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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level synch = death of SWTOR


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Not meaning to sound weird but how is this change warranted? Why was it needed?


It really wasn't, especially not in this form, and not as a mandatory thing.


Another example of Bioware wasting resources on fixing what isn't broken, while operating under the assumption that enjoyment in the game is zero-sum (that is, for one group to get more enjoyment, another group must lose some enjoyment).

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Like I said it is one feature that rewards players for having to put forth a tad more extra effort than before.


If this is enough to make you rage quit or give up on the game. You are just looking for a reason to quit. If this game does not offer enough enjoyment for you outside of going to lower level zones for x reason. This game is doom for you at the very start.

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Level sync ? Ideal to lure Newbies into high-level mobs and slkaughter them "for the lulz". Or for PvP achievements.


Horrible, in my eyes.

You gotta be pretty blind to "get lured into high lv enemies". I'm pretty sure the LV60 farm lowbies for sport with the current system a lot more with much less effort than that already, haha

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Honest question here. How much time do you actually spend on low level planets? I mean really? To gank lowbies or the occasional bounty contract?


Personally I think at this point I might spend more time on lower level planets than I do "relevant" 50+ planets. When I don't have content or a goal in mind, I usually work on either making credits (via grinding a certain Heroic), or grinding achievements, or for a certain piece of older gear (like a level 13 Lightsaber from Kass, or a 45 orange armor piece from Voss that's part of a set).


I've got a lot of max level toons, so when I'm not levelling new ones, or doing newer content, I'm basically in solo paradise achieving something or other.



The issue for me is, post KOTFE once I've done everything with that, what then? I'm probably not gonna be able to solo much anymore, to make money or FP's or otherwise. Gonna be sitting in queue for GFer, just waiting for a pop or outright play something else.

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don't bother arguing with people who do not feel the same way as you do. it will get you no where and you will be aggrivated to boot.


it is good to let bw/ea know what it is that you do not like, and if you are going to unsub, what the reason is.


the big thing is to unsub if you sayyou are. you can only talk with your wallet.


i did. i do not like the level scaling, never have.


more power to all those that do, and i hope the game continues to be fun for you.

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Vote with your wallet. Let Bioware bleed for this!





Not unsubbing. Going to continue paying for a sub. If I didn't unsub when they didn't give an option for grouping on the new expansion, why would I unsub for something like this.

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I admit, I don't see the benefit of it. It adds nothing really. The argument that old content is relevant again is laughable. So you're going to do the old heroics again, that you've done how often before? 50 times? Really? I saw Musco play Friends of Old and my only thought was "Yeah, I'm so going to do that for the literally 100th time. Not."


But I also don't see the doom and gloom of it.


My only question for is "why?" I mean, what is the point? Yes, it somewhat changes dynamics, but for what reason? It adds nothing. The 60 gear? What is it? 188? 190? Ziost takes you to 190 as it is.


Is it all just a huge troll by Bioware?

EXACTLY! You can't repeat any of the class or world quests on lower level planets anyway, so...why?

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Looking forward quite a bit to level scaling, more than anything they've done previously.


And I'm looking forward especially to all the people who have "threatened" to quit the game still being here. My message to them: if you were really serious about quitting the game, you'd just quit.


Bounty Week, HK Parts, Basic Comms from super duper easy heroics, Helping friends do stuff. That's why.

So? What kind of other adventuring did you do on low level planets when HK part hunting or during BBA?

Edited by branmakmuffin
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No, this isn't making content relevant again. This is making it possible for a person to farm the same quest over and over again without ever needing to try out any single other thing in order to get levels and gear appropriate to your level. You never have to leave the starter planets again! It's all just rinse and repeat. Like a robot. You said story matters? Not anymore, apparently. I used to redo old content just BECAUSE I could faceroll the mobs and then I could actually follow the story because it didn't take me forever to get from one point to the other.


