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Nico Okarr's Coat - What a disappointment


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And Andryah QUIT the game over actions BioWare/EA made that are not too dissimilar from this one, yet here it is, cheerfully telling everyone they shouldn't be upset and that they are stupid and that this is all fine rahrahrah sissboombah!


It is inconsistent in its behaviours.


Yea she gets her jollies off attacking other people critical of Bioware until they hammer something that she loves.........like the slot machine. She had a meltdown back in January-ish and told everyone she was done but came back apparently.

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And Andryah QUIT the game over actions BioWare/EA made that are not too dissimilar from this one, yet here it is, cheerfully telling everyone they shouldn't be upset and that they are stupid and that this is all fine rahrahrah sissboombah!


It is inconsistent in its behaviours.


Not really. She put her money where her mouth is. She didn't like something, said so, and after no action was taken she didn't stay here boiling in her own stew, she walked away. It is as simple as that. If this is a huge deal for you, follow her lead. She doesn't believe it's a big deal and neither do it.


And, btw, that pic that we saw is hardly a conclusive representation. Here is a thought, how about we wait until we see it in-game to determine if it is a bust or not. We can do that as most of us are here for much more than the coat right?


The xpac can't get here soon enough, over the last few weeks we have been making up crap to argue.

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And Andryah QUIT the game over actions BioWare/EA made that are not too dissimilar from this one, yet here it is, cheerfully telling everyone they shouldn't be upset and that they are stupid and that this is all fine rahrahrah sissboombah!


It is inconsistent in its behaviours.


So people can't be upset by something and leave and then change their mind later down the road?

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And Andryah QUIT the game over actions BioWare/EA made that are not too dissimilar from this one, yet here it is, cheerfully telling everyone they shouldn't be upset and that they are stupid and that this is all fine rahrahrah sissboombah!


It is inconsistent in its behaviours.


Bringing out a coat that looks like another is similar to new ops that are buggy for months and many lagg issues?


Hmmm....not sure I agree.

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And Andryah QUIT the game over actions BioWare/EA made that are not too dissimilar from this one, yet here it is, cheerfully telling everyone they shouldn't be upset and that they are stupid and that this is all fine rahrahrah sissboombah!


It is inconsistent in its behaviours.

No it's not.


That issue if I recall was over the nerf to the Cartel Slot Machine. And note that went on for 200 pages with nothing getting changed to it. Better still? The idea of those Slot Machines wasn't bad, people had a way to get those cartel market rep items that one couldn't get anymore. And thanks in part to the backlash over the nerf the Dev's at one of the Cantina's said they wouldn't do anymore Slot Machines.


And truth be told? You guys are upset over a item you are getting for subbing. You know I love trolling away and what not but this is one of the most stupid things I've seen from any community. So the coat doesn't look like some super special item. Really I'm sure if they tried to make it super special people would be going off on it like the Havoc Armor.

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Except that the way this is advertised, it is not a preorder bonus. Being a preorder bonus, you would have to actually preorder and purchase a copy of the game in order to receive the bonus. However, the rewards description declares:


Nowhere in any of that does it state that you have to have KotFE to receive the subscriber rewards. According to the marketing material, one could in theory subscribe on Sep 30th, then cancel the subscription before the KotFE launch, and they should still receive the duster without ever having, or "preordering", KotFE.

Semantics. So it can't be called a preorder, the official wording is Pre-Launch Reward Items.


It's the equivalent of a preorder bonus for this expansion. So in my book, "preorder bonus equivalent."


KotFE is going to be free to every subscriber. Subscribe and it's yours automatically. You're going to have it eventually. (even if Sept 30 is your last day)


Whether or not it will be different in reality is a question of how accurately their marketing has portrayed the way this will be handled. BW has already revealed that to get Niko himself, you will have to enter KotFE, so that is already a departure from their advertised details. But the fact remains that according to their marketing and public announcements, these are not preorder rewards, as they should be obtainable without the expansion itself.

