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Super Serious Solo Queue Starfighter Saturday on The Harbinger, September 26th


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On September 26th from 9pm to Midnight Eastern were gathering up every good player we can muster to fight it out in a night of no holds barred action! We invite anyone and everyone to get your best ships ready and queue up Solo!


The rules are a little different this time, this is a strictly Solo Queue event. Just set up your ships and hit that Queue button on your own!


Where: The Harbinger Server


When: September 26th, 9pm-Midnight Eastern Time (EDT) / 6pm-9pm Pacific Standard Time (PST) / 1am-4am Cordinated Universal Time (UTC) (For anyone still confused by Time zones please consult this map http://www.timeanddate.com/time/map/)


How: Put ships on your bar and Queue up Solo!



We're offering the use of our Mumble one again in case you need one to communicate with your team, just PM me thought the forums or message/mail me in-game (Drakolich Empire side) for information. I'd really like to get as many people that want to communicate into this Mumble, that way as you are paired up with different people through out the night you can simply hop into their channel and instantly chat with them during the games!


As I'm not setting up any teams or anything for this event cause it's Solo Queue only, I'm going to put in an optional list of players that are participating. You don't have to be on this list if you don't want too, it's really just to get an idea of how many people are showing up, just post below that you're coming and the name of your character and I'll put it up here. Any information you want next to your name feel free to put as well.

List of players attending:


#1 Drakolich/Drakolích (Empire/Republic)

#2 Zyríeas/Zyrieas (Empire/Republic)

#3 Xcal (Empire/Republic)

#4 Siraka (Empire/Republic)

#5 Sithace/Skywallkr (Empire/Republic)

#6 MaximilianPower/SylvesterMcbean (Empire/Republic)

#7 R-ohan/H'ani (Empire/Republic)

#8 Phillistra/Pellad (Empire/Republic)

#9 Sixofone/Lucklessa (Empire/Republic)

#10 Vonnare (Republic)

#11 Krispyrose/ViolentRose (Empire/Republic)

#12 Perceptivate (Empire)

#13 Yallia (Empire/Republic)

#14 Kaiset (Republic)

#15 Vexxial (Empire/Republic)

#16 Erteon/Challintra (Empire/Republic)

#17 Kahs'Khior'I (Republic)

#18 Fnfee/Mole'man (Empire/Republic)

#19 Mr Goodkat (Empire)

Edited by Drakkolich
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I'll be there...which ever side needs me more, I guess. Can we be in a group and just solo queue or do we have to be totally solo?


Well the event is for queue ing completely solo. So if you're going to be on the list, then def only solo.

But I can't stop you from making a group that night. :p


So I'll put you on the list for now and just let me know if you want me to take you down.

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Vonnare will be there on Republic side.


You could just set up a pub and an imp mumble channel so those of us who don't have multiple monitors won't have to tab out to change channels. Of course, there is always the possibility of a wargame, so maybe we can talk to each other as we kill each other.

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That was funny :) Though still nearly always ended on losing side ... and my ships weren't fully upgraded. Also, ha 300+ latency.,

But it was fun! SQSSN is much better than "normal" SSN.


PS. Draco, your laugh at me was (2:21:55) totally cruel! :p

Edited by Bolo_Yeung
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Thanks for setting this up, I had a blast. I have to agree that I thought that Solo Queue Super Serious was a lot more fun than the regular format. The games seemed much more competitive, in general, and I got to play with way more pilots than I would ordinarily to get to fly with. All in all, it was a good night.
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