I've played this entire game with over 20 characters (majority before the 12xp) - going back to low level planets and being able to solo content such as world bosses and heroics was the best thing ever because I felt rewarded for my efforts of playing all those months. I could come over and help my sister kill big bosses and she was always overjoyed and didn't care for the XP loss and it made her want to level because being a higher level meant being stronger! Now, I'm going to be punished for being a higher level by having all my hard work taken away from me?


I guess I'm not forced to go back to planets - unless someone asks me for help or I actually want achievments. But then I'll have to find 20 people to help me kill the Kaas world boss when I'm level 65. At level 65, Leveling just loses all charm. So you have 'relevant' gear (which will likely only be green and blue on planets anyway) so what, it won't help you - because you're getting gowngraded.


How can I RP that my character is having a picnic in the Alderaan forest with a friend if we keep getting attacked by mobs that are half our level and need to interrupt all RP activity in order to fight them? If we wish to RP getting attacked, we could still do that - but now we won't have a choice because our level will be taken away from us. This really makes most great RP areas completely unRPable now. I thought this was a MMORPG?


This isn't making content more fun or more new. It's just making it more frustrating to do for those of us who are actually in it for the story.

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My concern is that the "scale down to highest possible level to run the content" is going to be the middle-ground worst-of-both-worlds:


1. Those that want to ignore the mobs cannot.

2. Those that like a challenge will experience easy-mode.


In other words, it looks like the downscaling will result in mobs that are too easy to kill, but not roflstomp. As a player that finds fun in challenging content, I'm not going to experience it with this type of downscaling.


So what if it were made optional using an item like the "Training Dummy Modulators"?


As in, activate this item to downscale you to the high end of the planet range, or activate this other item to downscale you to the low end of the planet range for some challenge and get better rewards? Or don't activate any at all and get the fewest rewards?


Something like that?


Heck, it would end up being a "set difficulty level" in an MMO -- something I could see appealing for people.

Edited by Khevar
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No, this isn't making content relevant again. This is making it possible for a person to farm the same quest over and over again without ever needing to try out any single other thing in order to get levels and gear appropriate to your level. You never have to leave the starter planets again! It's all just rinse and repeat. Like a robot. You said story matters? Not anymore, apparently. I used to redo old content just BECAUSE I could faceroll the mobs and then I could actually follow the story because it didn't take me forever to get from one point to the other.


I've played this entire game with over 20 characters (majority before the 12xp) - going back to low level planets and being able to solo content such as world bosses and heroics was the best thing ever because I felt rewarded for my efforts of playing all those months. I could come over and help my sister kill big bosses and she was always overjoyed and didn't care for the XP loss and it made her want to level because being a higher level meant being stronger! Now, I'm going to be punished for being a higher level by having all my hard work taken away from me?


I guess I'm not forced to go back to planets - unless someone asks me for help or I actually want achievments. But then I'll have to find 20 people to help me kill the Kaas world boss when I'm level 65. At level 65, Leveling just loses all charm. So you have 'relevant' gear (which will likely only be green and blue on planets anyway) so what, it won't help you - because you're getting gowngraded.


How can I RP that my character is having a picnic in the Alderaan forest with a friend if we keep getting attacked by mobs that are half our level and need to interrupt all RP activity in order to fight them? If we wish to RP getting attacked, we could still do that - but now we won't have a choice because our level will be taken away from us. This really makes most great RP areas completely unRPable now. I thought this was a MMORPG?


This isn't making content more fun or more new. It's just making it more frustrating to do for those of us who are actually in it for the story.

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Bounty Week, HK Parts, Basic Comms from super duper easy heroics, Helping friends do stuff. That's why.


Not to rain on your parade, but those aren't the best examples when Bounty Week is once a month, HK Parts I've rarely seen anyone praise as something fun due to possible RNG locations and comms...


... I am puzzled by the comms. At present you get a total of 3 comms, max, for a Heroic, easy or not. Out of 1000 cap. And they're not repeatable in a "per day" sense, and in KOTFE I hear they're all going to be weeklies for some reason. Alliance related probably.