Pre-Launch Reward Item. I described in another thread how it works out as a preorder bonus. Thread: To all the folks still asking when the subscriber rewards will be granted:





Actually, Andryah has been critical of the game and BioWare in the past, and has stated those criticisms in the forums. Amazing how people see only what they want to see when attempting personal attacks on someone who disagrees with them.
And Andryah QUIT the game over actions BioWare/EA made that are not too dissimilar from this one, yet here it is, cheerfully telling everyone they shouldn't be upset and that they are stupid and that this is all fine rahrahrah sissboombah!


It is inconsistent in its behaviours.

Every unsubscriber looks back at their sub time with rose-tinted glasses. Time will pass and things will be forgotten or forgiven. I myself forgot the reasons I unsubbed for, talking about this stuff on the forum made me remember. I tried to self-sabotage my Shadows of Revan preorder, I told myself, "If you don't level 1 toon with this 12xp you should just quit the game and never come back." I didn't level a single toon with all that 12xp time. I completed my self-sabotage mission and was ready to never come back.


Well boo hooo, E3 2015. EA Press COnference, Bioware debuts a Blur trailer about a brother/father story that gave me goosebumps. I, completely unable to remember why I unnsubbed in the first place, resubbed when I took one quick glance at the Pre-Launch Reward Items (aka preorder bonus equivalent) and subbed for 6-months again! <reinstall the game after a lengthy download> What am I doing? THis game again...


Classic Consumer Mistake.


So now I'm subbed, I'm going to play it whether I like it or not.

Except now I'm screwed, I didn't take advantage of any of that sweet 12xp during preorder and the Epic Story Boost while I was unsubbed.

Edited by Falensawino
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Semantics. So it can't be called a preorder, the official wording is Pre-Launch Reward Items.


It's the equivalent of a preorder bonus for this expansion. So in my book, "preorder bonus equivalent."


KotFE is going to be free to every subscriber. Subscribe and it's yours automatically. You're going to have it eventually. (even if Sept 30 is your last day)


Pre-Launch Reward Item. I described in another thread how it works out as a preorder bonus. Thread: To all the folks still asking when the subscriber rewards will be granted:





Every unsubscriber looks back at their sub time with rose-tinted glasses. Time will pass and things will be forgotten or forgiven. I myself forgot the reasons I unsubbed for, talking about this stuff on the forum made me remember. I tried to self-sabotage my Shadows of Revan preorder, I told myself, "If you don't level 1 toon with this 12xp you should just quit the game and never come back." I didn't level a single toon with all that 12xp time. I completed my self-sabotage mission and was ready to never come back.


Well boo hooo, E3 2015. EA Press COnference, Bioware debuts a Blur trailer about a brother/father story that gave me goosebumps. I, completely unable to remember why I unnsubbed in the first place, resubbed when I took one quick glance at the Pre-Launch Reward Items (aka preorder bonus equivalent) and subbed for 6-months again! <reinstall the game after a lengthy download> What am I doing? THis game again...


Classic Consumer Mistake.


So now I'm subbed, I'm going to play it whether I like it or not.

Except now I'm screwed, I didn't take advantage of any of that sweet 12xp during preorder and the Epic Story Boost while I was unsubbed.


well you have 12xp until the expansion hits.

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Semantics. So it can't be called a preorder, the official wording is Pre-Launch Reward Items.


It's the equivalent of a preorder bonus for this expansion. So in my book, "preorder bonus equivalent."


KotFE is going to be free to every subscriber. Subscribe and it's yours automatically. You're going to have it eventually. (even if Sept 30 is your last day)


Pre-Launch Reward Item. I described in another thread how it works out as a preorder bonus. Thread: To all the folks still asking when the subscriber rewards will be granted:


Calling it "semantics" indicates that there is no difference outside of the wording; that is not the case here and claiming such is both disingenuous and dishonest. There is no order or preorder required to get these items; the subscription at a specific date required to get the items and the process of obtaining the expansion are wholly disconnected from each other. According to BW's announced terms, if I am subscribed as of September 30th, and my subscription lapses to preferred status before the expansion goes live, and I never renew my subscription, I will receive the duster in my game mail, but I will not ever have the KotFE expansion.


