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Nico Okarr


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Ok,and how about all those rewards you are granted at specific intervalls?

First one would have been the Blasters.

Haven't got any sofar


All the rewards are supposed to be given out when the expansion comes out.




To qualify for the Knights of the Fallen Empire Subscriber Rewards, the account must be in a Subscriber status as of 11:59PM PDT//6:59AM GMT on the date listed by the reward.


Knights of the Fallen Empire rewards are delivered through in-game mail and are redeemable as of the launch of the expansion upon login on October 27, 2015.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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If someone doesn't do the (terrible) new content, they can't redeem as of launch. If someone doesn't have a character ready to do the new content, they can't redeem as of launch. Etc.


May I ask you, why do you keep referring to KotFE's content as bad? I'm not saying you're wrong, for all we know it is ****** content and not worth the time to do more than once, but why do you keep saying it's terrible or bad when you haven't and neither have any of us, even played it yet?


Is it lack of new operations? Crafting changes? Companions being temporarily removed (from the story)?


I'm just curious.

Edited by Eanelinea
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May I ask you, why do you keep referring to KotFE's content as bad? I'm not saying you're wrong, for all we know it is ****** content and not worth the time to do more than once, but why do you keep saying it's terrible or bad when you haven't and neither have any of us, even played it yet?


Is it lack of new operations? Crafting changes? Companions being temporarily removed (from the story)?


I'm just curious.


From top of my head, removing stats from comps and merging crit chance and surge were his major gripes, which automatically means the content will be awful

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From this it sound like our ships droid better be spraying that Alderaanian nectar 24/7...


Seamus wrinkled his nose—the man smelled stronger than whatever was in the unlabeled bottle on the table.


Source: Vacation


Stinky companion! And here i always assumed Skadge would be the smelly one! :D

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May I ask you, why do you keep referring to KotFE's content as bad? I'm not saying you're wrong, for all we know it is ****** content and not worth the time to do more than once, but why do you keep saying it's terrible or bad when you haven't and neither have any of us, even played it yet?


Is it lack of new operations? Crafting changes? Companions being temporarily removed (from the story)?


I'm just curious.


The system / mechanics changes we know about so far are bad, and a total waste of time "fixing" things that are in no way broken, or doubling-down on bad changes they made in past updates. Merged secondary stats, lost companions, lost companion gearing, some hints about crafting, some hints about more changes to Utilities, etc.


We know that the plot of the expansion is a railroaded ripoff of the basic "twist" from ME2. "Lose your team! Rebuild your team! The galaxy is at stake!" :rolleyes: We do know that the entire plot hinges on your character being unavoidable and inevitably captured by the antagonists, for example.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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The system / mechanics changes we know about so far are bad, and a total waste of time "fixing" things that are in no way broken, or doubling-down on bad changes they made in past updates. Merged secondary states, lost companions, lost companion gearing, some hints about crafting, some hints about more changes to Utilities, etc.


We know that the plot of the expansion is a railroaded ripoff of the basic "twist" from ME2. "Lose your team! Rebuild your team! The galaxy is at stake!" :rolleyes: We do know that the entire plot hinges on your character being unavoidable and inevitably captured by the antagonists, for example.


Thank you for answering without going into a tizzy, it's appreciated. I can understand your frustration, especially if they're just recycling old plots from other games. I've never played anything from Bioware other than this game so I have no idea about how they do things, so to me the plot is new.


I'm annoyed myself about no gearing for companions, mainly because I like using my left over comms to have the most uber and elite companion I use 24/7 than other people do since I solo everything except content one can't solo like operations, so I understand your point.

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May I ask you, why do you keep referring to KotFE's content as bad? I'm not saying you're wrong, for all we know it is ****** content and not worth the time to do more than once, but why do you keep saying it's terrible or bad when you haven't and neither have any of us, even played it yet?


Is it lack of new operations? Crafting changes? Companions being temporarily removed (from the story)?


I'm just curious.


He would hate it no matter what it was.

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Meh, no big deal to me since I will be getting Nico and KOTFE but BW should have been more upfront from the beginning about how this was going to play out.


I could see people subbing just to get Nico and not subbing for KOTFE and expecting to get Nico when it launches.