Doing Black Hole once gives you over 30 (Weekly gets 30 itself). Doing Heroics, unless they're going to drop like 20 comms each in KOTFE, is quite possibly the most inefficient way to get them outside converting PvP comms! Or just picking them up off the grounds from mobs.

Edited by Transairion
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Well, some people must be enjoying 30-40 ppl on fleet during prime time.


People still go to fleet? I keep waiting for that Priority Transport and Ops transport deco for my house, and I'll never set foot there again. I don't care who's doing who's mom when, or how many trolls can tell a new Trooper that they're mainstat is Cunning. I don't care how many players are racists, or elitists, or how many are QQing about no PvP queue. So I don't go to fleet. I'm sure, based on dialog in DK General last night, that I'm not the only one, so let's not use the cesspool of chat to determine what constitutes a healthy population.


Of course, you may be the same guy that was all like "Lulz, there's only 3 people on Fleet", because they don't understand what Instance means.

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My concern is that the "scale down to highest possible level to run the content" is going to be the middle-ground worst-of-both-worlds:


1. Those that want to ignore the mobs cannot.

2. Those that like a challenge will experience easy-mode.


In other words, it looks like the downscaling will result in mobs that are too easy to kill, but not roflstomp. As a player that finds fun in challenging content, I'm not going to experience it with this type of downscaling.


So what if it were made optional using an item like the "Training Dummy Modulators"?


As in, activate this item to downscale you to the high end of the planet range, or activate this other item to downscale you to the low end of the planet range for some challenge and get better rewards? Or don't activate any at all and get the fewest rewards?


Something like that?


Heck, it would end up being a "set difficulty level" in an MMO -- something I could see appealing for people.


That would be an excellent idea, giving everyone what they want.


(Except for those who insist that it must be mandatory, because obviously playing any way but their way is badwrongfun.)

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It's a way to bring value to old content. They stated it will give relevant rewards. It's a neutral thing at worst, and all the windowlickers who want to faceroll older planets can go and **** themselves. You have your solo story mode - stop trying to turn the entire game in single player RPG with always online DRM.


The moment it becomes optional, they could remove it completely - nobody in their sane mind will use it.

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Looking forward quite a bit to level scaling, more than anything they've done previously.


And I'm looking forward especially to all the people who have "threatened" to quit the game still being here. My message to them: if you were really serious about quitting the game, you'd just quit.


So? What kind of other adventuring did you do on low level planets when HK part hunting or during BBA?


I took selfies. But idk why you're responding to me when all I was doing was giving TUXs reasons why you would go to a lower level planet.


All that could still be done if it was optional and still be interesting. Like it is now.


He asked for why? I gave him reasons why you'd go back to low level planets.

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I never said I'm quitting. I've unsubbed. No more money will be poured into this game by me. I'll sub once every couple of months to get new story chapters and that's it. I'm in f2p leech mode until levelsync is optional.

If you're willing to put up with the Preferred limitations, good for you.



Enjoy your 350k cred cap. At least we won't be subjected to your posts any more.

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Not to rain on your parade, but those aren't the best examples when Bounty Week is once a month, HK Parts I've rarely seen anyone praise as something fun due to possible RNG locations and comms...


... I am puzzled by the comms. At present you get a total of 3 comms, max, for a Heroic, easy or not. Out of 1000 cap. And they're not repeatable in a "per day" sense, and in KOTFE I hear they're all going to be weeklies for some reason. Alliance related probably.


Doing Black Hole once gives you over 30 (Weekly gets 30 itself). Doing Heroics, unless they're going to drop like 20 comms each in KOTFE, is quite possibly the most inefficient way to get them outside converting PvP comms! Or just picking them up off the grounds from mobs.


TUXs asked for reasons why you'd go to a low level planet, that's all there is to it.

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