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August Livestream Wrap-up


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So what I got out of the Livestream. We are going to have story with consequence that has NO consequence on your game play if you are a current player because if the story says "no they are no longer your companion" you can still play with them if they are your favorite. bad immersion. Also all companions can be all things... dps, tank or heals. So again bad for immersion... BUT this is all about the story, story is about immersion. If you can not be immersed in the story the story is BAD.


Thank you for confirming it is about attracting a lot of new players first and for most though.

Immersion in these instances you brought up are completely on the player to maintain or not. If you want immersion, don't bring up those companions, plain and simple. If you bring them out anyways, it's completely your fault if your immersion is ruined.


And again, it's up to you if you want to use a companion as a multi-role, or have a specific companion for a specific role. Your immersion will be ruined by your hands, and your hands only.

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Actually from what I understand that only applies to characters that are made at level 60 and not characters that you have leveled up.


No, it applies specifically to those that have been leveled. There will be a warning, twice, detailing which still unfinished/open missions you won't be able to continue/finish once you started KotFE. Side quests and heroics won't be affected, but class/character mission and companion missions were mentioned explicitly.

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What improvement? Taking away any possible choice in how they're built?

While adding choice to their role. Adding choice to their appearance (non-droid). Adding choice in available companions.


So yes. You can't stat out whatever companion in all crit because "screw the people who stack power" or vice-versa. You are admittedly overplaying the effect the "optimization while not seeking optimization" has on them.

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Ah, so it's the "responding to your position being twisted and being insulted for someone's lulz, is as bad as doing it" approach to "everyone be nice". Oh well.


No, actually, I mean before that. And that right there, even, considering the assumptions you just made. The whole "position being twisted" bit came after you assumed he was being malicious with it instead of just maybe having missed it (you even said that was a possibility but specifically mentioned assuming malice instead). Even your posts explaining your concerns before any responses haven't been posted in a "civil" manner. Stuff like this "it's pretty clear that Bioware doesn't give two F&@K*S about already-invested time and effort by existing players", for example.


If you want to have a civil discussion then you need to show that you're trying to be civil in the first place. Instead, your attitude started off almost immediately confrontational and has only continued as such since.

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  1. Yes.
  2. Level and Presence. What Presence does is increase damage, healing output, and total health of your Companions.
  3. Yup!
  4. Yup again.
  5. The plan right now is they will be mailed to you when they come off your Companion in 4.0.


So, for that first question, that's a Yes to companions from other classes becoming available to other classes (such as the example of T7 for an Imp Agent during the demo). With that in mind, the next question would be:


1)Will thee be romance options available with those cross classed companions? (Example: Sith Warrior meets Kira Carson and she decides not all Sith are so bad?)


2)Also would this apply the ability to have same gender flirt/romance options with said charcters? (Said Sith Warrior is a lovely Female pureblood and that sorta does it for Kira)


3)If that's the case, would this be retroactive to the class the character originally came from? (Fem Jedi reunites with Kira after telling her to save herself all those years ago, and she finds out Kira's been carrying a torch for her this whole time).


Loving the rest of what is happening with companions, just these couple details are my burning questions. Super stoked for KotFE

Edited by DarthVampirous
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No, it applies specifically to those that have been leveled. There will be a warning, twice, detailing which still unfinished/open missions you won't be able to continue/finish once you started KotFE. Side quests and heroics won't be affected, but class/character mission and companion missions were mentioned explicitly.


Ahh, my understanding was that the characters made at 60 would not be able to go back at all for anything what so ever.


As to class missions, if you have leveled someone up to 60 you probably have those done already ;)


Good to know about the companion missions however, need to grind out more with them.....

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What improvement? Taking away any possible choice in how they're built?


Choice? Like I can have Jorgan tank for my Commando? Or Kira can heal my Knight? How about Corso or Bowdaar healing my gunslinger? Vector or Kaliyo heal a Sniper? Mako or Gault tank for my Merc?


Changing comp roles to bow I want to sounds like a choice.


Gearing wise? Yeah, they've been vague about that right now, maybe more details will come out later, since droid gearing is another point to make about the comp gearing change. But they're reworking how -our- stats are going to be already, so maybe how we geared in pre-4.0 will be different than when 4.0 drops.


But I get it man, you want to spend you almost-capped coms to min/max stats for companions. But evidence suggests all gearing is going to change, including the PC's. And BW will change things as they want to, and can because they are in control of the game.*


I personally am going to enjoy not having to listen to Kaliyo on my Operative if I can have Vector tank for me instead. And never have to listen to that man-child voiced Mon Calamari on my gunslinger for certain. Those feel more like choices to me.


*Not applying for a spot with the Forum Apologists here, just trying to be realistic.

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While adding choice to their role. Adding choice to their appearance (non-droid). Adding choice in available companions.


So yes. You can't stat out whatever companion in all crit because "screw the people who stack power" or vice-versa. You are admittedly overplaying the effect the "optimization while not seeking optimization" has on them.


How will there be more choice in their appearance from this? Under the current system, companions are just as able to wear "moddable" gear as PCs. And in 4.0, it's said that the 4 main stats are going away, in favor of a single stat, which would have made all gear "all-companion" friendly as long as they can wear that type of armor.


As for giving them multiple roles, that could EASILY have been accomplished by having a set of three stances instead of the current 1 or 2 that each companion has -- it could have been made an increase in choice instead of a zero-sum change in choice.



Choice? Like I can have Jorgan tank for my Commando? Or Kira can heal my Knight? How about Corso or Bowdaar healing my gunslinger? Vector or Kaliyo heal a Sniper? Mako or Gault tank for my Merc?


