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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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Then this game is maybe not for you ?

Try playing eve online pvp, you'll loose everything you own, including spaceship all the items that you have equipped and everything that you have in the ships cargo.


Only if you get podded, I've lost thousands of dollars worth of ships and items in Eve over the years, never podded once.


But Eve pvp isn't Swtor PVP, or WoW PvP or GW2 pvp, it's swtor pvp and they don't have loot rules in pvp. besides Lineage 2 and Perfect World had better world pvp.

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They will explain it more in the coming weeks and I will also explain it. It makes sense to me now, how they are going to do it. It seems they are going to do it like GW2 system. Don't get so down hard on it! :o


Because GW2 is exactly why people bought this game... 4 years ago. Stop the white knighting, man.


It's a monumental shift and a bait and switch. If they were so confident, why'd they hide this feature until this late?

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I have seen GW2, and as far as I'm concerned, the system is not good. It is not what I want out of a game. It is the opposite of what I want out of a game.


Look at it this way. TOR will still have it's own thing and own way of doing it. They aren't going to completely copy GW2 I said it's going to be LIKE GW2 not "taking GW2 system". It's going to be something LIKE that perhaps where you have this and that level.


I do agree in a way that this game should have it's own system and what we had didn't need to be changed. But we ALL need to play it first and see how it goes before we jump to conclusions and suddenly leave. Ok max? :)

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It seems it is going to be like GW2's system which is great. Please read my posts! If you don't understand what it is, I will be happy to explain further if you have questions! :)


Please, trust me on this. I know what I'm talking about!! I was against it at first also. But you have to see the bigger picture here for the game


I ABSOLUTELY do not understand what you mean in your post. Never played GW2, never will, so comparison is mute.


I do not care if I will still be able to kill mobs easy. I could kill them easy while leveling too. What I care about is the fact that I will pull their aggro now when I just wan to get crafting mats or lore item, or do some RP.


Now that mobs are grey, they do not notice me unless I step on them. But if I'll be on their level, they will attack me and distract me from what I'm doing. So how is that good?

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I don't think there is even going to be a sensible discussion here. SNIP...


Of course there can't be.


You simply cannot see how making this optional would have been a better solution. Everyone gets a bit of what they want. Play how you want depending on what you want to accomplish.


Instead, you seem to think a forced level scaling down after someone put in the time to level up is a grand achievement everyone should love and give it a try.


Supporting it as a one sided forced option like you are leaves me to realize you couldn't be more wrong.


No SWTOR player needs to play a down scale toon and "give it a try" to know whats going on and how screwed up this makes things.

Edited by Quraswren
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Im guessing neighter of you read my previous reasoning on the PVP subject. I shall not repeat it as it seemed to go on deaf ears.


Again, I much prefer this approach of players meeting as equals on the planets. It is what I hoped originally from world pvp, and am quite happy with the change and will defend it :)


All this scaling will do will prevent one on one griefing. Now, those griefers will just get a couple of friends to spawn camp your butt. How do you want BW to hold your hand for you then?

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They will explain it more in the coming weeks and I will also explain it. It makes sense to me now, how they are going to do it. It seems they are going to do it like GW2 system. Don't get so down hard on it! :o


Will my character's overall capability be lowered in some way when I go to a lower-level planet or area or whatever?


The answer is clearly "yes", at this point.


No amount of explanation, or detail, or "awesome future" or "great stuff" is going to change that basic fact. Going to lower-level "areas" is going to result in a reduction in your character's capabilities.


That's all there is to it.


And I do not want that in a game. It is not fun for me. As far as I am concerned, it is bad.


Why can you not understand that?

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I ABSOLUTELY do not understand what you mean in your post. Never played GW2, never will, so comparison is mute.


I do not care if I will still be able to kill mobs easy. I could kill them easy while leveling too. What I care about is the fact that I will pull their aggro now when I just wan to get crafting mats or lore item, or do some RP.


Now that mobs are grey, they do not notice me unless I step on them. But if I'll be on their level, they will attack me and distract me from what I'm doing. So how is that good?



