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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Disappointed with LiveStream


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After what I saw, I will be once my current subscription ends. I have no intentions of paying £9 a month for 'story'. I'd rather stream 3 good movies WITH pizza for that money.


To be fair, 3 good movies and a pizza won't last all month. :p Well, /they could/, but it'd be very meh! The game has other aspects to it than just the story content.

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So when the expansion is released and everyone finishes the new content in an evening, how many rage threads will we see?


if they finish all 13 chapters in 1 evening..meh thank em for their contribution and tell em its their own fault.


not sure there are many locusts left honestly those that are, only themselves to blame.

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So when the expansion is released and everyone finishes the new content in an evening, how many rage threads will we see?


I'll repeat what I said in another thread: If each of the initial chapters has just an hour of pure story to it, it is virtually impossible to clear the new content in a single evening without skipping all the cutscenes and rushing through the gameplay without paying attention to detail.


If you do that, then it sure is your own fault for being a content locust.


not sure there are many locusts left honestly those that are, only themselves to blame.


I'm not that sure either. It certainly doesn't feel more empty than usual on some of the EU servers. It would need some serious arguments to convince me that anyone who is still playing this game by September 2015 (after multiple months without content, raids, FP's and warzones) is a content locust. This game has made a playerbase that will stick with it through bad and worse. Everyone who is still around will probably stay around until KotFE now, or at least return once the expansion hits.


After what I saw, I will be once my current subscription ends. I have no intentions of paying £9 a month for 'story'. I'd rather stream 3 good movies WITH pizza for that money.


You won't. And if you do, you'll be back once KotFE. After seeing The Force Awakens the latest. You'll be: "Well, Star Wars. KotFE is out. Can't hurt spending nine bucks on twenty hours, can it? Nah, I'll go for it. It's christmas.". Mark my words.

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The expansion is releasing in less than a month


8 weeks until early access..... :p


I agree that more blogs / information would be nice, and no doubt it'll be bombarding us all in the last month so we get information overload. However, my only criticisms about the LiveStream are this;


- Timing (I didn't watch it live, I can live with this tbh, it's not going to kill me).

- Part 2 of the LiveStream specifically, it would be nice when not showing the gameplay off to enlarge the smaller camera part in the top left corner so we can actually see properly.


(I'm not saying you're beautiful Eric et al - but it would be nice to see you properly :p)

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But I have never in my entire life seen an up-coming content, dlc, or expansion lacking this much information to its customers.


Fallout 4. Announced the same time as KotFE, and we've learnt almost nothing since. The only content shown since then was some basic gameplay of killing things. Its given even less 'new' information post announcement than this game.


I did expect a little more information to be shared though, more about companions definitely, though hearing we retain old companions outside the new chapters was interesting.


if they finish all 13 chapters in 1 evening..meh thank em for their contribution and tell em its their own fault.


9 chapters - Not 13. Its possible that there is only 9 hours of content in the initial release - The early review we had was that each chapter is at least an hour long. Yes yes, at least, but if that's the ballpark they were aiming for, I'd be surprised if any of the chapters (Other than perhaps chapter 9) is more than a couple of hours. So a semi realistic guesstimate might be only 15 hours of content - So say a week if you take your time.

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Come on guys.


Did you really expect anything above mediocrity?


Dissapointment and mediocrity is basically Bioware Austins trademark.

Yet here you are, paying to play a game you think is made by a company of disappointment and mediocrity.




"The food here is disappointing and mediocre."

"Then why don't you go eat at that other restaurant?"

"Uh ... no comment."

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If I've learned anything from silently reading posts from here and Reddit, it's that people just LOVE to complain about everything. The stream was great. My heart nearly skipped a beat when I heard that any companion can re-spec to a tank, DPS, or healer. That's awesome. Honestly, if that's all we learned from the stream, I would be just fine. It seems like a lot of people just can't be patient and wait for more information, or even better: trying out the expansion for yourself when it comes out, instead of whining about it beforehand.


I find amusing that nobody cares about this monolithic contraditcion with "choices matter more" hogwash philosophy

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Yet here you are, paying to play a game you think is made by a company of disappointment and mediocrity.