You can think of them any way you like, but that doesn't change the facts of reality.

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It's good to have Andryah back. :) Keeps some of you scallies on your game.


Now, let's talk coats. Exactly what type of coat were you expecting anyway if not a duster? A coat with wings maybe? A coat that made you invisible? A Harry Potter coat? A furry one? One that you could use as a mount?


A coat is a coat. Put a nice dye in there and you will be fine with it. You expected a different type coat then... you never really wanted a coat at all.

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Now, let's talk coats. Exactly what type of coat were you expecting anyway if not a duster? A coat with wings maybe? A coat that made you invisible? A Harry Potter coat? A furry one? One that you could use as a mount?


A coat is a coat. Put a nice dye in there and you will be fine with it. You expected a different type coat then... you never really wanted a coat at all.


I don't know, I guess I was hoping against hope that what will be delivered would be more worthy of the description: "Impressive is the only word that describes Nico’s swashbuckling duster; you can be sure that wearing this duster sets you apart from other heroes."


The Troublemaker Duster is based on a recurring Imperial Agent's armor design and it plus a few of its variants (Dynamic Vandal Duster, Voltaic Vandal Duster, Subversive Jacket, Unfettered Trenchcoat) are already available to both factions through cartel market. At the very least they could have used the design of an actual smuggler's armor model that is not yet available to both factions in various incarnations, e.g. RD-05B Gunslinger Jacket minus the silly fur and horrible collar. (The shoulder parts and goggles are more in line with previous Niko art, too.)

Edited by KyaniteD
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So people can't be upset by something and leave and then change their mind later down the road?


This has not quite been the same. It has a consistent pattern of telling anyone who thinks something is bad that they don't get it, then throws a fit because there is something bad it doesn't like, quits, then comes back and pretends all the stuff it said when it quit doesn't apply and is back to telling anyone who has an issue with something they are wrong.


Its a matter of degree and delivery/


Its totally Ok to change ones mind. Would never argue that its not.

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I quit after three months of sad sad action/inaction by Bioware on numerous foul-ups with SoR. The slot machine debacle.. for which I had no vested interest as I did not care personally... represented the final straw from my perspective on a running series of debacles....mostly for the extremely poor way they both handled the release, nerf, and in particular the extreme misrepresentation of the nerf in their communications. They created such a consistent trend of ineptitude in their handling of the game post SoR with NO SIGNs of getting back on track.... that I decided to take a break and stop providing them revenue at a personal level.


Have you got it now.. or are you going to continue misrepresenting me in the forum??????


I'm not misrepresenting you. You quit because you were annoyed with BioWare, their communication (lack of it) and their inability to converse with their player base in any sort of constructive manner. They let problems go unsolved, they sweep things under the rug, they over-promise and under-deliver. The reasons for your quitting was not too dissimilar from the topic here at hand.


BioWare says in its OFFICIAL communications:


Nico Okarr Duster Coat


SEP 30


Impressive is the only word that describes Nico’s swashbuckling duster; you can be sure that wearing this duster sets you apart from other heroes.


And when posting about it, they initially use different artwork. I'm not going to repost links but the reference here is that they tell us, HEY, Give us Money by Such and Such a date and we're going to give you something 'Impressive' that would 'set you apart from other heroes'.


Combining the two might give the impression that they're going to take the 6 hours it would take a decent modeler to bang something out that's new and representative of the Duster as seen in promo artwork/videos/etc but instead, BioWare goes down the route of we'll I think people think they are getting something nice, and we'd rather sell something on the cartel market later, if at all, so lets just change the artwork so it matches our crappily/quickly reskinning of an asset we've used _multiple_ times already.


That is not 'Impressive', nor is it something that sets the 'pre-order' subscription inducement bar very high.