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Look at it this way. TOR will still have it's own thing and own way of doing it. They aren't going to completely copy GW2 I said it's going to be LIKE GW2 not "taking GW2 system". It's going to be something LIKE that perhaps where you have this and that level.


I do agree in a way that this game should have it's own system and what we had didn't need to be changed. But we ALL need to play it first and see how it goes before we jump to conclusions and suddenly leave. Ok max? :)


You're fighting a losing battle friend. Some people don't like change, change scares them. The worry that this change is going to be the NGE/CU of SWG, so they are worried.


If they didn't care about their aspect of the game they enjoy they wouldn't bother making a post, while I myself find it no trouble at all, they do. You will not win this argument. You should let them vent, agree to disagree and walk away.

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Of course there can't be.


You simply cannot see how making this optional would have been a better solution. Everyone gets a bit of what they want. Play how you want depending on what you want to accomplish.


Instead, you seem to think a forced level scaling down after someone put in the time to level up is a grand achievement everyone should love and give it a try.


Supporting it as a one sided forced option like you are leaves me to realize you couldn't be more wrong.


I'm nor FOR it OR AGAINST it! That's what I have been trying to say!


I'm simply explaining WHAT the system is without putting my personal thoughts into the matter Qura :( That's what I'm trying to do so people understand what it is!


I'm neither FOR or AGAINST it. That is until I see it and play it for myself. Then, only then, can I decide.


But there is absolutely NO logical reason to be mad, upset, at the change or new systems coming or be down about it because that makes no logical sense whatsoever. You must always be optimistic about things and be rational, and level headed. Force yourself to think positive! and if things don't end up the way you want, cut your losses and move on :) do NOT set yourself up to be dismal. It's not good for you life. MMOS are supposed to be our escape, not stress us out!

Edited by Sarfux
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All this scaling will do will prevent one on one griefing. Now, those griefers will just get a couple of friends to spawn camp your butt. How do you want BW to hold your hand for you then?

Scaled lower they cannot spawncamp you butt in your own base due to guard NPCs. Also, you can just call someone from the planet to come over instead of logging a 60. Much easier.

Edited by Kiesu
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Optional would have been way better although I would be against that as well. Switching on and off of levels would feel weird to me as well.

This whole idea is just a big train wreck stunt to get more artificial content and it's a big shame they've come to this.

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Why can you not understand that?


Mainly because you clearly don't yet, along with the rest of us, know the reasons for it... when we do, it will become clearer. This isn't some sandbox game... its a story based MMO... maybe this is all part of the story. Cool your boots.

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I'm nor FOR it OR AGAINST it! That's what I have been trying to say!


I'm simply explaining WHAT the system is without putting my personal thoughts into the matter Qura :( That's what I'm trying to do so people understand what it is!


I'm neither FOR or AGAINST it. That is until I see it and play it for myself. Then, only then, can I decide.


If you're not for or against it why do your posts read like an ESL version of SWTOR community managers' posts?

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Well if they do this, there will be no need for operations gear anymore, as level 65 gear will only be useable in level 65 missions and ops, everything other will be lowered.


So i guess no one will do any ops anymore, because ops will we worthless.


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Optional would have been way better although I would be against that as well. Switching on and off of levels would feel weird to me as well.

This whole idea is just a big train wreck stunt to get more artificial content and it's a big shame they've come to this.


Optional wouldn't be better either, Optional means no one would use it, some would but griefers wouldn't. That would cause others to go "Well if they aren't going to use it but can still grief me then I won't use it so they can't grief me". ofc that's just one scenario.

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So a 30 second fight is an issue? I don't see how this is any more tedious than replaying the same ops over and over in hopes that an item drops and you win the roll.


I don't do Ops. I do some dailies, do some leveling stuff on my alts, and then head out. I play the game to relax and unwind and get my mind off much bigger stuff. I play because I dig the characters I've created and watched go through the stories and gain in ability.


This game is not my "challenge", it is not my adrenaline rush, it is not my social life.


If I'm out on some planet to capture a Kingpin, I am NOT there to fight random local scum over and over. If the weekly on some planet requires me to do a Heroic, I want to get to the point where I can solo it reasonably, so I don't have to roll the dice on whatever random PuGtard I come across on the planet.

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