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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level synch = death of SWTOR


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You can't make a system like this optional! They are doing this so there is always going to be stuff to do regardless if you are high level or not. Don't you see that? We will now have a reason to go back to every single planet to do stuff with these weekly missions and new quests being added.

If you're high level and you want more "stuff to do," you turn ON the level sync. I don't understand how you think that making it an option suddenly removes that option from some players. :confused:



Not with the standard of programming we've seen in SWTOR over the last four years.

I wouldn't be surprised to find that it was done this way because it was the easiest/fastest/cheapest way to implement level scaling.

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I'm going to have to step over to the "Not a fan" side. I wont freak out, or throw a tantrum, but I'm far from happy. The way I see it is that we earned those levels, some of us with money, all of us with time, and I feel that we should be able to do what we want with them. I can imagine this is also going to impact soloing in a negative way. I mean, many of us just don't care for grouping, we like to go at our own pace and do things our way, but even if we are stronger than a natural level character, I am sure there are going to be some things we just cannot do alone now.

I feel that if we want to hold off on a heroic or flashpoint in order to solo it later once we are a higher level, we should be able to. To some of us, it's the way we play.

I just soloed the Foundry on Hardmode a couple of days ago and let me tell you, that was one HECK of a ride. I ran into killer bugs and general issues derived from being alone, but in the end...I had a lot of fun. I don't want to lose the ability to tiptoe around the level limits and challenge myself. I'm not against the concept, but it really needs to be optional.


you earned those levels, and you are going to keep them. You personally will always be whatever level it is you are. Just like before. But now you will have a scaled level beside your "character level" to make the new content relevant and make the bunch of weekly missions and other missions relevant so you can do more stuff in the game. You are keeping your level.

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To be blunt, I don't care. I already have stuff to do. I already have things to do on my maxed-out characters, and I already have things to do on my alts.


And this gives me absolutely no more reason, and in fact less reason, to ever go to a lower-level planet. It gives me less reason to play my main, less reason to level my alts, less reason to do anything in the game.


How will you progress in 4.0 without doing it? that's the question!

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SNIP... It raises quality of play for the lower level people trying to get through content of a planet without high level bot farmers .


Yea, I don't buy that reasoning at all.


they didn't go through all this so they could hinder bot farmers (who wont be hindered but this) or provide some equal play for leveling toons Vs bot farmers.


Not a theory I'd buy into.

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Trust me reasoning with him is a lost battle. He will disagree with you no matter what and that is his hobby in these forums. A couple days ago I posted something where I actually AGREED with the guy and he still went off on me for it just because he feeds on conflict. I finally quit trying to debate with him after that (though it was fun at first because I always love a good debate as long as it doesn't turn into flaming).


Yup, best thing anyone on here can really do is just to put him on ignore.

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That is not what it's going to be if you understand what they are doing. It is going to be like GW2 system where YOU have an overall level, just like a traditional mmorpg, but you are also now going to have a SCALING level that matches you to the planet/level range of what zone you are in.


Have you considered that people don't WANT a scaling level. It was there in GW2 from the start, before people bought into the game and invested time in it. It's one of the reasons I don't play GW2 because actually gaining levels and power is fun. I want challenging content, but also going back as a high level and stomping things is fun too.


I realise that being level synced is not going to make you the same as a natural low level, you are not losing all of your power. But it's a fact that you are losing levels, and stats, and power.


Do you want me to try to explain it more to you? I'll gladly stay up the whole night to answer your questions!


This isn't about explaining. I've not actually seen a single post that suggests somebody doesn't understand what this is. The simple fact is, a lot of players don't want it. Or to be more precise don't want it to be forced upon them.

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Just because something has been made less complicated doesn't mean it's been dumb-ed down. I like that they're not making us gear up our companions. Some story-lines require you to gear up one companion for a boss fight when you'd rather stick with your preferred companion for playstyle.



Jedi Knight Story Spoiler


Like Kira for a Jedi Knight, I can't stand playing with her, yet there she is, your only backup when you fight your first boss. All the while previous I'd built up affection with T7 and prefer to use him, as he's the only one you can use at the end of the Knight storyline it's key to be very used to using him. I do all my questing with him, and if I don't gear up Kira or myself properly or go to fight the first boss too soon, back before 12x xp, I'd get trashed because Kira would be knocked out of the fight far too quickly. So now all I have to worry about is weapon? Great!


I'll miss gearing up T7 to the max, but I'd rather lose that in favor of having a halfway decent Kira.



Level sync as an issue is only an issue because of an unwillingness to accept change. If you stick around, you'll adapt and do just fine. If not, then you're too set in your ways and take the advice Bruce Lee gave, "Be water my friend... be water." Adaptation is key.

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you earned those levels, and you are going to keep them. You personally will always be whatever level it is you are. Just like before. But now you will have a scaled level beside your "character level" to make the new content relevant and make the bunch of weekly missions and other missions relevant so you can do more stuff in the game. You are keeping your level.


See, now here's the disconnect, scaling you down to their level really doesn't make them any more relevant than they are now. They're already there, you can already do them. If you're not doing them, it's not likely because "I'm overlevelled for it", it's likely because they don't want to do it. Making it challenging is only going to frustrate and alienate the people who doing it now solo because they want to farm the content/complete the achievements/do the weeklies/complete conquest objectives/etc. Making it difficult again in no way makes it relevant.

