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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Listen to the hardcore players.


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First off, I do not at all agree with you that the only people who are hardcore players are those that are already level 50. Most of my top favorite games in the industry are MMOs, but I actually do other things besides play them 20 hours a day.


As for your post, I am wondering what it is Bioware is supposed to be listening to. You say that they should only listen to hardcore players like yourself, but do not at all say which of the opinions all over the forums are those of the hardcore. Are the hardcore players the ones that want a LFG tool or those that dont? Are the hardcore players the ones that want a dual spec, or those that don't?

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First off, I do not at all agree with you that the only people who are hardcore players are those that are already level 50. Most of my top favorite games in the industry are MMOs, but I actually do other things besides play them 20 hours a day.


As for your post, I am wondering what it is Bioware is supposed to be listening to. You say that they should only listen to hardcore players like yourself, but do not at all say which of the opinions all over the forums are those of the hardcore. Are the hardcore players the ones that want a LFG tool or those that dont? Are the hardcore players the ones that want a dual spec, or those that don't?


The hardcore players are those who he thinks are right, obviously.

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I late to the show. I never had any trouble and do respect the hardcore players. They mostly are friendly. willing to help and never call you a noob or make you feel bad when you mess up. Sucking in PvP. I have some as friends and have fun with them. And yes they should listen to the hardcore players since they will know the game mechanic better then most casuals.


Not the op Is not a Hardcore player but an elitist that so full of themselves. Elitist will call people noobs for the smallest of thing. Yell and scream when you mess up and kick you from group. PvP they look for those that are less skilled them just to feed there e-peen. Please never ever listen to them. Becauce if you do the game will fail.


Y^es listen to the hardcore but ignore the elitist.

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My experience has been that there's a fairly well established cross-over between people who think of themselves as "hardcore", and elitists.



I mean, for one, to think of yourself as a hardcore player, you essentially need to say that you're taking the game more seriously and professionally then a large portion of the playerbase. That takes a bit of ego to do.



Just look at every "we want harder dungeons!" topic on the WoW forums as an example. The reasoning behind it almost always boils down to "I want gear that those guys can't have, so they can be, like, TOTALLY jealous! Because i'm hardcore!". Or other similar reasons.

Edited by Radiatonia
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This is completely wrong.


In a financial perspective it is extremely wrong to cater to only 1% of your game population.


Bioware shouldn't listen to these forums at all, and instead evaluate focus groups which represents the casual majority of this game.




It has been pretty clear over the past week that they do not listen to the players at all. In fact I think they stopped going to work altogether with the numerous issues not being addressed.

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It is obvious that the devs of this game and any MMO need to listen to the hardcore players.


Too those players already 50 and beginning some of the endgame.


These players win the loot and achieve the goals that the casual, poor and part-time (these are not the same player) players drive to emulate, they ride mounts and hold titles that pull the masses on to play the game.


Now you are going to see ALOT of responses from players saying they DONT want this, that they dont look to players that play insanely long periods, or succeed with less time played. They will say that the game does NOT need these players.


They are flat out wrong


Without the hardcore, uber players staying here neither will the casuals and masses. They say they will but if there are no top end players playing SW:TOR then it will become a bit of a joke in the mmo world.


Please I beg you BW, listen to those players that are already 50, already beginning endgame operations, these people KNOW what makes an MMO succeed and what will keep them playing.


Ultimately KEEP THE HARDCORE/Elite PLAYING = Keeping the masses playing.


*edit below..


No, I do think we are social animals though, that like it or not we do look up to those we play with, and ultimately those we play with look up to other people they know or play with.


My point is if you do not keep the very highest achievers interested in the game then they will move on, the effect of keeping these people interested is keeping all those that play down the chain interested.


Those saying "I only care what my friends do... etc" are only reinforcing my point, without knowing it.


The bottom 1% "look up" to the 2% the 2% aspires to achieve the 3%'s loot and success, it is a chain effect all the way to the top.


There is a chain, an unbroken link to the very highest achievers in game.


Please go back to WoW, nothing of value will be lost.

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between people who think of themselves as "hardcore", and elitists.


People who thin of themselves hardcore and advertise it usually just want to be taken as such but suck badly at gaming. Lots of "good" PvE guilds reach content faster in real time but not in /played time, remember the OUTRAGE of Ensidia in WoW when Blizzard actually made a limited try/week boss. they got beaten to it, because they didn't have the advantage of trying the boss 20 times a day and they were still wiping when other people killed it.

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It is obvious that the devs of this game and any MMO need to listen to the hardcore players.


Too those players already 50 and beginning some of the endgame.


These players win the loot and achieve the goals that the casual, poor and part-time (these are not the same player) players drive to emulate, they ride mounts and hold titles that pull the masses on to play the game.


