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Will KOTFE lock us out of the rest of the game?


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Mechanic changes will still apply to you (because those will be part of Game Update 4.0), just like disciplines affected everyone even if they didnt have SoR bought.


But yes, you will be able to roll level 1 alts, and go throguh the story all over again, you will be probably able to get to level 65 without entering KotFE, etc.


Not sure why would you refuse to play potentially a very good story.


I would play it eventually. (I'm not saying I would never play it ever.) I just want to finish what I've started in the base SWTOR game first. c:

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It's been said at events that there is a double prompt to confirm whether or not you want to initiate the KOTFE storyline.

The only way for it to be "forced" would be for the prompt to appear on login and the two options to be "Yes" and "Sure".

Bottom line: No one will force you to initiate Knights of the Fallen Empire if you don't want to. Every indication points to that and not the opposite.

Right...I don't think it will literally force you to do it, what I mean is that there will be enough system changes that we'll be forced to start KOTFE if we want out toons to be "normally operational" (crafting, gathering, etc).

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Right...I don't think it will literally force you to do it, what I mean is that there will be enough system changes that we'll be forced to start KOTFE if we want out toons to be "normally operational" (crafting, gathering, etc).


Ah, that's what you meant? Well then, until we know more about the "reformed" crafting system, there is no way to know for sure. It's possible but unsure.

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It's been said at events that there is a double prompt to confirm whether or not you want to initiate the KOTFE storyline.

The only way for it to be "forced" would be for the prompt to appear on login and the two options to be "Yes" and "Sure".

Bottom line: No one will force you to initiate Knights of the Fallen Empire if you don't want to. Every indication points to that and not the opposite.


Thing is.. some people will speed click through the warnings (without reading of course) then open spam tickets to CS claiming they were forced into KotFE and complaining that the game did not warn them first. These are the same people that will drive their care recklessly into a ditch and then blame the ditch IRL. :D


I think the social media revolution has severely nerfed personal accountability in the modern world. :p

Edited by Andryah
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Ah, that's what you meant? Well then, until we know more about the "reformed" crafting system, there is no way to know for sure. It's possible but unsure.

Agreed...which is why I really think we're in need of some of the promised "blogs".

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Right...I don't think it will literally force you to do it, what I mean is that there will be enough system changes that we'll be forced to start KOTFE if we want out toons to be "normally operational" (crafting, gathering, etc).


I think KotFE and update 4.0 will be like SoR and update 3.0 or RotHC and update 2.0. All the changes for companions and crafting and other mechanics will be part of update 4.0 and apply to all players and characters independent of KotFE, just like disciplines for example were part of update 3.0 and applied to all players/characters independent of SoR.

RotHC, SoR and KotFE are the content expansions, while update 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 contain the changes to underlying game mechanics. They hit simultaneously, but the effect of the game updates is not tied to access to the content expansions.


They already confirmed that the changes to companions (crafting, gearing etc.) will also apply during leveling and that means they're not tied to KotFE but update 4.0.

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So, here is what I have guessed from what you guys have said: It will say DO YOU WANT TO ENTER KOTFE? THIS WILL LOCK YOU OUT OF THE REST OF THE GAME'S CONTENT. If you say yes, ARE YOU SURE? Yes, you enter, the KOTFE. But I have a question, I presume this will be PER character? Not, you say yes once then all your chars are in KOTFE? I would be very happy if bioware could post here,


KOTFE looks great, (probably) bioware will really out-do themselves! I am as exited as the next person for KOTFE but I don't want to lose this Incredible game. Also, one of the things I love about SWTOR how you can explore, I am curious if this Massive free roam will be taken from us?

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So, here is what I have guessed from what you guys have said: It will say DO YOU WANT TO ENTER KOTFE? THIS WILL LOCK YOU OUT OF THE REST OF THE GAME'S CONTENT. If you say yes, ARE YOU SURE? Yes, you enter, the KOTFE. But I have a question, I presume this will be PER character? Not, you say yes once then all your chars are in KOTFE? I would be very happy if bioware could post here,


KOTFE looks great, (probably) bioware will really out-do themselves! I am as exited as the next person for KOTFE but I don't want to lose this Incredible game. Also, one of the things I love about SWTOR how you can explore, I am curious if this Massive free roam will be taken from us?


It's obvious the choice is per character.

Why would it be account-wide? That'd make no sense!

If not all your character are lvl 60 when you enter KOTFE, then that would mean no quests for them anymore and only level up through mob bashing.

I'm sorry but even thinking it might account-wide is weird. It obviously can't be.

And as for your second question: No, you won't lost the possibility to expore old planets, you just won't have access to most Vanilla quests there.

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So, here is what I have guessed from what you guys have said: It will say DO YOU WANT TO ENTER KOTFE? THIS WILL LOCK YOU OUT OF THE REST OF THE GAME'S CONTENT. If you say yes, ARE YOU SURE? Yes, you enter, the KOTFE. But I have a question, I presume this will be PER character? Not, you say yes once then all your chars are in KOTFE? I would be very happy if bioware could post here,


KOTFE looks great, (probably) bioware will really out-do themselves! I am as exited as the next person for KOTFE but I don't want to lose this Incredible game. Also, one of the things I love about SWTOR how you can explore, I am curious if this Massive free roam will be taken from us?


