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No Nico for me?


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You are missing the point. Whatever happens IRL is IRL. So just as you said who the hell cares about a computer game. A guy missed the deadline. It happens. The original post sounded like he is mad at the whole world and demands Nico for himself. EOT.


The actual argument about the nico thing is irrelevant. Keep up.

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At the risk (certainty?) of seeming cold, uncaring, and unsympathetic, I have a job, and I had a death in the family (my wife, no less, in mid-July, after a seven month battle with a death-sentence grade cancer), and I managed to get it set up in time.


But if you had missed it. Where would have have laid the blame?


Would you have made a thread as this wanting the ability to still get it? Maybe for some cash? Come across a bit whiny?


Or would you have simply thought to yourself, "Dang, I missed that one. Better luck next time." and went on about your way?

Edited by Quraswren
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No sympathies. Information about the expansion and the requirements was available for quite some time.


People cannot seem to take responsibility for their own actions or lack of actions anymore. Instead, they want to complain or blame someone else.


You missed it because you missed it. YOU missed it.

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You're nuts, OP didn't blame anyone else, he didn't seem whiny to me. In fact he pretty much did what you say in your last example "dang missed that etc" and went away. He probably has no idea this thread is still going. The only reason this thread is still bumped is because of people like you constantly throwing in your little snide know it all remarks about how he was too slow. And I decided to call you all out on it. But you're so pig headed you refuse to even acknowledge it.


The OP bumped it, you bumped it, the others bumped it...everyone bumped it. Not popcorn worthy, however.

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You're nuts, OP didn't blame anyone else, he didn't seem whiny to me. In fact he pretty much did what you say in your last example "dang missed that etc" and went away. He probably has no idea this thread is still going. The only reason this thread is still bumped is because of people like you constantly throwing in your little snide know it all remarks about how he was too slow. And I decided to call you all out on it. But you're so pig headed you refuse to even acknowledge it.


The OP even admitted that what he wrote came across as whiny.

I totally see your point, the thread did come off as whiny didn't it. Well it happens, snooze I lose. Just surprising they went with a companion is all. I figured I would miss out on something rudimentary.

Well there's a good way to end it on a more positive note. Next time I'll keep one ear to the ground. :D


In addition, you missed some really nasty posts he made after his OP last night as well.. which thankfully appear to have been removed.


You need to take a deep breath and step back here. ;)

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But if you had missed it. Where would have have laid the blame?

Me, of course. Because I read my email every day and because it only takes a few minutes to log on to the web site and click the subscription buttons. If I didn't take those few minutes - even among all the carp that was going on, I had time to do that - and I consequently didn't get the gift, it would have been my fault.

Would you have made a thread as this wanting the ability to still get it? Maybe for some cash? Come across a bit whiny?

Good Lord, no. Why would I want to do that?

Or would you have simply thought to yourself, "Dang, I missed that one. Better luck next time." and went on about your way?

Bingo! (More likely "Pay better attention next time" than "Better luck next time", but that's just me...)

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I missed the deadline by 10 days. Are they serious? I won't even have a chance to buy him? A whole companion gone forever? :mad:


Let's re-read.... "I MISSED the deadline by 10 days..."


Do you know what the word "deadline" means? Assuming you do, then the fact that you're even complaining is somewhat astounding.



Edited by Bachannal
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Let's re-read.... "I MISSED the deadline by 10 days..."


Do you know what the word "deadline" means? Assuming you do, then the fact that you're even complaining is somewhat astounding.




Did you read the rest of the thread and see why, and just not give a damn?


Or did you just decide to be yet another drive-by poster with nothing new to add?

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Did you read the rest of the thread and see why, and just not give a damn?


Or did you just decide to be yet another drive-by poster with nothing new to add?


It doesn't matter why he missed it. You miss a deadline you miss a deadline. They cannot change the deadline for every schmuck who has some bad luck.

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It doesn't matter why he missed it. You miss a deadline you miss a deadline. They cannot change the deadline for every schmuck who has some bad luck.


I even said as much myself, without the "schmuck" part.


It's the needlessly petty, insulting, and vicious reaction, and the parade of drive-by "Ha ha your fault you suck OP" posts, that's putting me off.