Edited by RaiderMid
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The game has changed so many times since beta i have lost count. Missions i remember from beta that are gone or long changed due to sensitivity training. I'm betting you play it through at least once. Maybe not with toons you have now, but the free 60 would be a possibility.


I'll reiterate, at this point I have no intention of playing the expansion until I know more about it and all the changes to the game involved, free 60 or not. Like I have said previously, at this point, there's a chance I won't be playing the game at all come October 27th depending on how the changes to the leveling game are handled.


But for argument's sake, let's assume that I will have an interest in playing through on that level 60 character. It still does not change the fact that, in essence, Nico will not be available to any other character on my account based off of what Eric said in his post. Doesn't seem much like a subscriber perk to me.


Likely not everyone is acting like a little princess that is unhappy for not getting her stuff immediately. We are getting access to Nico and that's all it matters. How we get it is another story. The game is advertised where storytelling matters, so getting a quest to unlock companions should always be considered.

As should other options for those with characters who cannot, or do not wish to begin playing the expansion.

As someone who never understood the desire to have HK or Treek on lower levels (the content doesn't need them), why would you want a mute companion without any affection options that looks like Nico with you?

Because he's a cool character. I do not have HK nor Treek either, and as I mentioned, I would like to have Nico at least on my smuggler for a "fun" perspective while leveling. Companion affection at this point is meaningless, at least for the first companions - I can farm Esseles to make out Corso if need be.

Edited by TravelersWay
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I'll reiterate, at this point I have no intention of playing the expansion until I know more about it and all the changes to the game involved, free 60 or not. Like I have said previously, at this point, there's a chance I won't be playing the game at all come October 27th depending on how the changes to the leveling game are handled.


But for argument's sake, let's assume that I will have an interest in playing through on that level 60 character. It still does not change the fact that, in essence, Nico will not be available to any other character on my account based off of what Eric said in his post. Doesn't seem much like a subscriber perk to me.


"I refuse to play the content but I still want stuff that happens in that content" (Sorry, but that is how your post reads)


Nico is basically a pre-order bonus for KotFE. If you do not play KotFE, you do not get it.


Also, refusing to even try KotFE story because you dislike changes to content before it is, as very best, very limited of you...

Edited by Aries_cz
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"I refuse to play the content but I still want stuff that happens in that content"


Nico is a pre-order bonus for KotFE. If you do not play KotFE, you do not get it.


^^ Indeed.


Thing is... Nico will be used by some players as a reason to rant and complain... no matter what. Being a companion... there are so many opportunities to complain about everything from his eye color to the skills he has, to the stances he has, etc. etc. etc. And as we can see.. they are already frantically at work condemning this or that about Nico...... even though none of us have seen Nico yet, much less used as a companion.


In the modern era of MMOs... any... ANY... constraints placed upon players is condemned and complained about by some fraction of the player base. This is simply the nature of the player base these days. Yeah, in the old days.. we used to complain too... but we did not belabor it.... but rather we learned to adapt and overcome constraints. It was part of the challenge of playing the MMO. I don't know why or how MMO players got so needy and demanding over time.... but I mostly blame Wow for training millions of players to be exactly this.

Edited by Andryah
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And as we can see.. they are already frantically at work condemning this or that about Nico...... even though none of us have seen Nico yet, much less used as a companion.


Well, the coat complaints are bit right. It really looks like a cheap work done in 5 minutes by the newest intern...

Yes, it is free, but it could have been better than a Troublemaker with light brown dye

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Well, the coat complaints are bit right. It really looks like a cheap work done in 5 minutes by the newest intern...

Yes, it is free, but it could have been better than a Troublemaker with light brown dye


Personally, I going to wait until I actually see the coat in game before passing judgment.


Even then... I have so many gear pieces unlocked in Collections by now.. it's not going to get me all worked up if the Duster turns out to be an "appearance dud". It did not cost me anything and I can round-file it if I don't like it. I mostly mix and match pieces from different sets anyways.. so as to avoid looking like yet another player clone in game.

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"I refuse to play the content but I still want stuff that happens in that content" (Sorry, but that is how your post reads)


Nico is basically a pre-order bonus for KotFE. If you do not play KotFE, you do not get it.


Huh. Looks like we have to keep posting this.






"To qualify for the Knights of the Fallen Empire Subscriber Rewards, the account must be in a Subscriber status as of 11:59PM PDT//6:59AM GMT on the date listed by the reward.


