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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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When I first heard about it, I was all for it. Thinking back to my time in Everquest II and how I loved "mentoring down" as we called it to help out friends. We even had NPCs we could go talk to and "relive our past" as a mentored down version of ourselves. Often, being max level and not very raid-happy, going back to old dungeons was both challenging and fun.


But I honestly didn't imagine this was not to be optional. It needs to be. Not for the "I have mats to gather" or "I can't spend all day getting kicked off of my mount" or even "I'm a powerful sith that refuse to get slapped around by low life slaves". But for the fun! For the fun in having options. For the fun of having choices when reaching lvl cap. For the fun of helping friends or guildies the way we choose to.


Please, fun is not having someone tell us "you're gonna enjoy it whether you like it or not". Because that's what it's all about. Right, Bioware?

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When I first heard about it, I was all for it. Thinking back to my time in Everquest II and how I loved "mentoring down" as we called it to help out friends. We even had NPCs we could go talk to and "relive our past" as a mentored down version of ourselves. Often, being max level and not very raid-happy, going back to old dungeons was both challenging and fun.


But I honestly didn't imagine this was not to be optional. It needs to be. Not for the "I have mats to gather" or "I can't spend all day getting kicked off of my mount" or even "I'm a powerful sith that refuse to get slapped around by low life slaves". But for the fun! For the fun in having options. For the fun of having choices when reaching lvl cap. For the fun of helping friends or guildies the way we choose to.


Please, fun is not having someone tell us "you're gonna enjoy it whether you like it or not". Because that's what it's all about. Right, Bioware?


Despite being a company that pounds the "choices matter" drum so hard, Bioware has increasing shown disregard and disdain for actual options and choices in their games. ME3's endings, all the broken cutscenes in SoR, etc, so on, and so forth.

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Bear in mind people are going to be forced to return to prior planets in order to repeat quests in order to earn Alliance advances for the 'end game'.


People already expressed strong feelings about the game forcing them to repeat early planet quests on every character and they screamed for 12x XP or they would quit.


So now game systems designed to force people to go back and repeat quests bioware already capitulated on an enabled them to skip.


So now you pissed off two constituencies. Those who don't like the level syching AND those who don't want to do the content repeating. Never mind the fact that people who were already leveling up the 'traditional way' and were doing the planetary quests on all their characters are now going to have to repeat the repeated content, likely discouraging them some as well.


The whole thing should be an object lesson as to why you give players what you want to give them, not what the players think they want.

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Waiting a few seconds for mobs to respawn occasionally, once in a while, when you just happen to be doing a heroic at the exact same time as a higher level player is not, in this universe or any other, equivalent to the endless parade of knocked off speeder > fight > remount > knocked off speeder > fight > remount etc etc etc that happens when you're riding around an at-or-near-level planet, and it will be even worse on the lower level worlds since the mobs have a much higher density and are harder to steer around than on later worlds with huge open spaces(Corellia and Belsavis with their awful chokepoints aside).


One is a minor inconvenience resulting from a situation that you could play through the whole game 1-60 and never even run into, the other is something that will be a perpetual and consistent inconvenience for literally everybody who visits any planet. Maybe you enjoy the idea of a two minute speeder ride turning into a ten minute stop-start-stop-start parade of annoyance, a lot of folk evidently do not.


How did you even get off of the starter planets?

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Then don't go there again.


NO plans to.


Which means no filling out exploration of maps, no Bounty Week, no gathering old mats when I need to craft something for an alt, no finishing off achievements on lowbie planets, no Datacron hunting, no going back to an old FP or Heroic to grab a piece of orange gear, no plain old "planet tourism" when I miss how planet X looked from a certain point and want to get a screenshot, no etc....


Scaling just makes the mobs in those places -- that used to just ignore you if you didn't walk right into them -- a sloggy, tedious nuisance -- not "hard", not a "challenge", just a time-wasting nuisance. Going from no need to fight them to any kind of fight, even a quick stomp, is a downer.


