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The writing is on the wall


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Well your carrot is the same carrot you always have to keep running said 2 raids over and over and over and ... you get the point.

New gear, mounts, achievements whatever other things they introduce. Except this time you have 9 operations to mix and mingle your gearing chase with as opposed to the same 1 or 2 ( TBC of course but this is my interpretation of how things are going to work based on that blog ). If anything doesn't that make it more fresh? How long was it since EV challenged you vs can you now sleep walk your way through ravagers? Yes you've done it but it should be quite fresh to not cake walking those old ops.


I am of course assuming that people finding the content becoming challenging again as being "fresh" compared to how it was before. Maybe they think it's the same tired old bosses etc. from last week and it's not difference regardless of if it's more challenging now. *shrug* that argument can be applied to all progression though.


Anyway my point was to say that hopefully by the time you've gone through KoTFE as many times as it seems fresh and gained all the carrots that are there to be gained new ops will be close on the horizon.


The other interesting point to all this "fresh content" for ops is how few people are actually 10/10 on the new HM ops. They would be lucky to number much over 100 from last time I checked a few servers progression threads.

So maybe before people cry too much about not getting new ops or new carrots they should first realise barely anyone has managed to get all the carrots from the content we currently have.


Certainly that is the hope no doubt. And you are right, a lot of people aren't 10/10. I'm only 7/10 still working on it. And the fact that we're not 10 of 10 is what is keeping my raid team around to be blunt. Raiders such as myself can only hope that new gear, new mounts, etc will make the old content worth the grind. It's just going to be a gigantic question up until it all gets released. My point is that progression raiders, at least the ones I know, don't really do it for the gear. They do it for the mastery. Mastering the mechanics is fun to me. I've already mastered the previous tiers. So I can hope that new gear, and new mounts can really take the place of what was my carrot. I've got my fingers crossed. I really do. I just don't think people who complain about no new raids or the like are necessarily wrong. They may, in "some" cases, overreact. But, that doesn't make them wrong.

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Certainly that is the hope no doubt. And you are right, a lot of people aren't 10/10. I'm only 7/10 still working on it. And the fact that we're not 10 of 10 is what is keeping my raid team around to be blunt. Raiders such as myself can only hope that new gear, new mounts, etc will make the old content worth the grind. It's just going to be a gigantic question up until it all gets released. My point is that progression raiders, at least the ones I know, don't really do it for the gear. They do it for the mastery. Mastering the mechanics is fun to me. I've already mastered the previous tiers. So I can hope that new gear, and new mounts can really take the place of what was my carrot. I've got my fingers crossed. I really do. I just don't think people who complain about no new raids or the like are necessarily wrong. They may, in "some" cases, overreact. But, that doesn't make them wrong.


I don't think they are all wrong by any stretch and some present valid arguments on their opinions and how it will affect them but unfortunately too many e-warriors came along and start spurting things like the "game is dieing, it's losing subs because we're not getting new ops" as though it were fact and really made many disregard a lot of the more valid arguments people were making around there not being new ops.


As to the old raids themselves I also feel there are quite a lot of progression raiders now that haven't experienced that content as it was then and may not have actually done the HM/NiM at level.


Sure they'll still know the mechanics from doing it overleveled and that won't change but the DPS check and extra incoming damage which thus means better team coordination required should add an extra fun factor to it all ... initially at least. :)


The key to me ... how long BW waits before bringing in the new ops. My thoughts are the OP/FP team are working on these changes now and if they go through smooth than at launch they'll move over to new content if not already a small portion of the OP/FP designers are already working on it ( since there is not much for them to actually design for KoTFE unless they are helping with the design for the story content - we really have no idea how BWA structures their team(s) ).

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I saw an ad on TV regarding KoTFE last week. That is not cheap to do.

Wow. That's great. I would never expect that. Can you tell us what was it? Was it Sacrifice trailer or maybe Gamescom trailer?


I don't remember... Most people.. including myself... don't pay any attention to ads... I came in at the last few seconds of it after doing something else :p

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The writing is on the wall = The final nail in the coffin


That coffin keeps getting nails, but it was the writing on the wall we should have been looking at all along. Bet there is a lot of writing and dates on that wall. Might have to build another wall I would imagine.

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I'm looking forward to the new rescaled operations personally and having much more end game content to do as a result ( due to more pugs ).

In fact I'm glad they are doing this than maintaining the old system and putting in even more new ops ( having only 2 at the top level has really killed off the pug community compared to say when DF/DP came out ).

You might be surprised with how many people agree with this point of view too regardless of the extremist "the game is dead if you do this" mentality a few have expressed.


New ops will come in time and it will be into a more friendly environment to all players.


As for PVP ... as long as gear progression is a factor in casual PVP it will always fail.



