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Game Update 4.0 Class Changes: Bounty Hunter + Trooper


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For the vanguard/powertech if you move storm /jet to a baseline ability. Please tell me that new ability is not what you are replacing my storm with. It honestly sounds horrible. And the idea that you want to have players be able to get to the enemy quicker, the ability should be trained way earlier like lvl 25 or something. I'm disappointed. Edited by samhinch
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Blessed be the Lord Bioware for Jet Charge being baseline now. I have wanted that since forever. The circle is now complete.


Same here...only level 61!?! That seems very late for the charge to be coming. Level 10 as it is currently for tanks, or even in the 30's as it was before disciplines is okay. Not getting it until 61 seems like it is nerfing the tank spec rather than improving it.

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New Ability: Rocket Out/Propulsion Round! Jet/Fire a specially designed propulsion round to launch yourself backward 20 meters, gaining immunity to controlling effects while jetting/launched. Cannot be used while immobilized or hindered. This ability has a 20 second cooldown.


This is awesome. I finally have a reason to yell POPPIN MAH JORDANS and

to my teammates :3


But one suggestion for the commando equivalent name, it would be pretty cool if it was called Recoil rather than Propulsion Round. Propulsion Round sounds more like a dps ability rather than a DCD.


Rocket Out reminds me of Team Rocket not gunna lie and should be renamed to Team Rocket Out.

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Hydraulic Overrides/Hold the Line’s cooldown has been increased to 45 seconds (up from 30). With Jet Charge/Storm becoming baseline for Powertechs/Vanguards and the addition of Rocket Out/Propulsion Round for Mercenaries/Commandos, Bounty Hunters/Troopers will no longer rely so heavily on Hydraulic Overrides/Hold the Line for their mobility needs.


This is a major nerf to mercs in pvp. We already have the worst defensive cooldowns in game and the worst mobility in comparison to other classes. Also factor in the fact every class is getting ONE more mobility ability added to what they already have right now, mercs are still far behind other classes. This is disappointing.

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Jet Charge for all is good, level 61 not so much. Is it not mechanically possible to let shield spec keep it at 10 and give it to the other specs at 61?


For the vanguard/powertech if you move storm /jet to a baseline ability. What ability will be trained at lvl 10 for vanguards/powetechs?


I second this question.

Edited by Macarrin
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What does Shield Tech get at level 10? Translocate? Shame Jet Speed was made a utility, should've just worked it in as a Shield Tech passive.


Also, much as I love Huttball - easily my favourite PvP match, to the point I'm not sure I'd play any more if it wasn't for that - all these leaps and dashes being handed out (often with 100% defence on them) I'm worried how will it'll work any more.


When Leap was available to two ACs the traps and layout of the maps were a reasonable hazard, allowing players to be caught and killed, and control of the ball swapped. I think the damage of the traps should've be increased to stop the few classes that could just roll/run through them, meaning you just had to be careful of two ACs (+ 1 spec) - both of which needed enemies to stand in certain positions (which, sure, a lot of stupid players did).


Now 4 ( or 5 if rumours are true - and they've been right so far) ACs have a leap (+ classes with 100% defence dashes/rolls) I think it might be time for a review. Leaps/Charges drop the ball? Might encourage more passing. Increase damage for traps?



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Hi Eric/Devs, two questions:


1) Can you explain how the benefits from Benign work? The blog says that it provides immunity to interrupts and pushback until the player uses an aggressive or healing ability... So the immunity will turn off as soon as you use a move and therefore won't apply to any abilities, right?


2) Can you please reconsider the level that Jet Charge is granted? As it stands, a Powertech tank won't get a leap ability until 61, but should be able to tank any SM operation at level 50...

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Hydraulic Overrides/Hold the Line’s cooldown has been increased to 45 seconds (up from 30). With Jet Charge/Storm becoming baseline for Powertechs/Vanguards and the addition of Rocket Out/Propulsion Round for Mercenaries/Commandos, Bounty Hunters/Troopers will no longer rely so heavily on Hydraulic Overrides/Hold the Line for their mobility needs.


So then.


Essentially Merc / Mando has been utterly screwed mobility wise for what, at least all of 3.0. You're giving all the classes more gap closers and more slows / roots (not to mention the stuns...), you give us the one ability we've needed since prior to 2.0 to make the class really viable in PvP....


....and in return you completely decide to increase the CD by 50% (W.T.F.!) the one vestige of mobility we had vs all of the slows and roots, and you give us.... something that launches us back a measly 20m (well within range of pretty much everything there is).


Can I just say this, aside from looking good, is there any point at all in playing Merc / Mando in 4.0 PvP with these changes? I'm not seeing any reason to, because we'll be in the exact same position we already are, which isn't a good one.

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Some of these are just bad. Ok giving Jet Charge to all PT classes is a smart choice yet getting rid of the perk that goes with it and makes it worth it the in late game is a very poor choice for new players. We'll need another Utility point just to be normal as a tank. Plus to new tank skill is pointless in a solo PVE standpoint. It's a raid / PVP skill. Rocket out is sadly pointless to and again it's a raid / PVP skill. Rocket Out will be baited and Mercs will be tunneled like always. 20m is in the kill range of a lot of classes. For Mercs to be safe they NEED to take the Smoke Screen utility and making it a heroic gimps Mercs since they already need to take Thrill of the Hunt or our mobility is gone. What needs to happen is that Overdrive utility for Hydraulic Overrides becomes a baseline BH perk they get since Mercs are slow and PT's need to remain on target, since you're nerfing the CD on Hydraulic Overrides and added a must grab utility. Also BH's have the worse shield it barely protects like other classes and it still haven't been addressed. As a class they need something that makes them defensively solid.
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New Passive Skill: Perilous Flames/Hazardous Heat! Increases the critical chance of Immolate/Fire Pulse by 15%.



Seriously? A crit chance on a move that gets an auto crit from our set bonus. All the other 'dot' classes get a damage increase to their dots or something related to the damage there-in related and we get a measly increase on a move that already crits enough. Does your combat team not realize that this spec is already behind Tactics in damage?


From the starparse metadata we already know only 30% of dps vanguards take this spec into raids. I guess now that:

Advanced Prototype/Tactics


New Passive Skill: Energy Burn/Cell Burn! When Energy/Cell Burst damages a target, it leaves them burning for elemental damage over 3 seconds.


These guys get more damage to their burst that there should be no reason for people to take Plasmatech/Pyrotech seriously. I already only play it on like two fights and even then it is a novelty factor.

The Vanguard/Powertech Burst spec currently does more dps than the Sustained spec Bioware{Tait/Eric} so why is the gap seemingly going to get larger, did you forget that you once posted that this shouldn't happen?:rak_02:

Edited by Krev_Roo
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Oh and huttball is dead. Officially.


Maybe it would be, if we had the choice to queue for a certain Warzone. As it stands, however, there aren't enough players actively participating in the queue to support such a system. That, in turn, is due to a lack of cross server queues which is due to the engine they shouldn't have bothered building the game on in the first place. All roads lead to that original lapse in foresight. :(

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Like many others who've posted in this thread, I love how Storm/JetCharge will now be available to all PTs/VGs, but hate that it'll be 61. It's just too late in the leveling process. It should be early, possibly as early as 10.




And, what does Shield spec get at 10?

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Can you please reconsider the level that Jet Charge is granted? As it stands, a Powertech tank won't get a leap ability until 61, but should be able to tank any SM operation at level 50...

Ah, but you see, now I must ask a very important question:


What SM level 50 operation?



They're all going to be 65 now, are they not?

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