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Assassins effectively losing an ability in 4.0 ?


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So apparently Phase Walk is going to be available for sorcerers as well and being replaced as a sin unique ability by the force teleport dash. I am probably wrong but does this mean that sins will get one less class unique ability compared to other classes in 4.0 ?
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So apparently Phase Walk is going to be available for sorcerers as well and being replaced as a sin unique ability by the force teleport dash. I am probably wrong but does this mean that sins will get one less class unique ability compared to other classes in 4.0 ?


Phase Walk is not being removed from the class, it will just be an "Inquisitor" ability. So I guess you can say assassin loses the uniqueness factor of it, but classes "losing" abilities isn't a new thing. Powertechs have lost Unload, Operatives lost Orbital Strike, Sentinels lost Riposte, etc.

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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So apparently Phase Walk is going to be available for sorcerers as well and being replaced as a sin unique ability by the force teleport dash. I am probably wrong but does this mean that sins will get one less class unique ability compared to other classes in 4.0 ?


It just means we will have to plan things out more carefully when fighting a Sorc. I'll be honest, Sorcs need Phase Walk. It's much better compared to Bubble. Especially after burst heals get lowered and Force Speed will have a 30sec CD again in 4.0.

Edited by Nelfrey
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if they NEED PW then assassin NEED Force Barrier. What there ability to get healed threw that barrier and insta heal them self after it off and be immune to interrupts is not enough?


They dont need it nor should they get it. and if you think they need it your playing sorc wrong..

Edited by Kyuuu
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No one needs phase walk, its cheese, certainly in ranked and stealth sins who has a stealth out already don't need a 2nd out to be able to heal back to full and return back to the fight stealth again....


Sorcs need it far more then sins do since we can't pick our fights as sins can. How often are DPS sorcs gloabled in ranked due to stealthers jumping on them, phase walk will allow sorcs to get out of said gank and they will still have their god bubble which will allow the DPS sorcs the ability to play ranked better.

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if they NEED PW then assassin NEED Force Barrier. What there ability to get healed threw that barrier and insta heal them self after it off and be immune to interrupts is not enough?


They dont need it nor should they get it. and if you think they need it your playing sorc wrong..


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if they NEED PW then assassin NEED Force Barrier. What there ability to get healed threw that barrier and insta heal them self after it off and be immune to interrupts is not enough?


They dont need it nor should they get it. and if you think they need it your playing sorc wrong..


Again, we are talking about 4.0 not how Sorcs are now. Their healing will be nerfed from what it is now going into the next expansion. And why would I want Force Barrier as a Sin when we have Force Cloak and Phantom Stride... I would rather get away from danger completely than still be stuck in the middle of it when Force Barrier ends.

Edited by Nelfrey
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point was if SORC who can HEAL them selves EVEN as DPS with insta heals after Force Barrier (plus interrupt immunity for few seconds) and can even be healed while in it, need PW your playing sorc wrong they didnt need it BEFORE heals got buffed.


Assassin can not heal them self like sorcs we either Force cloak or PW to survive there is no Heals for us like sorc have.


IF Sorc did not have HEALS or alest not DPS variant didnt have heals and PW was give to the DPS it would be fine, but not if they can heal them selves have Force Barrier + interrupt immunity after FB + bubble stun.


if you know how to play sorc you dont need PW to live, PW would just make them even more ridiculous.

Edited by Kyuuu
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No one needs phase walk, its cheese, certainly in ranked and stealth sins who has a stealth out already don't need a 2nd out to be able to heal back to full and return back to the fight stealth again....


Sorcs need it far more then sins do since we can't pick our fights as sins can. How often are DPS sorcs gloabled in ranked due to stealthers jumping on them, phase walk will allow sorcs to get out of said gank and they will still have their god bubble which will allow the DPS sorcs the ability to play ranked better.


ok sins who phase walk and heal to full thats mostly bs, 9 times out of ten when you phase walk your still flagged for combat which means you can't heal to full unless you haven't used your cloak. Matter of fact if your still flagged and you didn't go far enough snipers attacks, bh attacks still hit you through walls/objects so sorcs can have it as long as bubble is removed.

Edited by Kazz_Devlin
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point was if SORC who can HEAL them selves EVEN as DPS with insta heals after Force Barrier (plus interrupt immunity for few seconds) and can even be healed while in it, need PW your playing sorc wrong they didnt need it BEFORE heals got buffed.


Assassin can not heal them self like sorcs we either Force cloak or PW to survive there is no Heals for us like sorc have.


IF Sorc did not have HEALS or alest not DPS variant didnt have heals and PW was give to the DPS it would be fine, but not if they can heal them selves have Force Barrier + interrupt immunity after FB + bubble stun.


if you know how to play sorc you dont need PW to live, PW would just make them even more ridiculous.


So true. The reason Sorc got bubble was because they cried we got no mobility. YOU GOT MOBILITY REMOVE BUBBLE!

