubscribe because of the feature than subscribe for the feature you calling them whiners or claiming they'd have left anyway or entitled doesn't matter. The change did more harm than good.

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i agree with op and i am gw2 player it is my main mmo and i love it but i dont want similar stuff here because this game belongs to SW universe and particularly for force users they grow in power significantly and if you are truly SW universe fan then you will understand a sith acolyte when becomes darth it means he/she is by far far more powerful...this gw2 type level scaling only breaks immersion in my opinion and nothing more...that is not case for gw2 universe...the ED were always by far more powerful than pc and you needed npc help even in solo able story content..so for sake of story and immersion i say this level scaling sucks.
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