Changing comp roles to bow I want to sounds like a choice.


Gearing wise? Yeah, they've been vague about that right now, maybe more details will come out later, since droid gearing is another point to make about the comp gearing change. But they're reworking how -our- stats are going to be already, so maybe how we geared in pre-4.0 will be different than when 4.0 drops.


But I get it man, you want to spend you almost-capped coms to min/max stats for companions. But evidence suggests all gearing is going to change, including the PC's. And BW will change things as they want to, and can because they are in control of the game.*


I personally am going to enjoy not having to listen to Kaliyo on my Operative if I can have Vector tank for me instead. And never have to listen to that man-child voiced Mon Calamari on my gunslinger for certain. Those feel more like choices to me.


*Not applying for a spot with the Forum Apologists here, just trying to be realistic.


I'm not against expanded (tank/healer/DPS) roles for the companions -- but that could have been implemented in a way that doesn't involve giving up other choices.


Vette should have had a healer option, Mako a DPS option, etc, from the beginning.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Because, as we all know, all gear is moddable. :rolleyes:


So... you missed the second sentence of the paragraph you were quoting?


Should I assume this was "a mistake" on your part as well?


And in 4.0, it's said that the 4 main stats are going away, in favor of a single stat, which would have made all gear "all-companion" friendly as long as they can wear that type of armor.
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How will there be more choice in their appearance from this? Under the current system, companions are just as able to wear "moddable" gear as PCs. And in 4.0, it's said that the 4 main stats are going away, in favor of a single stat, which would have made all gear "all-companion" friendly as long as they can wear that type of armor.


As for giving them multiple roles, that could EASILY have been accomplished by having a set of three stances instead of the current 1 or 2 that each companion has -- it could have been made an increase in choice instead of a zero-sum change in choice.

Except there are drawbacks to both of these:

1) Changing the appearance for a companion has the same negatives as changing the appearance for per-appearance designer for playable characters. Ripping existing mods out of each slot. At ~15k per mod, 3 mods per piece x 15k credits x 8 slots = 360k; 480k if you are ripping out augments as well. Edit: on a per piece basis you are looking at 45k for just the mods. Then an additional 15k to move the augment, then even more after spending credits on the augmentation kit (or crafting one) and definitely more once you factor in the use of the augmentation kit to add the slot to the new appearance item.

2) Given each companion different roles with drastically different gearing requirements means additional (minimum 8) cargo bay or inventory space for companion gear.


The way it is going to be, you don't worry about the gear... you get to change their stances on the fly without bags full of tank gear or non-tank gear. You don't have to spend a fortune on changing their appearance or a fortune on even getting them set up with 2-3 sets of gear.

Edited by azudelphi
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1. Due to the transition to a different system, what happens with gifts?

Will be still useful, useless or removed?


2. What is maximum limit for companions?

(How many companions can we have?)


I dunno about 2, but 1 was at least partially answered in the stream, and I paraphrase:


"That affection and stuff you've been farming will help tie into the story in important ways."

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Ok so we get the chance to make a new character on level 60 to start this right away. You've said that before. Now let's say a person (Not me as I've played all classes so far) have never played a Sith Warrior (As an example) before and decides to make this lv 60 character a Warrior. Since he've never played a warrior, he do not know the story for the first 3 chapters of swtor and therefore don't know the companions and how they got involved. Will this become a problem on the storyline for KotFE? Or will the boosted characters have an alternative storyline on the first KotFE chapter(s) to introduce the companions anew?
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So... you missed the second sentence of the paragraph you were quoting?


Should I assume this was "a mistake" on your part as well?


It means you can gear them in whatever gear you like that they can wear, so actually you'll have more choice how to outfit them, since the gear is no longer tied to the stats for our companions. Sounds like more choice to me.

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It means you can gear them in whatever gear you like that they can wear, so actually you'll have more choice how to outfit them, since the gear is no longer tied to the stats for our companions. Sounds like more choice to me.


Sounds like different choice. Different =/= more. You're sacrificing one choice (any and all flexibility in how you spec them out) for another choice (a bit more freedom in how they look).

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Choice? Like I can have Jorgan tank for my Commando? Or Kira can heal my Knight? How about Corso or Bowdaar healing my gunslinger? Vector or Kaliyo heal a Sniper? Mako or Gault tank for my Merc?


Oh Imagine Doctor Lokin as your tank in Rakghoul form!


WANT! :rak_04:

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So all those non-moddable pieces of gear, you expect them to be worth using at all levels?


No less so than they are now.


If gearing companions under the current system is a major credit or comms burden... I'm not sure what to tell that player.


Green gear is almost all vendor trash anyway, often poorly specced (way way too much Surge on random drops, for example), and either ugly, plain, or generic in appearance for the most part.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Sounds like different choice. Different =/= more. You're sacrificing one choice (any and all flexibility in how you spec them out) for another choice (a bit more freedom in how they look).


You aren't sacrificing anything though. There never was flexibility in speccing a companion. They had their gear that was designed for them. Period. There wasn't anything else. You might have thought putting them in gear that had presence on it to be funny, but that doesn't mean it was useful. So no, there wasn't flexibility.

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Sounds like different choice. Different =/= more. You're sacrificing one choice (any and all flexibility in how you spec them out) for another choice (a bit more freedom in how they look).

Choices lost:

- Flexibility in how you gear them out


Choices gained:

- Flexibility in their appearance

- Flexibility in their role


That looks like more choices to me.

Edited by azudelphi
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