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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Listen to the hardcore players.


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Hold up....I'm not a social creature like the rest of the species?


Just because I don't subscribe to that convoluted high-schoolish social ladder syndrome? I'm very social and always have been. However, I learned a long, LONG time ago that such hackneyed herd-behavior is something that had it's place in evolution of the species...but we're not hunter/gatherers anymore. Nobody gets to eat first and I don't have to worry about being taken by the "alpha".


Also, I'm by no means so poorly represented by number to be called one of the few, either. That's the great thing about social evolution....it happens at lightspeed compared to biological evolution. Just takes one of the peasants actually looking up to see that the king is not only naked, but that the royal barber gave him a neon-pink mohawk and braided his nether-hair.


+1 for braided nether-hair.

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quite possibly the dumbest thread ive seen in quite some time. why would i look up to people in a video game? I dont need them to show me the neat stuff at endgame, its more fun discovering stuff on your own. Almost every mmo ive played, hardcore players are the worst part of the game and whenever an mmo caters to them, it ruins the game. OP, you are just flat out wrong and delusional.
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It is obvious that the devs of this game and any MMO need to listen to the hardcore players.


Too those players already 50 and beginning some of the endgame.


These players win the loot and achieve the goals that the casual, poor and part-time (these are not the same player) players drive to emulate, they ride mounts and hold titles that pull the masses on to play the game.


Now you are going to see ALOT of responses from players saying they DONT want this, that they dont look to players that play insanely long periods, or succeed with less time played. They will say that the game does NOT need these players.


They are flat out wrong


Without the hardcore, uber players staying here neither will the casuals and masses. They say they will but if there are no top end players playing SW:TOR then it will become a bit of a joke in the mmo world.


Please I beg you BW, listen to those players that are already 50, already beginning endgame operations, these people KNOW what makes an MMO succeed and what will keep them playing.


Ultimately KEEP THE HARDCORE/Elite PLAYING = Keeping the masses playing.


*edit below..


No, I do think we are social animals though, that like it or not we do look up to those we play with, and ultimately those we play with look up to other people they know or play with.


My point is if you do not keep the very highest achievers interested in the game then they will move on, the effect of keeping these people interested is keeping all those that play down the chain interested.


Those saying "I only care what my friends do... etc" are only reinforcing my point, without knowing it.


The bottom 1% "look up" to the 2% the 2% aspires to achieve the 3%'s loot and success, it is a chain effect all the way to the top.


There is a chain, an unbroken link to the very highest achievers in game.


I read up to the part where you said "Casual, poor and part-time" and then stopped. Those who raced to 50 and are already beginning the end-game are a non-entity. They're so tiny in number that they may as well not even have a voice or the right to type on this forum. The beating heart of any MMO is the vast majority of people who will play casually and reach 50 in a month or more, depending on how much time they have to play. Those people experience the content at a good pace and don't lose interest so fast because they haven't burned through it and aren't bashing it day after day with a fervour and a zeal that would put even the first crusaders to shame.


Those casual gamers will keep subscribing, your so-called hardcore gamers will be burned out within a month or two and un-subscribe.

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The people that are already 50 are the ones that will leave very soon due to boredom, and complaining that there is nothing to do. It's the same crowd in every game.


^^^ QFT.


People who are already 50, are 1 of 2 types .... either they power-level'd to get to 50, didn't stop and smell the roses or enjoy the game AT ALL ...


Or, they have no life, or job, play the game 12-18 hours a day ... and no amount of content will ever be enough for them!


You have this problem in every game on the market.


And I have news for the OP ... just because someone made it to level 50, does not mean they are experts about anything!!!!!!!!!! It just means they raced up the steps and got their before others.


Hell, you have people that are desperately trying to help their guildies and others just get the game to a playable state. They are helping out where they can in the forums instead of racing through the game ... THESE PEOPLE ARE THE EXPERTS AND THE PEOPLE BIOWARE SHOULD BE WATCHING.

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It is very amusing to use the word "achievement" and mean real sucess in connection with being dedicated to a videogame.


Looking up to you? Why? I honestly cannot imagine why.


I play games to have fun in my spare time. I have lots of time to get to 50 and see the content od this game. Success is a different thing.


And before you dismiss this: yes, i can play. So? Like anyone cares outside the virtual world.

Edited by chrwe
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Honestly most MMO players I know care about their guildmates and only their guildmates. "Hardcore" players with nothing better to do than play the game all day every day are generally looked down on by most.