No, it doesn't lock you out of the rest of the game's content. It has to be per character.

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Yes, it probably will. I'm sure Bioware has metrics proving that players have sooo much content atm, that they're skipping some of it. Logically, Bioware has deduced that they should remove the underutilized content.


Rule #1 of MMOs... never remove content...


Toss it to the side in a "gate" if the place is cluttered, make it part of the "legacy content" area for people who want the "full experience", but never remove it...


Making the game "less" than it was before is not a good business practice.

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I am curious to this, the jump of 3 years in KOTFE seems very damaging to the game Itself. I have to ask, will it be like ziost in that it asks if we want to leave SWTOR forever and enter KOTFE? Or is it going to be like how tython and korriban look untouched after forged alliances in that there we be no changes at all? Please respond bioware or anyone who could help.


Thanks in advance


It's 5 years dude. Obviously you have no idea what you're talking about.

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Eric has posted an answer to this question on these very forums...


But honestly, think about it, are you really going to be locked out of the fleet, the daily areas, and the old ops? How would you even do the old ops if you couldn't go to fleet?


It doesn't even make sense...


Of course you can go back to the old areas, the new expansion takes place in your own phased area, it is separate from the rest of the game.


What old ops? They are being revealed again for this very reason

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Rule #1 of MMOs... never remove content...


Toss it to the side in a "gate" if the place is cluttered, make it part of the "legacy content" area for people who want the "full experience", but never remove it...


Star Trek Online has removed about 20 missions in the last year or two, and replace them with about 8. A net loss of... Lots. The missions were mainly (supposedly) removed as they didn't measure up to their new standards, and the replacements were often better and condensed versions of said missions, but your rule is by no means foolproof.

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Right...I don't think it will literally force you to do it, what I mean is that there will be enough system changes that we'll be forced to start KOTFE if we want out toons to be "normally operational" (crafting, gathering, etc).


Why would we need to start the KotFE "mission chain" to get crafting, gathering, etc, whatever?


Why wouldn't that just apply to everyone after the big 4.0 patch runs?

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The way I read it was that you'd be locked out of old content ONLY while doing the new story....

So once chapter one is done (or however long the 1st part is) THEN you can go back and do old stuff...until the next part comes out....then repeat.


How did you get that. From what I have read and heard from BW, once you start KotFE, that permanently locks out the old quests. You can still visit all the old places, but you will only be able to do KotFE content (Repeatable content like Ops, FPs, and Heroics notwithstanding).

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How did you get that. From what I have read and heard from BW, once you start KotFE, that permanently locks out the old quests. You can still visit all the old places, but you will only be able to do KotFE content (Repeatable content like Ops, FPs, and Heroics notwithstanding).


I don't remember the exact quote and I'm too lazy to look for it but I remember Eric saying that you would be locked out of old content WHILE in the NEW content....A permanent lock is just bad...I mean really bad...It would cut my characters off from dailies,the rewards for the rep earned in those dailies...and it would FORCE players to do nothing BUT Ops,FP's,and Heroics....Oh and I guess PvP though I'd never know....


Who knows? Maybe my inner optimist is showing? I mean to PERMANENTLY remove the ability to utilize 90% (guessing) of the content JUST to play the new 2% they're adding.....Doesn't seem rational....I'm not saying I'm right or wrong...I hope I'm right though.

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Eric has posted an answer to this question on these very forums...


But honestly, think about it, are you really going to be locked out of the fleet, the daily areas, and the old ops? How would you even do the old ops if you couldn't go to fleet?


It doesn't even make sense...


Of course you can go back to the old areas, the new expansion takes place in your own phased area, it is separate from the rest of the game.



Actually some of u guys don't get it. I'm am very sure that the Republic and Sith Fleets won't be in KOTFE, but will Have Only 1 for both sides, as were no longer at war with each other. And it's about time to.


I'm very sure about this. Levels 1-60 will still have the Republic and Sith Fleets though.

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I don't remember the exact quote and I'm too lazy to look for it but I remember Eric saying that you would be locked out of old content WHILE in the NEW content....A permanent lock is just bad...I mean really bad...It would cut my characters off from dailies,the rewards for the rep earned in those dailies...and it would FORCE players to do nothing BUT Ops,FP's,and Heroics....Oh and I guess PvP though I'd never know....


Who knows? Maybe my inner optimist is showing? I mean to PERMANENTLY remove the ability to utilize 90% (guessing) of the content JUST to play the new 2% they're adding.....Doesn't seem rational....I'm not saying I'm right or wrong...I hope I'm right though.


dailies/weeklies,and all other end game stuff will still be available. Its only class and companion quests that are locked because your past decisions in class and companion missions will affect your experience in kotfe.

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dailies/weeklies,and all other end game stuff will still be available. Its only class and companion quests that are locked because your past decisions in class and companion missions will affect your experience in kotfe.


So I can go back to lower planets and still take out frustrations on enemies too scared to fight back when I'm annoyed?

Then nothing really changes for me..... :D Done did all my companion stuff (that I wanted to)...I'm too lazy to max affection on them all....only certain ones...

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