Spoken like a True EAWare Spokesman. Any1 that has any intelligence knows that Re-scaling Ops as Fp's is a Vein and Sickining effort to just have ppl re-do the Old Fp's and Op's is a gesture to how Bad the the EAWare community has gotten' in Laziness. Fact is these were very very old Ops and Fp's that are never meant to be re-scaled. These are the Op's and Fp's that ARE ONLY intended for lower levels to use, or if you were not able to do them at a lower lvl, you can always come back and do it later doing it Solo, which is very fun. :) And shouldn't be taken away from us.


The dumbness of these ppl that are doing has a high negative I.Q for just thinking this junk up. The idiots that are for this are touting that this Re-scaling is good, and that this is good for the games. That all these Re-scaled low lvl'd Op's and Fp's are in some peoples words "New Op's and Fp's because they are scaled to ur characters lvl".


And That is a bloody lie. First off these Ops and Fp's were to further our storylines or further the Galactic Wars storyline level by higher level the Fp's were, and were Never meant to be played by a team of lvl 40s, 50s and 60s.


The way Fp's and Op's are now is just fine, and is in the most likely "Meant to be level of Story". What the Devs are in Fact doing now, with all these resources, is the Fact that they could be making 4 more Op's and Fp's. Instead all these Resources are being spent on Re-scaling Op's and Fp's that were Never meant to be Re-scaled at all, because they tie in to Storylines usually.


Yes, with all these Stupid resources destroying good leveled Op's and Fp's., when in fact they could be making Newer Op's and Fp's, of probably 4 New ones. They're doing this.


Also a Lot of ppl like me like to go back to these Fp's at a higher lvl, and just blow the Hell out of everything and feel like were Kings of the Hill so to speak. Taking that also away from us is pure crap really, and takes away the Fun from the players, that we rarely get.


Fact is, as this boy above me is saying that this will be be a more friendlier environment and better for PUGs, is really full of himself, and a Few others that say the same thing.


Fact is, that Most ppl, and any1 can quote me. Wants more Newer Op's and Fp's. We don't want the same old Recycled junk.

Edited by MandFlurry
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That post just makes no sense...


First, speak for yourself and not for others.


Second: The game is doing fine. It is is not going to go down the drain.


Third: We don't know what they are doing in regards to end game for KoTFE. Stop it with the doom and gloom.

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That post just makes no sense...


First, speak for yourself and not for others.


Second: The game is doing fine. It is is not going to go down the drain.


Third: We don't know what they are doing in regards to end game for KoTFE. Stop it with the doom and gloom.


Only if ppl like you stop Posting.:) Most ppl don't know what is going to happen, only because most ppl don't even read any of the SWTOR boards.

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The dumbness of these ppl that are doing has a high negative I.Q for just thinking this junk up.


Deciphering garbage sentences like this and the drivel that follows it saps IQ.


You keep spouting "fact" but again, its really anecdotes. You are entitled to your opinion and your anecdotal evidence but please stop trying to pass them off as fact - they are far from it.

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Resubbed last week to check it out after rage quitting because of the fail of 3.0, and I hate to say it, but I don't think this game will be around much longer. Made some toons on Jung Ma for a "fresh start" play experience, and OMG that server is dead...single digit players on many earlier planets. Max I saw in fleet last evening (around 6PM EST) was 38, and at least 2 of them were spam bots. Even my old server Ebon Hawk is empty compared to last time I played. Looking at server status, seems Harbinger is the only relatively healthy server in NA.


Maybe the expansion and new Star Wars movies will spark some interest, but I'd just assume they scrap this 3.0/4.0 BS, and take us back to 2.10 where we had some actual choice in skilling our characters.


OH, and make 12x XP on class story missions for subscribers PERMANENT. I can't see sticking around long after my current sub expires if they stop that when the expansion launches.

Edited by HarleysRule
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Only if ppl like you stop Posting.:) Most ppl don't know what is going to happen, only because most ppl don't even read any of the SWTOR boards.
Okay. You may have a difference of opinion, but you don't have the right to tell people to stop posting because they disagree with you. I happen to disagree with you MandFlurry, and I will never listen to you when you say someone should stop posting their opinion. If you don't like that, too bad.


Resubbed last week to check it out after rage quitting because of the fail of 3.0, and I hate to say it, but I don't think this game will be around much longer. Made some toons on Jung Ma for a "fresh start" play experience, and OMG that server is dead...single digit players on many earlier planets. Max I saw in fleet last evening (around 6PM EST) was 38, and at least 2 of them were spam bots. Even my old server Ebon Hawk is empty compared to last time I played. Looking at server status, seems Harbinger is the only relatively healthy server in NA.


Maybe the expansion and new Star Wars movies will spark some interest, but I'd just assume they scrap this 3.0/4.0 BS, and take us back to 2.10 where we had some actually choice in skilling our characters.