In any event, I'm someone who levels to the cap and then quits the game, so my opinion is probably pretty low on the totem pole.

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It is obvious that the devs of this game and any MMO need to listen to the hardcore players.


Too those players already 50 and beginning some of the endgame.


These players win the loot and achieve the goals that the casual, poor and part-time (these are not the same player) players drive to emulate, they ride mounts and hold titles that pull the masses on to play the game.


Now you are going to see ALOT of responses from players saying they DONT want this, that they dont look to players that play insanely long periods, or succeed with less time played. They will say that the game does NOT need these players.


They are flat out wrong


Without the hardcore, uber players staying here neither will the casuals and masses. They say they will but if there are no top end players playing SW:TOR then it will become a bit of a joke in the mmo world.


Please I beg you BW, listen to those players that are already 50, already beginning endgame operations, these people KNOW what makes an MMO succeed and what will keep them playing.


Ultimately KEEP THE HARDCORE/Elite PLAYING = Keeping the masses playing.


*edit below..


No, I do think we are social animals though, that like it or not we do look up to those we play with, and ultimately those we play with look up to other people they know or play with.


My point is if you do not keep the very highest achievers interested in the game then they will move on, the effect of keeping these people interested is keeping all those that play down the chain interested.


Those saying "I only care what my friends do... etc" are only reinforcing my point, without knowing it.


The bottom 1% "look up" to the 2% the 2% aspires to achieve the 3%'s loot and success, it is a chain effect all the way to the top.


There is a chain, an unbroken link to the very highest achievers in game.


What a complete pile of tosh this post is....



so what your saying 0.0001% of the player base is more important than the rest of the players here?


So what, you played the game without Sleeping or eating Kudos for you kid. **claps


now you have got to 50 you think you know whats best for the players that ARE going to be playing this game 10 years from now?


please we dont need your kind in game.. now please move back to wow and keep grinding out your pandas.

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This is completely wrong.


In a financial perspective it is extremely wrong to cater to only 1% of your game population.


Bioware shouldn't listen to these forums at all, and instead evaluate focus groups which represents the casual majority of this game.


If bioware does this this game wont last 6 month

Edited by Dorc
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How about letting all of us have a voice... And i play because i want to pretend i am a badazz sith, no to emulate you OP


Im not casual, but the version you describe as hardcore is not healthy in my opinion


And Tokii is completely right

Edited by Ludoscape
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^^^ QFT.


People who are already 50, are 1 of 2 types .... either they power-level'd to get to 50, didn't stop and smell the roses or enjoy the game AT ALL ...


Or, they have no life, or job, play the game 12-18 hours a day ... and no amount of content will ever be enough for them!



Now let's take a look at your sig:


"Time you spend judging others should be spent on introspection as to why you feel its your place to judge. "



I rest my case.

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It is obvious that the devs of this game and any MMO need to listen to the hardcore players.


Too those players already 50 and beginning some of the endgame.


Sooo, Bioware should listen to the payers, who skipped the content they just spend 6 years on making...


Yes, levelling is content.

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I didn't read the whole thread, just the OP but it's a joke. I don't care what the "hardcore" players are doing. I play for myself, not for anyone else. I don't care if the game becomes a joke in the MMO world, whatever that is supposed to mean, as long as I find the game fun.


The reason that the devs shouldn't listen to the hardcore players is because what a majority of them want will drive away the casual players and thus drive the game into the ground. If you think this is false you should probably schedule a appointment with a doctor.

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The poster has made a horrendous error.




they do not look upon YOU with envy or want of emulation. We are all on a treadmill to 50. They look at the number, they look at the gear. They see their end mark. Ask any of them what YOUR name is a day later and I doubt any remember.



Whether you are casual, a cake eater, a noob, hardcore, ex-dev from an alternate title.. the President of the US.. it does not matter here. YOU are a player, nothing more. Want to be heard by the development team? Want to be recognized and have ideas implemented?


Have a great idea. All merit is based upon that very thing. Anyone can have it. Hardcores have flops just like the rest. They whine JUST AS MUCH as the rest. They try to get mechanic made to benefit THEM just like the rest. No one is exempt from this.


Listen to the wisest, not the ones searching for forms of entitlement. :(

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Hardcore, in a computer game, seriously?


Perhaps sitting back and thinking about that statement for five minutes would help.


Also no, the company who spent years developing this awesome game does not need your advice on game creation.

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The bottom 1% "look up" to the 2% the 2% aspires to achieve the 3%'s loot and success, it is a chain effect all the way to the top.


Lol, look up to who?