"The food here is disappointing and mediocre."

"Then why don't you go eat at that other restaurant?"

"Uh ... no comment."


I think you took his comment a bit too literally, bran.


He was pretty much making a joke. One which seems to have flown right over your head. Of course I wouldn't expect any other response from you that isn't defending bioware over everything.


Oh any by the way, posting on the forums isn't "playing the game" . Maybe he is waiting for his subscription to run out and making use of his forum time to voice his opinion. Therefore your attack is invalid.



Edited by Vallerine
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9 chapters - Not 13. Its possible that there is only 9 hours of content in the initial release - The early review we had was that each chapter is at least an hour long. Yes yes, at least, but if that's the ballpark they were aiming for, I'd be surprised if any of the chapters (Other than perhaps chapter 9) is more than a couple of hours. So a semi realistic guesstimate might be only 15 hours of content - So say a week if you take your time.


I can still see people speed running it when it comes out just so they can moan there is nothing else to do and where is new endgame content.

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What I was most disappointed with had nothing to do with the content or the game play itself but the developers playing the game. The Devs discourage unfair play and using cheats such as speed hacks and ect but blatantly use an instakill cheat during a live stream for all players to see. I was not aware that this type of cheat existed but now I sure do.

What they should have done is discussed some of the upcoming content while the "player" did this off screen to get back to the previous spot when the feed went down.

I applaud you Devs for openly participating in what you punish players for. (sarcasm)

And that 4 button rotation that you guys use for Knight must be what you base your pvp balance off of as well.

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What I was most disappointed with had nothing to do with the content or the game play itself but the developers playing the game. The Devs discourage unfair play and using cheats such as speed hacks and ect but blatantly use an instakill cheat during a live stream for all players to see. I was not aware that this type of cheat existed but now I sure do.

What they should have done is discussed some of the upcoming content while the "player" did this off screen to get back to the previous spot when the feed went down.

I applaud you Devs for openly participating in what you punish players for. (sarcasm)

And that 4 button rotation that you guys use for Knight must be what you base your pvp balance off of as well.


Oh there are always tools developers use when working on and debugging the game. They only used it there to hurry up and get back to the point where the previous stream crashed.

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I wonder if any of the devs really play their own game seriously or not. It sounds like they are more excited about the cutscenes than the actual gameplay. I wish they were more excited about a new gameplay mechanic than a cinematic.
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I wonder if any of the devs really play their own game seriously or not. It sounds like they are more excited about the cutscenes than the actual gameplay. I wish they were more excited about a new gameplay mechanic than a cinematic.


if your developing or working a specific thing the mobs in general only just slow you down waste actual time you can on something else. The only reason they did this was to get through the wasted time of watching someone fight mobs with a subset of skills.


if killing the mob has no impact on anything that you are testing and you have to kill it 1000 times whats the point of doing it instantly or 1000 times the real way and wasting 10 hours on that one meaningless mob.

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if your developing or working a specific thing the mobs in general only just slow you down waste actual time you can on something else. The only reason they did this was to get through the wasted time of watching someone fight mobs with a subset of skills.


if killing the mob has no impact on anything that you are testing and you have to kill it 1000 times whats the point of doing it instantly or 1000 times the real way and wasting 10 hours on that one meaningless mob.

My point had nothing to do with the admin cheat, but more to do with their general attitude and the content of their discussion.
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I wonder if any of the devs really play their own game seriously or not. It sounds like they are more excited about the cutscenes than the actual gameplay. I wish they were more excited about a new gameplay mechanic than a cinematic.


What new gameplay mechanics were there? Looked like the same combat as always.

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I wonder if any of the devs really play their own game seriously or not. It sounds like they are more excited about the cutscenes than the actual gameplay. I wish they were more excited about a new gameplay mechanic than a cinematic.


In my experience, and is it relates to this game they do play. Of course they will not advertise it or even let you know, but they have said on 1x1 interviews that they play when they can, especially after the release of something new.


I'll see if I can find the quotes for you.


They don't play as themselves of course.

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