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Game Update 4.0 Class Changes: Bounty Hunter + Trooper


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I can't see the changes to merc/mando making them any less susceptible to focus fire or stunlocked to death in arenas which is where they need the most help. I honestly think a buff to reactive shield where it reflects all direct damage (similar to saber reflect) for half its duration will cause the focus switch they need (reactive shield could be activated while stunned). A ranged root similar to leg shot will be far better then the stockstrike/rocket punch immobilization. If the buff to reactive shield isn't an option perhaps stealth scan can actually cause the trooper/bh to go into stealth for 6 seconds (causing a switch) because at the moment it is possibley the most useless ability in pvp or pve in the game.
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I wish, in addition to Disengage, they would give mercs Knockback Blast (the yellow-icon ability that a lot of droids have). It'd fit with the Mercenary/Commando vibe and it'd be nice for keeping enemy players away.


You mean Concussion Charge? We already have that

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I think the problem he was underlining is how the fact that, now that everyone else is going to have one more gap closer, the disengage becomes less useful than it should have been in the first place. And htat the increased CD on HtL/HO makes it harder to escape, if needs be. ;)


That's a good point. I agree.

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Have we found out what move shield spec learn at level 10 in place of storm/jet charge? also what level Translocate/Transpose will be granted? just curious as if they give Translocate/Transpose early tanks are just gonna troll the hell out of warriors/marauders ie you jump in for me and now I will change places with you as HO/HTL is on cooldown and I cant close the gap any quicker than this.


I really hope they look at the "feedback" and realise its not a change for the better.

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Not the AoE knockback or the CC -- the single-target 30m range knockback which hits rather far compared to the ones we currently have.


Pretty sure that the droid ability you described is AoE knockback, at least from what I recall


But nevermind that, so you say you want longer knockback from Concussive Charge (I am not sure what BH version of that is)?

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Have we found out what move shield spec learn at level 10 in place of storm/jet charge? also what level Translocate/Transpose will be granted? just curious as if they give Translocate/Transpose early tanks are just gonna troll the hell out of warriors/marauders ie you jump in for me and now I will change places with you as HO/HTL is on cooldown and I cant close the gap any quicker than this.


I really hope they look at the "feedback" and realise its not a change for the better.


The new level 10 ability is Transpose/Translocate (a stupid name for ability and its effect (benign presence) that totally does not fit tech based class)


And yea, I hope they change it too, because it is pretty annoying to play tank without gap closer

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I can see in a lot of cases that a warrior or knight will end up pulling first only to be "swapped" after the first pull.


Was this a way by bioware to "elimate" marauder tanking :p


But yeah teleporting does not exist in the star wars universe (which essentially it is) unless you count the force using Aing-Tii.


If you were going to use magic and teleporting, it would make more sense for this to be the level 61 ability given the "after effects" granted.

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I hope we get to see the return of full auto for trooper vanguard and Unload for bounty hunter powertech but with the old animation from the launch of swtor. they were my favorite skills for these classes and would really like to see them come back. still see the npc soldiers use these skills so makes me miss those skills. not sue why they got removed in the first place since they were among the first skills that trooper/bounty hunter had at their action bar.
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Plus the fact you have to waste a utility point to make it useful, oh and if you're rooted or hindered, you're not disengaging from anything (especially with the increase of the HO/HtL CD by 50%). So essentially, you're worse off than you were previously, with an ability that is 2 expansions late.


Pretty good deal right there. :rak_09:


It's inexcusable that Bioware is this detached from the reality of Merc/Mando PvP play. Absolutely PATHETIC!!! Remove the freaking nerf to HtL for God's sake...that change is absurd for Merc/Mando. And allow the disengage to be used while rooted or stunned...

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It's inexcusable that Bioware is this detached from the reality of Merc/Mando PvP play. Absolutely PATHETIC!!! Remove the freaking nerf to HtL for God's sake...that change is absurd for Merc/Mando. And allow the disengage to be used while rooted or stunned...


Looks like another year of stun-lock annihilation. :(

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Initially, I thought translocate was garbage. But, after thinking about it and applying it to bosses, it may well be a powerful ability. It's essentially a co-tank saver for someone who has taken too many stacks, about to die from bad placement, pinned, enraged bosses(think Pearl), or whatever. It looks like it would be most useful in single boss fights. But, I can think of a scenario in Sword where it would be absolutely useful: You're on #2 and your other tank is taking too much damage. You drop Oil Slick and translocate to #1 when #2 ignores you. You can see the potential for such an ability.


And, that's not even counting the situations where you might want to save a non-tank. Then, factor in the possibilities for two PT tanks running a staggered, double translocate. I suspect this garbage ability may be one of the first things players complain about as being too powerful after 4.0 drops.


I hated the idea at first. But, now I can't wait to apply it across the board.

Edited by UberSamoyed
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Translocate/Transpose? That makes zero sense. Even the rakata and gree didn't have man sized teleportation technology.


Maybe if it was done as a two step process where the trooper/BH tow cables the target to their location, then rockets to the target's old location. But teleportation? That's just odd.


Then again, lore oddities aside, the grief potential is massive for this.