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I missed the deadline by 10 days. Are they serious? I won't even have a chance to buy him? A whole companion gone forever? :mad:


You can almost guarantee he will be on the CM. They haven't yet, nor do I foresee them installing a companion that you cannot gain access to. That's just a major turn-off.


I would prefer a HK model of obtaining him versus a Treek model; but my guess is that it will be Treek-style. In which case, expect to pay through the nose either with cr or CC.

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I even said as much myself, without the "schmuck" part.


It's the needlessly petty, insulting, and vicious reaction, and the parade of drive-by "Ha ha your fault you suck OP" posts, that's putting me off.


Thank you! Someone who gets it! Give this chap a cookie. :)

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I even said as much myself, without the "schmuck" part.


It's the needlessly petty, insulting, and vicious reaction, and the parade of drive-by "Ha ha your fault you suck OP" posts, that's putting me off.

Well said Max. We have far too much of that in these forums. I'm glad you said something.

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If they do put Nico on the CM, I'll have to seriously reconsider my subscriber status. If everything, including what was supposed to be a nice gift to subs, were to be made available on the CM, I'd just as soon make some one-time purchases on the CM and unsub.


This companion is meant to be a loyalty gift for subscribers, and I hope he stays that way. With everything else for sale on the CM, subs don't get much, exclusively. 12x EXP is nice, but temporary. Character slots and cargo holds can all be purchased from CM, along with most other subscriber benefits.


Sucks for the OP and others in a similar position, but let us keep our gorram gift!

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Job, death in family. Oh wait this is the world of MMO's. I'm not allowed a break.


Sorry for your loss. Family always comes first over any game, that is how it works and always will.


There might be a small chance that they put the Nico companion up in the cartel market, I doubt that though then their promises of "free items while staying subscriber" will not be worth much. But in the end they always wants to earn money so I would say it got a fair shot to return there. I would not mind if they did, if the companion can make more players happy I am all up for it.


Take care of your family and welcome back to the game when you feel the time is right to have fun with us here :tran_smile:

Edited by Icestar
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To the OP, I feel your pain. My daughter brought me back into the game after the promotion ended for the companion. Am I frustrated by this, sure since I have now subbed again, but like you said it is not a huge deal really. I don't use most of my companions anyway except for crew missions, and I have more than enough already so I will probably never really notice not having him.


To be direct, I am more upset by the fact that we also miss out on the early access to KotFE, which requires you being subbed since August 10, and like you I miss that by less than 2 weeks.


Oh well, it is just a game and I am sure we will all find a way to still have fun, or we can take our entertainment dollars elsewhere. SWTOR has a few months to win me back fully while I wait for the next wow expansion to release.

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This first started as a "not fair, I missed the deadline"


Which does deserve, "too bad so sad"

What did anyone else expect to happen? Were you all expecting the snowflakes on this forum to come in and say "Yeah, give this man a Nico!"


Then he mentioned his personal issues, which is understandable. It sucks, but it still holds that he missed the deadline. That's if he is telling the truth. Not being mean OP, its just what it is and I'm sure if you tried to get Nico the account people would wonder the same thing.


As others have stated, truthful or not, belittling him is not cool and is harassment on here. I hope those who are enjoying the fact that someone missed a deadline and are voicing their opinions get a nice timeout.


BW don't ban people. Give them long timeouts because they are children.


"You have been put in timeout for 3 weeks since you believe harassing others is okay."


Wait what are we talking about? :rak_03:

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If they do put Nico on the CM, I'll have to seriously reconsider my subscriber status. If everything, including what was supposed to be a nice gift to subs, were to be made available on the CM, I'd just as soon make some one-time purchases on the CM and unsub.


This companion is meant to be a loyalty gift for subscribers, and I hope he stays that way. With everything else for sale on the CM, subs don't get much, exclusively. 12x EXP is nice, but temporary. Character slots and cargo holds can all be purchased from CM, along with most other subscriber benefits.


Sucks for the OP and others in a similar position, but let us keep our gorram gift!


While I agree with keeping it a subscriber reward I would also be in favor of them allowing him as a perk for future subscribers. For example, if you subscribe for 12 months you unlock Nico. That would be fair, and many games have a similar veteran reward system where you eventually gain rewards for months subscribed.

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