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August Livestream Wrap-up


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Hey folks!


As mentioned before, he is a quick wrap-up of what was discussed on the livestream earlier this evening. First off, you can watch the archived version of the stream yourself, right here (part 1) (part 2).


We opened by showing the intro to Chapter 3, along with playing through portions of it to highlight some key choices that can be made, new environments, etc. After that we took on some of the more commonly asked questions around Companions in Knights of the Fallen Empire. Here they are:


What happens to my existing Companions in KotFE?

When Fallen Empire launches, all of your existing Companions remain accessible to you outside of the story Chapters. In the KotFE story there is a specific cast of characters that is a part of that ongoing storyline.


Is there more combat customization for Companions?

Absolutely, in fact every Companion can now choose any role you choose at any time; healer, tank, or DPS.


How does gear come into play here?

Starting in KotFE your Companion's power and stats scale with your level, regardless of the gear they are wearing. However, you can still use gear to determine exactly how your Companions will look. (note: this is not a part of Appearance Designer)


What about all of that Affection I farmed for my Companions?

We haven't forgotten the relationships you've built; the affection you earned will not be lost and the relationships you built will continue to be relevant.


If you have more Companion questions, feel free to ask them in this thread. We will work to answer them throughout the rest of the week. Keep in mind of course that we will not answer spoilery questions. Finally, we ended the stream with a video clip from Chapter 1 of Fallen Empire which shows an important decision made around one of the character's Companions. Sparing any spoilers, check out the archive for the clip.



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Good stream.


Question #1: Without naming specific companions (we'll use Companion Bob), did I understand the stream correctly and that the below is a possibility:


Companion Bob was a classic Companion. In KotFE, Companion Bob does not return story-wise. Despite that, I can still summon Companion Bob for adventuring purposes.


Is the above understanding correct?


Question #2: Will any new companions have conversation quests?


Question #3: Will any old companions have new conversation quests?

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When Fallen Empire launches, all of your existing Companions remain accessible to you outside of the story Chapters. In the KotFE story there is a specific cast of characters that is a part of that ongoing storyline.


What does "outside of the story chapters" mean - are they unavailable for use in any KotFE areas? Will they have dialogue and/or react to choices if they are available in some areas?


Edit (for clarification): I'm asking what "remaining accessible to you outside of the story chapters" actually means in practical terms. Do they react to choices you make in areas they are allowed in? Do they have location-based commentary like on Makeb or Rishi/Yavin? Or are they mute and gameplay-only?


We haven't forgotten the relationships you've built; the affection you earned will not be lost and the relationships you built will continue to be relevant


Will we get actual dialogue with romanced companions that reflects the relationship?

Edited by Lesaberisa
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Here's some feedback.. This is literally the worst stream you have ever done. Content wise and production wise.

The stream went down for ~20 mins or so and then when it came back you muted the audio for a little while. Production wise this was just really bad. Content wise it was really lacking and this was amplified by the poor production quality.


Your Q&A was extremely limited.. spending 5 mins to talk about other aspects of the expansion would of gone a long way. I'm sure you could find something to talk about.

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How many companions will you be able to acquire per character maximum? If it's more than 10 can we please be allowed to have 2 companions out at once instead of just 1. :) I'm not sure if this has already been answered or not. I am so sad sometimes because i have all these awesome companions and can only have one at a time it makes me miss how Kotor you could always have two companions out.
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will there be any interaction between HK-51 and HK-55?


Anything from Mandalore / mandalorians? Also anything about hutt cartel and chiss ascendancy? all these groups could commit a power play during the Imp / Pub time of weakness by grabbing space.

Edited by Faardor
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Just looking for a yes or a no here - not a who - but will any of our old companions, who we were not previously able to romance (for example, Scourge, Zenith, Pierce, or Talos), now have the option to romance?


Also, will any of the old companions become same gender romances (again, not looking for story spoilers, just want a yes or no)?

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What does "outside of the story chapters" mean - are they unavailable for use in any KotFE areas? Will they have dialogue and/or react to choices if they are available in some areas?
Obviously Kira will not have a dialogue and reaction to character Kira appearing in say, Chapter 7. Assuming your resummoned-Kira is even allowed inside the instance, she will just stand there mute while the REAL story canon Kira will be doing the talking.
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As may asked, are you broading the romance options?

Will they a way to mix up a little the companions of different classes? Like Kira and 4X and Theran for example...


Non companion question:

Any chance that the Player Character models will bring to the level of the new NPCs? They look amazing, compared to them the player is like a plastic doll :(

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Here are some questions ^_^

1) If we did not play Shadow of Revan (which means we never met Lana before KOTFE), will conversations have some changes (minor at least) or not?

2) If we create a lvl 60 character, will he\she be the new character, or will he\she be a character with already finished class story (so will our "new" knight be called Hero of Tyton or will he be just one of the Knights of the Order)?

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will there be any interaction between HK-51 and HK-55?


Hk-51 barely speaks less than 10 lines as it is throughout the game man. He's just a skin they threw in there mostly. I doubt it. We will need to get our hands on HK-55 to get some of that good old HK-47 banter we desperately wanted.

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