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August Livestream Wrap-up


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Thank you for allowing us to have the companions we want even outside the story. I think this is a great compromise. That said....



How long are we talking here before our old companions re-enter the story content again? Six months, eight months, a year? With the way the story is being broken into piecemeal chunks I fear the wait will be a long one. In fact, I heard a rumor that it could actually be as long as a year from now, minimum. :eek::( I'd rather have a ballpark figure on this in advance, so that I don't waste my time anxiously waiting as their return fails to materialize month after month.


Will ALL our old companions have some kind of story re-introduction, even if it is minor? I got the impression from the livestream that you guys do in fact "get" that we are attached to companions and are taking that into account. Yet a lot of players still seem to think that companions will be removed permanently from the story whether we want them to or not. I'd like to hear a final word on this.

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Look at how they handle companions in follow up games. The ME1 team in ME2, the ME2 team in ME3. Bioware has a record of throwing companions under the bus, and it looks like this will be no different.


A lot of people keep reminding us that BW did something like that in ME2 and the like, but my question is why should they treat this game as a separate sequel game, when it is still the same game? An expansion is not a sequel. I didn't get the impression that KOTFE was a SWTOR 2.


I know you can't be too spoilery about questions, but something is bothering me.


Many of my characters are married, and you said that old companions would return in some way. My question is if we aren't able to recruit our spouses for whatever reason, do we still have enough content with them to make it worthwhile to NOT move on to another character?.


I second this question.

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Will we still have the affection system, witt gains/losses from cutscenes, and will we still be able to use companion gifts to make the comps happy?


Lana gains influence in the cutscenes(a total of 20) and Koth looses influence(-10).

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Save mods for what? They will be outdated (and you don't need them for companions any more).


(Bold added).


Which is a damn shame.



If gear is just going to be for aesthetic reasons for our companions, will you be removing the schematics for Droid (armour) items that Cybertechs make?


I'm not sure they thought it out that far -- they don't seem to think through all the implications of their Cool Ideas before they rush to implement them.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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This will not be limited strictly to just Companions but it does involve Companions to an extent. When Shadow of Revan was announced, we had several months before the actual launch of the expansion. During that time, there was a lot of information released through live streams, etc, detailing the changes coming to the Skill Tree (Discipline System introduced), showcasing the different classes and advanced classes.


Two months out from that expansion, and we knew a lot of what to expect in terms of changes to that system and changes to each class. However, for some reason, we have less than 2 months before this new expansion is released and we know very very little about what to expect save some cinematic trailers and a dropped hint at a cantina that our mainstat is going away and everyone will be getting the same stats. There are changes coming to crafting, changes coming to companions, changes coming to how gear will be done for our actual player character. We were promised new information in the livestream last night, and almost all of what we got was stuff that had previously been talked about at Cantinas or the press event at E3 which we had heard about even if we hadn't seen the footage for ourselves.


Why are you all being so secretive with whats coming out? Are we going to get any actual substansive information on what to expect in terms of changes to crafting, gathering skills, companions, gearing, etc before 4.0 launches? Is any of this going to be beta tested prior to launch so that bugs can be found and fixed before it goes live? We all know what happened with SoR and how buggy it was and that was WITH a closed beta to test for bugs.


Also, without getting into datamining itself, is there any way we can get a discussion on the new gear stats before 4.0 goes live? What is out there really does need to be discussed because there are some glaring issues, but with the ban on talking about it, that's almost impossible. There are things that either need to be fixed or explained as to why the change is necessary, and it would be better to not have to wait until the expansion is live to do so.

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We all know what happened with SoR and how buggy it was and that was WITH a closed beta to test for bugs.


And that means what? There is also a closed beta test for KotFE. Multiple people have confirmed that there is a test realm online for KotFE at the moment. So, why do you need to caps lock "with" as if KotFE is "without"?

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And that means what? There is also a closed beta test for KotFE. Multiple people have confirmed that there is a test realm online for KotFE at the moment. So, why do you need to caps lock "with" as if KotFE is "without"?