So, BioWares communication problems and tone deaf attitude again is a problem, the same basic problem you quit for, and why I have noted anything about you at all when normally I just ignore you. Because you are back in this thread where some people have a legitimate and documented set of reasons to have the opinion that BioWare just told them to turn around and take it _again_ and you're arguing that this is not the case and doing so quite vociferously and strenuously and its comical because its the same old Andryah prior to it quitting that completely pooh-poohs anyone else's complaints and believes everything is fine, until of course Andryah decides it's upset.


But you know what.. if you want to insist I am the poster child of justification for you... then QUIT. You know... walk your talk. Stop hiding behind my skirt.


As for this largely conflated complaint topic. Suck it up, IMO. We get what we get from Bioware (and every other MMO) where perks and incentives are concerned.. If anyone does not like it, they have decisions to make. Simple as that. Me, it takes a persistent series of foul-ups for me to reach a feeling of not wanting to play an MMO. You appear to have a much much lower threshold.. so .. quit then. Quiting the game IS a players only real option for protest.


I'm not hiding behind anyone's skirt, as voluminous as it likely is, I don't have any need to hide at all. I have and remain consistently open with my opinions or willing to champion others whose idea I may not be fully in line with but believe they aren't getting a fair shake such as topics like this where you and other known cheerleader types come attempt to tell someone their concern is invalid, they should just quit, and that everything is perfectly fine and why are you complaining about something 'free' blah blah blah. (Despite that it is most decidedly NOT free and it was offered specifically as an inducement to get their subscription numbers up _prior_ to the release in order to benefit their bottom line and convince people who were playing and not subbed to sub prior to the release of the new chapters so that they could get some more $$$.)


Why this is humorous to me is that YOU seem to think its perfectly justified to tell all these people who are complaining about something and voicing their opinions that they should just shut up and be happy while it was instead perfectly ok for you to complain and voice your opinions about something because _you_ were justified in doing so.


I have not quit, nor do I have any reasonable impetus to quit at this time. I've already said multiple times prior I personally don't like/use the dusters with most of my characters/companions and I was subbed prior to any inducements even being announced and since I'm on a 6 month recurring, its just not huge on my radar.


There are other people though who were induced by the marketing materials and the implied promises (Impressive... 'Set apart from other heroes') to re-sub in advance of the release purely to receive these short term/one time only items and it turns out they are copy/paste jobs of existing assets with a recolouring.


They feel, and I believe rightly so, duped by BioWare/EA. It would have been a minimum of effort to create a new asset for the inducement and would have engendered much more community support and customer satisfaction.


But you can proceed on being what you were before, a rah-rah cheerleader who wants to tell anyone who doesn't like any aspect of the game they are wrong, until you decide it affects you too... Then you'll throw a big dramatic flounce and come crawling back in a few months when you miss the attention and resume to trying to do your best to tell everyone else that their opinions are invalid and everything is perfect, even though most all of the things you complained about still remain as issues AND they've added additional issues in the same vein (such as this one).


I get that you don't think the dusteris a big deal. That's fine. So, post once and say, "I don't find it is a big deal'. Instead though you want to keep coming back and telling the people who do have a concern that their concern is invalid and worse you continue to use flawed logic while doing so and joining in with the group of people who do not understand that this Inducement is decidedly not 'free' and comes with a cost, there is no way to get the item without spending money.

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They reskinned the pistols too at the last moment. It just seems like they are shaking their begging bowl to get more subs during this massive content drought, then to make THEIR life easier, just offer up a reskinned pile of crap, with zero value.


Utterly lazy, is it any wonder the game is going down the pan.


it's only zero value if you don't think it's useful to have the jacket on every character. the troublemakers is p[retty expensive on my server

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I don't know, I guess I was hoping against hope that what will be delivered would be more worthy of the description: "Impressive is the only word that describes Nico’s swashbuckling duster; you can be sure that wearing this duster sets you apart from other heroes."


