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PvP is the Pinnacle of Balance ATM


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I play all the classes PT, Sin and Sorc. I keep reading about how pvp is broken and the leaderboards just point out OP classes are. I honestly don't see a problem, solos have been real diverse with the classes I go up against and I've been having really close games because of this diversity. I just think that all our problems will go away if we all atleast try to play ALL the classes instead of going into a blind forum rage so that we can open our eyes to the true balance that is SWTOR pvp
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I play all the classes PT, Sin and Sorc. I keep reading about how pvp is broken and the leaderboards just point out OP classes are. I honestly don't see a problem, solos have been real diverse with the classes I go up against and I've been having really close games because of this diversity. I just think that all our problems will go away if we all atleast try to play ALL the classes instead of going into a blind forum rage so that we can open our eyes to the true balance that is SWTOR pvp


Are you saying it's a player issue, - and that the devs aren't to blame?! Are you saying PvP is balanced!!?


How the hell all the 'Bob's' now gonna explain their recent loss in Ranked . . . ?


Christ, Man, are you saying there's no Santa??!

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Are you saying it's a player issue, - and that the devs aren't to blame?! Are you saying PvP is balanced!!?


How the hell all the 'Bob's' now gonna explain their recent loss in Ranked . . . ?


Christ, Man, are you saying there's no Santa??!


I don't think he was serious. He starts with him "playing all classes ", then states "sin, PT and sorc" as "all classes".

Edited by Xanas
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In all seriousness...it really is all about the player. I seen all classes do extremely good in right hands and while some classes are easier to master than others - it's not a matter of balance.


One could argue if healers are too strong or not but in the end a skilled dps player can kill a healer with any given class or spec so I guess that is what I call a good balance.

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In all seriousness...it really is all about the player. I seen all classes do extremely good in right hands and while some classes are easier to master than others - it's not a matter of balance.


One could argue if healers are too strong or not but in the end a skilled dps player can kill a healer with any given class or spec so I guess that is what I call a good balance.


Its not "all about the player". Dou you think its coincidence that the leaderboards are dominated by some classes and others are not represented? Its a wonder how all good players are playing just sorc, PT and sins.

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Its not "all about the player". Dou you think its coincidence that the leaderboards are dominated by some classes and others are not represented? Its a wonder how all good players are playing just sorc, PT and sins.


Yes, it's called an easy class to play.

You can tell me things like a lethality operative is not fit for pvp - but I seen at least one that could take anyone 1v1.

You can tell me that maras are bad right now - but I've seen pretty damn good ones that take you out no slower than a stealthed sin.

The reason you see so much sage healers/PT dps is the fact they are easy to play, giving much "numbers" with little to no effort. But good players on mercs or operatives on heals can do just as good as any given sage. With effort each class is able to preform at it's best.

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Yes, it's called an easy class to play.

You can tell me things like a lethality operative is not fit for pvp - but I seen at least one that could take anyone 1v1.

You can tell me that maras are bad right now - but I've seen pretty damn good ones that take you out no slower than a stealthed sin.

The reason you see so much sage healers/PT dps is the fact they are easy to play, giving much "numbers" with little to no effort. But good players on mercs or operatives on heals can do just as good as any given sage. With effort each class is able to preform at it's best.




Try to play more sentinels, more snipers, more mercs, do not roll the holy 3 and stop. You will see game is not bad all ppl saying

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/facepalm What is class balance if it is not about how easy it is to do better than others with the same skill and effort? Or in some cases, do better with less effort than the very best of other classes.


Of course the OP is trolling but I'd be willing to be there are a lot that would agree with the OPs actual words.

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/facepalm What is class balance if it is not about how easy it is to do better than others with the same skill and effort? Or in some cases, do better with less effort than the very best of other classes.


Of course the OP is trolling but I'd be willing to be there are a lot that would agree with the OPs actual words.



all speaks bout sin pt sorc like they needs to be nerfed to the ground, i an understand it, but to achieve the so called balance, you need to figure it out some points


1) sorc are good in pvp as well as they suck in pve


2) as sin, i see only complaints and nerf sins thread, but if u guys want to leave me at least a decent pve dps spec i will be gratefull


3) pt are the perfect pve/pvp class, but since they die quickly, they are fine LOL they can half ur hp in less than 3 seconds, but assassin dotspread is op, legitimate is legitimate :rak_01:

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all speaks bout sin pt sorc like they needs to be nerfed to the ground, i an understand it, but to achieve the so called balance, you need to figure it out some points


1) sorc are good in pvp as well as they suck in pve


2) as sin, i see only complaints and nerf sins thread, but if u guys want to leave me at least a decent pve dps spec i will be gratefull


3) pt are the perfect pve/pvp class, but since they die quickly, they are fine LOL they can half ur hp in less than 3 seconds, but assassin dotspread is op, legitimate is legitimate :rak_01:


1. sorcs need to trade some of the healing and dot spread in DPS for better single target damage and suddenly become a little more balanced between PvE and PvP. Healing? Probably needs to be flogged to death.