I have heard nothing about what you are saying. Where exactly did Bioware say they are doing a closed beta? Forgive me for not trusting information that isn't official.

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I have heard nothing about what you are saying. Where exactly did Bioware say they are doing a closed beta? Forgive me for not trusting information that isn't official.


A developer has said that during the Gamescom Cantina event. "Testing is going on. Don't expect a lot of coverage from it, but rest assured that there is a PBE."


To aquire information I'm not going to talk about people have made the PBE launcher patch. I'll not say what they gained from that, I'll not speculate how that is done. But the launcher we all have to access PBE can download 4.0, As long as the account you enter is validated to do it. With the public client able to download 4.0 PBE files, they either have been testing KotFE already, or the test will start any week now.


Also, to tie in with the two statements above. The twitch stream yesterday: http://www.twitch.tv/swtor/v/12986517


11:20. Although, recently more people started to play through all the stuff.

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1. Will the changes to roles/gearing system for companions apply to old content too or only the Fallen Empire content?


2. Have all the old voice actors for companions returned for the new content or will we be hearing some old folks with new voices?


3. Preordering gets us Nico Okat but is he just available when we start or will he be introduced as part of the story unfolding too ?

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Hey folks!


As mentioned before, he is a quick wrap-up of what was discussed on the livestream earlier this evening.

I know it's extra work to get these posted, especially when other people had already done so, but it was very much appreciated to have official "notes". Thank you Eric!

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I know we didn't see too too much between space barring, and time limit. But, the writing seemed a lot less childish than what we got from Shadow of Revan. For that I am deeply grateful for. Shadow of Revan did a good job with Theron and Lana's development, but the rest seemed like I was playing through a G rated animated kid show which I disliked heavily. There seemed to be grit to the conversations which...yes yes yes. Hopefully that holds true throughout. That chapter we saw, or the part we did, really reminded me of Mass Effect 2. Wake up to an attack, gotta get out, get a companion. Very similar. Since I loved Mass 2, I'm good with all of it. I'm excited to see where it all goes.


Hearing that i no longer will need to focus on gearing companions...awesome. Very cool.


All in all, really good stream. Definitely has me in the green and not in the red regarding what's to come. Yeah I want operations, and yeah end game I think needs attention, but if they can get this right it's going to be real good. Especially if they can stick to their chapter cadence.

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Here's another that I am sure will not be answered, but why not.



What will happen with NPC/Companion (example, Theron Shan) romances in KotFE?

Because they are not full fledged companions, except for Lana, will we get closure if the character is not in KotFE?


*Tries to fight the temptation*


Can't....do it....



What happened to Theron?! I have to say, it is somewhat frustrating to have one of my characters (well, technically two) romanced to Theron. Yet, Because he is not classified as a "companion", as Lana is now, I have no idea how/if this is romance is going to continue. Yes, he said he will contact us (if you are Republic) when the next big thing comes our way. Therefore, I expect him to be in at least the beginning, but still....this "unknown" part is frustrating. And I know I am not alone in feeling this way.


Where's Theron?


Edited by Amadahy
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"Starting in KotFE your Companion's power and stats scale with your level"


Just level.. or your gear as well? If im in top gear.. will my companion be more powerful than if i were in quest gear for example?


They already scale with your level, so you have just answered yourself.

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Good stream.


Question #1: Without naming specific companions (we'll use Companion Bob), did I understand the stream correctly and that the below is a possibility:


Companion Bob was a classic Companion. In KotFE, Companion Bob does not return story-wise. Despite that, I can still summon Companion Bob for adventuring purposes.


Is the above understanding correct?


Question #2: Will any new companions have conversation quests?


Question #3: Will any old companions have new conversation quests?


Question #1 - That understanding is correct.


Question #2/3 - Are you specifically talking like "in your cantina or on your ship" type conversations? Or just dialog directly with that Companion?

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