The Troublemaker Duster is based on a recurring Imperial Agent's armor design and it plus a few of its variants (Dynamic Vandal Duster, Voltaic Vandal Duster, Subversive Jacket, Unfettered Trenchcoat) are already available to both factions through cartel market. At the very least they could have used the design of an actual smuggler's armor model that is not yet available to both factions in various incarnations, e.g. RD-05B Gunslinger Jacket minus the silly fur and horrible collar. (The shoulder parts and goggles are more in line with previous Niko art, too.)



the troublemaker's coat is a fan favorite. hyping up because they used the word "impressive" is silly as bioware could put fancy glowing lights on it, and a fancy royal purple colour and you could hate it while I could be utterly tasteless and think it's awesome.

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Hilarious. You keep continually spraying this thread with your negativity and hyperbole while resorting to personal attacks upon people who disagree with you AND you want to tell me when and how to post. Grow up.


Sorry pal.. you do not dictate posting terms to me or anyone else. I will post as often as I want and on the topics I want. Don't like it.. put me on /ignore.


And stop being such a baby when people do not agree with you and explain the reasons why they don't agree with you. It's a discussion forum, it's OK if people disagree with you. Stop endlessly peddling your hyperbole about the Duster in the thread and you will get less responses of disagreement.


By the way.. what is the purchase price for that Duster..... for a subscriber??? That's right... it's $0. You can try to spin it all you want.. but there is no purchase price for the Duster, because it is a promotional item. Don't like the Duster.. fine.. delete it when you get it. If you subscribed simply to get the Duster, or for the right to complain about the Duster... you're gullible and are suffering a self-inflicted wound.


Wrong, purchase price is $15 dollars to get the coat. (Less if you choose a longer subscription period) You may have already paid this money, but it is the ONLY method to get the coat, subscribing by a specific date.

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Wrong, purchase price is $15 dollars to get the coat. (Less if you choose a longer subscription period) You may have already paid this money, but it is the ONLY method to get the coat, subscribing by a specific date.


No sweetie.. the purchase price of a subscription is between $12 and $15 per month depending on the interval you purchase. It gives you full access to the game in an unrestricted manner, and it also gives you 12X XP right now (the real reason most are subscribing in advance of the expac... that and early access).


The Duster.. is not for sale. You cannot buy the Duster. You yourself admit this. It is one of 4 promotional items being offered to SUBSCRIBERS prior to 4.0 release. You deperately want to try to conflate it as somehow "purchased" so you feel justified in complaining about the "alleged" design. It won't work, sensible people know better.


None of us have actually seen the Duster in game yet.. so at this point any criticism of it = allegations. THIS is the real absurdity of this thread topic and the complaining.

Edited by Andryah
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If you use the restroom, they also generally want you to be a customer. But you pay the same whether you use it or not.


And whether you use it or not, part of what you paid as a customer goes to the maintenance, supplies, water, and electricity costs for that restroom. Just because you didn't use it, doesn't mean you didn't pay for it or that it didn't cost anything.


The same is true with this duster, or any of the other promotional items. Even if you don't use it, it cost BW to develop and implement it, and that cost is taken from the money BW receives from subscriptions. You've paid for it; just because you didn't pay anything more than you usually do does not mean you didn't pay for it. Your subscription normally covers various expenses such as server costs, development hours, software tools, etc. For these months, a little bit less of that subscription went towards these, and instead paid for the bonus items. If nothing else, we all ("we" being "subscribers") paid for it by forfeiting whatever else our subscriptions would have paid for in these months in place of the items' development.

Edited by Blackbird
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And whether you use it or not, part of what you paid as a customer goes to the maintenance, supplies, water, and electricity costs for that restroom. Just because you didn't use it, doesn't mean you didn't pay for it or that it didn't cost anything.


But you did not go into the restaurant and buy a restroom pass. That is the point. What services, offers, and promotions they offer in addition to what is guaranteed in the subscription comes out of their pocket. That money being repurposed after I send it to them is immaterial.


Just like you didn't purchase a dev to come answer your questions.

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This is why I said earlier people are either stupid or being obtuse.


If I buy a CD (ancient flat and round holocron) off you for 5$, and you give me two instead of one, I did not pay for the second one. It came out of your pocket.


You can insult the people who understand this all you want, it doesn't make you right.

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