Knights of the Fallen Empire rewards are delivered through in-game mail and are redeemable as of the launch of the expansion upon login on October 27, 2015.


To qualify for the Early Access Bonus, you must have qualified for each of the four rewards by being a subscriber on each of the 4 listed reward dates. Once you qualify you may enter and play Knights of the Fallen Empire on October 20, 2015, seven (7) days prior to live launch on October 27, 2015."


Again, nothing about any of "the rewards" being exclusive to those who accept or play through KotFE missions (starter of subsequent), nothing about "the rewards" being exclusive to the KotFE content, and nothing about any other requirement other than being a subscriber at certain points in time.


If there were going to be other requirements to qualify for "the rewards" besides the the ONE requirement that Bioware actually published, then they should have also published those requirements.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Huh. Looks like we have to keep posting this.




Again, nothing about any of "the rewards" being exclusive to those who accept or play through KotFE missions (starter of subsequent), nothing about "the rewards" being exclusive to the KotFE content, and nothing about any other requirement other than being a subscriber at certain points in time.


If there were going to be other requirements to qualify for "the rewards" besides the the ONE requirement that Bioware actually published, then they should have also published those requirements.


Please refer to this post by Eric way back on the first page of this thread


This is a great question. Nico Okarr works a bit differently than the Companions you are comparing him too. To avoid any spoilers I don't want to say too much, but you recruit Nico Okarr into your Alliance in Knights of the Fallen Empire, and have him as a Companion thereafter.




Sounds like he is exclusive to KOTFE only.

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My problem isn't that we have to do the content to get Nico, and I very seriously doubt that is actually Max_Killjoy's or anyone else who is upset by what Eric has said. My problem is that we were absolutely not told that when the announcement was made. Bioware could have, and should have, been upfront with what to expect out of the Nico Subscriber reward. As someone else already mentioned, it would have been extremely easy to have announced the reward and how it would have been redeemed by simply saying "Subscribe by August 10th and you will be able to recruit Nico Okarr as a companion in KotFE."


They didn't say that. They said that if we subscribed by August 10th, we would receive Nico Okarr as a Companion and the terms and conditions state implicitly that ALL rewards will be received in the mail. Not that we would receive a token in the mail that we could redeem during KotFE to get them, not that we would have to wait before we could actually get said rewards.


Just because you don't see a point in using Okarr outside of or before accessing KotFE doesn't matter. That's your playstyle. You may think its stupid or pointless to use him on say a character that is level 32 and leveling, and that's great for you. But everyone is free to play the game the way they want, and just because you think its stupid doesn't mean everyone agrees with you.


There are plenty of reasons not to immediately start KotFE on every single toon in order to get access to KotFE. The biggest one is losing access to certain quest chains that one might want to finish, not being of level, having no desire to just run through the content, w/e. To each their own. People might be ok with Bioware changing the terms and conditions on us a month after they've taken our money and weve agreed to those terms, but plenty of people are upset about it. And its all because Bioware either was inept in how they described something or purposefully deceptive.

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Huh. Looks like we have to keep posting this.




Again, nothing about any of "the rewards" being exclusive to those who accept or play through KotFE missions (starter of subsequent), nothing about "the rewards" being exclusive to the KotFE content, and nothing about any other requirement other than being a subscriber at certain points in time.


If there were going to be other requirements to qualify for "the rewards" besides the the ONE requirement that Bioware actually published, then they should have also published those requirements.


The promo appears on a page for expansion, and only there. Logic says that means the stuff is tied to KotFE.


And as I keep telling you, I am certain there will be a thing delivered to you on launch, thus being redeemed via ingame mail.


Your reading of T&C as "you will have Nico available on level 1 immediately on launch" can be valid, but no more than "on launch, you will get an item used to get Nico" (ever heard the proverb "three lawyers, four opinions"?)

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Please refer to this post by Eric way back on the first page of this thread


This is a great question. Nico Okarr works a bit differently than the Companions you are comparing him too. To avoid any spoilers I don't want to say too much, but you recruit Nico Okarr into your Alliance in Knights of the Fallen Empire, and have him as a Companion thereafter.




Sounds like he is exclusive to KOTFE only.




We've seen that post.


That is in fact the post that started this discussion.


