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Rumored downgrading


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If made compulsory, it could still backfire since if those same people move onto other games, it leaves this one high and dry; and no amount of arm-twisting and coercion will make people stay...


since if players could opt-out, everyone would proceed to do so


Not everyone, just me. And, I might've known you'd support such oppression; you also hate on 12x XP, so I doubt we are ever going to agree on anything regarding this game.


You, and so many others seem to eager to support the removal of options, ostensibly for reasonable purposes, but you're still killing people's options for no good reason.


Anyway, why assume that just because one person might like things easy, EVERYONE OMG END OF THE UNIVERSE! will also want that? Did it ever occur to your ever-so-cynical mind that people actually WANTED down-bolstering as part of a mentoring system?


BW:A isn't going to kill people's options just to make you happy, and if they do, then the game will be pretty much just you and EQ exiles.

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If made compulsory, it could still backfire since if those same people move onto other games, it leaves this one high and dry; and no amount of arm-twisting and coercion will make people stay...




Not everyone, just me. And, I might've known you'd support such oppression; you also hate on 12x XP, so I doubt we are ever going to agree on anything regarding this game.


You, and so many others seem to eager to support the removal of options, ostensibly for reasonable purposes, but you're still killing people's options for no good reason.


Anyway, why assume that just because one person might like things easy, EVERYONE OMG END OF THE UNIVERSE! will also want that?




You might not be able to go and faceroll the low level planetary heroics for comms, and you might not be able to solo that low level planetary world boss.


You might actually have to <GASP> find a group for that world boss, or heroic. You might actually have to <GASP> put forth a little effort or take a little time to finish those heroics or down that world boss.


The horror of it all. The world is coming to an end!!!!!

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Sometimes you have to twist people's arm in order to help them. Especially since people typically hate change in any shape or form.


Or... telling yourself that you're "helping" them is just a way to justify forcing something on them, and saying "people hate change" is just a way to dismiss and belittle their legitimate concerns...

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You might not be able to go and faceroll the low level planetary heroics for comms, and you might not be able to solo that low level planetary world boss.


You might actually have to <GASP> find a group for that world boss, or heroic. You might actually have to <GASP> put forth a little effort or take a little time to finish those heroics or down that world boss.


The horror of it all. The world is coming to an end!!!!!


Yeah, those terrible people, having badwrongfun by not doing things exactly like you do.


Next thing you know, they'll be gearing their characters for the badwrong appearance for their class, or using a badwrong species for the faction they're playing, or even making the badwrong choices in conversations!



Edited by Max_Killjoy
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You can go ahead and add me as another person that will leave if this happens. As a founder who has been here since day 1 if I am down leveled for going to any planet I'm out. No one has to believe me and I won't even make a post. I'll just leave. I'm only even making this post hoping it can somehow stop it from being implemented. Worst case my sub is up on October 25th.
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Yeah, those terrible people, having badwrongfun by not doing things exactly like you do. :rolleyes:


God forbid anyone have to actually <GASP> put forth a little effort instead of having everything <DERP> easy mode and essentially handed to you on a silver platter.


Those horrible, nasty devs need to be taken out and tarred and feathered for even thinking about making you put forth a little effort, right?


Just to clarify, I am neither for nor against downgrading, either optional or mandatory. I do not think it will be the end of the world, though, if it is mandatory and people cannot have easy mode on the lower planets and actually have to <GASP> put forth a bit of effort.

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God forbid anyone have to actually <GASP> put forth a little effort instead of having everything <DERP> easy mode and essentially handed to you on a silver platter.


God forbid someone enjoy the game in a way that's different from what you like... god forbid someone have fun in a game instead it being a job... god forbid you mind your own business instead of worrying so much about what other people do with their free time in a game.



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God forbid someone enjoy the game in a way that's different from what you like... god forbid someone have fun in a game instead it being a job. :rolleyes:


Because having to put forth ANY effort at all, makes it a job? If it is not completely <DERP> faceroll easy mode and "give it to me NOW and without any effort", it's a "job" and can't possibly be fun?

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Because having to put forth ANY effort at all, makes it a job? If it is not completely <DERP> faceroll easy mode and "give it to me NOW and without any effort", it's a "job" and can't possibly be fun?