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Initially, I thought translocate was garbage. But, after thinking about it and applying it to bosses, it may well be a powerful ability. It's essentially a co-tank saver for someone who has taken too many stacks, about to die from bad placement, pinned, enraged bosses(think Pearl), or whatever. It looks like it would be most useful in single boss fights. But, I can think of a scenario in Sword where it would be absolutely useful: You're on #2 and your other tank is taking too much damage. You drop Oil Slick and translocate to #1 when #2 ignores you. You can see the potential for such an ability.


And, that's not even counting the situations where you might want to save a non-tank. Then, factor in the possibilities for two PT tanks running a staggered, double translocate. I suspect this garbage ability may be one of the first things players complain about as being too powerful after 4.0 drops.


I hated the idea at first. But, now I can't wait to apply it across the board.

The thing that stuck out to me in this whole post was using it as 2 PT tanks dual swapping which is kindof foolish because it takes away threat and the enemy ignores your for a period of time. Congrats you killed your DPS and Heals. Swapping with a DPS or healer you also have a good chance of dropping an AOE or conal on your raid.

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The storm level change does seem pretty bone-headed in terms of design.


Remember when it was added because harpooning everything made for a poor way for tanks to start most pulls? Harpooning everything is still a poor way to start most pulls.


Is suppose it's not that much of an issue if pretty much all pre-cap level content is effectively being turned into tacticals, but it's not encouraging for a budding tank to have the game design tell them, "don't bother trying tank until you get to the level cap, in fact we're taking away one of your early tanking tools."


If the advanced class needs all specs to have the mobility of storm, then give it to them when the spec that gets the most out of storm needs it, not when the spec that needs it the least thinks that it might be a nice extra to have.

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Pretty sure that the droid ability you described is AoE knockback, at least from what I recall


But nevermind that, so you say you want longer knockback from Concussive Charge (I am not sure what BH version of that is)?


Sigh. Let me try this again :rolleyes:


I (meaning me)

think that (I have an idea of something)

Mercenary / Commando (the class you drool over)

should have (would fairly benefit from)

in addition to all current abilities (which means not changing anything else)

Knockback Blast (an ability that large droid NPCs have, the single-target 30m range knockback with an activation time and (if memory serves) currently uses the HiB icon).

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As a dedicated player I like the changes a lot. To be honest, I expected more new abilities for all classes not only for trooper/bounty hunter, but nevertheless, I really like the new passives and actives. I really hope that you have some cool new abilities for each tree.


What I want to warn BW is that this Translocate/Transpose! as cool as it seems (i can't wait to use it!) may be way too OP for pvp Huttball matches. May be cool if you remove the pull/push/leap on immunity for the Huttball matches, because otherwise there is no defence vs this ability. Just combine VG/PT tank + Scoundrel/Operative and it's easy score. It'd be just a domination for mid (spawning point for the ball) game or fast 6:0.


Another thing, that I'd like to see is to lower a bit the overall dmg for VG/PT tank. For PvP the VG/PT tank does a bit more dmg than the other tank classes that it should. I'm saying it from the perspective of a pvp ranked player, who plays with all tank classes. A nice way to do that is to make the AoE abilities to ask for more power (ammo/heat).


Last thing - PLS make a good animation for the Propulsion Round for the mandos.

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I'm very confused


1) Why storm level 61? Makes 0 sense, thats like changing Sage aoe to level 61, and we all know who will cry harder


2) what replaces Shield Specialist level 10 seeing as storm is now an acquired ability?


3) Why are we upscaling every discipline?


4) Why only 1 new skill for every advanced class? That's technically less class growth/content than 3.0

Look how many people were dissatisfied with 3.0 content update? And now we only get this scarce amount of changes, updates and new things?


5) What happens to the old utilities? Do they remain and we have now 8 maximum utilities to choose from and still only 7 points?


6) No passive discipline talents learned from 61 to 65? What is this


All things aside, im really saddened by this... I feel like we should get a lot more, I feel every class should get a lot more of new skills and abilities...

Edited by Bonzenaattori
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we made Jet Charge/Storm baseline for all Powertechs/Vanguards

May I ask why this is needed?


My guess would be to make it in line with JK/SW's baseline Force Leap. When they present JK/SW Class Destruction, you'll see those will be moved to level 61 as well?


Unload was moved to Mercs 'cause they are ranged (despite the fact I used it often in early FP's when not picked as a tank, or as an AP) yet now everyone gets a tank ability?


I don't get developing..

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Translocate/Transpose??? What is this, are we suddenly in the Star Trek universe? Funny cause I don't remember Spock ever using a light saber or Vader telling Scotty to beam him to Endor. :eek:


Seriously tho, as one who hates PvP, this ability is less useful than a sorc's Extrication. About the only place I can see it being useful is in a raid as a tank swap; as a tank swap there are only a handful of fights where it would be useful. It will have its usefulness helping a friend who is not good at platforming, beyond that, as others have stated, in solo PvE content, even in group flashpoints, it is useless to the point of not being on my main action bar, if I put it on any action bar at all.

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Translocate/Transpose? That makes zero sense. Even the rakata and gree didn't have man sized teleportation technology.
You never found/used the rakata teleporters on Belsavis or Section X? :eek:


PS: Not to mention the Gree event with the base teleporter and the teleporter which gets you into the ship. I want to say that you're trolling, but if so, you're terrible, since it would thus be implying that it does align with the lore, but BW never said differently so you'd essentially be taking an opposing position in an argument that doesn't exist :D

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