Now you are going to see ALOT of responses from players saying they DONT want this, that they dont look to players that play insanely long periods, or succeed with less time played. They will say that the game does NOT need these players.


They are flat out wrong


Without the hardcore, uber players staying here neither will the casuals and masses. They say they will but if there are no top end players playing SW:TOR then it will become a bit of a joke in the mmo world.


Please I beg you BW, listen to those players that are already 50, already beginning endgame operations, these people KNOW what makes an MMO succeed and what will keep them playing.


Ultimately KEEP THE HARDCORE/Elite PLAYING = Keeping the masses playing.


*edit below..


No, I do think we are social animals though, that like it or not we do look up to those we play with, and ultimately those we play with look up to other people they know or play with.


My point is if you do not keep the very highest achievers interested in the game then they will move on, the effect of keeping these people interested is keeping all those that play down the chain interested.


Those saying "I only care what my friends do... etc" are only reinforcing my point, without knowing it.


The bottom 1% "look up" to the 2% the 2% aspires to achieve the 3%'s loot and success, it is a chain effect all the way to the top.


There is a chain, an unbroken link to the very highest achievers in game.


Just simply: NO! "hardcore" players do NOT make a MMO and there are FAR FAR FAR fewer of the so called "hardcore" then there are the rest of the community. So please, take your self-important, elitist attitude back to some other game where you can pretend to be a big fish in an ocean of "smaller" fish.

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It has been pretty clear over the past week that they do not listen to the players at all. In fact I think they stopped going to work altogether with the numerous issues not being addressed.


They are on a skeleton crew because...IT'S CHRISTMAS! ::gasp:: They do listen to the players, there were plenty of things that were asked for in Beta that made it into live. Things don't happen with the snap of the fingers though, the game has been out for less than a week (or almost 2 weeks depending on how you want to look at it). Either way a short amount of time. Patience Padawan.

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It is obvious that the devs of this game and any MMO need to listen to the hardcore players.


Too those players already 50 and beginning some of the endgame.


These players win the loot and achieve the goals that the casual, poor and part-time (these are not the same player) players drive to emulate, they ride mounts and hold titles that pull the masses on to play the game.


Now you are going to see ALOT of responses from players saying they DONT want this, that they dont look to players that play insanely long periods, or succeed with less time played. They will say that the game does NOT need these players.


They are flat out wrong


Without the hardcore, uber players staying here neither will the casuals and masses. They say they will but if there are no top end players playing SW:TOR then it will become a bit of a joke in the mmo world.


Please I beg you BW, listen to those players that are already 50, already beginning endgame operations, these people KNOW what makes an MMO succeed and what will keep them playing.


Ultimately KEEP THE HARDCORE/Elite PLAYING = Keeping the masses playing.


*edit below..


No, I do think we are social animals though, that like it or not we do look up to those we play with, and ultimately those we play with look up to other people they know or play with.


My point is if you do not keep the very highest achievers interested in the game then they will move on, the effect of keeping these people interested is keeping all those that play down the chain interested.


Those saying "I only care what my friends do... etc" are only reinforcing my point, without knowing it.


The bottom 1% "look up" to the 2% the 2% aspires to achieve the 3%'s loot and success, it is a chain effect all the way to the top.


There is a chain, an unbroken link to the very highest achievers in game.


Blizzard made this mistake and it has cost them dearly. When they ran the metrics they found that less than 2% of their PAYING CUSTOMER BASE were "hardcore". Less than 3% of the population were progressive raiding. So you suggest they listen to the 3% that make them the least money?

Edited by Meluna
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Wow... I suppose it's atleast interesting to get a glimpse into the delusional, egotistical world of the people who's only achievements come through videogames.


Me, I tend to look up to and emulate people who actually made something of their life, not people who got top score in a videogame (well, not unless they manage to rake in millions doing so).


Thankfully the OP has deluded himself to the point that he will never believe me, because if he actually realised how little others cared for him and his ilk I'd be scared for his life.


Yeah I have to agree with this. How ppl can be elitist about a game is beyond me. You sit on your *** for hours on end accomplishing nothing and think your something. There is whole world out there to explore and people to meet. Swtor is entertainment. Should not be your life not give meaning to your life.


It's sad if you view your life though swtor (or wow for that matter) as the defining characteristic of who you are.

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It is obvious that the devs of this game and any MMO need to listen to the hardcore players.


Too those players already 50 and beginning some of the endgame.


These players win the loot and achieve the goals that the casual, poor and part-time (these are not the same player) players drive to emulate, they ride mounts and hold titles that pull the masses on to play the game.