OH, and make 12x XP on class story missions for subscribers PERMANENT. I can't see sticking around long after my current sub expires if they stop that when the expansion launches.

Good thing this is just an opinion, and not a fact. Whatever you may think of the game, it's still going to be around for some time. Edited by talonmke
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Resubbed last week to check it out after rage quitting because of the fail of 3.0, and I hate to say it, but I don't think this game will be around much longer. Made some toons on Jung Ma for a "fresh start" play experience, and OMG that server is dead...single digit players on many earlier planets. Max I saw in fleet last evening (around 6PM EST) was 38, and at least 2 of them were spam bots. Even my old server Ebon Hawk is empty compared to last time I played. Looking at server status, seems Harbinger is the only relatively healthy server in NA.


Maybe the expansion and new Star Wars movies will spark some interest, but I'd just assume they scrap this 3.0/4.0 BS, and take us back to 2.10 where we had some actually choice in skilling our characters.


OH, and make 12x XP on class story missions for subscribers PERMANENT. I can't see sticking around long after my current sub expires if they stop that when the expansion launches.


if want a good experience, don't roll on the pvp servers. take the 90cc transfer and go to one of the pve servers

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I admit that I make a point of telling people to move off PVP servers. I just feel that there is no reason for people to restrict themselves that way and miss out on everything the game has to offer. If they want open world, I tell them to roll a new member of the Aldmeri Dominion and join me in ESO. This game is not any good for PVP. And everyone that I have talked into moving has been really happy with the amazing new experience of having queues popping and having equal matches that are actually challenging.


Stop staring at the same wall and check out what it looks like on the other side. Just because your server is dying doesn't mean the game is. And the reason that PVP servers are dying just as much to do with the people on those servers as it does with the game's lack of support for "real PVP."


I don't PvP at all in this game because it is so terrible, but I like the added danger of PvP servers, even though half the game is still a PvP free zone on those servers. I may have to abandon Jung Ma just because it is so dead, although Ebon Hawk doesn't seem all that healthy ATM, either.


Tried ESO. Hated it. Maybe Camelot Unchained will be decent. DAoC is still my favorite MMO of all time.

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Resubbed last week to check it out after rage quitting because of the fail of 3.0, and I hate to say it, but I don't think this game will be around much longer. Made some toons on Jung Ma for a "fresh start" play experience, and OMG that server is dead...single digit players on many earlier planets. Max I saw in fleet last evening (around 6PM EST) was 38, and at least 2 of them were spam bots. Even my old server Ebon Hawk is empty compared to last time I played. Looking at server status, seems Harbinger is the only relatively healthy server in NA.


Maybe the expansion and new Star Wars movies will spark some interest, but I'd just assume they scrap this 3.0/4.0 BS, and take us back to 2.10 where we had some actually choice in skilling our characters.


OH, and make 12x XP on class story missions for subscribers PERMANENT. I can't see sticking around long after my current sub expires if they stop that when the expansion launches.

Transfer off the PvP server...PvP servers are dead. Move to Harbinger HarleysRule...it's a new game there.


You get one FREE transfer if you use a referral link, I'm not pimping mine, pick anyone...just don't PAY Bioware for failing to do anything for you.

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Resubbed last week to check it out after rage quitting because of the fail of 3.0, and I hate to say it, but I don't think this game will be around much longer. Made some toons on Jung Ma for a "fresh start" play experience, and OMG that server is dead...single digit players on many earlier planets. Max I saw in fleet last evening (around 6PM EST) was 38, and at least 2 of them were spam bots. Even my old server Ebon Hawk is empty compared to last time I played. Looking at server status, seems Harbinger is the only relatively healthy server in NA.


Maybe the expansion and new Star Wars movies will spark some interest, but I'd just assume they scrap this 3.0/4.0 BS, and take us back to 2.10 where we had some actually choice in skilling our characters.


OH, and make 12x XP on class story missions for subscribers PERMANENT. I can't see sticking around long after my current sub expires if they stop that when the expansion launches.


While Harbinger is the most populated, from what I've read around most if not all the PvE servers have healthy populations. Harbinger is actually near capacity as I get queue notices when trying to get on at peak times at times. PvP servers are nearly dead, and Junga Ma is an RP-PvP server. From what I've read around RP servers are lighter population anyways, so combine that with it being a PvP server, which just isn't popular in this game already, you probably picked the worst one of the bunch.

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<< Max I saw in fleet last evening (around 6PM EST) was 38, and at least 2 of them were spam bots. Even my old server Ebon Hawk is empty compared to last time >>


around the same time, there were 4 instances of Yavin4 up and running, and many people on Ilum for the Gree Event. So you were just probably looking in the wrong place. <This was on Ebon Hawk>.

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