Yes exactly when i touch down on say nar shadaa to kill a wb or do heroics for said reason i wan't to roflstomp them and get it over asap. When i wan't to put effort into something then there's fps, ops, wz and gsf not planetary heroics.

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Yes exactly when i touch down on say nar shadaa to kill a wb or do heroics for said reason i wan't to roflstomp them and get it over asap. When i wan't to put effort into something then there's fps, ops, wz and gsf not planetary heroics.


This, I don't shy away from group content; just having to deal with PUGs who are, in all honestly, misanthropic trolls.


And, no amount of down-scaling, forced or otherwise, to try and increase group content frequency will improve their behaviour.

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Yes exactly when i touch down on say nar shadaa to kill a wb or do heroics for said reason i wan't to roflstomp them and get it over asap. When i wan't to put effort into something then there's fps, ops, wz and gsf not planetary heroics.


We'll have to wait and see, but it may be that some will have to find another game to faceroll.

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I actually see no problem at all with the "rumored downgrading"...as I think it adds immersion (as long as you're downgraded to max level of said planet, and still have access to all learned abilities).


I came across this post below in the other thread talking about this scaling issue, and I think it's brilliant.


If we can still pick up experience this might be a very cool thing. Even without 12xp it's very hard staying within seven levels of the class story content, if they do something like this I can do all the content I want and still get rewards for doing it.


If we are able to get XP at all times, since we will be downgraded, then I think it's perfect. If we cannot, then I think they really need to think about adding it.


If a level 50 republic player decides to go back and finish all the quests they missed on Taris, and they are now downgraded to match Taris' level range, then they should be able to still get XP from the quests and defeats there.


If the above is implemented, then I think downgrading/scaling is a great addition to the game.

Edited by VitalityPrime
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We'll have to wait and see, but it may be that some will have to find another game to faceroll.


It's not about facerolling the entire game duh...


It's about doing some trivial thing as nar shadaa heroics cause some guildie whines too much or something like that. For wich I personally don't think anybody will be truly happy to go on a planet search 2 hours for 2 other random guys (luck of the draw here) who will most likely be cluess in what to do giving you the joy of 30 wipes, insane repair bill and still half a heroic left cause this is what most likely planetary downgrading will result in...

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It's not about facerolling the entire game duh...


It's about doing some trivial thing as nar shadaa heroics cause some guildie whines too much or something like that. For wich I personally don't think anybody will be truly happy to go on a planet search 2 hours for 2 other random guys (luck of the draw here) who will most likely be cluess in what to do giving you the joy of 30 wipes, insane repair bill and still half a heroic left cause this is what most likely planetary downgrading will result in...


So basically you're saying you will no longer help your guildmates because you won't be able to bring your level 60 and faceroll the content they are looking for help with?

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I hope they do add it, so other players can mentor new players; but that they make it like 12x XP currently, opt-out or opt-in.


The game should be more accessible, and don't let people who think of themselves as REAL players tell you otherwise. Besides which, accessibility has absolutely nothing to do with misanthropic troll presence; they'd fester here regardless, and derail groups, as is their only reason reason for living.


Finding groups to do content, and getting them through the content is, at best, a crapshoot; any changes aimed at improving grouping up will only improve things by 0.000000000000000000000000000000001%, and that's if you're lucky.

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Please point to were I directed any insult towards you.


Your paraphrase quote is dishonest in extreme.



Your entire post was about "oh no, is it too hard for you?"


If I want something that makes me work a bit, I'll solo max-level heroics or something.


When it comes to low-level content, or a low-level planet, on the occasions I do it -- for whatever reason, and whatever reason is no one else's business -- with a high-level character, a character I've already put all the time into and whatever effort you happen to think was needed into, I expect it to look like a hardened veteran going back to visit basic training, like a postgraduate math genius opening a 1st-grade math workbook.

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So basically you're saying you will no longer help your guildmates because you won't be able to bring your level 60 and faceroll the content they are looking for help with?


I said that turning a trivial matter into a grind will be a pain for many people.


And no i didn't say that i wont help guildies and apparently this happened: http://chezapocalypse.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/point.jpg

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I don't get it, down bolstering to area level is a step forward. For starters it's the first step to allowing high levels to participate equally with low levels which in turn allows for more dynamic group questing because it allows them to create content that is relevant for a much wider range of the population.

