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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Will you run your companions in the nude after the expansion?


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Well not really nude, but in their skivvies.


Since companion stats will not be gear related, why gear them at all? Lana will look enthralling force leaping angry mobs in her bra and panties as would Kira and a few other female companions. I am not sure how well this will work out for female players since although I have not looked myself, I believe that Doc has knobby knees.


The only exceptions is that I will likely run my ship's droid in full butler regalia.

Edited by asbalana
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Well not really nude, but in their skivvies.


Since companion stats will not be gear related, why gear them at all? Lana will look enthralling force leaping angry mobs in her bra and panties as would Kira and a few other female companions. I am not sure how well this will work out for female players since although I have not looked myself, I believe that Doc has knobby knees.


The only exceptions is that I will likely run my ship's droid in full butler regalia.


If that is how you get your jollies then all the power for you. Me on the other hand will probably take more time finding gear for them now instead of just equipping what ever I can find that had goodish stats. I hate gearing out other people other than my main character I do not find it as fun as others, but I get the appeal.

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If that is how you get your jollies then all the power for you. Me on the other hand will probably take more time finding gear for them now instead of just equipping what ever I can find that had goodish stats. I hate gearing out other people other than my main character I do not find it as fun as others, but I get the appeal.


This was intended to be a light hearted holiday thread. No need for a personal attack.

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Perhaps they make it so they have to have something equipped to make use of full power.


A fleet full of "nude" companions does not seem that appealing to me.


I dunno, I wouldn't mind seeing a bunch of butt nekkid Docs, Quinns and Vectors. Maybe even a Torian thrown in too. :p


Just don't make Skadge butt nekkid. I don't think my eyeballs can handle it. ;)

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Well not really nude, but in their skivvies.


Since companion stats will not be gear related, why gear them at all? Lana will look enthralling force leaping angry mobs in her bra and panties as would Kira and a few other female companions. I am not sure how well this will work out for female players since although I have not looked myself, I believe that Doc has knobby knees.


The only exceptions is that I will likely run my ship's droid in full butler regalia.


Not something I plan to do, but, mechanically, it will make no difference at all what your companions are wearing, so... why not?

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Well not really nude, but in their skivvies.


Since companion stats will not be gear related, why gear them at all? Lana will look enthralling force leaping angry mobs in her bra and panties as would Kira and a few other female companions. I am not sure how well this will work out for female players since although I have not looked myself, I believe that Doc has knobby knees.


The only exceptions is that I will likely run my ship's droid in full butler regalia.


After all the effort I made to build some nice looks for them with armor? Hell no! :D

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I've put too much work into some of the looks I gave them...The part that irks me is the weapons...I mean are the crystals I spent money on going to JUST be for color? Will they still give SOME kind of advantage to Comps?

Hell,what's going to happen to ME? If I just bought my White/Purple/Blue Hawkeye only to have it become a generic "color only crystal"...... :mad: The closer that release date gets the more I start to wonder...The more I wonder...the more I worry.....I mean the Expac LOOKS good (from the little I've gotten to see)....but the bits they're changing (and being stingy with info on)...those worry me....

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If crystals became stat-free, that would solve quite a few problems- all those colours that are reasonably cheap on the GTN in the 'War Hero' variant but almost unattainably expensive for useful stats would balance out, crystals which aren't available in the +41 stat bracket for lower levels (like, say, the "normal colours") would become viable again, and so on.
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If crystals became stat-free, that would solve quite a few problems- all those colours that are reasonably cheap on the GTN in the 'War Hero' variant but almost unattainably expensive for useful stats would balance out, crystals which aren't available in the +41 stat bracket for lower levels (like, say, the "normal colours") would become viable again, and so on.


Imagine you pay for a Lamborghini.....then you wake up one day and find that it has been transformed into a skateboard....with a Lamborghini PAINTED on it ...Pretty sure you're not just going to say "Oh well,it's better for the people without Lambos."

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