So, yeah... not what Bioware was hoping for, but scaling just means I'm not going back to lowbie planets at all.


Not sure I'll be going anywhere in SWTOR come November, actually.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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I can't wait for level syncing. This may be the single greatest improvement to the game since it launched.


As a completionist, it was such a nauseating bore to get a set of quests with this epic story behind it, only to go out and obliterate everything in your path with little to no effort. And this was while leveling up!


My only gripe is that I don't have the option to be further synced down to a level that's at best, equal to the mobs I'm fighting. I think the game will still be too easy as a leveling experience for someone who doesn't want to skip content along the way. To be fair though, being synced during the leveling process may feel much more balanced than the level 60 syncing we had the privilege of seeing in the twitch stream.


I couldn't be happier. It's gonna be a blast playing with groups again.

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How did you even get off of the starter planets?


By motivating myself with the thought that, one day, when I hit a higher level, I wouldn't have to deal with all the pointless inconvenient timesinky crap that I did at the time when I came back.


Oh, wait, you were being a sarcy git in the mistaken belief that your implication I'm bad at the game was some great witticism that in any way undermined my point? Sorry, I keep forgetting I'm having these discussions with the troopers of No7 Squad, 18th White Knight Battalion.

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I love when I come to these threads. They remind me of Draenor. 100s of complaint threads, and did Blizzard listen? Nope. Now they're down to less than 6 million subs (Still way more than this pile of dung), but they learned their lesson and are changing things, for the most part, back to the better days.


So, yes, Bioware, people won't really unsub. I mean JohnDoeplayer3243242 said so.

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I couldn't be happier. It's gonna be a blast playing with groups again.


So you're really in favor of this, at least in part, because it you think it will force more people to group with you? Or am I not understanding that part?

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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"ommggg I'm unsubbing nao because of levelsync".

No, you are not.

Or if you do, you'll come back 2 months later, let's be honest here.

Just quit QQ'ing.


Actually it will be more like:


I've subbed and played through the story. We all know story doesn't last as long as BW has ever hoped it would and we will quickly burn though it.


Leaving content we have been doing since launch in som capacity. That crap is now really old. Even things like OPs and FP are really really old. IT's not the same as trying to say, "Well just run that ops one more time" when an ops might be kinda new.


Thats why gamers will leave. They will stay for an amazing story but it will be short lived even with alts.


Down scaling every player because they went back to a starter world so BW can pretend that heroics need this level adjustment or that open wprld mobs are somehow interesting or entertaining after you left them long ago.


Sorry but no. This should have been design as optional from the start.


You want the rewards? Use the heroic terminal. Get scaled.

You want to go to the planet and farm something? When you step off your ship, you get prompted to scale or not.


There is a best of both worlds option that could have been done and BW made sure to screw it up. So there will be gamers to leave. There will be a 2 month or more gap when nothing in this game is new and story is gone. thats why you will see gamers fine something more entertaining then have their high level toon turned into a padawan with less HP's, less armor, less power, pretty much less everything but with a few more skill buttons available.

Edited by Quraswren
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Those complaining, look at it this way, you can now have your lvl 65 go and help your friends that are much lower level and actually PLAY TOGETHER as THE GAME WAS INTENDED. Stop with the "ERMAGERD! They are added stuffz we don't like, unsubbed." and grow the F*** up.


It's a game and and an MMO. Games have to evolve to encompass more players. Look at WoW. Blizzard did things players didn't like, but they are still here and still bringing in the cash. SWTOR isn't going anywhere anytime soon. So just stop QQing and get over yourselves.



Funny how about 90% the ad hom lashing out is coming from one side of this "discussion".

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So you're really in favor of this, at least in part, because it you think it will force more people to group with you? Or am I not understanding that part?


If raids, dailies, weeklies, Ranked PVP didn't make people group... I highly doubt taking away their levels and putting a carrot on a stick will. The person you replied to is delusional.