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You don't need any ops gear to do that, but i went into HM ops to get the gear so i can do my dailies faster.

This gear up till now had purpose, better dps = faster missions, but now it's obsolete, because you'll be down scaled so the new gear is useless outside of level 65 content.

This means that there's no reason to do any ops now as gear only "works" in level 65 content.

Hard to believe anyone does HM ops content to do dailies. Fairly sure you'd make more money doing quick old ops +monay bosses than dailies. Especially now that weekly caps are going away too.

Anyway. While I see your point on speed, I hardly see this as an issue. We did BH dailies on lv50 cap already, should be fairly familiar by now.

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That's what mmorpgs are.... doing things over and over and over and over. That's a mainstay of the genre






Quests with Alt characters




You already DO those things, so why not do them throughout the WHOLE GAME instead of just one time and then move on? This system simply let's you do anything you want anyWHERE you want at anytime instead of saying "ok..im max level now what?" and having only 3 or 4 things to do.


Also, I think something is happening in the future for open world pvp because of this.


Good point. This system has a lot of benefits. So the downside of making this an optional toggle is? (So you can toggle level sync on when you want the above benefits)

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It seems it is going to be like GW2's system which is great. Please read my posts! If you don't understand what it is, I will be happy to explain further if you have questions! :)


Please, trust me on this. I know what I'm talking about!! I was against it at first also. But you have to see the bigger picture here for the game


Yeah it's great is your like GW2's system. What about if you don't, and utterly hate GW2's system?

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Just like I wonder why some people like to punish themselves with random PUGs. It's not fun. If you enjoy it, that's great Good for you! I'm glad you found something in this game that you enjoy, and I hope you can find plenty of other people who also enjoy it to play with you. I'm not one of them. Why should I be forced into it?


I'm solo only. So what's the excuse now?

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Have you considered that it might just be an integral part of the game mechanic in the 4.0 release? Alliance, influence, finding old companions, re-visiting planets... etc?


That would only make it worse.


The more integrated this is into the game, the more it will degrade the experience, and the less likely they are to make it optional at some point in the future.

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Yep, was you... I commented on that at the time too.


Must have been me misunderstanding someone else then. I do that **** all the time. Don't plan to stop anytime soon.


It's easy enough to see how this plays out. Why BW is doing it and why it should be optional not forced.


It's decent option to have sure but it doesn't need to be mandatory.

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How will you progress in 4.0 without doing it? that's the question!


Unless they completely F this thing up, hitting level 65 from 60 by just doing the dailies I'm rotating through now and some other random stuff should be a breeze. I'll still get enough XP from CZ, Oricon, Yavin, whatever, to tack on five levels.


That's assuming I don't just log on for the last time on the day before 4.0 "drops" (like a giant deuce).

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I think it is a good idea to be able to help your friends or guild members without hurting their level. It is good that there is a challenge now on these other planets.


Oh yes I know some of you want an option.


But funny thing is when some of us ask for an option on the mission on the new expansion as we like to group with our friends/boy/girlfriends/spouses we were told you not going to have an option so you have to deal with it and do it solo or do it twice. We were always told by a lot of you that we needed to deal with it well now:


You are going to have to deal with this.

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You guys saw the heroic terminal... just some random QoL thing? Really? Think ffs.


It's not just some random thing so end gamers can help newbs out... its there for a reason. Instant global porting to specific heroic locations... just for the hell of it? Come on, work it out.

Edited by leehambly
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Hard to believe anyone does HM ops content to do dailies. Fairly sure you'd make more money doing quick old ops +monay bosses than dailies. Especially now that weekly caps are going away too.

Anyway. While I see your point on speed, I hardly see this as an issue. We did BH dailies on lv50 cap already, should be fairly familiar by now.

And why do i need level 65 gear ?

To do bolstered SM operations for money ?

I can do that with level 10 gear, i'll get a bolster in level 50-65 ops.

So gear is now totally obsolete.

Edited by -Spc
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you earned those levels, and you are going to keep them. You personally will always be whatever level it is you are. Just like before. But now you will have a scaled level beside your "character level" to make the new content relevant and make the bunch of weekly missions and other missions relevant so you can do more stuff in the game. You are keeping your level.


Will my level 65 character still have level 65 hit points, level 65 damage/heals, level 65 etc, when visiting a level 20 planet?


We already know that the answer is "NO", so stop trying to sell this meaningless "you keep your character's level but then there's this scaling level too and blah blah blah" thing. Characters are NOT going to "keep their level" when we go to some low-level planet, they ARE going to have their effective level reduced.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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You guys saw the heroic terminal... just some random QoL thing? Really? Think ffs.


Given we have that terminal the planet scaling really needs to be optimal.


the terminal alone can handle scaling and rewards and teleporting gamers to the FP.


All the more reason this should be optional if you go to a planet on your own.

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Now, if the idea is "we're going to level sync on planets so you can play with your lower level friends", why not have it applicable as you group with those friends? Instead of making it planet-wide mandatory.


This is not to mention the fact that many of the planets have GSI, Seeker Droid, and Macrobinocular quests that skew significantly higher than the main planetary level. So, in other words, is Nar Shaddaa going to be 20-24 or is it going to be 55? Both Balmorra and Taris have different levels depending on faction. Starting planets have quests for higher level characters returning. Many planets have bonus quests that skew higher than the regular planetary level. Did they think about that when deciding to implement level sync?

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