Dude, this is a video game...


I admire and look up to i guess, people like Martin Luther King, Ghandi etc. etc., you know people who actually accomplished something, not to geeks whos biggest achievement in life, is to slay some pixels in a video game.

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The OP is a ganking wow kiddie. Get over yourself pal. Developers should progress their game on schedule by their vision. They found their target audience and have spent years putting things together. They won't listen to some moron who bought credits, farmed low level characters and sprinted through content. Some people ....get over yourself already OP.
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To anyone saying that 1% if players make up an mmo you are clearly delusional most if yhe people that play mmos are people that want to do end game content and be good at it. Not everyone wants to rp on 8 different alts. Why do you think wow lost so many subscribers in the last year? Cause their game has gone from challenging to a casual pos. and i really hate to compare this game to wow cause they are 2 different games. But to respond to the op. they shouldnt just listen to the hardcore community but they also shouldnt just abandon them. Make content for the hardcore gamer and the casual gamer equally so everyone can be happy and ppl can stop making threads like this. Also, the game has been out for a week.... Lets let the game actually grow and see what type of gamer it catters to before we jump to conclusions
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BioWare should listen to paying customers. Deal with that. :D


Like the hundreds that were in Beta trying to help them prevent the same issues today. Raids in TOR are so badly bugged its sad. Seriously bad bugs that anyone who ran the operation even once would say.. wow THAT's f'ed up and needs to be fixed. A game with as much dev time as this one really has no excuse for them being this bad.



The OP is correct, the whole concept of a MMO revolves around stiving to get better stuff. Which means wanting what the other guy has. The ones at the top are typically gamers who have played every MMO out there.


There is a reason those gamer are in TOR right now... its NEW. Not because of story, not because its Star Wars. But because every MMO veteran hopes the new shiny MMO will not be as crappy as the last flop. This one is pretty good but if end game does not shine everyone will gladly move on the the next one.

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This is a trolling topic. Has to be.


The vast deluge of MMO's that catered to hardcore players and self-destructed spectacularly in only a few months should be evidence enough that listening to people like the OP would be a horrible thing to do.


If nothing else, an intelligent person should be able to look at this post and go "Oh yeah, we should totally cater to 1 percent of people out of the entire community, and make the game a tedious instance grinding fest! That sounds like a terrible idea!" fairly easily.



This is not WoW. This is not EQ. WoW earned its stripes due to being released at a very opportune time, and being the first MMO of its type to truely be polished, and invite casuals in. Then once they were hooked, it started up an epic grind at the end-game. It also helped that a big name company responsible for one of the first free online game services used one of their biggest properties as the setting, too.


This is also why it's currently bleeding subs at a horrendous rate, as people have finally gotten fed up with the "hardcore" instance runner grind after three expansions. The grind is almost the only thing to do at the end game in there at the moment. Which is also one of the reasons why they're scrambling to release a new expansion pack so soon with all sorts of "fluff" features, like pet battling.



EQ was the first of its kind. And the only other game that ever really catered to "hardcore" players. However, EQ was also a genre-setter, and had room to get away with with making bad decisions, since there was no competition then. Hence raids that could take up to 12 hours on certain bosses, and massive player rotations. If you released EQ today with updated graphics and mechanics, it'd bomb horribly, since almost no-one wants to put up with some of the horrendous mechanics it had. On that note, see EQ2.


None of these things are good. They're the death of MMO's. Focus on instancing, and other hardcore things too much, and the majority of your players will thumb their nose at you and leave. People play games to have fun, which is varied in intent and purpose. Not show off their imaginary bling after raiding for 6 hours a night every week in Stormwind.

Edited by Radiatonia
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Like the hundreds that were in Beta trying to help them prevent the same issues today. Raids in TOR are so badly bugged its sad. Seriously bad bugs that anyone who ran the operation even once would say.. wow THAT's f'ed up and needs to be fixed. A game with as much dev time as this one really has no excuse for them being this bad.



The OP is correct, the whole concept of a MMO revolves around stiving to get better stuff. Which means wanting what the other guy has. The ones at the top are typically gamers who have played every MMO out there.


There is a reason those gamer are in TOR right now... its NEW. Not because of story, not because its Star Wars. But because every MMO veteran hopes the new shiny MMO will not be as crappy as the last flop. This one is pretty good but if end game does not shine everyone will gladly move on the the next one.


Bugs happen at launch. Most of the Ops weren't even available through most of the available. I'm not sure what that has to do with what the OP was talking about anyway.

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