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Might as well ask here -- when you buy unlocks like "additional command bars" and "hide helmet" and so on... do those apply to just the one character, or the entire legacy?


I have a bunch of CC saved up from my sub, I'm thinking about going Preferred for a while to see if Bioware wises up and makes this syncing nonsense optional.

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I can't wait for level syncing. This may be the single greatest improvement to the game since it launched.


As a completionist, it was such a nauseating bore to get a set of quests with this epic story behind it, only to go out and obliterate everything in your path with little to no effort. And this was while leveling up!


My only gripe is that I don't have the option to be further synced down to a level that's at best, equal to the mobs I'm fighting. I think the game will still be too easy as a leveling experience for someone who doesn't want to skip content along the way. To be fair though, being synced during the leveling process may feel much more balanced than the level 60 syncing we had the privilege of seeing in the twitch stream.


I couldn't be happier. It's gonna be a blast playing with groups again.


I'm looking forward to some of the "new old" content myself. I'm still not seeing any good reasons for it not being optional. In fact, it reminds me a lot of the old thread about wanting appearance gear. People were against it for various reasons, but not one could come up with an argument against an _optional_ appearance tab. Bioware got the idea eventually. I think options are good.

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The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.


The number of people who aren't happy with downbolster (here, reddit, ingame) far outweigh the number I've ever seen asking for the ability to share solo story instances with a group. If you can feed 1000 starving children or 1 starving child, you should probably go with the former.


Not trying to be mean, but that's the best example I know of. Majority of players don't group for story to begin with.


I am going to disagree with you. It would depend on your server. On the server I am on and in my guild most of us group up. Maybe the majority of people you know don't group but the majority of people I know group up and this has been requested since we first learned of the expansion.


As far as the level sync I happen to like it. I think it makes helping guild members easier and doing things with lower members so for me this is something very nice and my guild likes it so the majority of people who don't like it again depends on your circle of people and as far as reddit I rarely take them into consideration as 9 times of out of 10 they find something to complain about.


As far as ingame there was no one in general last night complaining when my guild was on so again it depends on your server.

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Stick with your guys BW. This change is great for the game. You are showing some backbone, finally.


You can't please everyone and people come and go from the games like this. People have left for much less and have returned for much less.


The whining was going to happen with regard to the xpac anyway. It will go away, and many will actually stay and find that it is ok. Others will go and return when they find that other games handle this in much the same way. And others will finally have their excuse to leave. But the majority will be much happier and the influx of new and returning players won't care.


Nevertheless, this change is warranted and will re-invigorate the game and areas that have been dormant. In a few months, it will be nothing more than a trivial aside.

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By motivating myself with the thought that, one day, when I hit a higher level, I wouldn't have to deal with all the pointless inconvenient timesinky crap that I did at the time when I came back.


Oh, wait, you were being a sarcy git in the mistaken belief that your implication I'm bad at the game was some great witticism that in any way undermined my point? Sorry, I keep forgetting I'm having these discussions with the troopers of No7 Squad, 18th White Knight Battalion.


Great witticism? No. Truth? Yep.

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One more thing BW. I believe you have now come full circle. This game suffered a great deal at launch because it was missing some features that people considered critical in an MMO. This game is far from that now. What we are now seeing is the MMO many were and are looking for, so keep going.


Do not capitulate to the vocal minority on this! The majority will not care and many will enjoy it for what it is. You are doing great BW. Seriously, great!

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Stick with your guys BW. This change is great for the game. You are showing some backbone, finally.


You can't please everyone and people come and go from the games like this. People have left for much less and have returned for much less.


The whining was going to happen with regard to the xpac anyway. It will go away, and many will actually stay and find that it is ok. Others will go and return when they find that other games handle this in much the same way. And others will finally have their excuse to leave. But the majority will be much happier and the influx of new and returning players won't care.


Nevertheless, this change is warranted and will re-invigorate the game and areas that have been dormant. In a few months, it will be nothing more than a trivial aside.


Not meaning to sound weird but how is this change warranted? Why was it needed?

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