Guild Wars 2 already set a precedent for it, and in GW2, they have world bosses that require dozens of players to kill, yet players hardly if ever have to LFG spam for such things.

That's probably because the GW2 system of open-world events does not require players to be grouped together to participate and receive rewards. This is a huge deal, because solo-oriented (or at the least, non-PuG oriented) players can get involved and help out without subjecting themselves to the frustration of grouping with random strangers.


I tend to do a fair number of those events when I play GW2. I rarely do them here, and scaling character levels to old content won't convince me to do them more frequently.

Yes exactly when i touch down on say nar shadaa to kill a wb or do heroics for said reason i wan't to roflstomp them and get it over asap. When i wan't to put effort into something then there's fps, ops, wz and gsf not planetary heroics.

QFT. I doubt the average player (if such a thing exists) goes back to do low-level Heroics for the challenge.

This, I don't shy away from group content; just having to deal with PUGs who are, in all honestly, misanthropic trolls.


And, no amount of down-scaling, forced or otherwise, to try and increase group content frequency will improve their behaviour.

Games these days seem to be inundated with players who can't even be bothered to say "Hi," but proceed to ignore any and all group communication (unless it involves gratuitous insults aimed at other group members), jump headlong into combat demanding -- not asking for -- heals and buffs, blame everyone else when they faceplant and then proceed to try to grab all the loot for themselves.


No, thanks.

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That's probably because the GW2 system of open-world events does not require players to be grouped together to participate and receive rewards. This is a huge deal, because solo-oriented (or at the least, non-PuG oriented) players can get involved and help out without subjecting themselves to the frustration of grouping with random strangers.


If there was a system were you'd have like 30 un-grouped people all being able to get credit for the weekly WB hunt, and all get rewards, for instance, I probably wouldn't mind so much.


QFT. I doubt the average player (if such a thing exists) goes back to do low-level Heroics for the challenge.


No, these so-called REAL players who are apparently far better than any of us (even 16 NiM must be face-roll to them, to hear the way they talk, especially to ridicule ANY and EVERYone who doesn't care for their idea of a challenge) should really do some content they've out-leveled, they may see things differently. Or, they may be more determined to advocate for universal hardcore gaming experience; I find it hard to believe they've experienced anything remotely approximating relaxation, only self-flagellation due to even the most Everest content being brain-dead face-roll in their eyes.


But make no mistake, one whiff from BW:A concerning increased accessibility, solo viability, and greater ease of gaming experience, and they're riot like no-one ever has outside of cyberspace, or take their leave of us.


Games these days seem to be inundated with players who can't even be bothered to say "Hi," but proceed to ignore any and all group communication (unless it involves gratuitous insults aimed at other group members), jump headlong into combat demanding -- not asking for -- heals and buffs, blame everyone else when they faceplant and then proceed to try to grab all the loot for themselves.


No, thanks.


Well done, you just summarised 99.999999999% of my GF experiences; I was so happy when May 4/5th came around with the Epic story Boost, but much more than anything else: relieved, my sanity was saved.


That atmosphere is unlikely to change, and no attempt to encourage more grouping, arbitrary nor voluntary, will encourage anyone with any sense to wade through the PUG excrement piles I constantly find myself in.


As you can see from my signature, the results of 12x XP have been really gratifying, and I did not have to trade one barb with PUG-punks to get the rest of them that high. And it shouldn't matter to anyone whether I had an easy time of leveling them, or not. And by what right do the challenge-happy (their idea of a challenge is hyper-inflated btw) sanctimonious players get to scold me for not wailing, gnashing my teeth and howling at the notion that nothing could possibly be hard enough? It's a game, not a means to validate my existence.


I know I'll probably deal with whatever BW:A doles out, because I really don't think they're as misanthropic as most PUGs I've encountered, or at all misanthropic, despite what some might say about BW:A. I really don't think they get off on alienating the player base; but, I don't know how well I'll be able to acclimatise myself to said changes until I know what they'll mean for me. But, that isn't their fault, spreading rumours, baseless, or otherwise, really doesn't help matters, be it from data-mining, or just plain rumour-mongering.

Edited by sentientomega
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