Now, note the date on that post -- Eric posted it yesterday. The page I've been quoting has been up for months. Eric's post from yesterday is the first indication we've ever had that Nico Okarr would only be available to those who actually do some part of the KotFE content, and it was posted almost a month after the final subscription deadline to obtain Nico Okarr as a companion.

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My problem isn't that we have to do the content to get Nico, and I very seriously doubt that is actually Max_Killjoy's or anyone else who is upset by what Eric has said. My problem is that we were absolutely not told that when the announcement was made. Bioware could have, and should have, been upfront with what to expect out of the Nico Subscriber reward. As someone else already mentioned, it would have been extremely easy to have announced the reward and how it would have been redeemed by simply saying "Subscribe by August 10th and you will be able to recruit Nico Okarr as a companion in KotFE."


They didn't say that. They said that if we subscribed by August 10th, we would receive Nico Okarr as a Companion and the terms and conditions state implicitly that ALL rewards will be received in the mail. Not that we would receive a token in the mail that we could redeem during KotFE to get them, not that we would have to wait before we could actually get said rewards.


Just because you don't see a point in using Okarr outside of or before accessing KotFE doesn't matter. That's your playstyle. You may think its stupid or pointless to use him on say a character that is level 32 and leveling, and that's great for you. But everyone is free to play the game the way they want, and just because you think its stupid doesn't mean everyone agrees with you.


There are plenty of reasons not to immediately start KotFE on every single toon in order to get access to KotFE. The biggest one is losing access to certain quest chains that one might want to finish, not being of level, having no desire to just run through the content, w/e. To each their own. People might be ok with Bioware changing the terms and conditions on us a month after they've taken our money and weve agreed to those terms, but plenty of people are upset about it. And its all because Bioware either was inept in how they described something or purposefully deceptive.


It's not about there being a point in using Nico before KOTFE. It's that, according to Eric's post, acquiring Nico before KOTFE would pretty much create a Coruscant-sized plot hole since he seems to have a direct role in the expac and meet your character there.

Should Bioware have been more forthcoming about the means to acquire him? I suppose so. Should Nico be accesible from the first second your character is created? If it makes no sense in story for him to be here, then no, he shouldn't.

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"Knights of the Fallen Empire rewards are delivered through in-game mail and are redeemable as of the launch of the expansion upon login on October 27, 2015."




Not after, not some time following, not "once you do some missions and stuff".






Well, "as of" launch, as a subscriber you will already have had 7 days early access to KotFE. So, "as of" launch, you can right to the part of the story and pick him up.


I think a lot of you are blowing this out of proportion. Bioware promised a companion for being a subscriber by X date. If you met the terms you WILL get the companion. The FAQ does not say "all" rewards or "exclusively" via in game mail.


Jeebus folks. I'm pretty sure the two of you complaining the loudest were going to be subscribers anyway. What you are doing now is like complaining about getting free money.

Edited by ekwalizer
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This is a great question. Nico Okarr works a bit differently than the Companions you are comparing him too. To avoid any spoilers I don't want to say too much, but you recruit Nico Okarr into your Alliance in Knights of the Fallen Empire, and have him as a Companion thereafter.




Would that qualify the Nico Okarr subscriber rewards as a "P2W" transaction? We've already seen the backlash of putting Story content into Cartel Market Items with the Shroud Datacubes. Those who didn't get the early subscriber rewards would essentially be unable to acquire this story content for themselves.

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It's not about there being a point in using Nico before KOTFE. It's that, according to Eric's post, acquiring Nico before KOTFE would pretty much create a Coruscant-sized plot hole since he seems to have a direct role in the expac and meet your character there.

Should Bioware have been more forthcoming about the means to acquire him? I suppose so. Should Nico be accesible from the first second your character is created? If it makes no sense in story for him to be here, then no, he shouldn't.


It makes no sense in the story for Treek to be available to any of us, and yet we have her. If people care about plotholes, then I doubt they will use him. Not all of us give a damn about whether it makes sense or not to have him from a story perspective. And again you are referring to Eric's post which came out a month AFTER they took our money and told us wed have him immediately.

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I think a lot of you are blowing this out of proportion. Bioware promised a companion for being a subscriber by X date. If you met the terms you WILL get the companion. The FAQ does not say "all" rewards or "exclusively" via in game mail.


Actually yes it does.

Edited by Danery
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