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They won't remove force barrier. It's not going to happen. Sorcs and assassins are the squishiest classes in game so force barrier is not going away. Now do they need phase walk? No. And neither do operatives need a teleport. They already have their roll which allows them to cover more ground, in stealththan any other class and now they get an instant teleport, as if they needed more mobility. All these movement buffs to the classes are completely stupid and unneeded. I would rather see healing, dps, and defensives of each class properly balanced instead of this dance contest bioware plans on doing which is also going make most stuns completely useless.
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You guys have clearly never healed yourself as a DPS Sage/Sorc. Healing as a DPS sage sucks if you have to cast heals. The only rational healing is self healing. That comes in 2 forms. There is a Heroic Utility to allow both bubbles to heal and Balance/Madness Sage/Sorcs heal themselves in the way Balance/Madness Sins do. The instant heal of a Sage is not as good (and better in other ways) than Overcharge Saber (which is a larger instant cast heal btw).
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You guys have clearly never healed yourself as a DPS Sage/Sorc. Healing as a DPS sage sucks if you have to cast heals. The only rational healing is self healing. That comes in 2 forms. There is a Heroic Utility to allow both bubbles to heal and Balance/Madness Sage/Sorcs heal themselves in the way Balance/Madness Sins do. The instant heal of a Sage is not as good (and better in other ways) than Overcharge Saber (which is a larger instant cast heal btw).


Uhh. Unnatural Preservation is miles better than Overcharge Saber is for non-tank Assassins. 30 second CD, can be affected by Recklessness, and is determined by bonus healing rather than a flat 15% of health. With a 186 MH and a 198 off hand, my Sorc was getting 8-9k Unnatural Preservations, and 15-16k crits of it before the utility, and I got to see a 20k tick with the utility. At 55k health you get the same healing out of it if the Sorc doesn't take the talent AND if Unnatural Preservation couldn't crit, if the Sorc is also in mediocre gear. Except it's got 4x the cooldown.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Uhh. Unnatural Preservation is miles better than Overcharge Saber is for non-tank Assassins. 30 second CD, can be affected by Recklessness, and is determined by bonus healing rather than a flat 15% of health. With a 186 MH and a 198 off hand, my Sorc was getting 8-9k Unnatural Preservations, and 15-16k crits of it before the utility, and I got to see a 20k tick with the utility. At 55k health you get the same healing out of it if the Sorc doesn't take the talent AND if Unnatural Preservation couldn't crit, if the Sorc is also in mediocre gear. Except it's got 4x the cooldown.


You think it would be better if unnatural preservation was on a 1 minute CD by default and had its CD reduced (either by dealing damage or just flat) on a dps spec to around 30-45s?

Edited by sithBracer
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How can another thread turn into a (nerf) sorcs thread have no clue.


All threads on this forum are within six degrees of separation from a "Nerf Sorcs" thread. The longer a thread goes the more likely someone will entreat the devs to nerf Sorcerers (and by association Sages).

Edited by Master-Nala
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You think it would be better if unnatural preservation was on a 1 minute CD by default and had its CD reduced (either by dealing damage or just flat) on a dps spec to around 30-45s?


I think that would be interesting, though unwarranted. Sorcs get all of 2 DCDs, because Static Barrier doesn't really count. Nerfing 1 of their 2, though they'll have a third in 4.0, would be bad.


All threads on this forum are within six degrees of separation from a "Nerf Sorcs" thread. The longer a thread goes the more likely someone will entreat the devs to nerf Sorcerers (and by association Sages).


Man, all I did was say that their self heal cooldown was better. :(

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Personally I sorc/sage getting PW just take away something that only we had. While that does such I feel there should be some love the other way. Maybe giving shadow/assassins the same HOT that sage/sorc's have. The only real healing shadow/sins have his from their damage which is good in large groups but feels almost useless 1v1. It wouldn't break the game but give shadow a way to mix up their game play a bit the same way sages are now being able to mix up their game play with PW.
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I think that would be interesting, though unwarranted. Sorcs get all of 2 DCDs, because Static Barrier doesn't really count. Nerfing 1 of their 2, though they'll have a third in 4.0, would be bad.


I just realized I wrote the wrong ability, I meant overcharge saber not unnatural preservation. My mistake :p

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I just realized I wrote the wrong ability, I meant overcharge saber not unnatural preservation. My mistake :p


Oh. No. Absolutely not. Nononononononononononononononononononono. No.


Don't forget that tanks get +25% DR for the duration of Overcharge, making it arguably the best tank CD in the game. Halving its cooldown, while I would love it while I had it, would be really bad for game balance, and would result in an exaggerated nerf (because that's just how it goes, a spec gets a little too good and then gets hamstrung, kneecapped, then drawn and quartered). It would be a pretty nifty boost for DPS, but the implications of 25% uptime on 25% additive DR as a tank are scary.

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would be really bad for game balance, and would result in an exaggerated nerf (because that's just how it goes, a spec gets a little too good and then gets hamstrung, kneecapped, then drawn and quartered.


*insert obligatory comment about sorcerers, to fill the weekly quota*

Edited by Jinre_the_Jedi
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I'm sure this has been mentioned before and I'm sure the "anti-inquisitor" community would flip out over it, but what if assassins were given unnatural preservation? Not any of the other healing abilities, just that one. I don't think it'd be too huge of an issue in pvp and would help a bit in pve.
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