Now you are going to see ALOT of responses from players saying they DONT want this, that they dont look to players that play insanely long periods, or succeed with less time played. They will say that the game does NOT need these players.


They are flat out wrong


Without the hardcore, uber players staying here neither will the casuals and masses. They say they will but if there are no top end players playing SW:TOR then it will become a bit of a joke in the mmo world.


Please I beg you BW, listen to those players that are already 50, already beginning endgame operations, these people KNOW what makes an MMO succeed and what will keep them playing.


Ultimately KEEP THE HARDCORE/Elite PLAYING = Keeping the masses playing.


*edit below..


No, I do think we are social animals though, that like it or not we do look up to those we play with, and ultimately those we play with look up to other people they know or play with.


My point is if you do not keep the very highest achievers interested in the game then they will move on, the effect of keeping these people interested is keeping all those that play down the chain interested.


Those saying "I only care what my friends do... etc" are only reinforcing my point, without knowing it.


The bottom 1% "look up" to the 2% the 2% aspires to achieve the 3%'s loot and success, it is a chain effect all the way to the top.


There is a chain, an unbroken link to the very highest achievers in game.


Over inflated self importance at it's finest.

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Blizzard made this mistake and it has cost them dearly. When they ran the metrics they found that less than 2% of their PAYING CUSTOMER BASE were "hardcore". Less than 3% of the population were progressive raiding. So you suggest they listen to the 3% that make them the least money?


QFT. Games have attempted, in the past, to pander to so-called "hardcore" players. Most failed - some succeeded, but the ROI was so low that the game suffered as a result. But the whole discussion is moot, really.


This game is missing basic features that, "hardcore" or not, need to be implemented long before BioWare should expend the effort needed to please a tiny minority of their user base. Before we start on the whole "I MUST UBERPOONZ!" rant, I'd suggest we worry more about why those basic features aren't here yet, and ask BioWare for the timeline associated with their "What's Next" post. A working legacy system, guild banks, a useful chat system, a UI that works, that sort of thing.


Because if BioWare can't get the features described in their "What's Next" post in place post-haste, the feelings of "hardcore" players won't matter a damn - the game will fold like a card table in a hurricane.

Edited by Meluna
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You are wrong but right...Don't listen to Hardcore playerts ...they are freakin' idiots (seriously) but cater to them..They are usefull, they create buzz and spend all their time like Peacocks displaying all the Purple carrots that keep casuals impressed and dreaming.


BUT for the Love of pete... don't let them abuse the casuals.. Cater to the Hardcore but make the game accessable to casuals... That is the recipe for success.


The Greeks knew it, the Carthaginains Knew it, and now YOU know it!

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Just no, Blizzard listens to its hardcore.


It creates content for its hardcore to beat. The content then trickles down the foodchain, mostly nerfed but availible to all.


It works.


Nothing wrong with tough raids and heroics, I don't know what your smoking the problem with blizz is they listen to the casuals to much, which is why they get nerfed to oblivion and then anyone can do them.

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You are wrong but right...Don't listen to Hardcore playerts ...they are freakin' idiots (seriously) but cater to them..They are usefull, they create buzz and spend all their time like Peacocks displaying all the Purple carrots that keep casuals impressed and dreaming.


BUT for the Love of pete... don't let them abuse the casuals.. Cater to the Hardcore but make the game accessable to casuals... That is the recipe for success.


The Greeks knew it, the Carthaginains Knew it, and now YOU know it!




The 3% of the population that demands 50% of the resources.

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Nothing wrong with tough raids and heroics, I don't know what your smoking the problem with blizz is they listen to the casuals to much, which is why they get nerfed to oblivion and then anyone can do them.


The only problem with your models of heroics and raids are the people you are forced to play with. You want to be "hardcore" do 4 man heroics 1-2 levels below as a duo like my wife and I do. All the difficulty of a "love me I'm special and need a special area" hardcore instance and none of the peacocking. Oh what that is what you crave.

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The Hardcore Players Association doesn't want to continuously disable Doc his offensive skills every time he's summoned in Healing Mode.


The Hardcore Players Association also doesn't want to re-hotbar Relics every time we buy a new skill.


We hope these issues will be addressed in the next Q&A.

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"hard core" what the h3LL percentage of the gaming community is that? Surely it is not enough to maintain an mmo open. WoW is an example of that, from 12 million dwn to 10 million. Do you HONESTLY think they give a f**k about so called "hard core"...NO. I think "hard core" gamer is just another word for LAME A** LOSER with absolutely no life. News flash, YOU DO NOT SUPPORT MMOs!! Millions of casual gamers are more valuable than a few ridiculous elitist Wannabes. Please go swallow a light saber, shiny end 1st.
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