2. I actually do not have much of a problem with Sin since they are now forced to be in melee range to DOT spread. LOL Slash seems a bit much and I think last time I got hit by it, didn't fill much resolve but that is on deception and I think they would need another tool if that one was changed


3. PT I actually think are a lot like MM sniper with their huge bursts. They both have their being squishy be easily covered up if their is a trinity comp on their team but what sets them apart from MM is they are so damned mobile so its harder to LOS out of the burst. I don't have too much of a problem with where they are at with that but it is a bit over the top and as a sniper/sling; I am in favor of nerfing MMs stupid burst for the greater good of the class in order to have improvements elsewhere for the other specs. PT I probably would feel the same as their other DPS spec is terrible.

Edited by Technohic
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1. sorcs need to trade some of the healing and dot spread in DPS for better single target damage and suddenly become a little more balanced between PvE and PvP. Healing? Probably needs to be flogged to death.


2. I actually do not have much of a problem with Sin since they are now forced to be in melee range to DOT spread. LOL Slash seems a bit much and I think last time I got hit by it, didn't fill much resolve but that is on deception and I think they would need another tool if that one was changed


3. PT I actually think are a lot like MM sniper with their huge bursts. They both have their being squishy be easily covered up if their is a trinity comp on their team but what sets them apart from MM is they are so damned mobile so its harder to LOS out of the burst. I don't have too much of a problem with where they are at with that but it is a bit over the top and as a sniper/sling; I am in favor of nerfing MMs stupid burst for the greater good of the class in order to have improvements elsewhere for the other specs. PT I probably would feel the same as their other DPS spec is terrible.


3) i agree, wanna have more survivabiklity ? Drop ur insane burst, wanna more dec cd'as ? drop 17 k ambush and 15 k cell burst+ 10 k thermal + 8-10k railshot


as sorc i agree we shoud't be able to h2f, but aour self heal i think its ok, we are squishy, without it we better do not pvp at all. But corrupted barrier is a ******** and i agree 100%

Edited by xX-Archangel-Xx
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I play all the classes PT, Sin and Sorc. I keep reading about how pvp is broken and the leaderboards just point out OP classes are. I honestly don't see a problem, solos have been real diverse with the classes I go up against and I've been having really close games because of this diversity. I just think that all our problems will go away if we all atleast try to play ALL the classes instead of going into a blind forum rage so that we can open our eyes to the true balance that is SWTOR pvp


Ok so normally i don't chime in on these threads but i am this time. First i play Healer Sage/TANK SHADOW/JUGG/ are my main toon i play. my shadow is my first so in turn my baby. however the skill FLOOR for sage is vary low and easy to understand its simple, jugg is easy mode tank just put some dps gear with allot of health and your OK!, my shadow tank is vary hard to play as most of our defensive I.E shields are worthless in pvp. IMO it has a higher skill floor then both jugg and sage. now i dont play all classes but imo its balanced right now. Before healers would die in like 3 hits and never heal, now they can alive and heal, but a good SMART dps will destroy a healer any day without a tank. and a tank is worthless without a healer as all they do is DIE while they take all the damage they can. just my 2 cents

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I play all the classes PT, Sin and Sorc. I keep reading about how pvp is broken and the leaderboards just point out OP classes are. I honestly don't see a problem, solos have been real diverse with the classes I go up against and I've been having really close games because of this diversity. I just think that all our problems will go away if we all atleast try to play ALL the classes instead of going into a blind forum rage so that we can open our eyes to the true balance that is SWTOR pvp


I tried to, i really do. With my sniper and my merc. For two seasons and for first 10+ games! it was the worst gaming experience in my life. :D Now i wont even do this anymore and stuck with my FOTMs in yolo. :p

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This crappy side affect of fotm is that some people just actually love to play their sorc, sin, or pt. I loved AP PT before 3.0 (I didn't want to play fotm spec), and it was all I played. When they spliced our trees together in 3.0, I dropped it for a long time, but eventually came back to it because it's my favorite class.


Yes people will pick what does the best the easiest, but there will always be people who like to play the hard to master classes.


Until games like swtor can find a way to truly separate pve/pvp and arena values (as I've stated before), there will be imbalance. Overlapping three completely different realms and expecting balance is illogical.

Edited by lavatsunami
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I think it's widely accepted by most players that the "holy trinity" classes are the most dominant in PVP. You can go check out the numbers, but at the highest levels of play it's where class balance issues become clear. You'll notice only three classes show up the party.


Interesting, though, that pure DPS classes are not at the top. Not many of them, are playing them, even.


What people play are classes with multiple abilities - to stay afloat much longer. Pure DPS classes for example just can't H2F or skank-tank.

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But no.


Assuming that the numbers are real, In the graph says the opposite you said. IT's not ballanced when one class have 25% and a lot of others 5%


And probly the huge majority of sages and sorcs are healers.


For a better data, should know how many of it are each faction, expemple, how many exactly are sages and how many are sorceres. Cos as IMP in most servers, are much easier to get carried.


And should know how many on each specialization.


And should know how many play with it.


And SWTOR data isnt reliable, so easy to exploit rate.

Edited by Benets
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The game would be balanced if there was a balance of putting teams together.


Matching ELO doesn't work. 3 shadows 1 sage vs 2 sage, VG, and sentinel cmon.


If the game would actually balance matches instead of stacking teams, balance wouldn't be an issue.




its all about which team is lucky enough to have more OP classes than the other.

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I don't think he was serious. He starts with him "playing all classes ", then states "sin, PT and sorc" as "all classes".


yeh i was actually angry laughing (was tired when i wrote that), good thing i didnt say anything... actually got me there, now my laugh is genuine fun laughing ;p

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